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Public enemy number one: Organised Religion.

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posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 10:37 AM

Public enemy number one: Organised Religion

This is where we need to begin, To uncover the truth behind the bigger pitcure that is religion..

This thread is not intended to offend anyone..I just want to shed some light on one of the worlds biggest, and arguably most controversial conspiracy's..

In the first part of this thread I will show you the true origns of Jesus Christ..

Background material about Yeshua of Nazareth

He is commonly referred to as Jesus Christ, although Yeshua or Joshua would be a more accurate name. "Christ" is not his last name; it is simply the Greek word for "Messiah," or "anointed one."

Theologians have discovered about 50 gospels which were widely used by Jewish Christian, Pauline Christian and Gnostic groups within the early Christian movement. Only four of these were chosen by the surviving group -- often called Pauline Christianity because of its basis in the teachings of Paul. It was these four that were included in the Bible.

Those four Gospels describe Jesus as An observant Jew, An itinerant native healer, An exorcist, A Jewish prophet, specially adopted by God, A magician, A rabbi/teacher who followed the liberal school of Jewish philosophy, A god-man who is Lord and Savior,

Yeshua is said to have been born in what are now the occupied territories -- formerly called Palestine - circa 4 to 7 BCE. Two of the Gospels say that Yeshua was born of a virgin; John seems to deny the possibility, and Mark is silent on the virgin birth.

Yeshua's ministry lasted for one year largely in the Gallilee (according to the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke) or a three year largely in Judea (according to the Gospel of John) ministry, starting when he was about 30 years old.

Most Christians believe that he was executed by the Roman occupying army, visited the underworld, was resurrected, spent either one or 40 days with his disciples (Gospel sources differ), and then ascended to heaven.

Most Christian denominations view Jesus as God, and as the Son of God, the second person in the Trinity. Muslims view him as a great prophet, second only to Muhammad. They believe that God is indivisible and that the Trinity concept is perhaps the greatest blasphemy one can believe in.

Many evangelical Christians view the four Gospels and the rest of books in the Bible as being inerrant and that their authors were inspired by God. The Gospels and other passages in the Bible are mostly interpreted literally, unless this is obviously not intended.

Background material about Horus

Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in the Ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists. These various forms may possibly be different perceptions of the same multi-layered deity in which certain attributes or syncretic relationships are emphasized, not necessarily in opposition but complementary to one another, consistent with how the Ancient Egyptians viewed the multiple facets of reality.

He was worshipped thousands of years before the first century CE -- the time when Jesus was ministering in the Galilee and/or Judea Horus was often represented as a stylized eye symbol, symbolizing the eye of a falcon. He was also presented "in the shape of a sparrow hawk or as a man"

He was considered to be the son of two major Egyptian deities: the God Osirus and and the Goddess Isis. In adulthood,

He avenged his father's murder, and became recognized as the God of civil order and justice. Each of the Egyptian pharaohs were believed to be the living embodiment -- an incarnation -- of Horus.

similarities between Jesus and Horus

There are an amazing number of identical or very similar life events, characteristics, and teachings shared by Horus and Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ). Horus was considered a god in ancient Egypt.

Jesus was considered A Jewish prophet by Jewish Christians in the first century CE, As a man-god by later Christians, and As history's second greatest prophet by Muslims.

If these points of similarity were between Horus and any other historical Jewish individual -- for example Pilate, the Procurator of Judea -- then there would be universal agreement that someone in ancient times had simply copied elements of Horus' story and falsely attributed them to Pilate. That is, both life stories would be myths -- events that never happened but which have great spiritual significance.

But Pilate was not involved. The first century CE individual was Yeshua of Nazareth! His story is found documented in in the Christian Scriptures -- the New Testament of the Bible.

How these points of coincidence are interpreted depends upon one's view of the Bible..

If it is viewed as an inerrant book, free of error, whose authors were inspired by God, then one would suspect that a massive fraud must have taken place. The events really formed part of Jesus' life because the Bible is free of error. Somehow the events were also attributed to Horus in Egypt for many centuries before Jesus' birth.

If the Bible is viewed as a historical document, like other cultures' holy books, then it is obvious that events in
Jesus' life were copied from stories that had been associated with Horus for many centuries before Jesus' birth. The events are fictional. Probably none actually happened in reality.

