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What has happend to ATS?

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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:09 PM
So I have finally hit my 20, this is about predictions and what I miss on ATS, just a first post rant.

But what I am really perturbed about is ATS thses days. Now it used to be I just trolled and read other posts, but lately I have gotten so mad about whats been going on in the world I just had to reply to a few of them, not always nicely.

But my real problem is with the site, and what people deem to be star and flag worthy. Come on people two diferent posts with almost the identicle title dosnt need to be star and flagged to death right up to the top of the list!. I mean come on!, If I wanted disinformation about the power plants all I have to do is turn on any news program anywhere.

For gods sake! enough of the earthquake prediction posts. Dont you get it already? ,They never come true, ever. so a girl happend to guess the right day on one. Well I have one " I predict a child will fall into a pool in the next month", OR how bout "OOOHHHHH,,, everyone needs to be ready, a rebble will get shot in lybia today", see how easy that was.

so what if you get it right , even a dogs butt gets the sun shine once in a while, get over yourself. wouldnt you think with all the predicting going on thsese days, people have gotten so ready over the past few months, makeing everyone everywhere over ready.
You do us all a disrespect by posting these predictions. for the simple fact that we have gotten so tired of being ready that when something really does happen, we wont know if its true or not or be so over it by then that we will over look a real warning.
So I tell all of you STOP!, JUST STOP!, if an emergency does happen, Ill have heard it enough from you by then that Ill already be ready.

What I miss about ATS:
What happend to all the strange creature posts?
What happend to all the strange tech posts?,
Ghosts stories?,
New creatures?,
Strange phanomina?
Fish falls?,
fantom ships?,
village folk lore? bigfoot, jerrsy devil, shadow people, lost armies, lost tresure, ooparts, demon possession,

HU? What happend to all those things? I know there are general topics sections, and ghost sections, and, ufo sections. But who cares anymore? ,not any of you looks like. all you guys care about these days is false earth predictions, birth certificates, power plants, and the nwo. so what! thats my life every day! and im tired of it!, tired of seeing it on tv, tired of hearing people talk about it, tired of seeing it on every other web site, and now here! this used to be a fun place where I could go and hang out with the unknown, paranormal, creatures I have never seen before.

So let me remind you what we have been missing since the PTB have you all cought up in trying to win the desater prediction lottery. It does seem that we here on ATS have been dazzled into a trance. A trance where all you care about is, is what they want you to care about.
so heres the list of topics I want you all to consintrate on and bring back into the front.

TextGiant tracks found at Great Whits Sands form stepping stones

The footprint discoverd at Antelope Spring
The pedro mountain mummy
toads in coal
Coso geode
The exquisitly wrought vessel broken from bed rock at dorchester in 1851
the 5 ton steel wrecking ball that was hanging from a crane 200 feet above the ground that was stollen 1974
angel hair falls
showers of toads,powder,lumps of goo,candy, rocks, blood, and more
the rot of the stars
green children found in spain
and sooo much more, come on people I know you can take off your foil hats for a little while, The ninjs who work for TPB are not coming in the next few hours ,lets bring back the strange and unknown, and replace the same and unhappy!
any way thats my post, I wanst refering to anyone perticularly. Just tired of all the shenanigans on here. and Im so tired of disasters and disaster predictors. If I wanted pain and suffering Id go to the dmv!

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:14 PM
20 posts up ,now is your chance to start a thread about everyone of those topics and be a part of the solution.Well what are you waiting for?

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by superjesse13132000

You do us all a disrespect by posting these predictions.

What I miss about ATS:
What happend to all the strange creature posts?
What happend to all the strange tech posts?,
Ghosts stories?,
New creatures?,
Strange phanomina?
Fish falls?,
fantom ships?,
village folk lore? bigfoot, jerrsy devil, shadow people, lost armies, lost tresure, ooparts, demon possession

So, predictions are a waste of time according to you...but shadow people, ghosts and the jerrsy devil aren't..?

What a weak ass rant - go back to lurking...

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:17 PM
it's all trends....all that will come back when (if we are still here) people aren't paying attention to TSHTF right now

and i like how you said earthquake predictions never come true, except for that one...

this should be in rant too.
edit on 31-3-2011 by BadBoYeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:17 PM
Good Rant ....I will give you a big Starr and Flag .....peace
oops second

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:19 PM
All the material is still there if you want to read it. People regularly post in the forums you have mentioned. You don't have to read only starred and flagged threads.

So just do your own thing and have a good time.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:19 PM
Honestly the best rant I've read in a while. Chapeau

Green children by the way ? Seriously ?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:19 PM
fair enough. the doom and gloom certainly seems to have gotten doomier and gloomier.

i suppose it's a sign of the times, however. though i am an avid follower of the many fringe topics you have listed it is difficult to focus on mysterious footprints in the ground when the earth and humanity seems to be devouring itself before our eyes.

however, i suppose gandhi's axiom about change applies to ATS as well... "be the change (on ATS) you wish to see (on ATS)".

i would love to see a few more cryptozooligical threads.


posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:19 PM

What happend to all the strange creature posts? Ghosts stories?, New creatures?, Strange phanomina? Fish falls?, fantom ships?, village folk lore? bigfoot, jerrsy devil, shadow people, lost armies, lost tresure, ooparts, demon possession,

Thanks for telling us how it is and how we should post, what we should think and what should be important to us.

