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FIGHT the Illuminati!

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posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:11 PM
1. Stop paying your taxes

When you pay your taxes you are literally paying the salary of those that force others to follow the rules set forth by the Illuminati. These are police officers, congressmen, judges, etc... Stop paying their salary because if you do then you are literally paying for your own oppression.

2. Quit your job

There are a few reasons this hurts the Illuminati. The first is for your own sake. If you are working for a corporation or otherwise have a boss/manager then you are a follower of said boss/manager. You are not following your own rules or living your own life, you are following their rules and allowing them to live your life.

By working for a corporation or someone else then you are making them money, giving them the ability to become more powerful. For each person that stops working for 'them' they lose money and power. Other people will see you and what you are doing and ask why. You can explain your reasoning and more and more will stop working for the Illuminati, the rich will lose more and more power.

3. Give and share instead of buy and sell

If you are selling instead of giving then the person that needs the item you are selling will need money in order to obtain it. Where will they get the money? They will have to work for the Illuminati, the rich, in order to get the money to obtain that which they need. If you are selling products instead of giving/sharing then you are helping the Illuminati to attract new slaves.

By sharing we can help each other to break our addiction to slavery. By sharing we can help each other fight the Illuminati!

4. Do not follow the rules, do not NOT follow the rules

The main premise here is that you run your own life and do not allow others to run it for you. By following the rules you may not be following your own wishes, but instead you are following the wishes of someone else, namely the Illuminati. By following the rules you are not living your own life, but instead those that make the rules, the Illuminati, are living your life for you.

If you do something specifically because a rule tells you not to do it then that rule is still controlling your actions. Do not allow the rules to have any say in your life one way or the other. Do what you choose to do regardless of what rules exist. If you want to do something and a rule tells you not to then do it anyway. If you want to do something and a rule tells you to go ahead and do it, do it anyway.
edit on 30-3-2011 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:12 PM
Along political lines we live in a world divided into three major groups, Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. Each of those political groupings exist purely as an opposing force to the others. The idea, of course, is divide and conquer. As long as the working classes, slaves, are divided against each other they don't notice who the real enemy is, those that benefit the most from the working classes labors, the Upper Class.

The lower classes are divided by more than just political lines, you'll notice the divisions go into religions, races, sexes, nations, states, corporations, secret societies, etc... A house divided against itself cannot stand. The members of the upper class work together against the lower classes that are divided against themselves, because of this the upper class has completely conquered the middle and lower class. The upper classes domination of the lower classes was solidified quite some time ago, everything over the last thousand years or so has been nothing more than maintaining their dominance. Less than 1% of the worlds population holds somewhere around 98% of the worlds wealth. For every dollar a mid to low class citizen makes an upper class citizen makes two or more. The upper class, or aristocracy, own all of the media conglomerates, all of the corporations, all of the land and all of the people.

From here on out I will be referring to the upper class as the aristocracy because that's exactly what they are. Something around less than 2% of the aristocracy made it to that level through work. The rest of them were born into their wealth and their family lineages date back to aristocracies, kings and nobles from even before the Roman Empire. One of the biggest secrets today is that monarchies never actually died out, their method of rule only changed it's appearance. You'll note for instance that although a king of France may have been overthrown, his family and wealth remained intact.

Monarchies supposedly died out because people began to wise up to the fact that 'birth right' had nothing to do with ones actual ability to govern a population. The problem is that the working classes never actually overthrew the idea of 'birth right' they only thought they did. Today the aristocracy rules populations with perceived elections. The key here is that the election itself is actually legit, the people really do vote and those votes really are counted. However; how the people decide who to vote for is important. It is well documented that whichever candidate has the most campaign funds is going to win the election. Some candidates do get a small amount of money donated from the populace, but the vast amount of their campaign funds come from the aristocracy.

Now the aristocracy does so in a 'laundered' fashion this is by channeling their 'donations' through intermediaries so that the source of the donation is concealed. You won't ever see one single wealthy person donate a billion dollars to one candidate or party, however; you might find that one wealthy person owns 36 different companies and each of those companies donated individually. Moreover you'll find that the aristocracy owns every single media organization so in addition to campaign funding they dictate who gets the most or the best press coverage from news papers/web-sites to magazines and TV news stations.