After removing these myths from the Gospel, there would be not much left of the stories other than an an account of:

  1. An exceptional Jewish itinerate preacher and native healer who had an uneventful birth,
  2. Who, at the age of about 35 gathered a small group of followers and toured the Galilee,
  3. Spread a type of reform Judaism that matched the teachings of Hillel from the first century BCE,
  4. Was convicted of aggravated assault in the Jerusalem temple,
  5. Was routinely executed for treason by the occupying Roman army, along with thousands of others in the first century CE.

There is a near consensus that Yeshua was born circa 4 to 7 BCE. By that time, stories from the life of Horus had been circulating for centuries before. If any copying occurred by the writers of the Egyptian or Christian religions, it was the myths and legends of Horus that were incorporated into Jesus' biography, not vice-versa.

Tom Harpur, an author, journalist, Anglican priest, and theologian, studied the works of three authors specialized in ancient Egyptian religion: Godfrey Higgins (1771-1834), Gerald Massey (1828-1907) and Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963).

Harpur incorporated some of their findings into his book "Pagan Christ." 1 He argued that all of the essential ideas of both Judaism and Christianity came primarily from Egyptian religion. Harpur writes, in his book:

"[Author Gerald] Massey discovered nearly two hundred instances of immediate correspondence between the mythical

Egyptian material and the allegedly historical Christian writings about Jesus. Horus indeed was the archetypal Pagan Christ." 2

Here is a list of life events for both Horus and Jesus

They were both conceived by a virgin
Both of there Foster father's ancestry, was of royal descent

Horus Father: Only begotten son of the God Osiris.
Jesus Father: Only begotten son of Yehovah (in the form of the Holy Spirit)

Horus Mother: Isis-Meri
Jesus Mother: Miriam (now often referred to as Mary)

Horus Foster father: Seb, (a.k.a. Jo-Seph)
Jesus Foster father: Joseph

Horus birth location: In a cave
Jesus: birth location: In a cave or stable

Horus Annunciation: By an angel to Isis, his mother
Jesus Annunciation: By an angel to Miriam, his mother

Horus Birth heralded by: The star Sirius, the morning star
Jesus Birth heralded by: An unidentified "star in the East

Horus Birth date: Ancient Egyptians paraded a manger and child representing Horus through the streets at the time of the winter solstice (about DEC-21). In reality, he had no birth date; he was not a human.

Jesus Birth date: Born during the fall. However, his birth date is now celebrated on DEC-25. The date was chosen to occur on the same date as the birth of Mithra, Dionysus and the Sol Invictus (unconquerable Sun), etc.

Both birth announcments were giving by angels.

Both Birth witnesses were shepherds

Horus Later witnesses to birth: Three solar deities.
Jesus Later witnesses to birth: An unknown number of wise men. they are said to have brought three gifts; thus the legend grew that there were three men.

Horus Death threat during infancy: Herut tried to have Horus murdered.
Jesus Death threat during infancy: Herod tried to have Jesus murdered.

How Horus threat was handled: The God That tells Horus' mother "Come, thou goddess Isis, hide thyself with thy child."
How Jesus Threat was handled: An angel tells Jesus' father to: "Arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt."

Horus Rite of passage ritual: Horus came of age with a special ritual, when his eye was restored.
Jesus Rite of passage ritual: Taken by parents to the temple for what is today called a bar mitzvah ritual.

Both were at the age of 12 for the ritual.

Both have a Break in life history between the ages of 12 and 30.

Horus Baptism location: In the river Eridanus.
Jesus Baptism location: In the river Jordan.

Both were at the age of 30 for the baptism.

Horus was Baptized by: Anup the Baptiser.
Jesus was Baptised by: John the Baptist, a.k.a. John the Baptist.

Both baptiser's were beheaded.

For more comparisons of life events please visit this link.

So now that you know the true history of Jesus Christ, lets move on to part two..

Religion: Social control.

religions were “created” by men or divine power to control the humanity. Otherwise, we as humans would have done things that were socially unacceptable. Religion in the past was an inseparable instrument of the state and law.

Religious traditions and beliefs were used to make laws and implement them on people. It was required in the past because otherwise humans would not have any other reasons to follow the state mandated laws. At this moment however, we do not need religion into state because we understand the value of the state and laws and the reasons for following them. We do not need a divine endorsements on our leaders because we “elect” these leaders into power. We have a system of state but in the past we did not have it..

So you see religion was created as a tool, to control people Both in good and bad ways.. This control using religion was required in the past and for the most part is still used today..

I wonder, When was the last time you swore on a holy bible ? Or when was the last time you swore to god ?..Now let me ask you did anything happing ? NO! You were not struck down by lightning for lying or, for any other reason..