I see by your list of interests that we are all WAY OFF on reality in EQ predictions but should be paying more attention to camp fire stories as fact instead.

I now have a new outlook on what is real, what people think is real and what we should be concerned about.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:20 PM
Things get buried pretty quick on sites like this, no one's fault. We are bombarded with new breaking stories all the time, as the alternative amateur reporters grow in size and technology over time. It's nearly impossible to be employed 40+ hours per week and manage to stay up to date on the latest weekly stories.
Those things are still posted here, but become old news in 2-3 days time.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:22 PM
Well, I can't wait to see what YOU contribute to ATS..

ATS changes all the time, the trends, the interests,
prediction threads come and go. Ghost stories
and paranormal posting picks up around Halloween time (weird right :lol

The Japan disaster IS A HUGE event still on going...

When the oil spill happened, there were conspiracies, postings
trended toward oceanography and the like....

Bring something to the ATS table so we can get a taste of what
YOU can cook up.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by superjesse13132000

Well, there are people who love to look at UFO's and Aliens...That's why ATS has a forum for that. If you hate reading about predictions don't click on them! ATS has forums for these certain things, but your wrong! You made a prediction on something that has a 99% chance of happening...Like "I predict i will write something after this quote!" Yeah, but that girl was a hoaxer, she said she was moving to the mountains and she was on her youtube page some amount of time later. There is a thread on it....But anyway it's your opinion, it's not going to stick on here...

Click Me I do Nothing!

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:24 PM
Good rant? Seriously? This is more like reading someone bitchin about their favorite shows being cancelled and replaced by reality shows on TV.

New stuff will always be whats... new. So, if there isn't anything to update on the topics you wish to see, then you're really just pushing for fabrications and filler.

Oh, and btw, usually a good rant is both easy to read, has some flow, and is in the rant section. I believe Firefox and Chrome also have a built in spell checker. Just some frendley adviece.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:25 PM
Here's a few threads to straddle your dilemma. Interesting alternative topic yet with lots of stars and flags. 204 flags +147 more stars 33 flags + 3 more stars

One of my recent favourites! 172 flags +122 more stars

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:27 PM
Nice rant OP, your tired of waste of space threads on ATS so you finally got to the post limit where you can start your own and you go and add another waste of space thread to the list

And to think, you could have started a real good thread about strange creatures, or strange tech, Ghosts stories, New creatures, Strange phanomina, Fish falls, fantom ships, village folk lore, bigfoot, jerrsy devil, shadow people, lost armies, lost tresure, ooparts, demon possession, or a mixture of the above.

No worries, in the words of that woman in that old film, "tomorrow is another day"

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:28 PM
the thing i would like to see which we hardly ever do are the goings on's of secretive groups and naming names. That to me seems the most valuable of content uploaded.


posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:28 PM
Firstly I'd like to say congrats for reaching your 20

Knowing ATS as well as you do, I would kindly just like to point out, that perhaps this thread would be more fitting in the ranting section of ATS, and not General Conspiracies.

You joined in 2009, I guess things change, at present the world is saturated with more day to day potential effects which may or may not affect us as humans, thats not to say ATS as you know it is dead forever, just that it is constantly evolving, and presently this is what domminates.

Like a previous poster said, you can always begin your own threads in the areas you wish to discuss, but please given you have lurked and contributed very little up to this point, make a more positive experience for yourself, by all means, just be mindful that when making comments as you have that at any point up until now, you could have had many threads in your area's of interest.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Sinter Klaas
Honestly the best rant I've read in a while. Chapeau

Green children by the way ? Seriously ?

Ooh, yes, that's a classic -- two classics, in fact, as there are very similar tales from England in the 12th century and Spain in the 17th. I should start a thread on it? I can't imagine no one has ever covered it here, so I'll search first.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:30 PM
no one cares about the truth anymore they just want to call names and spout disinformation its seems less conspiracy people and more skeptics/disinformation agents or just plain people that are brainwashed trying to tell informed people that they are crazy. Wake up you stupid sheep your walking to the slaughter house.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by superjesse13132000

Word Jesse... ATS is so full of # these days it isn't even funny.

Recently, people here have become seriously herd mentality driven. It's hilarious how only dramatic and idiotic posts get flagged, what a waste of my time. Silly bunch of fools... Nearly every topic I see is some form of blatant disinfo or mind numbing propaganda.

There's also a reason all this 'nwo' stuff gets leaked. There's a reason people put so much energy into it. There's plenty of unknowing pawns around here...

Once you reach a certain level of understanding, all the conspiratorial topics fade into the background. It's all about living in the flow of life, which is getting stronger each and every day as we head towards the 'shift'. I come here to cure my curiosity about current events, but that's getting increasingly difficult...

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