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I want my OP to be wrong!!!

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posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:50 AM
Hello people!

I would like to share with you something that has been in my mind since I read something on Health Canada's web site.

What I will propose is a long shot, but I can't help but see the lines drawn between different, seemingly unrelated topics, in my mind.

It started with my research on how we can protect ourselves from radiation in case the Japanese reactors take a long time to be stopped, and that radioactive particles would be in suspension for sometime. I read some have a half-life of a few days, and some others of many decades.

As you all know, many threads appeared concerning this topic and there are good ones about the relative safety in which we are/can be, and some good ones that ring bells of alarm.

Far from being an expert on radiation, I decided to play it safe, and as stated above, began to search how we could protect ourselves. They say it is better to be safe than sorry, no? So I went that way.

Last night, on Health Canada's web site, I read about Iodine and its good and bad effects on the human body.

When I got to the part of the effects of having Iodine deficiency, it said that it would cause respiratory problems, bronchitis, mucus obstruction, in short, the exact problems that have been reported worldwide about a flu/cold like symptom illness that no med, no antibiotics could cure. The symptoms were recurrent, and lasted for months.
You can find many, many threads about it right here on ATS.

Reading this, I was wondering if there could be a relation there, and to what purpose...

This morning, I got something that popped in my head.

Some of you might not know it, but there is a board game called Illuminati and there is a thread that I would like you to see before keeping on reading here. Just keep to the OP of that thread for now, and look at the card that Arken has found and that seems eerily connected to Japan's disaster. Here is the link;

What does a flu/cold like illness and Japan's disaster have to do in common? I have to point to something totally unrelated for you to understand the idea.

For a couple of years, now, there has been much hype about lowering your sodium intake, and many processed food items have seen their contents in sodium lowered, up to 70%!
That HAS to be good! I'm not so sure anymore...

You see, salt has been used to convey Iodine to people who do not have a great access to it. Lowering the sodium intake means also a lowering of Iodine intake!!!

And to be sure we would be looking in the wrong direction, what has happened the winter before last? H1N1 mega hype thanks to the WHO... Why? Because, when the symptoms of Iodine deficiency would kick in, you would believe it was either an effect of the vaccine, or a new strain that appeared. Or one manufactured as we oh! so conveniently heard THIS winter that strains were stolen from American labs and who knows where else.
We were conditioned to believe our Iodine deficiency was, in fact, this year's flu/cold or something along those lines...

Why? Because if Japan's disaster was made by the Illuminati, for their program to lower the world population, they would know that if the reactors aren't stopped before many years, the little speck of radioactive Iodine will accumulate quite rapidly in peoples body and then...

Remember that in the US, Iodine can't be sold right now, because of Japan's reactors conditions, and to prevent mass hysteria...

We ARE on ATS, and we have been waiting for something like this to happen. Is this it?

Nay Sayers are welcome, as long as they can provide good evidence of this being totally wrong, please.


posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:56 AM
Your heart is seeking protection from evol and thanks for caring. Those potentials who may be behind these types of situations if not natural they have their catastrophy too they have been avoiding for millinia so as its said WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN.

Be well and keep digging and remain FEARLESS! Death is their main fear tool amazing how much its feard by them..
edit on 3/30/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

I fear only for those around me. I'm fine with Death; we're kinda old pal, so...

But thanks!

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:38 PM
Food sources for iodine:

A 1/4 teaspoon of iodized table salt provides 95 micrograms of iodine. A 6-ounce portion of ocean fish provides 650 micrograms of iodine. Most people are able to meet the daily recommendations by eating seafood, iodized salt, and plants grown in iodine-rich soil. When buying salt make sure it is labeled "iodized."

Deficiency happens more often in women than in men, and is more common in pregnant women and older children. Getting enough iodine in the diet may prevent a form of physical and mental retardation called cretinism. Cretinism is very rare in the U.S. because iodine deficiency is generally not a problem.

People have been told to lower their seafood consumption also, because of pollution and heavy metals in the ocean. Now radiation. We now need to concentrate on making sure our soil is iodine rich, and figuring out how to get it that way.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:46 PM
Iodine is currently for sale in the US. It was temporarily out of stock, but most places are now getting it back on the shelves.

I don't think taking out a Nuclear reactor via an earthquake and a tsunami is the most efficient manner to limit our Iodine intake, especially if the low-sodium diets were already effective.

You do raise a valid point though. I wonder if the low-sodium / heart-healthy diets are having unintended consequences such as low iodine?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:51 PM
The reason why iodized salt exists, is because the lack of iodine (deficiency) was giving people (especially women) goiters. This is a tumor on the neck, growing near the thyroid. They add the iodine after the fact.