The way i see it is this, The lightning being symbolic for the strking down of the judges hammer,to issue YOU a "proper" punishment.


Now to give credit were credit is due:

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by TechVampyre

I skimmed through this thread.I am quite sure you
will get lots of stars and flags for your "attack" on
christianity.I won't be one of them, but I can tell you
put a lot of work into this.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by TechVampyre

I skimmed through this thread.I am quite sure you
will get lots of stars and flags for your "attack" on
christianity.I won't be one of them, but I can tell you
put a lot of work into this.

This is not a attack on Christianity..Though I can see how it would be taking as such.

This is more of a attack on organised religion..And what it has done to our society.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:24 AM
I was really hoping you for an interesting read my friend. You started out against organised religion, which I hoped would lead to a refreshing insight, but ended up regurgitating the religion of zeitgeist.

Ho hum. I suppose free thinking is a bit difficult to come by these days.

Yes, there are similarities between Christ and other deities at the time. This is due to the influences of the Catholic Church and Romes attempts to create a "universal" church. It has nothing to do with who Christ actually was. A study of his teachings will reveal the stark contrast between Christ, the man, and the many other masks that have been put over him.

If you has studied what he taught, you will have found the TRUE revolutionary. You will have found the Man who had ORIGINAL thoughts that cannot be disputed to this very day. You will have discovered why it was so important for an Empire to usurp his teachings and hide them in paganistic ritual and ceremony. You will have discovered a Man who understood how to break free of organised religion and false governments that enslave the mind, body, and soul.

Instead, like countless others, you chose to describe the vessel, and not the flavor of the wine within it.

You could have done much better my friend.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
I was really hoping you for an interesting read my friend. You started out against organised religion, which I hoped would lead to a refreshing insight, but ended up regurgitating the religion of zeitgeist.

Ho hum. I suppose free thinking is a bit difficult to come by these days.

Yes, there are similarities between Christ and other deities at the time. This is due to the influences of the Catholic Church and Romes attempts to create a "universal" church. It has nothing to do with who Christ actually was. A study of his teachings will reveal the stark contrast between Christ, the man, and the many other masks that have been put over him.

If you has studied what he taught, you will have found the TRUE revolutionary. You will have found the Man who had ORIGINAL thoughts that cannot be disputed to this very day. You will have discovered why it was so important for an Empire to usurp his teachings and hide them in paganistic ritual and ceremony. You will have discovered a Man who understood how to break free of organised religion and false governments that enslave the mind, body, and soul.

Instead, like countless others, you chose to describe the vessel, and not the flavor of the wine within it.

You could have done much better my friend.

With Love,

Your Brother

I highly respect your option,

But the thread was to point out the fact that society, today is based off of the existence of a being that can not..And will not ever be proved..

We base our society and, life's around such a being, all major things such as judgement and wars are based around the teachings of a man that possibly never existed to begin with.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:36 AM
While there are often many many claims of simmilarities between horus and jesus there are in fact very little. Horus's mother isis was not a virgin she was married to Osiris and she had sex with his dead body or just penis to create him.
There were no “three wise men” at Horus’ birth
Horus was born in a swamp not a cave
Seb was Osiris’ father, not Horus’.
There is not tie between "seb" and joseph
Horus was never baptized so there is no “Anup the baptiser” in the story.
I could go on but that stuff is just outright lies and misunderstandings, try to find any of this stuff about horus from a neutral source, that is find this stuff on horus from a place that is not saying that horus= jesus. If it is true should be pretty easy to find right? Egyptian book of the dead is a good start

Religion in the past was an inseparable instrument of the state and law.

No..... In some places maybe but for the most part no. Homosexuality was outlawed in Rome long before the christians took over as one example.

religions were “created” by men or divine power to control the humanity.

Kind of like spreading the jesus=horus BS story? Tell people a bunch of lies then try to tell them their religion is just for control? Like your lies are better than theirs

edit on 23-3-2011 by Darkk because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2011 by Darkk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:45 AM
Organised religions.....The biggest SCAM in the history of mankind .

They brainwash their believers.
They prey upon the weak.
They don't pay a single penny/cent in taxes.
They hoard wealth , knowledge , important literature and works of art , that belong to the masses.

Here in the UK , churches are closing becuase of a lack of congregations.

Western organised religions will stop at nothing , including blatant hypocrasy, in an attempt to swell their dwindling masses .

Let's not forget the amount of wars that have been fought in the name of RELIGION .

Just my opinions


posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by TechVampyre
I highly respect your option,

But the thread was to point out the fact that society, today is based off of the existence of a being that can not..And will not ever be proved..

