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Fellow Pyschics and Sensitives, Your opinions please

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posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Annee
What does it mean? The sky on fire?

I have not seen any gas that kills people. Just the sky on fire.

I do not choose or focus on anything - - I just feel energy. It just comes to me - - I don't do anything to make it happen.

As said - - I seem to be picking up the energy of the planet - - - not the people.

Which may be why I don't pick up any gas cloud that is affecting people.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Resentedhalo08
I would like to firstly state that I am clairaudient and clairsentient, over the last few months I have been picking up on a heightened "ambient/background", emotion, which my intuition tells me is of people around me.

I have been picking up on a drastic increase in fear and a sense of forboding

Have any other fellow psychics and Sensitives also been feeling this lately?

I also feel as if all of the current world events are being orchestrated by a "higher" power in order to increase the sense of fear, that they somehow are gaining power from it.

All thoughts and opinions are much appreciated

Can you feel the storm, it's coming. Though when does it arrives? That is a surprise, wouldn't want to ruin the surprise now would we.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Resentedhalo08

It's really hard to explain how I've been feeling. I have become definitely more aware of emotions around me, which have grown fairly physically draining. Usually when I'm drained it's due to me picking up on tension... I would agree with you on the foreboding. Certainly feeling it physically. Especially in densely populated areas like malls...

It's not just the people though... this whole week I've been in a fog almost. Drained all the time, headaches... ack.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Resentedhalo08

I would have to say that it seems events are being put together by higher powers because The PTB are always the ones behind world altering changes, mother nature does a lot herself of course, but the higher powers usually always have something to do with most world events!
I have been really sensitive to energies of people and places my whole life, and i know exactly what you mean (or at least im pretty sure i do)! of the feelings around lately..a lot of uncertainty, fear and a sense of anxiousness are the ones i am feeling the most the past few weeks..and this began before the tragedy in Japan, thats just added to it a great deal..try and stay centred even if it isnt always easy to and i hope things calm a bit for you.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 01:41 AM
Hey OP, hey all...joining a bit late to the party
I'm also clairsentient and clairvoyant (I don't throw those terms around lightly, and only just started using them), and I noted in other threads (the earthquake sensing one) a bit of what you - the OP - mentioned.I described it as feeling the energy around me becoming viscous and syrupy, and the background whine/static becoming louder and higher. Sometimes it feels as though you're being sucked into a black hole or's that strong. I have to do a bit of mental and energetic gymnastics to keep myself centred and grounded. Pretty easy visualizations and meditations, and they do help both block things out and keep your own energies clear of others'.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 01:45 AM
I pretend like I don't feel anything but it's there. subtle hints

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Cascadian
I have to do a bit of mental and energetic gymnastics to keep myself centered and grounded.

Yeah! Pretty sure I do that too.

I was born this way. I don't do meditations or anything.

I never even realized how energy sensitive I am - - until I moved away from everything on to 2 acres in the middle of the desert.

First time in my life I felt at peace.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:13 PM
Friend? An observation, please? Perhaps, you do not possess the talents stated...if in fact you let the poster above, "attempt" to insult you. Those gifted...see the place and intent of such responses and their respondents. I propose to you that those gifted as such as you claim, as are many, it is the few who reach out with a need to validate themselves in a effort to reinforce their beliefs. Nor to defend oneself either.

Those who possess, need no validation. Those who possess, need no acceptance of others. I suspect the journey you are in the midst of in your life is not giving you enough personal nor private satisfaction: hence the need to discuss, relay and describe. Yet, you are not wrong. But, you should not appear offended. That? Its a negative. See?

There is a time and place we all reach where opinions dont matter against those talents we know and understand that we possess, and they need no outside validation from anyone. To just KNOW is enough. Most of us will not be bothered by comments or require explanations from anyone other than knowing our own truth within.

Have strength in your talents and your convictions. There is no purpose served you to have to defend yourself. All that will do is wear you down needlessly and take away from your gifts. Anytime we get to a place where we see or feel or are required to defend ourselves and talents...we smile, close our mouths...and listen. For no one person or thing can upset us. Take this to heart.

Yes, as you stated above, there is a disruption in the force around us all now be it dreams, ringin in the ears, a hum, shadows, and feeling of being light...or heavy. This part of your gifts. Use them wisely to try and understand...and calmly help others. These gifts are blessings from the Creator.


