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the israel/ is rah ELITES all religious guide books were from them from the ancient babylonian text.

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:12 AM

LOL - El oh El - AOL. The Japanese are casting a curse upon ye: RAMEN - RA-MEN or R-AMEN. Coincidence? I think not. It's all HAARPs doing I tell ye!

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Slipdig1
reply to post by Lynda101

How do you know Exodus didn't happen?


Its because Prof Finkelstein the archaelogist from Tel Aviv uni has been unable to find any evidence of such a mass migration. You would see charcoal, chards of bones, pottery etc there is nothing. Its been known for quite some time now, but even if its the truth, its not always acceptable. We also know the Israelites actually lived and intermarried with the Canaanites and have the archaelogical record in the ground to prove it. Religion is about spirituality and worship, but sadly its also big business and employs a fantastic amount of people, especially men. When the truth runs against what they have been teaching, they don't want to accept it.

One needs to think, how on earth would you provide for men, women, children their cattle etc in a desert with no water. Its only because some stories from the bible are taught to people when they are too young to do both learn and understand the story's implications, an adult would usually ask questions which is why the three desert religions snatch em young.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by aqlpskwo

If there is a hidden knowledge in the bible that the "Elites" (?) is keeping from you then you need to be specific and give us afew examples.

Mystical Judaism is knowledge few men pocess and they have studied Torah all their lives. None among the Illiminati have this knowledge.

Depression, medication. There are many different causes for depression. You've lost me on that one, I'm not following you here at all. You believe weed should be legalized. Except for medical use, I disagree on so many levels. I'm mystified what all this has to do with Egyptian gods and slavery.

Rappers work for the Illuminati? I don't think so and I'm sure they'll all laugh if they read that statement.

All the religions you speak of are plagiarised however each offer a different prospective on life, death and beyond. All these religions is not so much a riddle but is open to interpretation; while do note that Islam and some Christian churches including Catholicism is not open to debate.

Of course there's flaws in all the writings of many religious books. I never said any stories in the bible is crap, in fact many (not all) of the stories are plagiarised from more ancient times of Babylonia, Sumeria and Egypt, even Zoroasterian etc while the writers of these books added their own spin.

Religion does'nt control the masses; money and power does. Most level headed people know this. Without laws and basic common sense, we have total anarchy.

The Israelites (and Jews) are not a pure blood line. They are decendants of Jacob.

The most wealthiest people in the world are not the most powerful; the most powerful people in the world are the common just have'nt realised it yet.

Athiests are entitiled to their own opinions. Who am I to decide how they should think. Personally, I think the Agnostics are smarter than both the Athiests and Christians put together. Although I don't always agree with the Agnostics but they too are entitiled to their own opinions.

Of course the world will not end in 2012 nor will it end in 2013. Again....let me remind you....who are the most powerful people on earth?

The Revelations are not carved in stone yet. Either you want to allow these things to happen or you want to do something to change it. Must I remind you again? Who are the most powerful people on earth?

that thinking is all predetermined..but i understand. where do i start ill make it as simple as posible.. when a person is unhappy with his life he does something to make it better OR he does nothing it depends. like when you're fat you workout not eat mcdonalds all day. what they did was create a clear road for you to go. they set the standards and the "socially acceptable" this is why they made time to keep everybody on a program. looking back from a slave point of view they have been led to think that their purpose in life is to serve their masters.

now we have the freedom to think for ourselves yet still most are fooled to believing fake stuff like religion. the media oh yeah especially the media. the anti depressants i included because it dumbs a person down with so many side effects. psychedelic drugs are obviously a lot better than any of that mood altering drugs like alcohol or caffeine/nicotine but illegal because there is a big tendency that could make your mind snap out of the programming you're in hence put you into a mind manifesting state and this is always a good thing. of course this is not for everybody as some minds could not handle it and will be overwhelmed from the information their brain is processing. its not hard to correlate all this.

