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Texas cops discover new source of revenue... ticket thousands of school kids, many under 14 years of

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:39 PM

School District Cops Ticket Thousands of Students

Dallas ISD’s police department, for instance, issued criminal citations to 92 10-year-olds in the 2006-07 school year, the latest year for which such data is available. Alief ISD’s officers issued 163 tickets to elementary school students in 2007. And “several districts ticketed a 6-year-old at least once in the last five years,” according to a recent presentation to the state Senate’s Criminal Justice Committee by Texas Appleseed. Such tickets, often given for “disorderly conduct” or “classroom disruption,” typically are handled in municipal courts or by county justices of the peace and can have fines of between $250 to $500, police and court officials say, though some courts route many students into community service in lieu of fines.

Full article:

Is the police state even a conspiracy theory anymore? Whenever I think it can't get worse, something even more absurd like this comes out.
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edit on 3-4-2011 by xpert11 because: Mod note , add external source tags

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:51 PM
I think community service for these kiddies would be much more of an orderly conduct if it comes to ticketing. Fines that big won't stop them from committing more of these menial crimes and guess who ends up paying for them? THE PARENTS!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:58 PM

I'm in favor for the community service as well, at least for ages 10+, but to ticket a 6 year old is scandalous. The parents must be . I'm outraged just reading about it.

250 bucks for acting up in a class? Which class could that be, kindergarten??!?


Waaaay down the line, when the children are all grown up (if we make it that far), the majority of Americans will have deep psychological problems. All thanks to being treated like criminals at an early age. I understand that we all had a bit of an authority to answer to growing up, but it's only getting more strict as society becomes more PC
edit on 2-4-2011 by KainRich because: (no reason given)

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by ayoss

I think this policy is perfect!!!

here's why:
1. kids learn at an early age what police are all about
2. Kids learn early on what jackboot thugs are
3. Parents get reminded that cops aren't what "The Andy Griffith Show" tried to portray.
4. Holy crap!!!, no wonder primetime TV is chock full of cop, detective, fed agent, and lawyer shows!! ---social conditioning!!--(this one is wishful thinking)
5. hopefully kids will become so detested with police that noone will join when they grow up
6. No kids will have the wide eyed "I wanna be a police man when I grow up" or "oooh, ooh look mommy, it's a police man"

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:19 PM
I have another way of increasing revenue, ticket kids who sag their pants for indecent exposure! I'm sure cities can make thousands in one day.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:24 PM
What the heck is this? The police have No right to enforce
the law within a school! How dare they attempt to restore education
and discipline, by fining the irresponsible parents. All this is going to do,
is take the needed food, beer and cigarettes away from these needy families.
I hope Obama forms a study group, that will oversee an SEIU panel, that will decide if additional TARP monies need to be used to delegate a council that will notify Attorney General Eric Holder, of these Right wing, Christian agenda, Tea Party, Pro Constitutional, illegal actions, from these Texas Nazi’s.
Discipline, shisipline!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
I have another way of increasing revenue, ticket kids who sag their pants for indecent exposure! I'm sure cities can make thousands in one day.

Please say you're joking... Don't feed the animals with any ideas on how to abuse us more.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:10 PM
The order has gone out to all areas of municipalities to increase revenues because of lost real estates tax money. One of the quickest ways to do that and the most visible signs is an increase in handing out traffic tickets. How can the public complain if there were breaking a traffic law? Got'cha!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:12 PM
This is the kind of knee jerk, no mind policies that ruined the country in the first place!
Get the cops out of the classrooms.
Take that unco-operative kid and kick his ass.
Theres gotta be some common sense used sooner or later or well be cooked and done before tings get right.
6Yr olds do not know the differencve between right and wrong yet . some do, but others just dont.
Giving tickets to 6 yr olds is just milking the parents plain and simple.
Its time we saw some good old fashioned discipline for a change. Tough love.....

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:19 PM
I had no idea this kind of police intrusion was going on in schools.
I thought it was basically, the D.A.R.E. officer and perhaps the "Greeting" Police in inner city schools herding kids though metal detectors but WRITING 6 YEAR OLDS TICKETS?!!!??!!
Talk about early indoctrination

As far as Government intrusion being Anti-human in nature, I've never seen a more shining example.

Making young children face police officers in an adversarial role and somehow this is going to help "make" better kids?
I hope this goes viral, I really do.
I don't get excited about much but this is just burning me up.
Put yourself in these children's shoes. They must be scared stiff.
You can't write as many tickets as these guys have on just fights and disorderly but you know it will only get worse and more trite. Writing up Johnny for wearing his pants too low - or Susie for uttering a "racially offensive' word. It never ends and it won't until every last single thing you do is monitored, regulated, taxed and enforced,
I can not trust any other man or group of men with that much power over my freedoms, thank you very much.