By the way you state it would be possible for the poster to insult you...I suspect you have a way to go to get to that place where that does not offend you. And if you are bothered by oppressors and deriders to your gifts, ideas and opinions...that asserts that you are not at the place of acceptance yet..but you are on your way. Time reveals all......

edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: +

edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: blessing

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Annee

Hi Annee - a lot of people do that, go away off the grid to escape the energetic pollution. Living in a dense city or apartment building is the worst, as is visiting places with large, excitable crowds (concerts, certain movies, airports, hospitals, etc...) Believe it or not, though, there are things you can do to stop the sensitivity, tone it down a few notches, and filter better. Like anything, it requires practice. Many sensitives resort to external things like crystals or whatnot to deflect/dampen/absorb this noise. Not good or bad, but I prefer to use my own faculties wherever I can. Is there a way to do private messaging on this site? I'm so new
If there is, feel free to email me and I can share some things that I do to help. I live in the suburbs, so it's not as bad.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Cascadian
reply to post by Annee

Hi Annee - a lot of people do that, go away off the grid to escape the energetic pollution.

Thanks for the Hi and invitation of assistance.

I'm 65 years old - - had a lifetime of experiences and practice. I'd say I have a pretty good handle on it all now.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Annee

Maybe you should be teaching me!!

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:03 PM
Has anyone been smelling a chalk like substance tonight? A dryness in the air?

this has been very strong with me tonight, I am just wondering what this could be.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Cascadian
reply to post by Annee

Maybe you should be teaching me!!

LOL - - all I can say is don't fight it - - let it flow. I've only had 2 negative experiences in my entire life - - - and my Energy or my Guys (guides) blocked them.

Of course - - I don't go looking for stuff in places I'm not invited. Actually - - I don't go looking at all.

But - like the curious cat - - I do think its possible to get into stuff or go places you shouldn't.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Resentedhalo08
Has anyone been smelling a chalk like substance tonight? A dryness in the air?

this has been very strong with me tonight, I am just wondering what this could be.

I'm actually blank. Not picking up or feeling anything - - like a void.

Either that - - or I'm just not recognizing anything.

I'm not even picking up anything on the predicted earth quakes on the west coast.

That's not particularly unusual for me. My energies seem to work like a wave.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 08:58 PM
This is one of those topics I felt compelled to respond to. Last wed/thur all I could do was to go back to sleep for most of those days. Like nothing else seemed to be even an option. I'm on call and work mainly saturday's so I didn't really fight it that much. Well, today was another one of those days. I really needed to go my aunt's funeral today but couldn't muster to even do that. I feel that last week was earthquake related. Have to go to work tomorrow so not knowing how that will go at this point. Maybe all the hype about the supermoon/solstice/more earthquake predictions is wearing on me. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

I've also turned into a hermit to avoid the amoral negative world around me. Also consider myself an earth sensitive and find it difficult to share my thoughts with anyone without being chastised a loon. Finding contentment by focusing internally and working on myself in that way. Nothing else seems to make sense otherwise anymore.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:24 PM
I've been off since last Wednesday. A heavy sense of foreboding and my energies all over the place. I have dreamed for 20 some years of huge earthquake and a subsequent volcanic eruption causing catastrophic damage in Washington,California and oregon. I hope I'm wrong and it never happens! I would like to proven wrong on every bad vibe,vision and feeling! It is not as though I just decided it would be awesome to known when tragedy is ahead. I can't pinpoint dates so I don't see them as a warning,more a glimpse of what's to come. Maddening to see so much but not a specific date or time! Usually I will tell someone I have a really bad feeling and whatever the bad thing is happens in a few days time. I get a headache,nauseaous and that intuition twinge in the gut going crazy. Always happens. Once in awhile it is a clearer sign,especially with death of loved ones. One curiuosity?I am a a long time abductee.Any other sensitives here like myself? I'm not sure if they caused it or I am taken because I am a sensitive? Would love to here anyone else's input.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:03 PM
if you are empathic then major shielding is needed these days. if you are spiritually advanced you will begin to feel oneness. the oneness seems to include suffering and prayers of other beings. for example, i have been feeling the gulf coast residents all year. you will feel the prayers and the suffering unless you shield. there are also highs that are blissful. with spiritual growth comes power.

