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SOUTH KOREA buries alive three million pigs: Screams of terror & pain

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:24 PM
Wouldn't it be easier to put them in a big room and gas them?
No, but here they are dumping them in a pit, one by one, millions of them.

I thought Asian people were smart?
I guess not if you are in the meat industry.

I wonder what they were thinking?
"OK, how can we create the most suffering possible for the longest amount of time?"
edit on 28-3-2011 by Toadmund because: size function don't work, that blows"

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by billxam

Bill, we've got much better options than that. Instead of dropping it in our drinking water, the fertilizer and aluminum industries can just volunteer their "fluoride" reserves for your agressive war effort!

Thinking about it, go ahead and throw all the neo-libs and neo-cons on there as well.


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

This is simply INHUMANE!

Your wrong, it is INHU-ANIMAL-ANE

What a waste of bacon...

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by boncho
What a waste of bacon...

I had bacon for breakfast yesterday with pancakes and eggs---Over easy.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by billxam
Ahmadinejad hates us, we hate him. Airdrop - only as a courtesy, of course. Could use a few B2s on the way to Libya and kill two birds with one stone.

What does Iran have to do with South Korea killing pigs?

edit on 28-3-2011 by boncho because: fix

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

While I agree that the animal treatment is disgusting and shows violent tendencies in humans. I don't think its fair you tarnish all the people of South Korea with such a broad brush stroke. The people who carried this out are the disgusting ones, not the entire population.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978
Do you really believe this doesn't happen in every country, regardless of political beliefs.

I could care less about their political beliefs. I think making animals suffer then getting buried alive is wrong.

Who said anything about political beliefs?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by AlwaysQuestion
That is very, very sad.

Why this method of death is chosen is just beyond me. :-(

I'll tell you why it's cheap and why I would never compare happening to humans with anything to any animal as I'll get yelled at, there is always been the issue; "bullet's are time consuming and expensive" has been a pretty big problem for anyone into mass murder. Got to keep cost down. People of Nanking China, the "Rape of Nanking" by the Japanese Imperial Army in the 1930's, had buried perhaps thousands of human beings alive. We endanger our own future in more ways then we can imagine, when ever thinking some living creature is "not human so it's just not important" The Nazi's said the Jews were not human and we know thinking any person is viewed as not "up to our standards" is what atrocity is made is unacceptable with me be, being cruel in any way any living thing be cause, doing so writes our species death warrant. In my view animals are not just living but also very much a SOL. I shuddered when read this pigs are at least as and some think more intelligent then dogs, perhaps quite a bit. People who have pigs, such as the "Pot-belly" will attest to how smart they are. When a pig or a cow hears the death screams of its own kind they know what is happening just as we "figure it out". As immortal as we are, life being all connected. More then enough for me not to treat them with cruelty.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:32 PM
Hoof-and-mouth disease is similar like a flu by humans. It takes maybe three to five weeks and it is over. The world is crazy, soon it explodes!

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
I'm not going to embed the video...

I'll let those who are curious follow the link. They were apparently infected with Hoof and Mouth disease I know it would have taken some time and cost a bit more but they should have just shot the pigs if they were going to destroy them.

This is simply INHUMANE!


Link to video here

Ok dude, then go and eat all that infected meat, They did the correct, we dont want a pandemic threat over the people, if these pigs remained alive then u can bet it would be us the ones buried.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by elpistolero1
Ok dude, then go and eat all that infected meat, They did the correct, we dont want a pandemic threat over the people, if these pigs remained alive then u can bet it would be us the ones buried.

What part of

they should have just shot the pigs if they were going to destroy them
didn't you understand? Of course they should have been and needed to be destroyed. Did they have to suffer then get buried alive?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

HATE you, Slayer.

They ARE tasty, though. Oohhhh, blasted cognitive dissonance!!


. o O ("But...if you aren't supposed to eat animals...why are they made out of such tasty meat...?")

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Praetorius


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I agree with you that they should have been put down in another way. Poison in the water supply maybe.

But I think the biggest question that comes up in this thread is: When did PETA set up a branch in South Korea?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978Lol at all of you. They're pigs. Pork. I cannot believe people get so wound up about things like this. They were bred for one purpose and that was to provide meat to the human race.

even though pigs, chickens, rabbits, cows and such are food and destined for the table that is no justification to treat them in an inhumane way. I am an independent farmer and raise all of my own meat animals; however, they do not suffer needlessly to make a few extra pennies.

