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Ask An Astronomer About Nibiru (Planet X, Tyche, etc.) HERE!

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posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by NyxOne

That's great news. Thanks!

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 02:34 PM
Interssant ist, dass man keinen dieser Kometen/Planeten oder was auch immer bei google sky oder in aladin sky atlas findet. Bei meiner Recherche habe ich aber interessanter Weise an den stellen, an denen in google sky schwarze Löcher sind doch einiges an Planeten gefunden. Vor allem sind es 2 schwarze verdeckte Felder, vor kurzem war es nur eines.

Wenn man sich die Sonnenaktivität anschaut, die Erdbeben, die Zensur bei der USGS und der NASA, dann frage ich mich schon ob nicht etwas großes auf dem Weg zur Umlaufbahn der Erde ist. Ein Sprichwort sagt : die Geschichte wiederholt sich, man trifft sich immer 2 mal !

Warum berichten und dokumentieren die Ägypter, die Mayas, die Hindus etc. über Interstelare Ereignisse ? Aus Spaß an der Freude ? Nein, da ist was dran und das wiederholt sich.

Wer ist so blöd und glaubt, dass die NASA oder die Regierungen uns vor einer Gefahr warnen würden ?

Mit Sicherheit nicht!

Grüsse aus Deutschland
edit on 7/4/2011 by EDDL69 because: Rechtschreibung

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 02:41 PM
Was ich noch vergessen habe, beide schwarzen Löcher sind links neben Orion, warum haben die Ägypter die Pyramiden nach dem Orion Sternbild gebaut ? Alles dreht sich immer um Orion, es ist interssant zu beobachten, was dort geschieht, perfekt, das ich genau aus meinem Fenster auf Orion schaue.

Was mich total verwirrt ist, das der Mond mittlerweile eine sehr merkwürdige Bahn hat und permanet in der Form des liegenden Kahns zu sehen ist, eine Achsenverschiebung der muß bereits eingetreten sein, da der Mond sehr hoch steht und um ca. 22.30 schon wieder verschwindet.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by EDDL69

English dude.
Not worth a second line.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by iceblue20-12

Use google translator or learn german !

Interesting, is that none of these comets / planets or whatever found in google sky or in aladin sky atlas. In my research, I got an interesting way at those places where in google sky black holes but some found on the planet. Above all, there are 2 black hidden fields, recently, there was only one.

If one looks at the solar activity, earthquakes, the censorship at the USGS and NASA, then I do wonder whether something big is on the way to orbit the Earth. A proverb says: the history repeats itself, you always meet 2 times!

Why report and document the Egyptians, the Mayans, the Hindus, etc. Interstelare of events? For the fun of it? No, there is something to it and repeats.

Who is so stupid and believe that NASA or the government would warn us of danger?

Absolutely not!

Greetings from Germany


What I forgot, both black holes are next to Orion, why did the Egyptian pyramids to the Orion constellation built? Everything is always about Orion, it is intersting to observe what is happening there, perfect, I just look out my window at Orion.

What am totally confused that the moon has become a very strange track and permanet in the form of the past Kahn to see is an axis shift which must already have occurred, because the moon is very high, at about 22:30 again disappears.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 02:56 PM
I have no interest in German,Its an English language site read the T&C.
However thank you for translating it.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 02:57 PM

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by tomten

This is true a lot of this videos are unprofessional! or they just want you to think they are the first to make a video of plant-x.

But what about something like that ?

To places to cams no reflections

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by EDDL69
reply to post by tomten

This is true a lot of this videos are unprofessional! or they just want you to think they are the first to make a video of plant-x.

But what about something like that ?

To places to cams no reflections

And that's Venus.

Your point?

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by itscocobaby
reply to post by OldCorp
This is a list of comets/asteroids now heading our way.

For clarification, the term "now heading our way" probably includes thousands of objects, since you have both comets and asteroids... and there are probably millions of asteroids of various sizes.
They will all miss by varying degrees, near and far.
More information by going to this page, and checking the risk on the "torino scale" for various objects...

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by NyxOne

I think it is a little bit big for venus ? and it seams to be up to daytime, so what ever it is, i dont belive it is venus but i also dont belive it is plant-xyz or ELEnin. because it is to early to see one of the listed right now, we have to wait up to september!

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:18 PM
What i find really intersting is, that NASA in the past weeks give us pice by pice informations. found earth like planets, found TYCHE, found water on comet and so on...

Why are so many informations that all shows us the might be something to come ?

And what up with the pressreleas in 1983 ?

Our sun is a binary star ...

The timescale if its coming in 2003 2007 or 2012 how cares ? the orbit is 25800 years +10 or minus who cares ?

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by NyxOne

Originally posted by EDDL69
reply to post by tomten

This is true a lot of this videos are unprofessional! or they just want you to think they are the first to make a video of plant-x.

But what about something like that ?

To places to cams no reflections

And that's Venus.

