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Help me crack the secrets of the Illuminati from these forgotten paintings?

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posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:02 PM
Hello all. This is no illuminati bashing thread but a mere task which I hope people can help contribute to.
Apparently there is this website which claims to be written by a former illuminati member and contains literally vast amounts of information on economics, politics, science, philosophy and religion. (under François de Nomé in the left panel)

There is this section on the website (link above) about a mysterious French painter François de Nomé (1593 – 1620) and how he painted a couple of stuff which supposedly contain secrets about the illuminati. The website even claims NO ONE has ever come close to crack the true meaning of the paintings.
These are the supposed paintings to be looked at (YOU WILL NEED TO ZOOM IN TO SEE THE PAINTINGS IN MORE DETAIL, CLT + WORKS FOR ME):

(1)King Asa of Judah Destroying the Idols

(2)The Tomb of Solomon

(3)Martyrdom of a Saint

(4)Belisarius Recognised by one of his Soldiers

(5)Landscape with Roman Ruins

(6)A View of Venice

(7)A Fantastic Architectural View

(8)Fantastic Ruins with St. Augustine and the Child

The painting themselves are quite extraordinary even if you think this illuminati thing is a hoax. They depict post -apocalyptic and surreal scenes. This painter was not very well known by the mainstream and his work was not that influential at that time.
So far I tried to examine the paintings and was astonished to find occult symbolism in a few. The others, I was hoping you guys can help me out on. Please mind the quality as they are like 400 years old!
So this is what I found after being really conservative with my examining:

Belisarius Recognised by one of his Soldiers

• Devils/Ox’s head on the ground just to the lower left of the red clocked old man.

• Half-man, half-goat (satyrs) statues to the near far right of the painting. Seemed to be restrained or hanged?

• Serpant looking statue to the far left of the painting

Martydom of a saint

• Blatent devil image in the air just in the top middle left

Fantastic architectural view:

• Devils head in chalk – lower far right

• Dogs/hounds from hell/tartarus – what are they called again?

Fantastic Ruins with St. Augustine

• Scary face in ruins – tower above ruined boat

• Statues holding babies

• On top of highest tower- scary looking cat eyes

View of Venice

• Why is there greek/Egyptian tireme (ships) in 16th century Venice?

The Tomb of Solomon

- To the right you can see a sort of pyramid of power. At the bottom you see normal people being seduced by music and entertainment. On top you see people possibly guards looking down at the people below. And right at the top you see two people who are possibly the "elite" and looking down at all.

So far thats what I have found so far. I have no clue what they mean so I was hoping if you guys can help me crack this.
edit on 19-3-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: links

edit on 19-3-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: new interpretations - Tomb of Solomon

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:03 PM
Argh didn't get the images to show up in the thread!!

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:16 PM
Found a larger image for you, but I did not circle the spot.

"• Scary face in ruins – tower above ruined boat"

edit on 19-3-2011 by InvisibleAlbatross because: (no reason given)

ETA: Even in the larger image, it's tough to see. However, something looks weird there.
edit on 19-3-2011 by InvisibleAlbatross because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
Found a larger image for you, but I did not circle the spot.

"• Scary face in ruins – tower above ruined boat"

edit on 19-3-2011 by InvisibleAlbatross because: (no reason given)

Yeah its hard to see even when zoomed in as it becomes pixelated. But they are not hard to miss.
edit on 19-3-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: NRG

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

After zooming, looks like a skull. Hmm.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

Hey, thanks for your work, this is really interesting! I'll come back and edit my post after I have read through..

