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Compasses going crazy...Theories and Research

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posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Phage

Quoted from Phage: "Does setting the declination cause the needle to point toward true north or does it move a bezel? It's only the needle we're concerned with."

It doesn't really matter. The bezel is there because it has the ordinal direction markings. What would be the practicality of a using compass that has no ordinal markings (since we're not discussing emergency measures here)? If there's an issue with the compass reading slightly east of a known direction (north in this thread's case), it going to be noticed with or without declination set because it's still a magnetic compass. So, again, I'm afraid I don't understand your comment.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Tecumte

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by Blaine91555

Every compass that is wrong is pointing wrong the same way.

Sure - that's possible. But then, odds are that that is even more strange.

Aeons, are you sure they are all pointing wrong the same way? I was under the impression from reading earlier posts in this thread that some were pointing NW some E some NE ect. was this just due to the location of the person measuring though, and not corrected for location, I would have to go back through the thread. Also I was under the impressoin a few contributers posted pretty fair swings in the readings even in slightly different directions even in a relatively short time frame. Anyone recall and has anyone been keeping track?

I posted a 'general' compass reading from Mid Missouri not long ago that relayed that I couldn't see any difference in N here from where I ususally expect it to be. This wasn't meant to be scientific on my part, but I shall try and get a more accurate measurement and see just how many (if any ) degrees it is off. I just recently had my rural property surveyed with a N/S line across an open field and I think the surveyors had the coordinates listed in an official survey, Possibly I can use that as a reference and see how far off my compass is anyone have thought on that?

I took my compass out yesterday, when I did errands. The magnetic North is different in my community than when I went to two other communities. Previously, I have gone to stores that I know have compasses, and put all their compasses out and looked. In those cases, they were all off. Yesterday, only the reading my specific community was off out of the four places I checked.
edit on 2011/3/23 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by MadDogtheHunter
Mad Dog, These are the readings of the Magnectic North by HAARP, It is amazing that you noticed that something was screwy. HAARP shows that Magnectic North has gone Srewy! So it is not Just us !

The "H" component (black trace) is positive magnetic northward

The "D" component (red trace) is positive eastward
The "Z" component (blue trace) is positive downward


- and sure enough a major downward deflection of the North axis - and this could be coincident to a largish quake to happen shortly...dunno.


posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL


And that is believable to you? Sounds pretty farfetched to me, got any credible sources on that?

Well folks.. that magnet is old.
There's beefier one here in Florida.

The strongest man-made magnet in the world, located at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Fl, has a strength of about 45 Tesla. That's almost 1 million times stronger than the earth's magnetic field.

See link, here:

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:30 PM
Hey has anyone dropped their compas on the floor and took a video of it.

I call bunk. I checked mine 4 days in a row at 4 different times and every time it was the same.

Now I do believe we are shifting fields but I don't see it at the rate people are saying it is going crazy.

I did notice last month that I had the strangest feeling I ever had.

It was a split second of feeling as I was on a roller coaster. Like a flash of that feeling it was weird.

I'm like wow I must have gotten something like a bug. The thow up bug you no. But it was a split second of the feeling. I think I might of o=posted about it some where to the effect of hey did anyone just feel that.

Just think our body is electrically charged. Don't believe me get a multimeter and put it on mV and place the leads over your body and take measurements. That is voltage present across the leads. Just like you heart what do you think twitches the heart musle like that..

I wonder what effects high magnetic field has with the flow of current/electricity circuitry inside ourt brains.

I'm sure magnetic fields plays a big part in our daily live in more ways we can ever imagine.

My 2 pennies...

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Let's try this. If you're not too shy about anyone knowing your general location, pick a fairly straight street somewhere. Go there. Get out of your car, use your magnetic compass and take a bearing down the street.

Let us know the bearing and the location (address) of the location. Google Earth will do the rest.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by tomten

Lol yep, someone already bitchslapped the ignorance out of me on that statement. I made the aSSumption that the size of the earth meant it was really strong, and made a total ass of myself in that case

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:36 PM
Since HAARP is showing Magnetic North is going Haywire, The earthquakes here in Arkansas has picked up and North Alabama, had 2 quakes also.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Aeons

Let's try this. If you're not too shy about anyone knowing your general location, pick a fairly straight street somewhere. Go there. Get out of your car, use your magnetic compass and take a bearing down the street.

Let us know the bearing and the location (address) of the location. Google Earth will do the rest.

I can do that! I can't do it today - work, parent-teacher interviews, kids extracurricular activities. But I can do it over the next couple of days.

