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Scary unemployment rate for African Americans

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posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by abecedarian

I graduated Devry and nobody gave me a job, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

For decades black people were deliberately kept out of good jobs in this country; housing; loans; education; freedom of movement, not to mention lynchings in the south. They don’t have the unity and homogeneousness of the Asians because they are descendent of slaves, who where taken from all parts of Africa, and don’t even know where there ancestors come from.
Cut off from their language, culture, and religion and don’t have a clue what part of Africa their ancestors are from. That’s why Asians do better because they have something tangible to look at for a culture, such as a language or motherland. Black people in America don’t.

If anything it is a minor miracle black people have survived.

edit on 3-4-2011 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2011 by inforeal because: addede content

First are not GIVEN to are EARNED with education and hard work. Not through entitlement.
As I said in my first post...EDUCATION on who someone is and where they come from is the glue that keeps a people together as a race and community. It is up to those in that community to teach these one else. If they do not...then they have made their choice...again, it is up to the individual.

Is it a minor miracle blacks in Amerika have survived? Don't think so....anyone can choose to just survive. What shows belief in ones self is when they rise above the idea of just "survival" and do something for themselves and their community.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

we gotta stop looking at races in general, i think it should just be a coincidence, but i know it's not and there is still a racial divide.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by MaryStillToe

your synopsis and timeline are great. But one thing were in 2011 now. and even more once again I stress the teen black unemployment rate is bad. So what do the teenagers of today have to do with things that happened 40 30 years ago?? And this is not just black teenagers don;t have a job, boo hoo hoo. This could have grave impacts in our society that some may fail to see.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:01 PM
a little more than half of americas blacks live in the south. someone mentioned the "separate but equal" and that is a variable in a long equation. i think like someone else said the trend will continue to increase. the numbers are only scary for the people who are a statistic to them. this is not a conspiracy to other races but a conspiracy to blacks because with each passing generation blacks like myself are told racism is taboo and is not an action that other races commit against blacks. in america as more time passes there is less focus on prior generations; but the resilience of the black race to continue being within america compounds the issue of racism and its effects on american "business". blacks have proven to themselves that they can create talents that create "money"; and for these talents there have been altercations between the "federal government" and black communities. because of the awareness of the black persons ability to utilize talents like a grace from god; in the modern world the black community is directed to self destruction with their talents: and promoted for the use of talents that promote said agenda.

there has never been a moment in american history where the true face of another races jealousy does not rise from an abyss and lash out in racism towards the black race over its achievements in american "economy/business/capitalism". each time in america that there has been a new method of the same method and black people become learned about said method they are stuck from the "highest" "authorities" within american "government". i honestly feel like if the black community didnt have the will to try and succeed at the american dream the the american mob(american citizens?) wouldn't have to power to act lawlessly or unequally lawfully with the black community.

i think because there are changes in the medium of information gathering and data sharing; another black american holocaust could be occurring at this very moment and no one would know if they didnt focus on the right arrays.

i dare one person to tell me a time where black communities/persons were not stricken for doing what they are indirectly told is not permissible. i dare one person to tell me a time where other races embraced a black person or community for its leaps economically.

as a black man honestly, other races think it is bad taste for a black man to manipulate objects. and races who find out how a black man manipulated objects that they(other races) hold dear; finds that black man in contempt of law: irregardless of or if the entire world functioned its economy on the same said manipulations.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

This is an observation and NOT a racist comment.

Asians and Jews have a high regard for education. Their parents read to them from birth onward. A Jewish friend (PhD Nuclear Physics) taught himself how to read by age four.

In the black culture and in some white cultures education is not "Cool" You get called teacher's pet, brown noser, nerd and worse if you do well in school.

It is up to ALL of us to make it very clear that a good education is absolute necessity. People have fought and DIED so we can have access to an education that was the privilege of only the wealthy just a few centuries ago.