The reason why is because despite the very many different ways of understanding the truth, the overwhelming majority KNOW there is something greater than themselves. It is so great that it manifests in an infinite number of ways through out time. The minority that refuse to accept this as possible will NEVER out number those that do.

Why? Because that which we know is greater than us, IS part of us and will not allow himself to be forgotten.


You may say "Well that is illogical and unreasonable". To that I will say, so what. How can man reason the infinite?

Originally posted by TechVampyre
We base our society and, life's around such a being, all major things such as judgement and wars are based around the teachings of a man that possibly never existed to begin with.

Who cares if he existed? Does it matter? Shakespeare may not have been the author of his plays, does that make them any less remarkable?

Look what the Man was trying to teach my friend. Look at his truth. Look!

"The Kingdom of God is within you"

God is within you. No one has a right to tell you what God is or if he even exists. God is within you and God will tell you about himself according to what he needs you to do. If he wants you to disbelieve in him, then he has a purpose for that. It is not our place to judge one another!

"Judge not, lest ye be judged"

No one has a right to set morality for another. We were born naked and without offence and so should we be free to walk this earth. No man has a right to cast judgement, none.

"Love one another"

This is all we should do. Nothing else is required of God. When we do not do this, the judgement of God comes upon us. We fight and war against one another. We seek to oppress and enslave one another. We do horrible things to one another when we violate this law.

There is so much more to the man who was Jesus, even if he wasn't Jesus at all. What matters is what he taught. He was anti organised religion and anti government, and if you just took the time to understand him, you would see the way out of this cruel vicious world we have allowed to be created.

Call him Mickey Mouse if you like. His truth is the truth.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by TechVampyre

The problem isn't organized religion. It is fundamentalist monotheism. Once a group says their god is the only god it leads to at its best strife and at its worst genocide. If the monotheistic religions of the world could agree that no one knows what happens when we die except the dead... and they aren't telling... Religious persecution and conflict ends immediately.

So continue to BELIEVE whatever you like, but add Agnostic before your religion, because you don't KNOW and neither does anyone else.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by TechVampyre

We may never have tangible proof in this life, but as far as what we base our society on, the messages of living in love with each other are a fine thing to base our society on as far as being truthful, not stealing from others, not killing, helping those in need, etc. It's just that we often fail to live up to this.

Humans aren't perfect. Generally we do have a good sense of what's right and wrong, though. Sometimes we get major things like judgement right. Sometimes not. As for wars, I've seen so many blame them on religion. It ends up being the scapegoat for what is ultimately human failing (greed, pride/arrogance, tendency to violence/extremism, bigotry) that leads to a thirst for domination or general inability to accept/resolve differences and get along. Yes, even those who claim a religion aren't immune to these failings. Nor are they able to see that these things go against the very core messages of living in love with others.

edit on 23-3-2011 by Ariel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by gandalphthegrey

Let's not forget the amount of wars that have been fought in the name of RELIGION .

What about all the innocent people that were slaughtered by atheist dictators? I'll take george Bush over Stalin, kim jung ill and pol pot any day of the week.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

The reason we should care if he existed is the fact that society has been lied to since day one on the subject..
I don't know about you..but i don't like being lied too.

And yes there is a strong message in his teachings..A message that has been distorted and twisted out of it's original context to control society today..I call this society's fear net..

Religion has been distorted and turned into a game for profit, and personal comfort.

Why should a man's life be judged based upon the principles of a man that never existed ? you tell me.. I see it as un-just..

A human life holds far more emotional value then, a fabricated fairy tale based off of a Egyptian myth..

When you look at it like this it all makes perfect since..

Perfect way to control society "put the fear of god in them"

edit on 23-3-2011 by TechVampyre because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:13 PM
Im just gonna wait for THEM to try and clarify this all... Because its so minipulative to treat populations with such ignorance as far as the lies, when all that was wanted was trust and guidance. Now we got a world lost trying its best to find a way to our past. Why potentials sit in the midst trying to figure out where they fit in as well... Its actually calling the need for universal balance..

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:13 PM
The only thing that got me about monotheisim is the hypocracy of it all. Like the ancients had zeus as the main god then you had all the other gods like the god of war,water and blah blah blah. But when someone feels they need to they pray on the patron sain of ______ and that is "in no way close to polytheisim"
edit on 23-3-2011 by Darkk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by TechVampyre

This is more of a attack on organised religion..And what it has done to our society.