A president, prime minister, chancellor or otherwise figure head is often perceived by his citizens as being the most powerful person in his respective country. This assumption couldn't be farther from the truth. This person has literally zero power, zero decision making capability, he's more of a public relations representative or a segue between the aristocracy and the lower classes. It might appear that a president, being as he is perceived by the masses as more than a figure head, would have the capability to take things into his own hands, perhaps even try and let the public in on the truth. Unfortunately this is not the case, JFK need I say more?

I will say more though. These people are threatened with more than death, in fact a fate worse than death. Once again the aristocracy owns all of the media conglomerates, they have the public's ear, if a president ever decides to go against the program he is simply demonized, lambasted, discredited in the various news agencies. In turn this president is hated by his friends, family, citizens, he is cast out in defamation. For clarification purposes I'll state that it might appear as though a president, chancellor, prime minister or otherwise figure head is a member of the aristocracy, but in fact they are more of an upper middle class citizen, they are a part of the program just as any other citizen.

So how exactly did this aristocracy survive centuries of public revolt and revolutions? You're gonna kick yourself because it's quite simple really. The innocuous key is called Market Research. Right in your face and certainly seems innocent enough doesn't it? Not if your asking the right questions. These important questions are usually buried in a sea of other interesting, but rather useless questions. Public sentiment is what they're truly after. First take note that media and market research have been around for a very long time, you might not be aware of that, but just try and remember how gossip appears to be a rather natural human tendency.

Governments are always tyrannical, it's just that early in said governments life the citizens are not fed up with it yet, populations seem to be able to take quite a bit of punishment before they finally get off their butts and do something about it. What ends up happening is that the aristocracy uses their market research to determine when, in the future, a population will be ready to rebel against it's government. This is quite simple, you might take a survey and decide that 3% of a population is unruly and ready to support a rebellion, not enough to move a revolution. The next year the aristocracy might find that 4.5% is ready for revolution and the year after that perhaps 8%. Using mathematics the aristocracy is able to project that at this rate of growth the population will be fully ready for revolution in 15 years.

Here's the kicker, they kick off the revolution EARLY! Once a population arrives at the point where a majority of them are ready for a revolution they only thing remaining is a charismatic character to rally the people and lead the revolution. So a few years early the aristocracy place their own hired agents into the population to be the leaders of the revolution. They give these agents just the right amount of press and publicity and make it seem as though this character is working against the government, which technically he is working against the government, but not against the aristocracy that the people never knew were the real government in the first place. Once the government is overthrown this charismatic character, or someone from his entourage is elected the leader of the new government.

Here's the problem for the citizens, what they don't know is that they just elected a secret agent working for their hidden enemy the aristocracy. As the new leader this agent enacts new laws and regulations that have hidden loopholes that only the aristocracy know of or can take advantage of. This new leader purposefully sets up the new government to be just as appealing to the aristocracy as the previous government. The citizens, however; think they have overthrown the tyrants and now have a wonderful new government and so they have been appeased. This new government generally starts out all sugar and spice, but slowly becomes more and more tyrannical until finally the population is ready for another revolution and the whole system restarts yet again.

This method of resetting governmental control ensuring the aristocracies place at the top has been utilized for a great deal of time, dating back before the Roman Empire.

Notice that NWO is the word own backwards and it is the upper class that own everything, including you. The idea that there is a group of people trying to establish rule over the world was placed into conspiracy groups by those that already control the world. You see, as long as you think someone is trying to take over the world you don’t realize that someone already has.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:26 PM
I stopped following the rules many years ago (their rules). I just follow my own rules now, i obey to one person only, Myself ! Thanks for sharing these words with us. If only more would wake up to the "false" reality that these bastards have created for us.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by lagenese

so is the Charlie Sheen way of doing things don;t follow the rules???