this is nothing new and the basic concept of psychedelic drugs is out there you can Wikipedia it lol.
ancient civilizations also knew about astrology. what im saying about the BLOODLINES was from the gods of ancient egyptians that are enlightened and practiced these "secret knowledge" well they were advanced. they were very smart. it doesnt matter what you or i think because they have the power there are so many things they kept from us especially what is outside of this world. the bible explains this. they are the only ones that will be saved the rest will die and we helped them lolz. they KNEW something will happen on 2012. the mayans were not erased from this world they just went into hiding and preserved what they know. i never suggested the end of the world. but many will die. it will probably be the "end of the world as we know it".

to name one hidden knowledge is ALCHEMY and carl jung spoke a bit of it

YOU have just not realized who is in control here bud and they are RELATED blood related. its all laid out on a dirty surface.
check out Stanley Kubrick his movies have hidden meanings as well he has met some of these men and a lot of them are PEDOPHILES. they like the idea of smudging a child's innocence. rappers DO work for them let me be clear on this!!! a lot of musicians do! they spread culture and witchcraft that changes their listeners morals and point of view. there are vibrations and mathematical beats that works like magic. SLIPKNOT is very blatant about this they do their rituals before the concert. some of them are Freemasons an example is tom delounge used to be in a band called blink182. he suddenly left and started AVA angels and airwaves talking about magic a very 180 personality change. they also own all major record labels john todd spoke of this 30 years ago till he was framed and killed while in jail. let them laugh and i will laugh back.

its kind of funny all this is really. go on and pretend the world is getting better.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:01 AM
Heh something that was formed after The Garden of Eden, is somehow the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden... Now does the time machine come with the book? And how often do I need to water the book???
edit on 26-3-2011 by 5StarOracle because: .

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by Lynda101

So because one "Profressor" said it didn't happen, because he couldn't find any evidence. It mustn't have happen?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by Slipdig1
reply to post by Lynda101

So because one "Profressor" said it didn't happen, because he couldn't find any evidence. It mustn't have happen?

Hi Slipdig

Keep laughing - "Profressor" as you appear to like to call him is a leading expert in the world on biblical archaelogy from Israel's Tel Aviv University and, what's good about him is, that he tells it as he finds it. You're getting the truth for once not a search to qualify biblical belief, but whats actually there. He has been researching for a long time and is often seen on tv documentaries. I suggest you may like to watch him and see for yourself - unless you just want to diss good research do what you wish its up to you..

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by 5StarOracle
Heh something that was formed after The Garden of Eden, is somehow the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden... Now does the time machine come with the book? And how often do I need to water the book???
edit on 26-3-2011 by 5StarOracle because: .

lolz just keep watering the book and hope for a plant to grow. if something comes up i will pay you 2 dollars

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Lynda101

who is this professor? im just curious. i don't believe in the exodus. moses was crazy

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by aqlpskwo
religious believers have been double crossed!! and if you're not religious and think the bible is worthless crap should take a closer look. there's is a hidden knowledge that the "ELITES" doesn't want any out of the bloodline to know and forbids you to. the story behind the forbidden fruit is the kabbalah and why it is called the tree of life. this is why the god in the bible does not want you to consume the fruit of it. this is because practicing kabbalah magic unlocks a big part of your brain potential. the human brain is a lot powerful than we are led to believe. this is why the government made psychedelic drugs illegal (and im not talking about heroin or meth here) and made their own drugs to keep a person looking for solution even MORE passive and stupid!

if a person is "depressed" from the state he is from various reasons. thinking for a solution is the logical/better way others turn to vices like ALCOHOL or some BS depressant to cope up with. IF weed was legal this would have been a LOT different! see the government knows they will make tons of money off of selling the herb. why is it still illegal? the same reasons Egyptian gods needed thousands of slaves to further their cause.

so psychedelic drugs is a threat to them because it helps in OPENING your third EYE which if done right alters your perception but as a package the FRUIT of it can make you 10xsmarter

this is the ILLUMINATI secret folks. the all seeing eye is their GODS eye where the hidden knowledge comes from it is the third eye. there is inside you too and they do not want you to know about it. they wand you to be as dumb as possible they do not want you to think for yourself.

in music notice how many rappers are used by them? LOLZ! no matter how much they serve the elite they will never be part of it they are still working for them. they are not blood related.