So you started with saying that it is not your intention to offend anyone yet your title clearly states "public ENEMY number one". Then you admit saying it IS an "attack". You contradict yourself.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by TechVampyre
The reason we should care if he existed is the fact that society has been lied to since day one on the subject..
I don't know about you..but i don't like being lied too.

And yes there is a strong message in his teachings..A message that has been distorted and twisted out of it's original context to control society today..I call this society's fear net..

So society has been lied to. This is true, but who is at fault? The Bible has been printed more than any other book in history. It is disseminated freely by many organisations around the world. It is in hotel rooms every where. If people have been deceived, it is because they have allowed it.

I am not a wise man. I just know how to read and I looked at what Christ said myself. I did not let anyone else tell me, I went to the source.

So should everyone who is sincerely in search of the truth.

Originally posted by TechVampyre
Religion has been distorted and turned into a game for profit, and personal comfort.

Religion profits off of the laziness of man. Do you know that men gave their life so that the Bible would be available to all? It use to be held strictly under lock and key and only the priest class was allowed to actually read it. There is a reason for this. The teachings of Christ are teachings of absolute freedom!

Originally posted by TechVampyre
Why should a man's life be judged based upon the principles of a man that never existed ? you tell me.. I see it as un-just..

No one has a right to judge another. Love one another is the law because it is self evident. If you live a life of hate, what happens? You destroy.

Originally posted by TechVampyre
A human life holds far more emotional value then, a fabricated fairy tale based off of a Egyptian myth..

Again, Christ taught against a religious hierarchy. His life was lead viewing all as equal. This is what he was crucified for. You are believing the ramblings of a group who cannot even tell you what Christ taught, but rather focus on lies and diversions.

Do not be lead simply because you find the leader more admirable than others. It is only because they tell you what you want to hear that you follow them.

Stand up and be a King!!

Do your own research. Read what Christ actually said. Think it over, reason it. Then make a decision on whether what was said is true.

Christ came into this world to teach mankind how to be Kings and Queens over themselves.

I am come to remind ALL what he taught.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Darkk
The only thing that got me about monotheisim is the hypocracy of it all. Like the ancients had zeus as the main god then you had all the other gods like the god of war,water and blah blah blah. But when someone feels they need to they pray on the patron sain of ______ and that is "in no way close to polytheisim"
edit on 23-3-2011 by Darkk because: (no reason given)

Well, there's definitely a major distinction between ancient gods and the saints.

The ancient gods, like zeus, aphrodite, etc. were all viewed as gods. They were all said to have powers of a god and used those powers to affect human events.

Patron saints are in no way gods. They are people, humans, who lived good lives and are said to be in Heaven with God after their deaths. Nobody views them as having the powers of God. Not by any stretch at all! Their intercession may be requested during prayer, and that request involves basically saying "Can you pray to God for/with me for this intention?" It's no different than asking friends or family to pray for you...but the prayers of a saint in Heaven is probably going to be more effective. Because they've done God's will in their lives, God's going to be more likely to listen to them when they make a request on your behalf

Hope that helps explain the difference.
edit on 23-3-2011 by Ariel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by TitaniumL

Originally posted by TechVampyre

This is more of a attack on organised religion..And what it has done to our society.

So you started with saying that it is not your intention to offend anyone yet your title clearly states "public ENEMY number one". Then you admit saying it IS an "attack". You contradict yourself.

NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND CHRISTIANS.. how could you be offended by what i said, this is clearly a attack on a structured organized religion.. set up to control people like you and me.. If you find this offensive then you do not have to participate..

It was not meant to be taking the way the first poster's perceived it.. It is kind of hard to have a debate without anyone getting offended on this topic.. you should know that

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by TechVampyre

It was not meant to be taking the way the first poster's perceived it.. It is kind of hard to have a debate without anyone getting offended on this topic.. you should know that

It is even harder when your facts are made up

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I do apologize for this, But this is not a attack on religion.. it is a attack on ORGANISED RELIGION.. Again, This thread is trying to prove the fact that we can not prove whether or not Jesus Christ has ever existed..

The average person would say he existed no questions asked. When the truth is it can not, and will never be proven. THAT IS FACT.

This is not a attack on the holy bible. Or any of it's teachings..

Please re-read what i posted.. and look at it under this light..

The post was trying to point out that it is RIDICULOUS at best to leave any decision of fate, or anything for that matter in the hands of a being that's existence can not be proven..

This is more about the idea of government and god being brought together..

The idea of religion is not the enemy..It is what religion was turned into that is however.

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