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

After zooming, looks like a skull. Hmm.

yeah I know. These paintings contain hidden imagery of the occult mostly. Have no clue what they mean though.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:40 PM
Mayybe just me and I'm running on a limb. I think the images are in a timeline format. Maybe what it means is that the Illuminati idea originated in Egypt/Greece, and their plan was to overthrow Europe, and I'm guessign this guy painted what would be Europe if they had succeeded. I think a saw Solomon's tomb being destroyed in one of the pictures couldn't tell. i think the middle series of pictures depicts a war (Greece and Egypt? Vs Rome and ?) in which Roman forces destroy greek idols, and maybe some Egyptian thing to do with the dogs? maybe summoning the devil? Again, I am running on a limb here, and these paintings could have more of a subtle theme trying to get across. Great thread.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:46 PM
after looking at the second picture i immediately thought of 'Beneath The Planet Of The Apes'(which i haven't seen since i like 10) where they worshiped a big nuclear missile in their underground bases...and wow i just realized how much that video 'could' be related to predicted future, and past nuclear events as have been scientifically proven in modern history...hmmm who wrote/produced those movies? i and going to look that up now... anyhow yeah nuclear missile.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:54 PM
New interpretation of The Tomb of Solomon:

To the right you can see a sort of pyramid of power. At the bottom you see normal people being seduced by music and entertainment. On top you see people possibly guards looking down at the people below. And right at the top you see two people who are possibly the "elite" and looking down at all.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 10:25 AM
I'm definitely not an expert, but from what I know from the AC site I think I might be able to gleam some truth from them. Still I am probably mangling the true meaning of them.

1.) The physical world is a construct of the Demiurge and as such idols are of the demiurge as well. By destroying idols they are in essence destroying pieces of the demiurge and turning towards the true non-material god. I also see a statue of an Ares like individual in the back and to the side it could possible be a statue of Mithras with the bull or that is just a statue of Apis and a random person.

2.) The 2 men on top are holding bulls and that may represent Mithras or they are holding goats for sacrifice. The man on the bottom is standing on top of a king. So that fits in with the whole royalty is evil message of the Illuminati.

3.) A desolate looking town. Perhaps the saint is us and that is what the physical world truly looks like, but just as we deem martyrdom as something amazing and heroic it is still death. I guess it would mean being enthralled in the material world may gain you recognition, but your letting your spiritual self die.

4.) Well depending on who Basileus is in this painting I have 2 meaning for it. 1. If Basileus is on the ground he is surrounded by men who all look the same. So that would mean that Basileus is the same as everyone else and that his royal blood makes him no different than any other man. 2. If he is the one in the scraggly clothes about to be thrown off the building then you can interpret it as the soldier finally realizing that he serves a wicked man worse than himself. Someone who doesn't deserve to lead and is actually the worst among his subjects.

5.) Even though Rome was a beautiful, rich civilization it still fell. So basically the whole material world is not everlasting nor as important as the spiritual world explanation.

6.) First I'd like to point out that the ship is probably a venetian galley which was definitely in use by Venice. Perhaps the boat is the Bucintoro. Here is a picture of it: It's a boat made of gold that celebrates wealth. So that would be the opposite of the Illuminati. So this may represent the current world and the OWO.

7.) This one is quite weird. It's a beautiful, rich city, but below it is ruins. Maybe it is about the blight of the workers. We do all the hard work, but we live in bad neighborhoods and suffer poverty, while the rich just live off us and live the best lives possible. It appears the peasants are uprising and throwing the nobles into the ruins to be eaten by predators(Tigers?). The working man will also now inhabit the rich section. So it can mean that once we overthrow the rich there will be no poverty and we will all live in wealth and beauty.

8.) Some background info: "In a vision Saint Augustine saw a child trying to empty the sea into a hole dug in the sand; when Augustine told him that this was impossible, the child replied that Augustine was engaged on the equally impossible task of explaining the Trinity." The Illuminati is anti Christianity so this one is hard to explain. While they talk about the trinity the entire city is falling apart. It appears that the buildings with statues of people ascending on them are not. The statues are plain and gray compared to the golden ones in the rich building. So the poor will spiritually ascend? Interesting enough on the pillar is a bull and a man. That may point to Mithras. The mysteries of Mithras were created and back by the Illuminati themselves so it may say that the Illuminati themselves are the only ones who hold the truth and the way towards enlightenment. It also appears St Augustine is completely unaware of his surroundings. So that may point to Christianity having the wrong answer and being oblivious to the poison that is wealth.

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