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Freemasons - I have a few questions.

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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:35 PM
I have a few questions for all Freemasons:-

1. As Freemasonry is often the subject of conspiracy theorists, is this the reason why you are drawn to sites such as ATS?

2. What do you seriously think about having to keep secrets? Do you enjoy this part of Freemasonry? Is it something that you considered before joining?

3. Do you all feel more enligtened since becoming Freemasons?

4. What do you think of David Icke, who continuously points to Freemasonry as being at the heart of the New World Order?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by SecretSky

In the long run, won't this have a detrimental effect on Freemasonry?


I mean - if so many below-par members are being invited, in the long run, who will want to join? Are you concerned about the future of Freemasonry?

Yes. Although, men are not invited, they have to request to be admitted.

Do the members of the lodge vote on who gets accepted and who doesn't?

Yes. In most jurisdictions, unanimous consent is required.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978
I have a few questions for all Freemasons:-

1. As Freemasonry is often the subject of conspiracy theorists, is this the reason why you are drawn to sites such as ATS?

For me personally, for the most part, yes. Although I have an interest in secret societies in general, not just Masonry.

2. What do you seriously think about having to keep secrets? Do you enjoy this part of Freemasonry? Is it something that you considered before joining?

I think practically everyone realizes beforehand that if they become a Mason, they will be pledged to keep the Order's secrets. This is true in all fraternities, not just Masonry.

3. Do you all feel more enligtened since becoming Freemasons?

I'm not sure about "more enlightened", but I find it useful to have an avenue to hold fellowship with others of like mind.

4. What do you think of David Icke, who continuously points to Freemasonry as being at the heart of the New World Order?

Isn't he the guy that also thinks the queen of England is a shapeshifting reptile?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Do the members of the lodge vote on who gets accepted and who doesn't?

Yes. In most jurisdictions, unanimous consent is required.

If unanimous consent is usually required - why is there the problem with sub-par members? Is the financial situation so dire that all of the existing members simply agree to anyone who will bring a cash injection?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978
I have a few questions for all Freemasons:-

1. As Freemasonry is often the subject of conspiracy theorists, is this the reason why you are drawn to sites such as ATS?

No. I was drawn here years after becoming a Freemason, before I knew anything of the conspiracies, and the survival forum is that caught me during my google searches.

2. What do you seriously think about having to keep secrets? Do you enjoy this part of Freemasonry? Is it something that you considered before joining?

It has been said a million times, but I don't think anything about it, because it isn't really a problem. The only time I have to remember to hold my tongue is when we are about to perform a degree, and the candidates are chatting with everyone else, and I don't want to give away any of the surprises. In my regular life, why would any of the secrets ever come up? There is nothing anybody at my office or home or family reunion would ever think to ask that I could not honestly answer.

3. Do you all feel more enligtened since becoming Freemasons?

Yes, most definitely. But not in some magical way, just in the same way I felt more enlightened after I interviewed a 100 year old man for a college paper, or the same way I felt after hearing Kenny Chesney's, "The Good Stuff" for the first time. I feel more enlighted just about every day!

4. What do you think of David Icke, who continuously points to Freemasonry as being at the heart of the New World Order?
I could not care less. I have no idea what Icke talks about, except that I have a negative connotation of the name, from what is attributed to him on ATS. I have never read any of his stuff. I can say the same for Alex Jones, I see what ATS reports on him, but I have never once listened to the show or visited GLP. I am a Tea Partier, but I have never once watched a Glen Beck program, or listened to his show. I did get stuck listening to Rush in someone else's car on the way to lunch once. That sucked!

Why would I listen to any non-Mason else about Freemasonry, when I, myself, am a Freemason? Is some fiction writer going to enlighten me about myself? I have personal friends that are 32nd and 33rd Degree Masons, and ex Grand Lodge Masters. I have met ex-Governors at events a couple of times. I danced with the Imperial Potentate of the Shriner's wife at a dinner last fall. I've been a guest at East-West Shrine football games, and I have an autographed football. I'm pretty sure Icke or any other conspiracy writer couldn't tell me anything of any value that was actually true.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

Family always come before the Craft.

Originally posted by SecretSky
Do the members of the lodge vote on who gets accepted and who doesn't?


posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Serizawa
If you masons wanted to become better fathers and better men you would be spending more time with your families! Not with you're fellow brothers.

Just the opposite.

I don't think 3 hours a month is going to hurt anything. Also, "co-dependency" is rampant these days, and many couples have forgotten how to spend time apart.

Would you say the same about Bible Study? Or going to the gym? Or reading a trade journal for your job? How about mowing the yard? I spend far more than 3 hours per month on a mower!

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by SecretSky

If unanimous consent is usually required - why is there the problem with sub-par members? Is the financial situation so dire that all of the existing members simply agree to anyone who will bring a cash injection?

Normally, practically no one in the Lodge knows the person they are voting on personally. When a man submits an application, a committee is assigned to investigate the applicant. If the committee returns favorable, most Masons just take their word for it and vote in the positive.

The problem, therefore, arises in instances when the committee doesn't properly do their jobs. Unfortunately, inexperienced or indiscreet brethren are sometimes placed on those committees, and do not always perform their dutties as they should. Too often, they will say, "Well Joe knows him and says he's a good guy, so that's good enough for me!"

My Lodge is very detailed in the investigation process. If there are Lodges that haven't turned down any applications in 10 years, chances are the investigating committees aren't doing their jobs.
edit on 31-3-2011 by Masonic Light because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

We had an older member once that had a huge objection with a tattoo artist becoming a member. Everyone else liked the guy, and the investigations committee found him favorable. The lone dissenter felt bad, so he asked that we put off the vote until the next meeting so he could think about it. We complied. He intentionally did not show up the next meeting, so as to not hinder the vote. The guy got voted in, and lo and behold, he got arrested before he ever made it to Master Mason! The one, old fashioned, lone dissenter was vindicated.

