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Do we have the Illuminati all wrong?

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posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:02 PM
Well, my first thread guys, try not to hate me so much! If this is in the wrong section, mods, please move. And please voice your opinions, I really want to hear what you guys think! It's actually the reason I made an ATS account.

But, heres the deal;

I have been lurking on ATS for quite some time now, ever since I woke up a while ago, I have been researching the Illuminati, the New World Order, FEMA, 9/11, all of these conspiracies that are actually plausible. For the longest time, I was convinced that the Illuminati controlled everything, wanted to take away freedom, and keep the world for themselves, along with the secrets about the human soul, and who we actually are.

I have always felt that the world isn't right. I have felt that there is so much more than living for the system. To only get to enjoy yourself on the weekends, and have fun with buddies when the time calls for it. While I believe in a system of equality, and support some aspects about society, I do NOT support the government, corporate media, or any of this garbage that is designed to keep us entertained. It just doesn't seem right, getting up at 5:00 am to go do garbage Math problems at school. Haha, no I am not being lazy, I seriously don't see the point in learning unimportant things in high school.

It makes me sad that no one around me will see it how I do. I mean, my friends have a sense of knowing the government is evil, but they don't know the exact reasons of the system, or what they are hiding from us.

But onto the topic of the thread, is the Illuminati really evil? I thought for the longest time they were pure evil, banking, snivelling, ferrets. They only want the money, they are consumed by greed, and they want the human race to be enslaved. But if you really think about it, it doesn't all make sense.

There is a web site, that has been circulating for a while, and there are a few threads on this, but the discussion has died down, and is off track, so I figured I would make a new thread. But this site claims that the Illuminati are actually good people, that want to end the enslavement of the Human race, and they are against government and modern society. They just want to wake everyone up, and tell the people who and what they actually are. Heres the site;

Now, I know you have been told that the Illuminati are horrible, and they are the cause of most of the garbage in today's society. But what if the system (Bankers, politicians, kings, generals, wealthy billionaires...etc) want to keep the human race dumbed down, so they can stay in power. What if the current system isn't part of the Illuminati, but they are actually fighting them, to keep a grasp on Humanity. It sounds like a wacky theory, but if you think about it, it actually fits.

Of course, you should factor in the mud slinging

The current system is evil. Hands down. So why would they not lie, and fabricate things about the people trying to bring them down? What if the Illuminati are on our side, just we have been duped into thinking incorrectly. Just try to see it from a third person point of view.

Its the reason the System puts horrible things in our food, they make it seem like it's okay to eat meat, they sensitize children to violence, and make TV their friend. It's why every 10 minutes there are commercials about pointless junk, that is designed to keep us occupied, while making money off us in the process. It's why they put fluoride in our water supply, they want to destroy our Pineal gland, and make it inactive. Why they make conspiracy theorists out to be nutjobs, and why they rig all of the political leaders. In reality, the world is run by 6,000 people. They all want to stay in power, and keep the bloodlines wealthy.

but, the Illuminati are here to try and derail that, which is why it looks like they are so evil. It looks like they are trying to break society, and harm humans. But that is the exact opposite of what they want to do! They explain a lot;

-How every religion is fake, and is designed to control the masses
-How government has brainwashed the majority of people into a material world
-How the government (or the system if you prefer) is hiding the secrets about what the human race is
-How the current system is designed to keep wealthy on top, and slaves on bottom
-And how they want to end this disgusting way of life.

People have been lied to for so long, it's almost impossible to wake them up. And some of the theories out there give shame to the true conspiracies. They make it seem like it's so outrageous to think differently.

They don't want people to be unique, they want everyone to pay their taxes, and eat their genetically processed meat, and drink their sweet Aspartame.

They also go into detail about evolution, and the final stages of conciousness. This is kinda a really bad summary of this, I'm just a scatterbrained teenager, but really, consider this. I am not saying I believe in this, just it is really interesting.