I had an apartment next to a lady and her younger brother from Africa. Her brother, through much sacrifice by the family came to the USA and became a Doctor. He stayed long enough to put his sister through college as a Physicians Assistant. She was working to put her younger brother through school as a Pharmacist (5 yrs)

I asked them what they thought of American blacks. She made a rude nose and said "They are spoiled rotten they need to come to Africa and see what REAL hardship is."

Perhaps we need to send our teens to Africa for a year before they hit Junior High so they appreciate what they are given

Oh and the actual unemployment is more like 22%

Shadow Government Statistics
April 1st, 2011
• Reporting Quality Remains Abysmal for Monthly Employment and Unemployment • March Unemployment Rates: 8.8% (U.3), 15.7% (U.6), 22.0% (SGS) ....

Do not hold you breath waiting for thing to get better, Obama just install three of the SOB's responsible for the economic mess to "Fix it"

...To replace Larry Summers as head of the National Economic Council, Obama brought in Gene Sperling, ... [for] Chief of Staff... William Daley, a former Clinton administration official and banker. And to top it off, General Electric CEO Jeffery Immelt was tapped to lead a newly created Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

Before becoming the director of the NEC in the 1990s Sperling worked behind the scenes to secure the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement....

By the time Sperling moved up to take over the NEC, he was working on China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, an event which caused millions of manufacturing jobs in U.S. to be permanently lost.

Sperling also played a major role in repealing the Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial and investment banking. Many observers credit the act’s repeal with causing the financial crisis that brought the economy to its knees.

Daley too was instrumental in the passage of NAFTA and China’s entry into the WTO. During the debate over NAFTA, he served as a special council to the president....

After delivering the trade pact that cost America 20 percent of its manufacturing jobs in just 14 years, Daley moved on to serve as Clinton’s Commerce Secretary from 1997-2000. During that time, he helped pave the way for China’s entry into the WTO.

Daley’s work in the Clinton administration earned him a reputation as someone who is ''squarely on the opposite side of working families.''....

Immelt... has consistently supported the same failed trade policies that have cost America millions of jobs. As the leader of one of the world’s largest companies, he has been at the forefront of the outsourcing movement.

“You would have difficulty finding a company that has outsourced more jobs and closed more American factories than GE,” ...

In the past, Immelt was a vocal supporter for China’s entry into the World Trade Organization. He also spoke out against the proposed “buy American” provision.

Immelt, Daley and Sperling certainly do not represent the “change” the president was fond of referring to in 2008. In fact,

all three represent more of the same - failed trade policies that result in the loss of millions of jobs.:

Then add: the changes to the 1099 tax code.

about 52% of the jobs here in the USA are provided by small business - 52.6 million according to the department of state. 99% of the independent enterprises have fewer than 500 employees. Small businesses provided three-fourths of the new jobs between 1990 and 1995. Create more than 1/2 of the GDP.

However 80% of small businesses fail. WHY? because they bankrupted? NO only 10% close because of bankruptcy, for many it is because the hassle is just not worth it. When you put in so many hours filling out paperwork, that you are earning $1.00 an hour if you are lucky, you might as well get a job flipping burgers at minimum wage -$7.25 in my state.

Is the Obama Administration helping small business?

Not only NO, but HE!! NO!

Business, especially small business, just got a severe blow in the last two years. And Obama just shoved a lot more jobs and business over to China.

Not only does Obamacare force any business over 50 employees to have health insurance, but it also contains a change in the tax regs that will strangle small business in paperwork. Now every time $600/year or more is spent for supplies or services at a different vendor, the business must FIRST get an EIN or SS# BEFORE the purchase is made. then each quarter or at years end he must fill out forms for the IRS and the vendor detailing how much was spent.

Second the Food Safety Law is also going to generate strangling amounts of paperwork for farmers and anyone else who touches or sells food.