how was the pyramid built? these rulers who are obviously enlightened by this hidden knowledge are smarter but they need dumb slaves (sheeple) to work for them. they kept this knowledge from the people because it favors them. now look at what is happening TODAY? its the exact same thing.

christian, islam, buddism, judaism all of these religion came from the ancient knowledge of the elites. its a tool. it doesn't matter they all worship the the same Egyptian gods and the god of time Saturn. hence christians say AMEN refers to as amen-rah the sun god. go to church on SUNday. i was brought up as a christian and i know the teachings well from the bible but ive seen the flaw a long time ago and went out...if you think the stories of the bible is all crap. it is not!!! its a riddle and a tool used by the elites to create religion and control the mass and by god they have been successful have they!!

this is why the first testament told of a ruthless vengeful and a hateful God. then the new testament suddenly a loving forgiving god. and that is to FOOL the people while telling the truth at the same time but only in riddles. the Israelite pure bloodline are the "true" people of god all began in ISRAEL as its says in the bible. israel lite lite as illuminate hence illuminati. in the bible refers to them as his children and the truth about the elites/israelites as we know today are all related the 13 bloodline they are the wealthiest powerful people that controls the world. this is why bible predictions have been coming true not because of some spiritual force that told prophecy's. it was all planned from the get go.

they knew about this long time ago. they already have an escape and a back up plan.either on this planet or not.

atheist dont know any better and its hilarious how they think they are a lot smarter than christians. while i dont think the world will end on 2012 but maybe 2013 i believe a lot will die to contain the population because its all about control. while revelations in the bible are not done yet everything that is written will happen because that was the plan all along by their so called "god" and so far it all seems to be working.

if you are religious you have been double/tripple/ect crossed for so many times. think for yourself!

Hi, Before I forget the Professr I mentioned is Prof. Finkelstein from Tel Aviv University.

I read your post but didn't have time to reply properly. Yes, I have come to the conclusion that religion has been used as a weapon against us humans to stop us utilizing our (3rd eye) power which gives us the to create for ourselves.

There were a number of odd things that the interpolators forgot to remove from the Biblical Christ's sayings. One of them was, in essence, with our brains we could move mountains. ( its in Mark and Matthew) He was telling us that we can harness incredible power, we have to have faith (in ourselves) to use it. He taught that God was within us and he also said 'Be ye wise as Serpents' I suspect the Serpens were the different Els eg El Elyon, El Adonai etc which is where we get the plural gods in the Garden of Eden.

I think either a misconception or deception occurred when the face/image bit 'suggested' God had a body with a human face and mentally many people have never got beyond that picture in their heads.

We know that the priests everywhere have historically hated the Witch doctor through to witches today. The probable reason being, that all over the ancient world the Witchdoctors were reveered and considered to be wise. They accessed the spirit world to find answers to heal or help their people mostly by utilising hallucinagenic plants to create a transcendental state of mind (and open their third eye). Interestingly enought throughout Israel there grows
acacia (Mimosa tortilis and Mimosa Radinna) with Peganum harmala (Syrian Rue) These plants produce the same identical effect as Ayahuasca. There you have the 'forbidden fruit' I suspect this knowledge was passed down through the bloodlines eg father to son etc

The draconian sentencing for people who want to experiment with hallucinagenic drugs is quite out of proportion for what is a non violent crime and doesn't damage property. Were certain drugs legalized and taxed the UK and USA would be out of the deficit in what a couple of years. Its also weird that since going into Afganistan their drug production has escalated instead of decreasing. Another odd thing is that Portugal decided to legalise personal drug use. Seems odd that their finances are in difficulties. Knowing how the banks etc are manipulated I wonder if that country was told not do legalize but they decided to do it anyway - so whoosh financial trouble.

