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Creating the Spiritual Guardian - IaI - Ex 1

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:42 PM
Construction of a guardian.

Guardian Angel. Spirit Guide. Animal Totem.

There are many words used to describe the construction of a spiritual guardian and many different paths one can follow in order to create your own construct. I prefer using a physical trinket in order to give my guardian a “body”. Some individuals will espouse the use of a purely spiritual guide but I think that having a physical vessel reinforces the connection between the Magus and the protection spell.

A guardian is a trinket designed to afford protection to a Magus and work as a spirit tap that will also allow a person to summon up extra energy when necessary. The guardian should be upon the person or near the person at all time and should be afforded all the veneration of a holy artifact. It’s very nature is to behave in a way as to ward off evil, protect from harm, and may also protect the wearer from physical injury.

A sufficiently powerful guardian may also manifest in a spiritual form and as your power develops could become visible or able to communicate. This is why a physical form is of utmost important; since it allows any magically adept individual a manner in which to attune to the spirit. This allows powerful magicians to pass down their guardian to family or trusted colleagues.

Since I believe in using a physical vessel then that is what I will teach.

Step 1.

Gather a trinket that you can wear. Before I joined the military I wore a thin silver chain with a Herkimer diamond wrapped in silver. Since joining the military my guardian has been transposed onto my dog tags and now nestles itself in between my dog tags and wedding ring on a simple metal chain.

You can use a ring, necklace, toe ring, or even anklets or bracelets. I simply encourage you to use something nondescript that you won’t forget or fore-go wearing due to matters of convenience. That is why my first recommendation is a necklace trinket that can be worn under the shirt.

Step 2.

Name your guardian. It could be something secret or simply “Guardian” but you need to build personification. You need to breath life into the vessel and that begins by personifying the device itself. You should choose something that you can relate to and will not forget.

Step 3.

Empower your guardian. This can be done a myriad of ways so I will list a few and then give a basic spell one can use to begin the process.

Blood Ritual
Sex Rites
Grand Rites
Demon Summoning / Angel Calling

I am not going to divulge how I charged my guardian but a very simple method that a new Magus can experiment with requires just a candle. Wait until night and extinguish all of the light in a room save for a single candle. Place your guardian in front of the candle and begin to chant the name of your guardian. As you do so imagine all the energy in the universe seeping down into the light of the candle and then radiating onto you and your guardian piece. Continue to chant the name of the object and visual until you feel too tired to continue then clap your hands once and place the guardian onto your body. Repeat as often as you can.

Step 4.

Use the guardian. I press my finger tips to my guardian before I go for rides on my motorcycle and imagine the trinket enveloping me in light. I wear it all the time and go no where with out it. I owe my life to this little trinket and feel it has protected me over many many years.

-- Continued --

The guardian should be cared for as though it were a holy artifact. Do not wave it around under the noses of mundane people or even show it to other Magus. Don’t let any one know what it is or what it looks like unless it has developed the power to lash out at people who “mess with it”. If someone tries to use it as a focal point to attack you; you want to be powerful enough to return the favor or for the guardian to react naturally.

Questions? Comments? Clarification needed?


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:21 PM
Very, very interesting.

I read your introduction and I was intrigued and now even more so. I have a collection of 11 crystals - soon to be 12 (when I finally get the last one I need).

Is the method you described suitable for my collection?

They never leave my side, individually wrapped and tied together, pocketed, out of the way but always there and in my mind. They live on my pillow or in my hand as I sleep.

I'm not necessarily saying I will use the method - I already have more than one 'Guardian' - but it is nice to have the knowledge - and it's always refreshing to hear new things

I was going to ask you for a reading on your introduction, but there were so many requests I thought better of it.

Nice to make your acquaintance,


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by iamahumandoing
Very, very interesting.
Is the method you described suitable for my collection?

I was going to ask you for a reading on your introduction, but there were so many requests I thought better of it.

Feel free to put your name in the hat if you desire a reading. I'll post when I am not taking any more applicants. =)

Yes; this technique would work great with your collection. You can feel free to incorporate it into your techniques and I would be sure it can be evolved to fit your needs.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by iamilluminati

Nice thread s+f!

Synchronicity at work! I was in the Marines for 4 years... i wonder how many other parallels we have in common.
Really enjoyed reading the OP; however, I stopped using guardians. I dont even invision wards anymore. This might seem like a naive sense of self-confidence but I feel its somewhat justified.

If someone starts trying to send nasties my way... well im really quite surprised at my own creativity sometimes.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:32 PM
At the sametime you should be powerful enough and have a strong enough aura that you would not need a "guardian" You should work on strengthining the bodies and spirits reinforcements.

Not saying this idea is wrong. Just that is it really necessary?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Vicarious10000

Word. Dats what I'm talking about. Don't get me wrong I think guardians give the same result I just kinda grew away from using them.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:46 PM
It is entirely possible to not use this method but this is a beginner technique and if you break it down it fulfills so many basic training ideas.

You have meditation, thought control, and guided meditation in this. It also encourages the newbie to start working on their spell craft.

Is it entirely necessary? No. Do I still use it? Yes. Do you have to? Not at all. It's just a technique to add to the repertoire.

Thank you for the comments though. =)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:07 PM
Thanks very much for the thread. I intend to try this myself, and already have the perfect object in mind =)
And ties in rather well with a post I made earlier. Co-incidences 'eh?


If I may ask, could I also get a reading from you? Very curious because of this thread. Thank you

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:28 PM
nice thread!
fits wonderfull to the series down in my sig...

peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:57 PM
My deceased cat looks after me, initially I had to use my imagination in the astral realm to call upon her, and after a while I have forged a connection to her, or rather, she has made my being her "home" or "anchor" in the spiritual plane, using my mind and imagination to structure her experience of reality. I plan to one day allow her to achieve incarnation as a human, however I suspect that she once used to be an intelligent being that has reincarnated into an animal, however i have to meditate on it some more in order to find out.
edit on 4-4-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:42 AM
I always thought that our bodies were the physical guardians of our consciousness and our consciousness the guardian of our bodies.
I believe the technique is very useful to developing self belief. If you are not yet strong enough to believe in yourself you can believe in something you have created.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by LuisCyfer

You don't always want your physical body to be the only defense between you and something else. That is asking for trouble.

I have shattered three previous guardians. The first was a very expensive crystal wand. It exploded after I fell ill and left High School early. That day a riot/attack occurred at my school and I was not present. I recovered from my illness immediately after the stone burst and suffered no ill effects.

The second was another wand I purchased to replace the first one. I enchanted it and I was threatened by our local "Satan Cult" and I told them to bring it. That stone also burst and I took the pieces and placed them into a juju bag. I was then involved in a motorcycle accident while traveling at 86 mph. I was flung from the bike, hit the ground, and slid for about 100 ft or so before rolling into a curb. I had ZERO injuries and didn't even get road rash.

I still have my juju bag and my current guardian and I feel well protected. I really do recommend any one interested in starting occult studies to create a physical/spiritual guardian that can be used to channel protective energy.

I understand there are some who believe it is not necessary and perhaps they are right; but I will not give private tutoring to any person who cannot sufficiently convince me they have a guardian.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by iamilluminati

Namaste my friend and well played. I was so engrossed I had totally forgot that this was a commercial. Awesome pitch so I gave you a star (for content) AND a flag (for business).

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by LuisCyfer

Thank you and it is no advertisement. I am simply creating threads with techniques I feel some folks may need. But I also had individuals who have asked for this information and so instead of using U2U I am making threads so every one can learn.

Thank you and I appreciate all comments because it helps EVERYONE grow.

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