This is millions of hours spent on useless paperwork instead of on productivity. It is going to cost YOU money because the cost of filling out this paperwork will be passed onto the consumer. It is going to cost YOU because small business will not expand beyond 49 employees or will layoff any employees over 49. It will cost YOU because older business people will throw up their hands in disgust and retire. Did you know that half of the US farmers are over 55 years of age? When this goes into effect in 2012, how many will retire? How many young folk will take a look at the red tape HUGE fines and the possibility of ten years in jail and say NO WAY am I going to farm or start a business?

Do not think that your tax dollar goes to help the "needy" or to run the government. No it goes to pay off the 14 trillion dollar Federal debt. 44.8% of the debt is owned by the FED and national banks and 22.7% is owned by international and foreign entities. Only 9.6% is owned by pension funds and Savings bond holders.

Comprehensive List of Tax Hikes in Obamacare

Small Business in the United States
Google Book: The future of business
Research on Small Businesses

Health care law's hidden tax change to launch 1099 avalanche

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

SO let me get this sdtraight in your opinion education is the main problem?? Just not enough empasis on getting an education is shown to black people is that what you are saying??

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:24 PM
I honestly have to say I don't care. Blaming the past for todays failures represents a lack in basic common sense. Not one of the blacks alive in America today were slaves, they weren't bought here, it's an excuse. As far as anyone who fees the need to be a hypenated American, I really dont feel bad for them, if they aren't an American, perhaps going to the country they claim might well be an eye opening experience for them.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:26 PM
how does obama have anything to do with what the op is talking about. i think that is derailing to the subject matter of the thread. if you knowingly voted for a person who does not have a black american experience whos father is from africa what does he have to do with the subject of this thread. i ask this question seriously and rhetorically and do not expect a reply because i feel my point and statement has been made. bringing up obama regarding black unemployment and any conspiracies about it; is like bringing up bobby jindal and the increase in indian owned businesses in canada: non relative and conspiracy defusing.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:28 PM
if you dont care then why post your thoughts to people who care to share ideas with other people who care about the topic. you are a prime example of american bigotry and the problem with the freedom to express yourself to the discontent to any subject matter you have no control.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:33 PM
It's all right here:

How to keep a slave by Willie Lynch

We ignore history and those that do not make use of it.

Instead of complicating life by separating everything we need to unify towards the betterment of humanity and that starts by boycotting the wares of the multi-national plantation owners.


Note: This is not meant to cause pain. The control of the masses has been out in the open for a long time. This is one example specific to race. I apologize to anyone that is offended by the harsh reality.
edit on 3-4-2011 by zroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

This will shed some light on your question. You might not like it if you’re a Democrat supporter. I would not blame Obama. but more like the Nancy types whom have been there a life time. Democrat's have been doing this way before Obama,he just happens to be President. I'm sure he's trying to clean up some of their past as well. The Presidents own party is even fighting him on educational reform.(Now that's' a hard job)

To put this simple the Democrats have decades of indoctrination of minorities into the party. Politics play a big part in your question. The Democrats’ are most know for this. President Obama has been the only Demcratic to try and change this about the party, but that fight is still going on. ( I'm not a Democrat either.)

Blind Minority Support for Democrats

“ Democrats seek to perpetuate a dependent minority base and have no interest in helping that base become self-sufficient, independent, or successful.” ( kind reflects the Nancy Pelosi & Barney Frank model )

The above quoted statement has woken up many minorities in the USA. A good example is from a person I know whom came from poverty and was always working low paying jobs. Until one day this person had it with this BS democrat program/ pamphlets being handed out; also sent to them from a Democratic Congressman in their district. ( These pamphlets were about those cheesy colleges with dead end jobs on how a minority could get a grant to attend one of them)

Well, long story short. This person saved enough though out the years working low end jobs and paid their own way with no ones help attending full time college.

This person now works at Lockheed as an Engineer on the F22 project; that is until Obama canceled it. Now working on the F35 project now.

Don’t expect anyone to hand you your future. You must make your future your own, don’t expect any handouts.

This person I’m talking about is personal friend of mine, is a women of color and super-smart.

edit on 3-4-2011 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

SO let me get this sdtraight in your opinion education is the main problem?? Just not enough empasis on getting an education is shown to black people is that what you are saying??