We also once had a vote on someone demitting to our lodge. I think it only took a majority vote instead of a unanimous one, and he squeeked in. Since it was a demit, we didn't do a background check, but lo and behold, his parole officer was a member of our lodge, and spotted him a couple of meetings later! He was subsequently removed from Masonry altogether.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:02 PM
Just when I've think I've had enough with the craziness that is ATS a thread like this comes along. This thread is a facinating read and to all the Freemasons who replied, I am thrilled with the honesty and facinated by the unity of thought and purpose you display. I don't know why but as I've read the responces I suddenly "want to do better".

Mission accomplished?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

lol. Such stories, though, are not uncommon these days.

I view the investigating committee as one of the most important duties in Masonry. Through them, and usually through them alone, we guard the west gate. If they are lax in their duties, we all suffer for it.

That's another reason I can't stand the PR stuff some Grand Lodges are into, even advertising one day classes. I hate those obnoxious 2B1Ask1 bumper stickers too.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

The humor......I was only joking.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

Thanks for your response.

I guess I should have known what the response would have been regarding the secrets. If you were uncomfortable, regardless if they are great secrets or meaningless secrets then you probably wouldn't have become a Freemason.

Yes David Icke does claim that the Queen is reptilian amongst other real outlandish things. However, in the early 1990's he did predict that the world would start experiencing more natural disasters, the rise of China as a superpower and the way our governments are increasingly denying our freedoms and applying their control over us. More and more people especially in the U.K are turning on to what he has to say, so expect increasing negative feelings towards your society. Peace.

I have met many Freemasons during my part time job as a musician and on the whole I have found them to be welcoming and charitable.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Helmkat
Just when I've think I've had enough with the craziness that is ATS a thread like this comes along. This thread is a facinating read and to all the Freemasons who replied, I am thrilled with the honesty and facinated by the unity of thought and purpose you display. I don't know why but as I've read the responces I suddenly "want to do better".

Mission accomplished?

Helmkat, thanks for the reply!

This thread is much better than I ever hoped it would be, and you're right - it's much because of the honesty of the responses....Also, I think the more prying/personal questions have demonstrated the human element of Freemasonry, which is often ignored because people get blinded by the mysticism.

I also have a few more questions to ask, but I'm going to give everyone else some breathing space to ask their own questions and also for the Freemasons in this thread to discuss their mutual interest further amongst themselves

I'll post the next questions later on!

Thanks again to all contributors.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

So did Rascal Flatts! (Named for a chat pile in my old stomping grounds, btw)

Sometimes it feels like this world is spinning faster
Than it did in the old days
So naturally we have more natural disasters
From the strain of a fast pace

Mayberry Lyrics

Predictions are easy. They all eventually come true, you just have to wait long enough. Look at Nostradamus, it took him a really, really long time to be correct! LOL!

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

I figured it was humor (evidenced by the little laughing face), but that argument has been made plenty of times in seriousness, so I felt a response was warranted.

And, I really do resent my mower time, but the weedeater time is even worse!

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:36 PM
Someone need to take David Icke out back and open a can of whoop-ass on him. And thats not cause of the whole Freemason / New World Order thing.... Its more cause he is a dangerous influence on people that actually buy into his s**t and he deserves a good beating.

Antisemitic, spews hate and ignorance and got a certain "charisma" that makes him a danger to society.

A few years back i just laughed my ass off whenever he got mentioned. But over the years I have met and talked to more and more people that not only buys into his stuff, but that spreads it and tries to sell it to anyone who listens.
And if one DONT listen to what they got to regurgitate about what he says, then one is Ignorant or Misled or one are Blindfolded and one cant see the reality of what happens in the world and blah blah blah...
...when its really the opposite... Really...

...thats my humble opinion anyway

To recap; Icke - Whoop-Ass!

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978

1. As Freemasonry is often the subject of conspiracy theorists, is this the reason why you are drawn to sites such as ATS?

Being a Freemason and also, growing up, actually lessened my interest in conspiracy-theories. But ATS remains a fascinating place.

2. What do you seriously think about having to keep secrets? Do you enjoy this part of Freemasonry? Is it something that you considered before joining?

Keeping secrets can be fun. Sometimes it can be legitimate, such as when one does not reveal to a kid how building bombs works.

I actually do think there are masonic secrets but I dont think they are transmitted verbally or in writing.

(now that was cryptic)

3. Do you all feel more enligtened since becoming Freemasons?

Yes, but in a different sense than most people would assume. I feel more down-to-earth. When we visited this hospice we give charity to, for example, that is an example of an enlightening experience that I probably wouldnt have made if I were not a mason.

4. What do you think of David Icke, who continuously points to Freemasonry as being at the heart of the New World Order?

I read Icke when I was a teenager. I kind of liked "Children of the Matrix" and "Love is all there is"...very entertaining. While I do believe in Ickes assertion that there are other layers of reality out there it is my view that Icke and many people at sites such as this, see those various layers through paranoid-filters. These paranoid-filters distort their perception to a degree that they are no longer able to tell the difference between true and false.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

Then by now you have most probably come down with the worse hemorrhoids that man can experience for sitting in the chair...LOL

And, if you sat long enough, your ball sack will eventually prune up and fall off.

That's one of our secrets!


posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by phantomjack

Funny you should mention that, I was wondering what the f.......

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