Your point?

case in point

Or astronomer see Tesla airships and lives to tell as long as he claims aliens made them
and not Tesla so the Illuminati can breath easy. Ignorance is aliens are superior to man.

Tombaugh was probably the most eminent astronomer to have reported seeing unidentified flying objects and to support the extraterrestrial hypothesis

As far as roaming stellar danger goes the worst happened close at home in our planetary
system noted by Velikovsky and stopped -600AD the last Babylonian calendar change at the
end of Danial's Exile.

ED:Interesting at Wiki under Near-Earth satellite search a picture caption.

Clyde Tombaugh (left) discussing search for near-Earth satellites with Dr. Lincoln LaPaz (right), March 3, 1954. Photo from The Albuquerque Journal

ED+: More conspiracy entanglements see Wiki UFO link at the bottom.

Further, according to Brad Steiger, "Several prominent scientists, including Albert Einstein, protested the order to the White House and urged that the command be rescinded, not only in the interest of future intergalactic peace, but also in the interest of self-preservation: Extraterrestrials would certainly look upon an attack by the primitive jet firepower as a breach of the universal laws of hospitality. [Note 4 on Einstein and protests] The 'shoot them down' order was consequently withdrawn on White House orders by five o'clock that afternoon."

Nice story as they keep on tell us fib time stories from the Illuminati.
Tesla made the ship and Von Braun made more of the same that were sent to
Washington D.C.

Wiki supports fib stories.

edit on 4/8/2011 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne

Originally posted by NyxOne

Originally posted by EDDL69
reply to post by tomten

This is true a lot of this videos are unprofessional! or they just want you to think they are the first to make a video of plant-x.

But what about something like that ?

To places to cams no reflections

And that's Venus.

Your point?

case in point

Or astronomer see Tesla airships and lives to tell as long as he claims aliens made them
and not Tesla so the Illuminati can breath easy. Ignorance is aliens are superior to man.

Tombaugh was probably the most eminent astronomer to have reported seeing unidentified flying objects and to support the extraterrestrial hypothesis

As far as roaming stellar danger goes the worst happened close at home in our planetary
system noted by Velikovsky and stopped -600AD the last Babylonian calendar change at the
end of Danial's Exile.

ED:Interesting at Wiki under Near-Earth satellite search a picture caption.

Clyde Tombaugh (left) discussing search for near-Earth satellites with Dr. Lincoln LaPaz (right), March 3, 1954. Photo from The Albuquerque Journal

edit on 4/8/2011 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

Except that is not a UFO, ás anyone can just check and discover it is indeed Venus.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by NyxOne

I didn't pick any bright object necessarily or seen any UFO in the video although that sky video
might find some that warrent an agent to cloud the issue.

Like calling a bright object Venus when none of us figure it is Venus.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by caf1550

contacted by gray extraterrestrials called Zetas,

That means CIA influence of contract writers perhaps ever since Roswell did
such a good job providing ignorance.
It all over that page and the Wiki on Clyde Tombaugh.

The story is very complicated and little known, but involves an official acknowledgement two months before Twining's comments that a search for natural orbiting satellites was being conducted by New Mexico astronomers Drs. Clyde Tombaugh and Lincoln La Paz, financed by the Army (e.g., Los Angeles Times headline story, March 4, 1954; Science News Letter, March 20, 1954, Time Magazine, March 15, 1954 New!).

Clyde caught the ships flying around New Mexico and they still do.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 01:58 PM
When will you come back with your results?

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

If there was extraterrestrial involvement as I gathered in passing in other Sitchion mentions
then those that are happy for the promotion of the alien existence will keep on putting
his work on display.

All in the grand plan from Roswell to continue holding up blocks to illuminating science.
Actual markings by pre Colombian sailors from the Mediterranean from biblical times
up to 600AD have been twisted into Extraterrestrial markings making true educational
discoveries by Dr. Fell and even Bill Lyne become non referenced entities due to their
greed for the buck to eliminate the discoveries of Tesla by giving credence to UFOs by
non Earthly factors.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:39 AM
I am impressed that you talk about ufos...because i can t see any spaceship there, on the sky in germany the brighest star on sky is sirus just belong to the ORION set. and its not 1/1000 size to that in the video!

how is it posible that venus is 1/4 size of the moon in the sky ? this is not possible.

but here is a good video witch analyses the EleNIN !

What are you think about this?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by NyxOne
Except that is not a UFO, ás anyone can just check and discover it is indeed Venus.

Pretty much everyone on ATS is too lazy to check.
Its a shame, I'm a big believer is "see for yourself". Its clear from that video that the object rises just before dawn. If it was Venus, people could have just walked outside before dawn and had a look for themselves.
Too difficult.
Much easier to make a posting about Nibiru and aliens.

Some info...
In Hawaii, Venus rises at 4:40am, sunrise is at 6:17am.
Planet Summary

Similar times for a few days ago when the video was made. Similar times for anywhere in the northern hemisphere.

But to see a star chart...
Star Chart

As seen in the video, the bright object (Venus) is in Aquarius.

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