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Japan and HAARP why?

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posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Mayura
First of all, you guys know nothing of black military technology... so don't pretend to.

Well I do actually

The Japan quake could have been triggered for a number of reasons.

Seems YOU however, don't

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by benrl

Cause more panic and confusion, adding to the self-fulfilling prophecy concerning 2012. Then offer us to keep us safe by putting us in the FEMA camps because the world is falling apart. Because they MADE IT fall apart.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Topato
Cause more panic and confusion, adding to the self-fulfilling prophecy concerning 2012. Then offer us to keep us safe by putting us in the FEMA camps because the world is falling apart. Because they MADE IT fall apart.

The PTB exist to CONTROL things... they like money, they like power, they like controlling the sheep.

If you kill off all the sheep... if you cause mass destruction and chaos throughout the world, you lose control, you lose power and you lose money

WHY would the PTB want to shoot themselves in the foot?

Think about it

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by zorgon

They don't need 6 billion of us to serve them. I think a few hundred would be enough.

It's also a lot easier to control a few hundred sheep than 6 billion unpredictable ones.
edit on 13-3-2011 by Topato because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Mayura

Yeah sure Mayura, they wrote 164 fake peer reviewed papers.

you guys know nothing of black military technology... so don't pretend to.

The Japan quake could have been triggered for a number of reasons. The first and foremost is to create undesirable conditions on this planet and wreak havoc in a semi-controlled fashion. The more undesirable and desperate things become, the faster phase 2 can be implemented. Problem, reaction, solution. Expect to see more fun thrown our way.

I think you should take your own advice here, because unless you got something to back up these claims, they're just lies.

edit on 13/3/11 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Yeah, they wrote 164 fake peer reviewed papers, and this is from one source, there are others.

Why would anyone think they are fake?
Sure HAARP can do the things those reports are talking about..

It's a question of "what else" is HAARP and the other facilities capable of ..
Not what they say it can do but what they are NOT saying...

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by benrl
So my brother and I where talking about some post here on ATS about Haarp and the earthquake in Japan, part of the discussion was about why they or anyone would do this.

Heres what we came up with.

1. Hoping that radiation from reactors spreads to west coast of U.S. = excuse for FEMA camps.

Not happening, so ditch that one.

2. Evacuation of the japanese population to fema caps for nefarious purposes... (not the first time U.S. has put japanese or its own citizens into camps)

Not happening either, so that's 0/2

3. Economic reasons, if japan is hurt enough it would leave a gap for someone to fill ie: india, china.

Why would the USA want to promote China? Because China says it has to "or else" China will stop buying US$ debt?

Sounds good.....but if China doesn't sell to the USA who else is going to buy? and if the US$ is massively devalued by China flooding the market, then China's $$ holdings become worth so much less too.

China's GDP in 2009 was estimated at US$5 trillion by the world Bank

China's exports to the USA in 2009 were about $300 billion, to the rest of the world about 1 Trillion (1000 Billion), so the USA gets about 1/4 of China's exports (both from here - take that away and a massive part of hte Chinese economy collapses...and one of hte things that the ChiCom party is really good at is ensuring that social unrest is countered by economic prosperity - as long as people are getting wealthier they dot' mind the politicap carp so much.

So take away 25% of the Chinese economy and you have a pretty serious domestic problem - the ChiCom party is not likely to want to do that!

Cant' see the Chinese asking the USA to do it - who else? India? Not ally powerful enough IMO.....give them 50-100 years.

and apparently Japans debt is mainly held domestically - even though it is over 200% of GDP - 50% more than Greece was!

I would suggest that maybe hte big international banks would be pissed off with this - they'd rather hanve Japan in debt to them....but of course they all have branches over there anyway.....

4. General Depopulation conspiracy.

Even though the death toll may be 10,000 or higher, that is not even a pinprick in the population of the world - 350-400,000 people are born every day, 150,000 or so die.

This is pretty useless as a method of depopulation.

I would like to open this up for discussion and see what anyone else could add to the above list, btw I do not buy the whole HAARP did it thing.

With good reason!

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by backinblack

According to Mayura, they're all fake.

Anyone who's anyone understands that the peer review is in place to stifle progress and stop questions before they start.

Including these too I guess... - 245 published papers here

That's a lot of people in on it, isn't it?


edit on 13/3/11 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

According to Mayura, they're all fake.

Ahh, well that's just plain silly..
Why would they fake those reports?

A bet Mayura thinks HAARP is capable of far more than is reported so questioning the lesser aspects makes little sense..

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

For number 1, supposedly HAARP can control the jet-stream, perhaps this is involved with it, and really wouldnt they just have to say the radiations going to be bad quick to the fema camps? Or maybe it was more of a "hey we dont need to worry if we do this because we can make sure the jet stream goes to Mexico or Canada.

For number 3, Doesn't have to be the US that used a Haarp like system to attack, it could be any country that has similar technology (Russia supposedly does).

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by benrl

I told my brother we were discussing this on ATS, he wanted me to pose a scenario.