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Symbiot

If we break all the rules then what will happen to the civilization ?

this is not as simple as you discussed. we should break only the laws that let illuminati gain more power.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot
1. Stop paying your taxes

2. Quit your job

Unfortunately, you're not going to be hurting anyone except yourself.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:41 PM
And I find it kinda funny that you said that they use the tactic divide and conquer and you people are afraid of a One world gubbamint?

Who is the real enemy? Who are the sheeps and who are the really awake?

What are they? Are they reptiles or are they greedy fat men?

Trying out this plan of yours can be disastrous if not done properly. Are you willing to risk it all?

Anyways, DREAM ON!

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot
1. Stop paying your taxes

When you pay your taxes you are literally paying the salary of those that force others to follow the rules set forth by the Illuminati. These are police officers, congressmen, judges, etc... Stop paying their salary because if you do then you are literally paying for your own oppression.

2. Quit your job

There are a few reasons this hurts the Illuminati. The first is for your own sake. If you are working for a corporation or otherwise have a boss/manager then you are a follower of said boss/manager. You are not following your own rules or living your own life, you are following their rules and allowing them to live your life.

By working for a corporation or someone else then you are making them money, giving them the ability to become more powerful. For each person that stops working for 'them' they lose money and power. Other people will see you and what you are doing and ask why. You can explain your reasoning and more and more will stop working for the Illuminati, the rich will lose more and more power.

3. Give and share instead of buy and sell

If you are selling instead of giving then the person that needs the item you are selling will need money in order to obtain it. Where will they get the money? They will have to work for the Illuminati, the rich, in order to get the money to obtain that which they need. If you are selling products instead of giving/sharing then you are helping the Illuminati to attract new slaves.

By sharing we can help each other to break our addiction to slavery. By sharing we can help each other fight the Illuminati!

4. Do not follow the rules, do not NOT follow the rules

The main premise here is that you run your own life and do not allow others to run it for you. By following the rules you may not be following your own wishes, but instead you are following the wishes of someone else, namely the Illuminati. By following the rules you are not living your own life, but instead those that make the rules, the Illuminati, are living your life for you.

If you do something specifically because a rule tells you not to do it then that rule is still controlling your actions. Do not allow the rules to have any say in your life one way or the other. Do what you choose to do regardless of what rules exist. If you want to do something and a rule tells you not to then do it anyway. If you want to do something and a rule tells you to go ahead and do it, do it anyway.
edit on 30-3-2011 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)

You have gone mental.

I have an idea: YOU do all of these things.

I on the other hand, will continue to work, support my family and be a productive member of society. No matter what fictitious organization is the beneficiary. Because life only rewards those who are willing to work for something.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:42 PM
Give and share... Abundance paradigm, anyone?

For those of you not acquainted with the abundance paradigm, I offer the links in my sig, The End of Entropy and The Ethical Planetarian Party Platform. (Also, in my book is the novella, The Abundance Paradigm... It's free here at ATS. Follow the book link.)

I think youre on the right track with this, OP.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:46 PM
Other ways to fight is to talk to people, open their eyes. And, to let the illumiati know that WE KNOW!!!. Press the media (bless em!) into covering news stories that we want to hear. I've just sent an email to our two tv stations here in NZ asking them to cover the Gallop v Cheney, Rumsfeld and Myers story on 5th april. A.Gallop worked at the Pentagon on 9/11 and survived the blast allegedly from Flight 77, she crawled out of the hole and saw no plane, no people, no luggage etc and she's sueing the govt, YAY!!!! Please all of you reading this get in touch with your local tv stations and ask them to cover the story as well.
I also used to buy Nexus and Uncensored magazines by cash so my eftpos transaction couldn't be traced, I don't bother now, I want them to know that I know!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by American-philosopher
reply to post by lagenese

so is the Charlie Sheen way of doing things don;t follow the rules???

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:50 PM
I know Charlies gone off the rails but his heart is in the right place, You tube charlie with reguards 9/11, he's on our side!!!!

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by LightCraft

I have an idea: YOU do all of these things.