There aren't very many people I can talk to about this, so ATS is the perfect alternative! Let me know if I missed anything, I just kinda pounded this out

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:07 PM
There is a lot of information on this website, and it definitely flips things upside down. They encourage approaching all of the information they provide with skepticism. Thanks for the link!

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:13 PM
Thanks, and no problem!

There is definitely a lot to process, and I still haven't gone through the whole thing yet, I don't even know if I will, but it is really interesting

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:14 PM
I'm trying to examine the paintings given on that website. Would be helpful if anyone can help me out:

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:15 PM
Congrats. You got to the same mindset I have. For me, it's hard to keep it because let's admit it, it's far easier to fear then to accept things as 'good'. The Illuminati follow the principles of Ancient Egypt, the eye representing illumination. They are somehow allowing us to become illuminated as we are pretty much initiates right now. Noone's ego wants to freely admit that, but we are like the Egyptians that meditated in 3 days of darkness with nothing, to become illuminated, to clear the mind.

Maybe they are evil, maybe not. But I highly doubt that actually worship evil entities because evil is not evil as it is perceived, but learning and growth. And when change comes, it's considered to be fearful. So ya, I agree with your theory. I don't support Big Brother but I can see the grand picture of all of this as humanity is guided into illumination of who we really are, spiritual beings. First it started off as the serpent slithered into the garden and showed us freewill, we're at this point where humanity seems to be shifting into something, but I know and feel the old system isn't going to be spinning soon enough. A change be coming. A change that'll rattle fanatic's beliefs as they face themselves through the pain of giving all their energy to some made up entity.

But who knows, maybe it's a bigger elaborate scheme to mind control us all and then suck our blood and brains.. See how easy it is to fear? All it takes is one sentence and you have a whole explanation for fear. It takes a paragraph, maybe more, to even try to see the good.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by OneLife
Congrats. You got to the same mindset I have. For me, it's hard to keep it because let's admit it, it's far easier to fear then to accept things as 'good'. The Illuminati follow the principles of Ancient Egypt, the eye representing illumination. They are somehow allowing us to become illuminated as we are pretty much initiates right now. Noone's ego wants to freely admit that, but we are like the Egyptians that meditated in 3 days of darkness with nothing, to become illuminated, to clear the mind.

Maybe they are evil, maybe not. But I highly doubt that actually worship evil entities because evil is not evil as it is perceived, but learning and growth. And when change comes, it's considered to be fearful. So ya, I agree with your theory. I don't support Big Brother but I can see the grand picture of all of this as humanity is guided into illumination of who we really are, spiritual beings. First it started off as the serpent slithered into the garden and showed us freewill, we're at this point where humanity seems to be shifting into something, but I know and feel the old system isn't going to be spinning soon enough. A change be coming. A change that'll rattle fanatic's beliefs as they face themselves through the pain of giving all their energy to some made up entity.

But who knows, maybe it's a bigger elaborate scheme to mind control us all and then suck our blood and brains.. See how easy it is to fear? All it takes is one sentence and you have a whole explanation for fear. It takes a paragraph, maybe more, to even try to see the good.

Super thumbs up for you my friend!

I could not have said it better myself. People won't ever be able to see it though, they think they are free all ready. Honestly, getting up and doing mindless tasks for 8 hours a day seems like slave labor to me. And were rewarded with fake valuables that control us more. It's the perfect system, and it is really hard to sort out.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by WillNiendick

Hi There!

I have studied the subject of Illuminati for many years now. My conclusion is that they do not exist anymore and have not done so for many centuries.

The modern notion of Illuminati I believe is a deliberate hoax. It is a fabricated Bogey Man to trap the attention of anyone who is trying to find out what is really happening in the circles of power. It is a fiction and a deliberate falsification to keep searching minds in yet another box, an illusion. Just like aliens, reptilians, etc. These are all what one might refer to as psyops.