A bullet or a stun gun would have done the job albeit a little slower having to run them through a chute and perhaps a little more expensively with the costs of the bullets or the gun and the people to handle the job.

Sure animals for slaughter are ultimately property and destined for death which is our right at the top of the food chain; however, along with that right comes the responsibility to care for them in a proper way.

I do not condone the conditions in factory farms at all. I go with the philosophy that I want their life, regardless of how short it might be to resemble as closely as possible what they would have in nature.

I don't use hormones and crap like that though I will use antibiotics and other med's reactively not preemptively like some producers.

They all live free range (with shelter and forage species appropriate) and have access to natural ponds for the waterfowl. The chickens live in a "house" at night but primarily for their safety and they are out at daylight and go back in on their own around dark.

I always make sure my stock have proper social structure for their type never one of any species.

I even take the production hit and leave my calves on the teat for the first 6 months; milking only once a day instead of twice.

My stomach turns to know that animals are raised any other way; docked tails, eternal pregnancies, hormones, animal matter for feed in herbivores diets for fast growth, etc..

As for being upset at the suffering of people; just because individuals chose to comment on this issue in this particular thread it does not necessarily mean that they care nothing for the suffering of said people. Certainly, we could care about both but that is not the topic of the thread is it?

Perhaps It makes you feel better to consider us as uncaring because of our choice to chime in here; personally. I consider your seeming need to point out that this somehow usurps the concern we might have for our fellow man as a little self righteous. However, that is one man's opinion.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69
The bottom line is profit, If it was not about the money this would probably never happen.

Instead of spending extra money to raise these animals humanely, they just cram as much pigs as they can in one small area and let them stand in # up to there knees and let them crap all over each other until its time for slaughter. To pass inspection all the pigs need to do is just be able to walk in front of the inspector on their own, maybe ten or fifteen feet and if it collapses after that it does not matter because it has already been inspected. Just hose off the crap and you are good to go. In the conditions that most animals are raised, I am surprised you don't see more foot and mouth breakouts. It's easier/cheaper to cut corners and more cost effective to raise animals that way as opposed to buying land and letting them roam free and eat premium feed (grass!) and all that good stuff.

IMO Farming and Manufacturing are the same thing nowadays..............It's profits that matter not the safety of the consumer. I am not a vegan by the way, Bacon is my best friend.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978
reply to post by Stop-loss!

Lol at all of you. They're pigs. Pork. I cannot believe people get so wound up about things like this. They were bred for one purpose and that was to provide meat to the human race.

If you don't like what happens to them when they are no longer of any use to mankind, then oh well.

With so many of mankind being slaughtered around the world, I don't understand why some people focus on animals that were purely bred to feed us. Do you think these animals would have met a gracious death if they found their way into the food chain? Come on, get real!!
edit on 28/3/11 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

You sir, I have to disagree with.

We capture animals, and force them to mate with eachother, then slaughter them for fat Americans hot dinners. So we can all eat fast food, and so we can all get fat.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

Cobaltic, while I feel your argument, I have to speak against it. Pigs are intelligent, self-aware, and can feel pain.

And humans can live splendidly without consuming animal products.

On the base level, I understand humans eating animals. I understand they *might* possibly die more horrible deaths in nature. But I also understand that the level of suffering we inflict on each other and more or less everything around us is uncalled-for and unnecessary.

I understand that humans are supposedly better than animals, with a capacity to rise above all this and to rise against the insanity (yeah, OK, that was a plug for Rise Against. If you don't already, check out some of their stuff). If we can't live in balance with everything around us in respect at the very least, then we deserve every curse ever sent against white men by native americans and any other groups that has ever been oppressed by its fellow humanity.

Be well and go in peace - but there is NEVER an excuse for cruelty or thoughtlessness.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:51 PM
i thought i was only supposed to hate North Korea, stop confusing me.
2nd line: RIP piggys

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:51 PM
It's a waste of meat, other than that this is nothing compare to when a pig got slaughtered....where I come from....we don't do it in the old fashion way (a stab to the throat) daily. And a sledgehammer to the head for a cow.

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