sometimes, it seems to me, there are harsh tests b/c this kind of power corrupts. are all peoples being coached into a state of siddhas or supernatural powers? yes, my opinion. is it a bootcamp? yes, my opinion. can you fall on your face and go mental? yes, my opinion. if you keep one foot in front of the other will you go back up after you fell? yes, my opinion. will we get it? OH very much so. there will be a golden age.

each being is capable of kundalini awakening (rapture). which makes them a space portal in the most basic organic sense. you literally become a tube of light that connects with whatever you connect to. will your begin to see with the clairs? definetly. OBE yes. will those who are not trying to be spritual begin to develop? yes, because once people start popping into full power, they will create a field of resonance that will grow and grow. there is only more development in terms of positives as the ones who got it will hold the space for all others.

preserving and strengthening your nervous system seems to be the key to riding these waves. yoga is the basic survival skill whereby you don't need to stockpile stuff but hopefully will be able to calmly respond to whatever is going down when/if it goes down. hopefully by then, those who have stuff will share because they have raptured too and it is nearly impossible to regress to animalistic when you have realized these things.

idealistic. it would be a sin not to be. LOL

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by of the Ether

I am a sensitive and I believe I have been abducted many times. I haven't allowed myself to remember but I have a physical scar, like the woman on I have dreamt this year of being experimented on and in that dream I was a Psy-ops type person (although I have also dreamt I was James Bond-LOL)
I am from Romany bloodline, with the non-reptilian blood group Rhesus negative line. I have Geo abilities, like turning storms around 180, and canceling tsunamis. Moved a two ton car once and blew up a light bulb. Put a firework out. Have read minds and telepathy with my kids is a work in progress. Trying to do telekinesis but no luck, anyone know how to do that?

I started to feel the 'demon of death' trying to get into my house, from the solar eclipse of Jan 4th 2011 and I had to really pray hard for a week, over me and my eldest child. Once all night. But I feel as if I got a break though on the healing side and we are doing much better. The feeling of dread didn't go though and I had to ask God for help and He said that I needed to do something fun. So we now have a family night and that has been really fun.
I know that sounds callous but I am praying all the time for other people and I am researching for a book all the time I have. I started to get too involved and was getting anxious and tearful. And that wasn't helping the Earth.

I had a dream last January that 'there was a lava hotspot under my shed where I keep the freezer and a voice saying I needed to get more food. The shed didn't burn down and no one was hurt. I and my spouse then went to the Supermarket and as we were going through the checkout another lava hotspot erupted inside the Supermarket.
This time people were hurt/burnt and the Supermarket was closed so no one could buy anymore food.
My spouse was wearing shorts which is very unusual, so I know it was in a heatwave.'

On my birthday the Iceland volcano erupted but I knew it was going to be alright and it was actually a blessing to Europe. I have downloaded a book of secret knowledge that granite dust spread on your garden is actually a long term fertiliser, and this what the ash cloud did. My Camellia bush suffered as the dust was alkaline based but then it grew really well, as did all the plants in the garden. It has protective powers too, but I am not sure how that works.

So I am looking for a heatwave and a volcano this year. So are Mundane Astrologers they are predicting between Mar 25 and May 25 a volcano-Yellowstone or Iceland or Italy, along the 2 Earth Aries lines.

A few days ago I dreamt 'I was on holiday and I and my family was in front of a blazing fire in a log cabin. And in the dark I could see two red demon-like eyes peering in the right window.
I went to see if I could see it more clearly, it looked like a very big warty dog with red eyes. I said Yehovah and breathed the last H sound and said go away. I moved to go.
I thought I had not quite done it properly and I remembered I needed to think I someone I love whilst saying it. The beast then picked up my doubt and moved towards me again. I said the Yehovah name with love and it ran away so fast that I burst out laughing.' Mostly lucid.

So even if they physically beam into your room to come and kill you and your family (as they did last year to my house) the Name of God works even then. They were announced by knocking sounds in my head that woke me up and my spouse up, but not my dog.
I have heard the Earth's voice too- that was weird but nice.

Has anyone got buzzing in their spine lately? I have and it nearly drove me crazy, it's gone now but I have an 'Earthquake ankle' and I have a 'snow' kneecap; These two have been damaged and they have been very accurate.
Love and peace.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:00 PM

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:00 PM

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