The very real and grave truth is that there are indeed a minority of rich and powerful men who are gaining ever increasing power over many countries of the world. Slowly and surely they are treading down all opposition; Libya being the latest example. Indeed they are ruthless, but entirely human.

Be careful and don't get tricked. Remember the Bankers during WW11 who funded BOTH SIDES.

If ever there is a rival force to take down this current system it will be taken down by this current system and replaced with another system that is the same system as before. Hope you get my point!

Bankers exist, Elite wealthy men exist, Freemasonry exists. These are real! So is the power the wield over their "subjects". The only way I can explain this after all these years of study is that there are Angels of good and Angels of evil. There are men who are good and there are men who are evill!

yours M.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by houseoftheangels

Thanks for your input, I am glad to see someone with a different point of view

But I have been treading on that view for a while, I just can't be sure though. I think there has to be some force, or group that orchestrates things. 9/11 for example, there is just no way that it wasn't an inside job. It's just too much to dismiss

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:30 PM
I see your point and I understand how that may be true, but I still disagree. First off, I have a problem taking any information from a website boasting the power to make human beings God. Secondly, with the logic you are presenting, what if THAT website is a way to manipulate us into believing that the Illuminati are good when they are actually evil. Thirdly, the 'all seeing eye' and the 'illuminized' light is also supported heavily by Emerson. Emerson was a Freemason. By my in depth personal research on Freemasonry I would not only conclude that they are connected to the Illuminati but that both were created for elitest, harmful purposes.

Both sides have fair evidence and I take everything I hear about the Illuminati with a grain of salt, but I really don't think they're the good guys. I don't necessarily think they are as bad as people say they are, however. I don't know if I believe in all the Devil worship and other stereo-typically evil things they perform in.

Regardless, very interesting point.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by WillNiendick

If you invest some time reading into it. You will find that they propose an entirely new foundation for understanding mathematics and science. They propose that theoretically all matter is bits of quantum information, and that that quantum information is intimately related to mind. I am summarizing here, but the implications are profound for the seeker of knowledge.

It starts with this question.

What is 1 / 0 ? If your answer is undefined, like you were taught via the public school system. Then you may have been closing yourself off to the logical truth of an entire dimension.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by WillNiendick

Thank you for your very kind reply. Yes I agree it was an "inside job". It was carried out for sure by the Secret Services (that is an unaccountable group of people who are not out in the open yet have a lot of power).

I think the only way we can look at it is that there is a main objective at work here. 911 was a happening on many levels. It was used as a reason to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was a reason to bring about some very insidious legislation in the U.S, U.K and Europe. It was a publicity stunt to create fear. Whoever is responsible for it is indeed the real TERRORIST.

Honestly, this has been happening all through history. It is basic manipulation of the masses to achieve backing for certain goals and campaigns. It is always very effective, too.

I don't think we can look to one group and blame everyone in it. I once lived with a girl for 7 years who's Dad was a high ranking Freemason and sure he was a man of honour. Like there are even some bankers who are nice people. I really think though that the ones who really pull the strings are willing to go to very ruthless extremes to expand their goals.

I do think, after all this study, that there is a Globalist agenda and all manner of objectives; depopulation by many means being one of them.

I had a chance once to belong to that side of things. I chose not to because I knew I could never fit in, because of own sensitive and caring nature. Now I have to live very poorly and abandoned. But it was the only choice I could make and I remain content with that choice.

It is so good that we can all share our experiences and knowledge here together. You know, I do not think any of us have the complete picture, but through this openess of dialogue we are all informing eachother. ATS is a fascinating place. So let's keep teaching eachother.

Your humble fellow thinker.


posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by jolly

Sorry guys, I was out running.

And exactly Jolly, they really do give a new way of thinking, that is actually satisfying. They don't tell you everything, they say they don't even dare, but they do say a lot. It really questions the point of life, and it ultimately gives a purpose to the human race.

