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Is It Possible We are in the Middle of a False Flag Situation?

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posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:23 PM
Before I get slammed for what I am about to say, please bear with me.

The easiest way to manipulate the public is to create DRAMA. Drama gets 'em talking, asking questions...I'm sure that y'all know what I am getting at.

With 9/11, almost 10 years after the fact, many still feel that it was and inside job. We are now facing something that will involve this country again. My heart goes out to those involved in the quake in Japan...but this it totally a natural or orchestrated government/Corporation disaster...We The People are wondering why any information we are privy to has been manipulated to the point that most do not know if we are in danger of being infected with nuclear fallout from damaged reactors in Japan.

It is looking more and more like some of the same questions many had about 9/11 are going to be mirrored at the expense of our extended human families in Japan and other countries in the world.

As I said...all of this may be completely natural..but then again...It may have been the way that TPTB have chosen to implement not only a very diabolical use of the technical abilities they have access to. Codex Ailementaris (sp) is a required edict for the control of the World. These creatures will stop at nothing to implement it.

We were promised "A change we can count on" before the last you see it now?

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:31 PM


posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:37 PM

edit on 12-3-2011 by thisisnotaname because: YES

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

I'm certainly not going to slam you. I have to get my head clear before I can offer any thought at all. Let's assume Japan was intentional. Are you suggesting that its purpose is to create or increase American anger at the Japanese? Sorry, I told you I was confused.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Skate

Originally posted by Holly N.R.A.

We were promised "A change we can count on" before the last you see it now?

Hold up, lemme check.


Nope, I don't see anything different.

edit on 12-3-2011 by Skate because: (no reason given)

There ya go....

Almost 10 years later and TPTB still haven't figured out that We the People are not as stupid as they wish we were.
Remember that in all that is going on...and all that may not loose scope of what is REALLY going on around not let them goad you into confrontation, instead, learn from their examples and use what they teach you against them with wisdom.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:45 PM
Well thanks for removing my comment when it was really on-topic...


Anyways, to SAY IT AGAIN, no, I do not see any change to our country after Obama gaining president.

^on-topic post above^

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

I'm certainly not going to slam you. I have to get my head clear before I can offer any thought at all. Let's assume Japan was intentional. Are you suggesting that its purpose is to create or increase American anger at the Japanese? Sorry, I told you I was confused.

Oh heavens no, charles...
I am in NO WAY suggesting such a thing. Our world brothers and sisters are being manipulated as well...sadly...they are what the governments call collateral was/will be necessary to loose people in what they are doing...this is part of the diabolic plan of Codex Ailementarius (sp) for reducing the size of the human race.

What I am saying is that it is drama that makes the world go round....people will pay attention to the pain and suffering from the quake in Japan....they will worry that Americans will be "glowing in the dark" soon...or, forbid the New Madrid fault or Yellowstone should give way just in time for a government test.

With all this going easy would it be to invade Lybia...and of course put Martial Law into place?

We do have a few natural occurrences TPTB will site as cover stories...and they will use these occurrences to make it sound like anyone that disagrees with them is not in their right mind. They want us to question ourselves and one another until all that is left believing, as good little sheep would....that they are our shepherds and only have our "best interests" at heart.

I am only asking if anyone else might see what I am seeing...

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 11:24 PM
Well if you view 911 as a false flag event built around the planned obsolescence of the WTC urban infrastructure, then maybe something similar is happening in Japan. The Tōkai II plant in Tokyo and the Fukushima II were designed and built over 20 years ago and there are probably still a lot of buildings that were not designed for a major quake still standing on the island.

The Japanese use planned obsolescence in most of their other engineering fields so their civil engineering projects, power plant construction, etc probably was designed with a set lifespan. The Fukushima II plant already had one accident back in 1989 when a coolant pump blade broke off. That event along with the Tokaimura nuclear accident, and the Mihama steam explosion significantly eroded public perception of the nuclear industry.

So maybe Japan is getting ready for some major infrastructure upgrades to improve safety, stimulate their economy, and clean the publicity slate for their nuclear industry? If this is the case then there probably is a significant amount of psyops involved that may not be particularly transparent.

Apparently a new much safer nuclear plant design was approved in 2007. The ESBWR uses natural circulation with no recirculation pumps or their associated piping, thereby greatly increasing design integrity and reducing overall costs. Maybe its time for these new 3rd generation plants?
edit on 12-3-2011 by Bordon81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Bordon81
Well if you view 911 as a false flag event built around the planned obsolescence of the WTC urban infrastructure, then maybe something similar is happening in Japan. The Tōkai II plant in Tokyo and the Fukushima II were designed and built over 20 years ago and there are probably still a lot of buildings that were not designed for a major quake still standing on the island.

The Japanese use planned obsolescence in most of their other engineering fields so their civil engineering projects, power plant construction, etc probably was designed with a set lifespan. The Fukushima II plant already had one accident back in 1989 when a coolant pump blade broke off. That event along with the Tokaimura nuclear accident, and the Mihama steam explosion significantly eroded public perception of the nuclear industry.

So maybe Japan is getting ready for some major infrastructure upgrades to improve safety, stimulate their economy, and clean the publicity slate for their nuclear industry? If this is the case then there probably is a significant amount of psyops involved that may not be particularly transparent.

Apparently a new much safer nuclear plant design was approved in 2007. The ESBWR uses natural circulation with no recirculation pumps or their associated piping, thereby greatly increasing design integrity and reducing overall costs. Maybe its time for these new 3rd generation plants?
edit on 12-3-2011 by Bordon81 because: (no reason given)

Good point Bordon81...that leaves something else for one to ponder.

With the new information coming in daily about the possible melt downs of more than one reactor...the possible nuclear particle clouds headed west from Japan...the Japanese people receiving Potassium Iodide pills, used in radiation still has to wonder and continue to be skeptical whether or not this could have been a planned event. One that was thought out thoroughly, all possibilities covered.

Why has it taken so many days for the big "O" (o for oaf) to promise in front of those cameras to give full support to Japan? One would think that would have been an immediate response upon seeing the destruction brought on right after the quake....but it took the nuclear reactor disaster, and promise of more fall out to come to get a statement to be made. One can not believe that the Japanese, for as technical advanced as they are, and even if their reactors were older did not have some kind of fail safe backup. Could a dirty bomb have been involved? Some lesson to the Japanese government being taught....???

As I have said this is all supposition on my part....then again....sometimes the most outlandish ideas turn out to be applicable in many situations. The most logical way to for TPTB to get what they want would be to make it appear to be a natural occurrence...

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:48 AM
I can't agree that anything happening in Japan right now was actually planned. However, we all know that there are individuals and groups who "won't let a good crisis go to waste". Thanks to Rahm for letting that cat out of the bag.

I am concerned for the good people of Japan at this moment and I am just as concerned for the fallout, figurative and literal, that lies ahead for them and others in this world. Beware of the opportunity seekers who operate under the guise of subject matter experts and Monday morning quarterbacks. ATS is rife with both!!!!

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:12 PM
Personally I feel it was an inside joke.

Seriously though a fals flag attack involves a party you blame for the attack and then "retaliate" on. Japan is sitting on the fault line where 4 tectonic plates converge. They experienced quakes for centuries.
edit on 17-3-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

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