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Paranormal Warning? Or Gardian Angel?

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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:24 AM
We had our own investigation the other day and its was crazy! really really want some feedback some serious opinions!

we had some things come through, not anything significant in meaning, we got some evps, some stuff on this radio thingy, and a couple Emf's...that is until we decided to call it a night, after we asked we whom ever we were speaking to if they wanted us to leave them alone...and they had said, NO.

Mind you this whole time there was a machine on our table called a px something or other that is supposed to convert their voices so that the human ear can here it had done NOTHING the whole night! As soon as we turned the lights on, the machine started going crazy!! I am not messing around either!

This whole 2012 thing has been an issue for us...trying to think of ways to prepare for what ever is thrown at us.
To the point of buying property in the country of a higher elevation, with maybe a hidden shelter of some sort and so on. These words made absolutely no sense to the investigators, but when mike and i acknowledged they did to us, and started explaining how....the thing stopped talking.

This is not the exact order of the words....the paranormal group is going to get all that for us after they go over everything....but we take these words as warning, whatever this entity was DID NOT WANTS US TO STOP!
Seeing as it said Stop as they packed their equipment.

Words not in exact order some of these words we figure the entity was trying to figure out how to use this machine correctly)

Human, Suffer, Holiday(said this twice), 15, south, country, dog pound, thigh master, Thunder(couple times), outside, recourse, Hospital, Tree, Apple, Brown (now when it came to this word i thought, isn't there like a code brown as in some reference to a natural disaster, my fiance said..." Brown Dwarf?" as soon as he said that, the machine said, " RUN, HIDE"!

Now....after we get the exact order of these words, i will correct it for everyone. there were other words too, just can't remember them all.

We are thinking dog pound might of meant god pounds, and thigh master might be THY master, we are wondering if Apple..was meant to be April , we have also thought as 15 being partial coordinates as to a safe place to be when this Brown Dwarf passes by or apple could also maybe be its gonna hit the Big Apple.

They are gonna come back to do some more investigating on April 16th.
Feed back pretty please!

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:36 AM

we had some things come through, not anything significant in meaning, we got some evps, some stuff on this radio thingy, and a couple Emf's...that is until we decided to call it a night, after we asked we whom ever we were speaking to if they wanted us to leave them alone...and they had said, NO.
reply to post by dizzie_lizzie79

And then there is this:

Mind you this whole time there was a machine on our table called a px something or other that is supposed to convert their voices so that the human ear can here it had done NOTHING the whole night! As soon as we turned the lights on, the machine started going crazy!! I am not messing around either!

Are you saying you did an investigation yourself? Yet it sounds like you do not know what the purpose of these machines are that you are talking about.

It would be great if you could link us some evidence of these things that happenned, and since you had the machines surely there is much evidence to post?


posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by dizzie_lizzie79

I would also like to know who are the "WE" you keep referring to. a group of invstigators? and if so from what group.. this is an interesting story although right now just seems like a story?

waiting for more info..

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by -W1LL

Oh...i can assure you this is not a story! We ( my fiance and I) have been experiencing things here at our residence since we moved here almost two years ago. We have always just brushed them off, that is until we were watching American idol one night two weeks ago and we BOTH at the same time seen this Black misty grapefruit sized ball of a mist float by from right to left out of the corner of our eyes but it was definitely clear enough to make it out. We both turned at the same exact time and to us it was hard to just brush off like we had been in the past.

No...we do not have the machines( we want to get some though)...we had a paranormal investigation group come in. Wayland Paranormal. They do have a site. They are still going over all the evidence and they assured us that they will burn their findings onto disc for us, so i can't wait for that! They are coming back to do another investigation on April 16th, they could only stay a few hours the night they were here seeing as that was as long as i could find a place for my almost 13 year old to go somewhere and we didn't wanna be freaking him out.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by dizzie_lizzie79

well i cant wait to hear and see more... do keep us updated..

I wouldnt worry too much about freaking your 13yr old son out.. im sure hes got alot going on in his world freaking him out enough as it is... communication is key just let him know whats going on and that there is nothing in life to fear...