Iodine is an essential trace element; the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodotyronine contain iodine. In areas where there is little iodine in the diet—typically remote inland areas where no marine foods are eaten—iodine deficiency gives rise to goiter (so-called endemic goiter), as well as cretinism, which results in developmental delays and other health problems. While noting recent progress, The Lancet noted, "According to WHO, in 2007, nearly 2 billion individuals had insufficient iodine intake, a third being of school age. ... Thus iodine deficiency, as the single greatest preventable cause of mental retardation, is an important public-health problem."

Lancet Article:

I don't think this is conspiracy. Dig deeper. Have you researched Candida?
edit on 30-3-2011 by donatellanator because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

You are right! I hadn't thought of this! Thanks!

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

What I mean, about the Iodine deficiency, is that is has been engineered by telling us to use less salt ( and less fish, as stated by snowspirit ) and that now that the Japanese reactors are blown, there is a chance that people will absorb the bad Iodine. Not the reactor giving Iodine deficiency...

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by donatellanator

No, I haven't heard about Candida. I will look it up.

But have you really read the totality of the OP?

I mean, we say that TPTB are long term planners, suppress information on pretty much everything, and you still think there is no relation in what I proposed?

How so? I asked for clear evidence I am wrong here, not just a no.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Aresh Troxit

Right, but the Iodine deficiency by itself was doing damage, no need for the radiation. And, if radiation was the goal, there are more effective ways than engineering an earthquake, that hopefully makes a tsunami, that hopefully effects the plant, that hopefully can't be repaired in time. Too many variables for this to be intentional.

TPTB would just have engineered a coordiated terrorist attack with Libyan and Iranian supplies, distributed the dirty bombs, and then used it as a reason to go cease those countries and their assets. TPTB are much more efficient and direct than what you propose.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Aresh Troxit

Good thread.

Im just glad I love SALT and have totally ignored the recommendations to lower my consumption of it, and I make sure I eat Iodized salt because I like it. I also eat more Nori and Kombu than most Americans, but thats just icing on my salt cake.

I wonder if there is any way to use the illuminati deck as a predictor of events. Has anyone tried that?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

My girlfriend asked me to buy it so we could see about that...

I bought yesterday 10lbs of unrefined sea salt... It is so tasty...

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

The Libyan affair could be another way to put our attention somewhere else. Not everybody follows what is going on in Japan. And there is American Idols for the others...

But I think it would be right up the alley of TPTB to use such a subterfuge. Create a problem, put attention elsewhere, give a deadly blow.

I saw a documentary a few years ago about the Japanese being the first to make research in biological warfare, and it said it was found to be impossible to create a pandemic because; Some are naturally immune, others will be slightly sick, others more, others very much sick, and others die. But it is not advertised as a fact. It can be used to create fear, as we saw with H1N1. I think this was an event to preoccupy our minds for the moment Iodine deficiency would start.

EDIT: And don't forget the cards of the game Illuminati. And also, don't forget that they can send things and people in space, build about anything, manage countries of billions...

How hard would it be for them to stage this? I think it is harder for us to accept the fact that they can!
edit on 30-3-2011 by Aresh Troxit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by donatellanator

I looked at Candida and I don't see it as happening now, or as happening this last winter. But people DID have a lot of common symptoms for respiratory problems that couldn't be treated.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Aresh Troxit

Sea salt is very good. Different sea salt have different flavors too.
Get some seaweed too. Its always a good source. Kombu is very good.

I was googling around and found this about China,

Shelves were stripped of salt in China yesterday by shoppers hoping it would help ward off radiation poisoning from Japan.

They were under the false impression that consuming enough table salt would protect them from contamination.

Potassium iodide can help protect the thyroid gland from radiation injury, but experts say that to get the equivalent of the 130mg dose needed to protect against radiation, someone would need to consume 750 teaspoons of iodised salt every day. A tiny fraction of that salt intake would be fatal.

So people, do NOT try and use iodized salt to buffer your thyroid. You will kill yourself by overdosing on salt before you effectively protect your thyroid. But do use iodized salt in general when possible. For the other non radioactivity based reasons.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

I would go further and say: DO NOT use table salt, if possible, because it is bleached! Thus, ALL minerals are wiped, except for sodium, and then the added Iodine, which is hard to absorb.
The advantage of sea salt ( unbleached ) is that it has natural Iodine in it. Unbleached salt is either grey or pink.
And you need selenium to help with the Iodine absorption. Brazil Nuts contains selenium.

But to get enough Iodine, people will have to eat different things because, yep, too much salt can cause a lot of problems, and kill you.

And if you can't have sea salt, well, of course take a little bit of table salt. It's better than nothing...

EDIT: I forgot! Are we going to see a shortage of food soon? Since the beginning of last year, many agricultural fields were destroyed. Think of Russia, Australia this year, the cold in Northern Mexico and now Japan...
edit on 30-3-2011 by Aresh Troxit because: (no reason given)

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