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I Would Challenge Americans...but instead I issue a challenge to ATS

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posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 07:44 AM
No offense but your challenge is just part of the problem...

I challenge you to put the square peg in the round hole! This can really be done if you just bang harder, and longer.

The system is so corrupt and the government so large that the politicians sit over, with so many entrenched agencies and corporations doing business with them, no percentage of independent politicians is going to make a dent in it.

The whole system needs torn down and rebuilt to weed out the corruption.

It really is like a weed, you can do all the surface spraying and cutting you want, the roots are so deep though it will just grow back in no time.

If you really want to challenge people, challenge them to do something different that will actually work, not to simply reach for another pipe dream.


posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by DocEmrick
With the recent April Fools joke, a thought occurred to me. A challenge. I thought long and hard about this challenge, and posting this in various forums on the internets...

I was born in Canada, have dual citizenship in Canada and the U.S., and am pretty proud of my heritage; that being a non-American background.

I love what America stood for, even if it was only for a few short decades before your Central Bank took control of your beautiful nation.

I would challenge Americans to think outside of the box for 2012; to vote Nobama, Nopalin, Nomccain, Norommey, etc.

I would challenge Americans to vote for a third party candidate.

I would challenge Americans to rise up against the falsified two-party system that they think actually exists, and put their trust in a Ron Paul or a Ralph Nader, or whomever.

I would challenge Americans to question the fake two-party system that exists in this "republic."

I would challenge Americans to think for themselves for once. To turn off American Dancers, or Survivors, Ax Road Truckers, Dog Bounty Hunters. To stop eating at chain restaurants. To stop wanting the white picket fence, secure upper-5 figure job, trophy miserable wife and 2.5 kids. To throw away the Iphone's, the Ipod's, the Netbooks, and try to learn Linux on their own.

I would challenge Americans to look to the stars, embrace the fact that we're not alone in this universe. To question their religious leaders, to debate and argue with those who believe in things that we just flat out know are not true.

I would challenge Americans to petition their leaders. To write letters, to make phone calls, to promote peaceful demonstration; peaceful change. And if that doesn't work to use the Second Amendment, legally or not, to enforce change.

I would challenge Americans to serve their country in one form or fashion, be it horticulture, military service (I served in the U.S Army Reserves for 4 years, and I'm not even from here), or green energy.

I would make these challenges...

But I know that America would let me down, as it has let the entire world down. But is it America's fault? No. It is not.

Some of you may be new to ATS reading this, and that's fine. Congratulations on your awakening. The rest of you already are most likely in agreeance with me on this topic.


I see Americans nationwide starting to realize the truth; that this economic system we live in is unsustainable. Just like Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Imperialism, you name it. Every societaly system, is ultimately unsustainable. Don't worry. The universe is made that way. We're not supposed to be the same forever and ever and ever. Change is good, and some of you Republicans (believe it or not, I at one time, too, shared your views on the right) have to start realizing; your Republican leaders are not who they seem to be. They serve the bankers, the people who practically invented the monetary system.

Ah, but here is where the disinfo starts. Reptilian lords from far away want to control Earth via currency and a few hybrids? Get real. These bankers are just smart humans. They knew that currency would ultimately control the human populace, and if they were the ones in charge of currency, they'd have all the power. It's really that simple.

So what is the point of this topic? The point of this topic is to challenge ATS to come up with a viable solution to overthrow the need for currency. The need for money, the need for materialism. How would you do it? What kind of system would you want to live in?

you act like there is some significant difference between canada and the u.s.. there is a reason why they call canada the 51st state because canadians dont really have that many ideas of their own and tend to follow american trends. the canadian pm is also basically a puppet of the u.s., and operates on similar capitalist/imperialist methods. canada has a 4 party system. so what? the winner is predetermined, and ends up being no different from obama, bush, or any of the other clowns.

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