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by dizzie_lizzie79
We had our own investigation the other day and its was crazy! really really want some feedback some serious opinions!

we had some things come through, not anything significant in meaning, we got some evps, some stuff on this radio thingy, and a couple Emf's...that is until we decided to call it a night, after we asked we whom ever we were speaking to if they wanted us to leave them alone...and they had said, NO.

Mind you this whole time there was a machine on our table called a px something or other that is supposed to convert their voices so that the human ear can here it had done NOTHING the whole night! As soon as we turned the lights on, the machine started going crazy!! I am not messing around either!

This whole 2012 thing has been an issue for us...trying to think of ways to prepare for what ever is thrown at us.
To the point of buying property in the country of a higher elevation, with maybe a hidden shelter of some sort and so on. These words made absolutely no sense to the investigators, but when mike and i acknowledged they did to us, and started explaining how....the thing stopped talking.

This is not the exact order of the words....the paranormal group is going to get all that for us after they go over everything....but we take these words as warning, whatever this entity was DID NOT WANTS US TO STOP!
Seeing as it said Stop as they packed their equipment.

Words not in exact order some of these words we figure the entity was trying to figure out how to use this machine correctly)

Human, Suffer, Holiday(said this twice), 15, south, country, dog pound, thigh master, Thunder(couple times), outside, recourse, Hospital, Tree, Apple, Brown (now when it came to this word i thought, isn't there like a code brown as in some reference to a natural disaster, my fiance said..." Brown Dwarf?" as soon as he said that, the machine said, " RUN, HIDE"!

Now....after we get the exact order of these words, i will correct it for everyone. there were other words too, just can't remember them all.

We are thinking dog pound might of meant god pounds, and thigh master might be THY master, we are wondering if Apple..was meant to be April , we have also thought as 15 being partial coordinates as to a safe place to be when this Brown Dwarf passes by or apple could also maybe be its gonna hit the Big Apple

--Can we hear the actual recording?

edit on 31-3-2011 by itsallmaya because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-3-2011 by itsallmaya because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by itsallmaya

still waiting on those

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 07:25 PM
It's not usual that I pop out and just say "hey I believe you"l... but judging by your previous posts and the way you wrote this out (and thinking about my first communicating experience) I was once asking the same questions.

I'd like to know what machine they used, hopefully it wasn't a Franks Box lol. But it does sound like they may have used an Ovilus PX which are... in theory meant to pick up a high frequency response that heard through white noise, kinda like hearing words through a radio. Kudos for them using the equipment.

Were any direct questions asked to the entity at all? I ask as the entity could possibly be residual or intellegent rather than directly related to the future of mankind. This basically means the entity or energy is speaking of an experience it had gone through before... either in the area or someone you knew. If you asked if it was in pain or if they know you, you could get a response directly to that question.

Human, Suffer, Holiday, 15, South, Country, dog pound, thigh master, Thunder, outside, recourse, Hospital, Tree, Apple, Brown - These could be items/words that link directly to the entity. They are somewhat related and this level of activity is certainly high!

You should check how old the house is, the history of the area, a number of things. Personally I wouldn't be worried about the words that come out... how ever the "Run, Hide" is interesting when Brown Dwarf was mentioned, however from my own experiences, think of entities as "living history" rather than oracles of the future, of course, this is just my opinion.

ALSO! Just out of interest, did the group make a point of turning all mobile phones off? They play havok with EMF readers.

Good luck with the next investigation, make sure the group you have out allow you to ask questions directly to what ever it is!
edit on 31-3-2011 by SchoolProject because: needed to ask a question

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by SchoolProject

For about three hours we had been asking questions of it...the investigators suggest that we have both residual And Intelligent here.

We figure this house (which used to be a church mind you, remodeled right before we moved in) has been here since sometime in the 70's but we need to look further into that i guess.

Yes an Ovulesk PX is what they used... we also had used a radio thing too that night in which we were getting slightly clearer responses then the evps.