Get these cops out of schools.
Sad, Sad and MAD

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:25 PM

edit on 2-4-2011 by LadySkadi because: fkahfk

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:27 PM
this is sick, and the mind of psychopaths at work.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:44 PM
It has always been about an aggregation of power. This issue is not isolated to police intrusion. The fact that public school systems have a virtual monopoly on lower education is an intrusion. Of course, most people want public schools. Few consider the consequences of going into agreement with state legislatures that the state has the right to tell parents what they must do with their children.

Never mind the fact that the Dallas Public School System is one of the worst in the nation when it comes to educating its students:

Ten of more than 30 Dallas ISD high schools have missed the federal academic bar so many times that they are in the worst stage of the national No Child Left Behind school rating system. They represent a third of the schools from Texas that are in such dire shape.

Never mind the fact that Texas High School Students Fail More Than Half of the Advancement Level Exams They Take:

But the latest data show Texas high school students fail more than half of the college-level exams, and their performance trails national averages.

Some say Texas failure rates are higher because more students from an increasingly diverse pool take AP classes here. But high failure rates from some of the Dallas area's elite campuses raise questions about whether our most advantaged high school students are prepared for college work.

Each state legislature has declared themselves the sole arbiter of academic curriculum, but hey, public school is "free", right? It is a basic "right", right?

Who cares that the little girl who got too noisy is only 6 years old? Ticket and fine that scofflaw and teach her that the nonsense taught in civics and history courses about "freedom" is just propaganda for the benevolent state.

It has always been about aggregation of power. As long as we the people honestly believe we can take from government what we want, and ignore them for the rest, then it will always be about an aggregation of power.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
I have another way of increasing revenue, ticket kids who sag their pants for indecent exposure! I'm sure cities can make thousands in one day.

Great idea... but it has already been thought of.

Sagging Pants bill passed in Florida

Sagging Pants a crime in Georgia

Jacksonville considering city wide legislation

Of course some states have no such laws addressing the issue, but some business's decided to handle it on their own. After all, it is private property and most businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone. One such case making the rounds right now comes out of Dallas Texas when Wide Receiver for the Cowboys, Dez Bryant, was recently kicked out of a mall along with 4 companions for.... you guessed it... having sagging pants.

Dez Bryant kicked out of mall for pants

Although I am sure the poster was making a joke, it is already happening. Police no longer enforce laws, they are here to generate revenue. The States are making new laws that allow the Police to classify the silliest things as "crimes" so that they can generate revenue. It should shock no one that police would target small children for disrupting a classroom, which has been happening since the beginning of time as I know I was the class clown and disrupted many myself.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:29 PM
in uk we have trouble with kids making trouble.
and schools can not do any thing with bad kids.
and the kids now this.
so a fine is a good idea.
and yes the peronts should pay this.
kids need to see.
you break the law you pay for it...

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by buddha
in uk we have trouble with kids making trouble.
and schools can not do any thing with bad kids.
and the kids now this.
so a fine is a good idea.
and yes the peronts should pay this.
kids need to see.
you break the law you pay for it...

And what "Law" is being broken by acting foolish in class?

Who exactly is the victim?

Kids being disruptive in class is nothing new. When I was a kid and we were disruptive we would get sent to "timeout" which meant we were literally put into a small concrete room with no chair, no desk, just an empty room which we would sit in until we could act right. Of course the school could also hand out detention, which meant after school was over we got to go to another classroom and sit for an hour or two while our friends went home to play.

So if the school already has policies to address these issues, what is the point of ticketing and fining students? The short answer is there is no point. It is being done to create revenue. This is a non crime with no victim and does nothing to tie up police who should be out stopping real criminals.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:41 PM
By federal law, this is illegal. A child cannot enter into a contract. Id they are breaking class rules, the only way it is legally fine-able is if they have entered into a contract stating they would abide by these rules.

If I were one of these parents I would be checking out some different attorneys....

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by buddha
in uk we have trouble with kids making trouble.
and schools can not do any thing with bad kids.
and the kids now this.
so a fine is a good idea.
and yes the peronts should pay this.
kids need to see.
you break the law you pay for it...

No laws broken. This is extortion, pure and simple.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
By federal law, this is illegal. A child cannot enter into a contract. Id they are breaking class rules, the only way it is legally fine-able is if they have entered into a contract stating they would abide by these rules.

If I were one of these parents I would be checking out some different attorneys....

I was thinking the same thing. How is this even possible?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Dance4Life

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
By federal law, this is illegal. A child cannot enter into a contract. Id they are breaking class rules, the only way it is legally fine-able is if they have entered into a contract stating they would abide by these rules.

If I were one of these parents I would be checking out some different attorneys....

I was thinking the same thing. How is this even possible?

The only way I can see it being legal is if the school district makes parents sign a waver, basically entering their child into a contract.

As a school district employee, Ive never heard of such a thing existing....

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