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Christ is the Messiah, and he has come

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by jimmyyrk
Very well spoken,I have never had it explained the way you have.Maybe you should write a book on this topic,You would make a huge impact on the world with your insight. I am impressed.

I was born into a southern Baptist family and attended service regularly, But chose not to believe as they do .

I do believe in Jesus Christ; The man,The Sacrifice,My savior I would like to hear more from you about yur thoughts also on the existence of heaven and hell and what happens to a believer and a sinner when they die.

I hope I'm not bothering you with my ramblings and questions,But so far your the one who has the answers to my question

Thanks, Jimmy
And keep on keeping on,,,God bless

It is no bother at all my friend. It is an honor to me to talk with others and share points of view. My insights are no greater than anyone else's, particularly since all I do is take the lessons of Christ and reword them in a way others can understand them today. The only reason they make sense is because the truth is within you.

I thought about writing a book. The problem with writing a book is that once written, the author is out of the picture. The reader is free to assign meaning the author never intended, and they do based on what resides in their own heart. Take the Bible for example. Christ taught the lessons, the disciples put them to scrip. Each telling is told in the disciples voice as they best remembered the lessons. Then came the apostles and their deeds based on what they understood. Each further drifting from the core message of Christ. As time moved on, the church was formed based on the Apostles words and not the word of the source. Why do we have so many denominations of Christianity today if all simply followed the words of the source? The reason is because each denomination chose which voice within the Bible to follow that best reflected their own voice, their own feelings, and their own understandings. They do not follow the source. Why not? Well the source was hanged to a cross for what he did. To follow him would end in similar demise. Only the source over came the flesh and did not fear death, thus he was able to show the way.

This brings us to Heaven and Hell. Christ did not teach much about hell. He focused his teachings on how to get into Heaven. Why? Because Hell was the life Mankind had already created. It is this life, this world where we compete against each other, rule over one another, dominate each other for our own sense of glory and our own self-righteousness. We are in Hell and by the grace of the creator, we die, so we can return when it is a Heaven.

Heaven is the world where we do everything not for money, personal gain, or self righteousness, but out of pure love for God and each other. It is a world where none want for all have because we ensure all have. It is a world where none go hungry for we care for the gifts God gave us and ensure that food is produced in abundance. It is a world where sickness does not defeat us because when it strikes we focus all of our efforts on healing the sick among us. Heaven is the world we will create when the train wreck settles and we realise we need to work together, not compete for our survival. It is the world where we love God with all our being, and our neighbor like our self. It is the world where we will sacrifice ourselves for each other, just as the source Jesus Christ taught.

As for Sin, there is only one. That is to Judge. When one judges another he is transgressing God's law, given by Christ, exemplified in his life, sealed in his death, and proven valid by prophecy of his second coming. That Law is to Love one another. The Second Coming occurs within you when you realise the power of this Law and it's life giving qualities. The Second Coming occurs whenever anyone picks up their cross and follows in the way of Christ, that his lessons are never forgotten.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:13 AM
I've always believed the world is what we make of it...

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by SisyphusRide
I've always believed the world is what we make of it...

That is correct my friend. What do you think of the world we have created?

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

That is correct my friend. What do you think of the world we have created?

That's great!

I wonder if our afterlife is what we thought it was during life.

For those who believed in nothing, became nothing.

Those who believed in heaven, went to heaven

Those who believe they are so bad they will properly go to hell, go to hell.

With love

Lord of the flies.

edit on 29-3-2011 by FoxfilesMulder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:54 PM
IAMIAM you are one of the Jines (gene) , if this is you're photo

This is messiah photo
this is the first time you see him

the new photos of him is different
first :
he is under unthinkable suffering with hes family
hes daughter hasbeen tortured with in unthinkable cases
he have a son (the next or the last messiah) if they hade stayed alive
hes wife hasbeen tortured and ripped

all what is don to him and the family has did with the hands of hesbullah of hasan nasrala

a many about him and his fameliy shold be wrie here and else but there no secure cases ......

The New World Order is not here because Daniel's prophecy says that no one world empire would rule the world again... can read the specifics in the Book of Daniel chapter 2.

edit on 29-3-2011 by ebnmaryam because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by ebnmaryam
IAMIAM you are one of the Jines (gene) , if this is you're photo

This photo is mine my friend. I do not know what you mean by I am one of the Jines (gene). Could you explain what it is for me?

Originally posted by ebnmaryam
This is messiah photo
this is the first time you see him

Who is this man and where is he located?

Originally posted by ebnmaryam
he is under unthinkable suffering with hes family
hes daughter hasbeen tortured with in unthinkable cases
he have a son (the next or the last messiah) if they hade stayed alive
hes wife hasbeen tortured and ripped

Where is all of this happening that they suffer so?

Originally posted by ebnmaryam
The New World Order is not here because Daniel's prophecy says that no one world empire would rule the world again... can read the specifics in the Book of Daniel chapter 2.

The New World Order is taking sever blows beyond their comprehension my friend. This is the battle being waged right now. Those who are in power are fighting to retain that power.

Would you mind filling me in on some more details of the situation. Feel free to U2U me if you would rather not discuss such matters publicly.

Thank you...