We a had asked if they had known one of answer, we had asked if they were ok...i do believe the entity said No, we also asked how many entities were here, and it seemed to JOKINGLY say,"i don't know, 20." Also, the male investigator said if you are here...prove it to us by making a noise upstairs, and as soon as he finished his statement, we heard Two very loud foot steps in our living room upstairs. (I hope they caught something on the cams with that!)

My son came back, and we decided to pack it up, but before we did....we asked the entity if it wanted the investigators to go, it replied, "NO" kinda sternly. But we did so anyway, seeing as activity seemed to slow quit a bit.

So, they turned the lights on and my fiance and the male investigator went upstairs to gather equipment. The Ovulesk DID NOT GO OFF AT ALL THE WHOLE TIME UNTIL THIS TIME!

I walked over to open my dish washer and as i unlocked it, the machine all a sudden said,"Coffee" in which i was getting bottles and coffee cups out, that was my purpose for opening it, i do this every night along with setting the coffee maker.

I looked at the female invest. and said,"did that thing just say something?" she replied yes, and then it said," Diz" which i go by Liz, but my fiance nick named me Dizzie. Right after this as my fiance was coming back down the stairs it said,"Enter" So it deffinitly had our attention by then!!!

It then rambled off a few of them words i listed and then As the male invest. was packing stuff into his cases it said,"STOP" The male invest. said, "no, i am not unpacking all this" as he went past the table to grab more equipment it addressed the male invest. BY NAME. But He still refused to stop packing up. It started rambling off more words until the female invest. stated that the words didn't make any sense. I told her they did for Mike and I but wasn't sure if that's what it was trying to talk about, so we proceeded to explain to her and the male invest. what we thought it was talking about with this whole 2012 thing....specially the whole "Brown" word thing and then my fiance saying idk...Brown dwarf?? Immediately it said "RUN HIDE" we were shocked!!!

But after we acknowledged the fact that the words meant something to Mike and I, it completely stopped talking.
I am a little more scared....BUT it has also kinda givin me some hope in some sense, that we might be able to prepare for this in which we have started to do so. I just hope its not something where we are screwed no matter what we do!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 08:16 AM
this is an absolutely incredible story you are sharing with us...I'm excited to hear the audio on this. It communicates to by name...which is kinda creepy, lol....but so fascinating...makes me wonder if it's been with you since you moved in as it knows your routine. Please tell your investigators to hurry up and burn that audio!!!

Time will tell, but in the interim, I guess all we can say is....Whos2know, right?

Have a great day - make it count.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by whos2know

Oh it is and was definitely creepy...i was so creeped out that night even though we knew it was friendly. I can't barely stand the wait for the evidence and i really want the words it spoke in the exact order they came in. I can't help but feel like its a warning of some sort even though i know or think i know that entities are not future tellers.

It makes me wonder if it might be a Guardian Angel, kinda warming to think about at least. Or if it is someone we know.
My fiance and i have known each other since child hood, when i was like 4 and he 10, my grandfather and his mom got together, Mike ended up looking at my grandfather as a Father, but when he passed away when i was 10, and we all went our separate ways, and about almost 5 years ago we ended up finding each other(gotta love the internet). I have always felt like someone may be with me( but always have brushed it off as being All in my head), but also even though we were not together at the time, my oldest sons father died by asphyxiation, so i have always wondered if it is him(who is stuck between worlds). This entity seemed to not want to answer the question of weather or not it knew any of us, unless we could not here the reply. Along with those two there are many other loved ones too, but i would think it be against the rules of telling future events if that was what was happening.

I soo can't wait till we get our proof, and April 16th!!!

Thanks for all the feed back...i like to know other peoples thoughts on this, specially if anyone has ever encountered this same thing before!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 11:42 PM
Any background info to your post? And I lol'd when I read thigh master ,assuming as in the workout equipment.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by America?

lol...i know what you mean with thigh master cause it had said holiday right around the same time, i asked Mike,"are you getting me a thigh master for Christmas...lmao!