If anyone else comes up with something I can do that'll help with "proof" or proving that I've done something wrong - I'll keep reading.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Aeons
The Fact that HAARP, is showing Magnetic North in the last few days has really going crazy, so that should show to at least some of these people that compasses going crazy it not because we don't know what we are doing. But then some will say that HAARP is wrong. But at least we are not alone.

LINK to HAARP Magnometer Readings. Alaska

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by kdog1982

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by kdog1982

Sound does not affect electrons.

Exciting the electrons of an atom does not not create a magnetic "charge" (there is no such thing).

There is some evidence that earthquakes may be associated with fluctuations of the Earth's magnetic field. The fluctuations are very slight (requiring very sensitive instruments to detect them).

Then why would HAARP use a fluxgate magnetometer and an induction magnetometer to study the
effects on the ionosphere when they shoot their radio waves at it.To study the effects on the magnetosphere.
Sound waves and radio waves are two different things.
So I was just wondering if they were doing that,if it might,someway affect a compass.

HAARP uses the induction magnetometer to read the data. Not transmit.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:53 PM
One thing I would love to see... are those who saw they compasses change. What time did that change happen approximately?? This would be an immense help.

On a separate note, my real compass is showing 20-25 degree deviations from my iphone4 compass. When I was at home it was deviated 20 degrees East, now that I'm at work it's deviated 15 degrees west. I'm looking at it right now and the needle is waving back and forth as much as 20 degrees.

The normal deviation is supposed to be 14 degrees east.

I'm in Northern California, very close to San Francisco

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by coolottie
reply to post by Aeons
The Fact that HAARP, is showing Magnetic North in the last few days has really going crazy, so that should show to at least some of these people that compasses going crazy it not because we don't know what we are doing. But then some will say that HAARP is wrong. But at least we are not alone.

LINK to HAARP Magnometer Readings. Alaska

Well - somethings goofy.

I'm willing to be wrong.
So I'm willing to put up so people can check me. I can't figure out why HAARP showing Mag.North to be doing goofy things would mean that Mag.North would be different in different areas.

I'm game to other recommendations - Southern Alberta has just about the most known stratigraphy in the world. I can probably find maps of what's under the ground, since some people have suggested fault lines.

Hell, I see that someone has been searching for a map of ley lines in alberta on Google. It came up as the top suggestion. I don't have a map, but yes there is apparently a major ley line through Calgary.
Last I heard you can find it intersecting "Nose Hill." (I have no opinion on the concept of Ley Lines. I merely know quite of few people who've been interested in them. I can find no consistent concept of what they are supposed to be.)
edit on 2011/3/23 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Frater210

Now, go find Polaris.

Polaris has not always been the North Star. It moves...
Does the North Star ever move?

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by tomten

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Frater210

Now, go find Polaris.

Polaris has not always been the North Star. It moves...
Does the North Star ever move?

I still haven't found out if the earthquakes in Chile, and Japan that moved the planet's axis moved the North-South axis. If the N/S axix moves, shouldn't Polaris have moved a bit? But then, maybe the planet being shook off its axis a bit wasn't the N-S axis.

edit to add: Okay, apparently the axis the planet moved on is the figure axis.
edit on 2011/3/23 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Phage
I had a question at the first of the thread, Would the anomolies in the Magnectic Field cause earthquakes or would earthquakes cause the Field anomolies ? You know your stuff, and I would trust your opinion or theory.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by remembering

HI, first time poster from s az. I took compass readings last night and again today and north seems to be
north still. I wonder if anyone has compiled this map with the strange noise map from another thread I have been following. That loud jet, air, furnace noise occurs here also, last monday (i know cuz we were watching House, the only tv i watch btw) and I opened the window to hear it better, anyway sorry if I am off topic, but they seem connected maybe, but N is N anyway (actual city tucson)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Frater210

The Big Dipper (Ursa Major) is in the northeast but it should have been well risen by the time it got dark. The pointer stars should be level with or a bit above Polaris.

Polaris is quite a bit from The Big Dipper.
How to find Polaris

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by coolottie

The magnetometer does not show that magnetic north has gone crazy. It shows very small fluctuations in the strength of the magnetic field.

Please notice the magnetometer readings for 3/19, the date this thread started. Pretty flat except for some activity at about 12:00, right?

Please notice the strength of the variation, today it's gone to about 350nT. 350nT is about 0.6% the overall strength of the magnetic field. A magnetic compass will not show such a small change. It takes a sensitive instrument like a magnetometer to do so.

Please notice that in 2000 the magnetometer was demonstrating the same sort of activity. There is nothing unusual about it.

There is scant evidence that geomagnetic activity influences earthquakes or vice versa.

edit on 3/23/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by tomten

Yes, it is.
But the pointer stars (on the Big Dipper) are helpful in finding Polaris.

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