I on the other hand, will continue to work, support my family and be a productive member of society. No matter what fictitious organization is the beneficiary. Because life only rewards those who are willing to work for something.

Ill reply to more of these later. As for this I already have done these things.

There are more ways to support your family than selling your life. People had lived before corporations. Did you know in the year 1900 90% of the american public was self employed, now less than 10%.

Consider that you can support yourself and family with nothing more than your own two hands.
edit on 30-3-2011 by Symbiot because: Typo. Typing on my phone heh.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by Symbiot

Maybe you are misinformed about who or what the Illuminati are. Have you ever considered what life on this planet would be like without the illumined? Society would be reduced to jungle or caveman law. What if the Illuminati have good intentions, but we're too small minded to recognize them? Did not illumined men create the concept of the United States Constitution? They gave it to us to keep, but we failed them . We allowed our base animal instincts and selfish desires to override the divine aspiration to be a free people. You see the human-animals demanding revolution and anarchy. So how are the Illuminati to respond? They see our moral decay and their only option is to bring down the iron fist of control, and take their rightful place as Law Givers; rightful, for they are NOBLE!
Once they thin our population and get us back under control, perhaps we can make our way back out of the dark ages. Since the teachings of Christ are such a non-starter for so many here on this forum, they should take comfort in the advent of a new God...something to do with water, apparently. And maybe this time, the Renaissance will stick.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot

Originally posted by LightCraft

There are more ways to support your family than selling your life. People had lived before corporations. Did you know in the year 1900 90% of the american public was self employed, now less than 10%.

Case in point. too many people tried what you are preaching who were ill prepared. Now they have nothing to show for it. You can't take a society who has been spoon fed everything and turn them into Daniel Boone Jr.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:11 PM
I've actually wondered if this would ever work myself. However, single handedly you will only ruin your own life. Only in the masses of maybe millions will this plan work. If millions of people left they're job and refused to pay tax around the same time as each other, the elites economy would fail and they're plans would be come to a serious obstacle.

These type of ideas would most definately lead to martial law, so would never work.

The way to win the war is to keep exposing them FOR WHAT THEY'RE TRUELY DOING rather than sugar coating it with BS.
e.g - I'm a student and therefore here a lot of talk about this kind of stuff. The younger ones are really becoming more aware of this then they were before imo. That being said 75% of them only see the 'music industries' satanic clues and link them to free masons and the all seeing eye and start spreading sh*t like "Jay-Z's a mason, Lady GaGa's a mason etc." and they tend to not see the overall plan.

We need to spread what is really going on:
* Poisoning (Food, Drink, Vaccines, Chem-trials)
* Martial Law
* Wall Street
* The Beilderbergs
* Obama
and the rest of the sneaky things these c*nt nuggets are puppetering.
Use Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, YouTube - use their brain washing techs to awake the blind people..

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot
There are more ways to support your family than selling your life. People had lived before corporations. Did you know in the year 1900 90% of the american public was self employed, now less than 10%.

Where are you getting your statistics?

From Stanley Lebergott, a frequently published author who writes about wages and working conditions, particularly in regards the previous turn of the century:

In 1900 more than 80 percent of all workers farmed in open fields, maintained railroad rights of way, constructed or repaired buildings, or produced steel and chemicals. source

This means they worked for someone, and that someone was not them.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Emeraldprophet

Any group of people trying to depopulate a planet are MENTAL!!! and should not be given credit.

When you fall victim to they're plans, will you be so sure? Better yet, I'll bet my whole wealth that you've ingested at least one type of they're poisons more than ten times in your life...
edit on 30-3-2011 by TruthArchaeologist because: Needed editing

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Beaufromnz

I know but wait a minute remember and I know this is off topic all the media interviews Charlie did when did he bring up 9/11 in all his interviews he had like 9 of them. I don;t remember 9/11 being brought up by him.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:51 PM
WOOT! Fight the Killuminati! Squat the world! Hail Eris!

Very good advice but it only works if there's a fare amount of people doing it... SO COUNT ME IN!

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