I will post all evidence i get back...we are so drawn to this being a warning that i really want some other peoples opinions!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:18 PM
wow, what interesting stuff you got out of your investigation! We are thinking about having ohio paranormal research society out to our home. We've had some strange things been happening, I have actually seen two entities here, one I know is harmless, I'm very empathic and can pick up on energy pretty well, not always a good thing!

The other, well, definitly trying to play some sons police car toy lighting up and talking, and it was OFF, happend 3 times, things moving, oh I actually got scratched one night, which I always thought to be a bunch of crap...until it happend. We were watching some ghost hunter show where it happend and I was like "yeah right, the camera wasn't even on him, he did it himself" you know, making fun of sooner do I lay down in bed, and my leg starts burning (oh, by the way, much stuff happens in our room, I feel it alot there, I think one of them came in with this old Lincon era chair someone gave me), so my leg is burning, and I didn't think much of it, and in the shower the next day I notice what looks like a number 4 scratched into my leg, very deep! We have seen shadows, but usually play the sceptic role as it could be anything, but since I believe so deeply in the paranormal that's hard...

I can't wait to hear what else happens...defintly some interesting stuff, I LOVE that piece of equipment you're talking about, the one that has the data base of words in it they can use...and what's more interesting is when you get more than one word or a complete sentnace, because that's not supposed to happen....

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by lymefighter

That is pretty much what was going on her for the last year and a half we been here. It or they seem to like to play with the kids toys, things flying off shelf, footsteps upstairs when everyone is downstairs, my son saying Hello and waving at something at the top of stairs alot.....etc. We to have always been big believers in the paranormal but are first to brush the things off as something else....that is until that Black misty grapefruit sized ball thingy floated through and we both seen it at the exact same time and turned and looked at the exact same time!!! My son goes crazy talking in his room at night and always sounds like he's talk to someone, so we decided maybe we should have an investigation just to be sure nothing bad is here and messing with the kids!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 03:29 PM
yeah, I totally agree, investigate. Several years ago we had the daughter of some HUGE paranormal lady come here, um, the show Jennifer Love hewitt is in, it's based on this lady, in fact this lady was in CA meeting with Love and others about show at the time her daughter was here...and what prompted this was my daughter was about 2, mind you the ONLY thing she'd ever seen was stuff like blue's clues, our kids we've kept, well, sheltered you could she starts talking about this ghost, we were like "WHAT?", then we blew it off, whatever, then she woke up, freaked out like NEVER before, I run in there and she's telling me the ghost did this, and pulled covers over her head...I was like, oh no way, it's one thing to be here, but don't mess with my kid. So we called this lady, she comes out, tells us all this stuff, like this lady came in with a delivery guy, she had 4 boys and 1 girl and she took to my daughter, and stayed, she wasn't harming her, but she would cover her up every night, and she just woke up and saw her doing it, honest to God, this child was always covered, and from that day she NEVER is! I will cover her, and check her later, and she's not, so seemed like someone was covering her....

there's so much we don't know about it all, and I was worried about having the investigators out, because I didn't want to upset the spirits and make more activity happen....haha... if you don't want them there you can be assertive about it, but then I've seen things where you must be terribly assertive because they are aggresive, and it almost sounds to me like it's more of a warning of things rather than just a "ghost"...

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Absolutely fascinating, thanks for sharing.

Maybe you could set aside time for the next investigation and ask if it wouldn't mind talking about the 2012 thing, ask questions that aren't leading it on and see what comes up.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:00 PM
thigh master, could maybe be something like "thy master", or even the suffix of a word ending in -thy... then master?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by dizzie_lizzie79

Sorry didn't mean to get off topic abit. I'll be checkn in from time to time to see how it's going. Good luck.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by NuclearMitochondria

That is exactly what i was thinking it meant to say. The female investagator said the entity could of been trying to figure out how to use the machine and that might be why some words were funny like Dog pound. We figure dog spelt backward is..GOD Pound, and i do remember it saying thunder right after that.

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