We don't have to keep chasing our tales any more, they are promising eventual victory....!

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by WillNiendick

Many people on ATS are in fact in agreement (against the Elite) with most of the ideas offered up by the Armageddon Conspiracy website. There are some radical proposals, but underneath it all there seems to be a unifying philosophy that really brings people in agreement with each other, with the potential of unifying them against the true enemy, the Old World Order (the Elite). The Old World Order has commonly been misconstrued as the New World Order. When the true New World Order has absolutely nothing to do with the Old World Order which has had its demonic religious and economic death grip upon the world for millennia. Unfortunately this information gets lost in the sea of information here.


posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by jolly
reply to post by WillNiendick

What is 1 / 0 ? If your answer is undefined, like you were taught via the public school system. Then you may have been closing yourself off to the logical truth of an entire dimension.

This is quite interesting. Which section was this on the website?

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

Genesis Singularity

Perhaps for some, reading this article will open their mind to the possibility that there is more to existence than the material, and that there is more to mathematics and science than the current paradigm of scientific thinking would have us believe. The world is still flat folks.


edit on 19-3-2011 by jolly because: fixed link

edit on 19-3-2011 by jolly because: fixed link

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 06:38 PM
I got sidetracked, again, Haha, it's what having two screens does to you

Thanks Jolly, contributions are appreciated! HouseOfTheAngels, you are exactly right. There is nothing more I can add to what you said. Perfectoromglogooaoo!

And what is this story about knowing a high ranking Freemason? It sounds really interesting!

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 08:45 AM
It's great to see other people coming across the real Illuminati. Trust me reading every article will change your life. Your view on things will drastically change. I specifically suggest you read the last 4. They each contain huge articles that will certainly pique your interest. They are like a sample of everything the Illuminati is. If you can agree with them then I suggest you go for the whole stack of articles and the books. The Last Bling King is particularly good.

The moderator of the website is an Illuminatus and he is a knowledgeable guy. He's quite blunt with his observations, but what INTJ isn't. Anything you don't understand you can email him and ask, but I suggest it is very important.

Also for all the "truthers" he completely answers the 50 questions about 9/11.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by HTorch22

So in your opinion, you really think they are not bad, but in reality, fighting for us? For a New World Order, that isn't what it seems?

I still have not decided yet

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:02 PM
I don't care how good their goals are. If they kill innocent people - I will always be against them. So far I have a hard time to figure out who is who. The more I read the less I know

If Illuminati is NWO and if they are behind all these disasters and world dipopulation and all these cards that they are making true- I am not with them. If you guys know and understand better than me what is going on and who is who and who is with whom, I will appreciate your explanation and your thoughts.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by WillNiendick

Yes. They're main goal is for Man to better itself. How is that bad? They are not "almighty." They did not cause 9/11, they are not behind any sinister plot. They are a rather small group of philosophers who seek to heal the plight of man. The OWO are the ones who seek an Anarcho-Capitalist society where they can become wealthy beyond all imagination. We are already enslaved by their rules and our own ignorance. The Illuminati wish to shed light on it. We are chained up like a beast and the Illuminati just wish to tell us that the key is right there on the floor in front of us. We can set ourselves free.

Do you think Robin Hood is good? He is an outlaw hated by the establishment whose only goal is to take from the rich and give to the poor. Why should my child go to a crap public school and have to fight against overwhelming odds to make something of himself, when children with rich parents bribe their way through private school, go to Yale, and become the leaders of our country.

Why should I be a nobody so a small group of people can be somebodies. Why should teachers, firefighters, scientists, and other people who make our world happen be stuck in poverty while greedy corporate bankers run our nation into the ground and still get paid millions.

The Illuminati fight for a world where my son can become president not because I am wealthy, because he sold his soul to bankers, or because he "looks" like a president, but because he is truly meritorious and can run our country appropriately.

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