YES!!!! I know a lot of blacks who are doing well. Most have an education of some type. College, Trade school or informal. Many have their own businesses.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

There is such a thing called modern day slavery.

Prison. Most of them there for non violent misdemeanors like possessing weed.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

I would like to point out that majority of the Asians, Africans, and Indians who have migrated to America and were able to become successful were already educated or wealthy before they came to America. The ones who are historically uneducated and poor usually never make it here. So your comparison is wholly illogical.

It's like taking an educated and well to do black person from the US and sending them to China to open a business and then comparing them to the millions of uneducated and homeless chinese workers who work for less than 25 cents an hour.

Do you see how ignorant you sound?

The one good thing the poor Chinese have is that their government tries to stop wealthy people of other nationalities from taking over the country and surpassing the native people. If they were like America, things would be very different and you would have the rich from all over the world coming to China and surpassing the poor natives and keeping them forever in servitude. Much like the African Americans here in the US.

edit on 3-4-2011 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:02 PM
Figure into the equation that half of the black men are in prison and quite a few females are on welfare and not counted in unemployment, you probably have well over half of all black people in America without jobs.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:58 PM
OK, this is going to sound F'ed up, but its true.

I had a boss that would throw out any aplication that had names like Shawndrell, Foqueefa, Le'Dante.

Just the names themselves scream "ghetto" regardless of what kind of person they were.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by SJE98

I don;t know if this problem is a democrat republican thing. Or are you trying to say that sense most black people are democrats the ones that are politically knowledeable which I guess is true. But again it seems like you are sayingt hat democrats put policies in that make it so black peole don;t have to work? And are saying that black people don;t want to work. I mean this might be true for the ones that have taken a bad road and yeah like all criminals want the easy way. But I say humans have a need to work to have this feeling that they matter and there not insignificant.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:12 PM
Crap. I'm sick of hearing this ongoing excuse thing.

In somewhere around 1975, we had an entire **** load of Vietnamese immigrants who came here to the US with NOTHING.

Many couldn't even speak English, much less read or write it.

I was in a gun store and the owner was bitching about having to support Gooks on welfare. I listened to his crap for a couple minutes and told him, "You watch. They won't be on any assistance very long. Those "Gook" kids? They'll be our doctors and researchers. They'll pay more in taxes than you ever thought about."

Sure enough. Their work ethic was phenomenal. The kids learned English, they hit the books, and studied long into the nights. They graduated top of their classes because they had pride. Self-respect. Desire to do well. I recall that one of those boat children reached top of the class at West Point.

I don't want to hear about "lack of opportunity," "lack of education," "cultural disadvantages," or any other half-assed excuses.

They don't fly.

You want to stay ignorant - it's America. You can do that. You want to have little bastards all day long that you really can't support? It's America and you can do that.

But don't blame me or anyone else.

These are self-inflicted wounds.

Personally, I'm tired of hearing the whining and contrived excuses.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:17 PM
the last two posts were entirely off topic insensitive and should be account moderated!

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
The workforce is competition.

In competition the best rise to the top.

that's why the best basketball players are black. malcom x attributed this to the slave mentality. unless black people try to better themselves nothing will change.

because you can be sure that white people aren't going to do it for you.

you've got to earn societies respect. walking around with your pant's half way down, and your underwear sticking out, is not going to do to much.

walking around trying to scare everyone, being a bad ass gangsta, is just going to make people want to avoid you, not respect you.

rapping about busting caps in your hood, moving weight, and driving around in your lowrider looking to unload your 'fo 'fo is about as pathetic as you can get. that's not reality. it serves no purpose.

i've met some people who are as tough as they come and all they wear are t-shirts and pants.

black people have to change the way they think and act. individuality is respected. following along what everyone else is doing will make you look like an imbecile with an empty brain and no personality.

nobody wants to be associated with that. so it's not a black thing.

edit on 3-4-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)

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