Going to your point that the Elites utilize their full brain potential by accesssing their third eye. Its obvious that they would not wish that gift onto their labour force and would want us dumbed down and docile. As this ritual involving the third eye is a 'religious' ritual, its easy to make the link that religion has been a prime tool in brainwashing us into believing we are inferior to the elites. It works because of the teachings that destroy our confidence by teaching us we are born guilty of original sin, evil in our hearts and have to be punished. It teaches about the Holy Spirit but destroys our individual spirit. Its only recently that people have noticed we have two Gods sitting there despite it telling us there is only one God and no others. It appears that Judea and Israel were not united they each had, in a way, different Gods the El lot and YHWH so they were combined, some think by Ezra in the hope of uniting the two Kingdons when he built the wall or by Moses. The Torah it now transpires has some 20 odd different styles so we will probably never know
(unless we use our third eye).

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by Lynda101

that was interesting ..that is deception with misconception in one book.(i appreciate your post)until the last part where it all crumbles down. the elites believe they are descendants of the Egyptian gods who used to rule earth, they have followed the parables in riddles like today its so simple. like the 10 commandments tool to enslave. plagiarism like some would claim. one thing i cant figure out is where the phenomenon came from?? obviously it works!! i keep an open mind. also where does the "draconian" agenda came from???

looking back the concept of GOD never said anything,nothing was documented.. you see.. there is not much we can do. there is nothing. look around you no spiritual force lolz. our third eye has little to do with anything at least that is what they want us to believe!
have you noticed the dream of"jakiusfrog or was it jakkiusfogg" here on ats predicted the quake in japan?? when we sleep our brains produce dmts naturally?? do you not see the dots
its not the everyone can use these drugs and come out all enlightened..some brains cant handle but some can. now think about that.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by aqlpskwo

I have'nt realised just who's in charge? Sure I do. But you are obviously not one of those who will rise to the occation. You know the saying: Almost all people who do anything in your country have got something better to do. The tragedy is that they rarely do it. You strike me as one who falls in this catagory.

You think the illuminati and the freemasons has all the secrets? No they don't. Not even close. Let me tell you, what they do dabble in, they don't have a clue. The best is always kept until last and only the true rightous will know how to use it. Take that as a hint.

I don't know whats going to happen by this years' end nor do I know 2012 or even 2013 or 2014. No one does. If you feel you are loosing your liberty and freedom, well, what are YOU doing about it?

The rest of your post is nonsense. And I thought I'd better add, there are many people out there on prescribed medication for depression and other mental illnesses; without it, they not only could become a danger to themselves but also to others and society in general.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:02 AM
I just pray that you are sure what you say is correct....
Be well

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by aqlpskwo

Oh for God's sake, the 10 Commandments is not a tool to enslave anyone.

As for the elites thinking they are decendants from the high priests or pharaohs of Egypt is also nonsense. At best they are just inbreds....which explains why they are nutty as a fruit cake anyhow.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by rebeldog

i agree almost fully with what you said except the perplexed/lost/confused phase part. To me if you got that far and cant get over your still an idiot.

Its like doing some hardcore algebra equation
the really low IQ doesnt even try or try and then quits fast
the medium IQ can simplify the equation and make it solvable thats the confused stage part
the high IQ see it simplifies it then finishes it

not to be a shot at you but global society is okay with mediocrity so if you get to the perplexed phase you probably would be in the elite class. But to me if you arent first your last lol

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

you're too lazy too look for yourself. ive given you facts yet you say the rest is all nonsense
it figures why you dont get it. what am i doing about it? i wont tell ya.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

the 10 commandments are rules. rules it to keep a believer "down" and defenseless. it doesn't work that well anymore but still. everything written was used to take advantage of a "slave". in other words the rulers did THE exact opposite.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by aqlpskwo

You have'nt given me any facts at all, zero!

This is all based upon your imagination and opinions.

You're running the show here on this's not my job to source out your facts....thats YOUR job and you've given us nothing to go on.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by aqlpskwo

The 10 Commandments of Moses is actually common sense. If you can't abide by them then there's always the 7 Commandments of Noach. Unless of course you have something far more superior to a couple of the wisest men ever to walk the face of the don't strike me as anything even close to having any wisdom that these two great men had.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

so i havent given you facts? no names? ok..

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

you wouldnt know about moses and all that crap without religion. all based on sacrifice. massive killing and proving who is wrong or right. these characters real or not. it doesnt matter. are you a bel (baal) i eve r?

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