"What if there is a new cold war we don't know about and it is using Haarp and Haarp like devices, Say Like a chess game, they make a move cause a disaster and we retaliate. Only its using a method that is very hard to discern the real causes, or its really vague in its targeting say a region? So you get disasters that perhaps where meant for other targets, but thats okay because no one will know that it was an attack.

So say Katrina was an attack, anyone else notice the lack of major hurricanes reaching the US since?"

My brother may subscribe to the HAARP as a weapon thing more than I...

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by benrl
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

For number 1, supposedly HAARP can control the jet-stream, perhaps this is involved with it, and really wouldnt they just have to say the radiations going to be bad quick to the fema camps?

there's plenty of cheap geiger counters in eth world now - almost anyone could call that a lie if it was.

HARP is aimed at the troposphere - that's well above the jet streams - over 50km - 160,000+ feet - as opposed to 20-60,000 feet for various jetstreams.

Or maybe it was more of a "hey we dont need to worry if we do this because we can make sure the jet stream goes to Mexico or Canada.

Would ahve been more useful directing the tsunami away so that it didn't hit the USA - tha'ts moer damage righ there than any radiation is going to cause!

For number 3, Doesn't have to be the US that used a Haarp like system to attack, it could be any country that has similar technology (Russia supposedly does).

Lots of countries do - there's a European programme that can beam 1 Gigawatt - much more than HAARP -

the Russian one isn't a well kept secret either, and its been around a lot longer -

So perhaps the US/Europe will retaliate for this attack on their ally?

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

HARP is aimed at the troposphere - that's well above the jet streams - over 50km - 160,000+ feet - as opposed to 20-60,000 feet for various jetstreams.

HAARP supposedly works on the ionosphere, not the troposphere..
Well that's what they say...

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Well if there is another natural disaster in one of the countries that operates a Haarp device, I guess that would be proof of that theory

One thing I do find interesting, about both haarp and earthquakes is the existence of sighting of "earthquake lights" lights that appear before earthquakes that look like the aurora borealis, Haarp is said to make similar lights in its legitimate test up in alaska.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by backinblack

....the ionosphere is generally held to start at 60km.....the "HAARP patent" that people harp (sic) on about says it is designed to affect theings above 50km, jet streams exist at < about 18km, and the Troposphere is actually the bit of the atmosphere closest to the earth...doh...which I did know...hones....just last time anyone reminded me was 35 years ago!

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by benrl
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Well if there is another natural disaster in one of the countries that operates a Haarp device, I guess that would be proof of that theory

I'm supposed to write more than 1 line in any given post, but this one I am really struggling with because I just want to write one word...which is.....


posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

it was in response to what you said

So perhaps the US/Europe will retaliate for this attack on their ally?

To be honest I started this thread to see what people would come up with for the "why" of it after I had mentioned it to my brother who said he could see the thought process behind the belief that the US would attack Japan. people are quick to jump on the Haarp Did it, with out thinking through the logic behind it, personally I think its boarder line offensive to suggest the Natural disaster in Japan was an attack by the US. I hoped to maybe better understand the logic behind that belief and open a discussion that would perhaps enlighten both sides a little bit.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by benrl

I can sympathise with trying to understand the thinking - it is quite difficult for people to understand if they (those trying to understand) look at things in terms of verifiable evidence, proof, logical argument (premise/conclusion) - it's almost like a matter of faith - belief - bordering on religion IMO

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
Lots of countries do - there's a European programme that can beam 1 Gigawatt - much more than HAARP -

the Russian one isn't a well kept secret either, and its been around a lot longer -

yup lots of HAARPS... China has three (I only found one so far but they call them CRIRP)

check out my thread it has them all (well all the ones I cataloged so far
Every One Speaks about HAARP, but did you know

This is the Norway one EISCAT

Ramfjordmoen, Near Tromsø, Norway
+69° 35' 10.94", +19° 13' 20.89"

EISCAT home page

Here is the Russian one
SURA Facility - Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

SURA home page
+56° 7' 9.70", +46° 2' 3.66"

Waiting for new satellite image

The one in India I found and google went back to look

# National MST Radar Facility - Gadanki, near Tirupati, in southern Andra Pradesh, India
+13° 27' 26.68", +79° 10' 30.74"

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:36 PM
If HAARP is a doomsday weapon there are a couple of good reasons for turning it on Japan.

THIS .. since 1997, when US naval personal gang raped and then murdered a 12 year old girl in Okinawa there has been growing resistance to the American Naval presence in Japan. The US (Obama) has unilaterally refused to cooperate in any regard. Currently, more than 50,000 troops are stationed in Okinawa.

THIS .. The US and the EU have both brought tremendous pressure to bear on Japan through the vehicle of the WTO to relax legislation surrounding the providing of Insurance so that foreign competitors can offer comparable services at similar prices.

With damage estimates as high as 100 billion Japans partially social Insurance system will be dearly strained, I think some degree of foreign debt is just inevitable. Also, the US naval installations were untouched by the quake, no personnel were even hurt and the flagships were all noticeably absent.

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