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by mysticnoon

Perhaps the word sovereign is better, and this implies being born free and with self governance, it does not however mean, that we have no collective abilities to redistribute and create services amongst ourselves. Such a dog eat dog soveriegn world, is not worth living in, and its not how the Family lives where everything they have belongs to everyone else. Early Christians shared and redistributed amongst themselves.

So, if taken too far, in personal responsibility, it becomes something it wasnt intended as either. I am a cooperative communal hippy soverign. Its just that thats only with aware loving people. I don't cooperate with the military complex, bankers, and their representatives. Grass roots people power only, but then I only endorse that which is for women, single mothers, single parents in general, this isn't excluding men, but its rating vulnerability, children, the needs of handicapped, and the eldely, the poor, they're my biggest focus, and in short all those who are the most vulnerable, because if its not inclusive with qualitative equality, its not a movement I endorse.

Passing the tests here, means unconditional love and service to others mode.
edit on 10-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

As always, whether or not Christ actually existed is irrelevant to my world view.

Christ did exist even though many have tried to debunk and discredit the life of Christ. Some have based the life of Christ on being astrological related and mythological.

The evidence that Christ did exist outweighs the evidence that Christ did not exist.
Here is a video by an atheist who was a reporter that wanted to disprove the life of Christ and did his very best to find evidence to disprove that Christ ever existed. Interestingly enough what did he run into and discover? He discovered that the evidence for Christ existing far outweighs the evidence for Christ not existing. Something to watch that is quite interesting for those of you who have doubts and questions about Jesus Christ ever existing.

Zeitgeist is another video that did their very best to disprove the life of Christ or show that it was based on astrological events, mythological, fantasy or a story that has gone around for a long period of time dating back to the Ancient Egyptians; paganism. What people are missing is that Christ's life was both real and manifested throughout creation even astrologically and the very earth and creation we see all around us bears witness to the life of Christ. Even the very things that He accomplished upon the earth that were of great importance that not everybody fully can understand at this time including the significance of the winter solstice. Upon the birth of Christ it was said that a new star appeared in the Heavens showing an astrological events occurring; As above so Below. Here is another video showing Zeitgeist refuted and people really should watch the first video the Case for Christ by the Atheist to see the evidence that does exist showing that the life of Jesus Christ was real.

He may have walked the Earth, and I do believe he did,

He did; True

the truth he taught is still truth,

True; the Teachings of Jesus Christ are true if interpreted and understood correctly.

He has already been, he has already accomplished his goal, his mission is complete.

Christ accomplished His mission on earth in mortality but His omega plan for earth and return has not yet been fulfilled and complete. Jesus Christ will return; the Second Coming is a real event yet to come.

Christ is the Son of God.

Christ is the Son of God and is a Son of Good.

Christ taught that all those who believed he was the Son of God, were believed by him to be Children of God.

Those who understand Good could see and recognize that Christ was the Son of God and Good; it takes one to know one. All spirit intelligences “Souls” on earth that do Good works and choose to do Good are potential inheritors of the Heavens that represent and stand for all that is Good.

God = All that is Good; and Good is one and the same forever; As Light is one and the same Forever.

In other words, it is an acknowledgment that we are all EQUAL

It shows and even manifests in creation that all are not precisely equal but are on different levels of existence; as the stars differ in brightness one from the other so do spirit intelligences “souls” on earth exist on different levels of intelligences and awareness however with EQUAL potential to grow as an intelligence has always existed in one form or another and will always exist. Intelligences were never created nor can they ever be created but have always existed. Creation or the physical manifestation of matter from energy is temporal and had a beginning at point in time; on the other hand the energy that created the moons, planets, stars and all of creation is eternal and always existed in one form or another. Energy was never created nor can it ever be created but has always existed in one form or another. Creation was organized into existence from energy found in infinite space by the Creator/Creators.

If one claims to be the Son of God, but does not acknowledge anyone else as the Child of God, they are not seeing all as equal but their own selves as somehow better.

Something or someone being better is only a perception of better for someone and if we all have infinite amounts of time within eternity to progress and develop then all have equal opportunity and potential from that aspect. All spirit intelligences or “souls” on earth have equal opportunity and potential but they are not all on the same equal level; at least not yet as the stars differ in brightness one from another so do the spirit intelligence “souls” on earth differ one from the other. Eternity is a wonderful thing where eternal progression exists with equal opportunity potential for all spirit intelligence “souls.”

As Christ was the Son of God, so am I.

Are you a Son of Good? Do you live your life doing good unto others following in the footsteps of Christ? Do you recognize the difference between Good and the opposite of Good?

The Second Coming. Too many people are waiting for the second coming.

The Heavens word has been sealed; Jesus Christ will return to earth with the hosts of Heaven and in that day the prophecy shall be fulfilled which is written.

Mathew 24:40

“Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.”

Christ already rose from the dead.

He has and did; Christ ascended into a higher state of existence into the Heavens beyond the Suns.

His kingdom is already here.

Christ's teachings represent all that is Good and that which all beings in the Heavens live by which are Good. Christ's teachings are available on earth if interpreted correctly but many religions have corrupted the true words of Jesus Christ and greatly misinterpreted the bible; distorted the teachings and even changed the meanings from good to evil. Evil is never Good and Good is never Evil but many have made Evil out to be Good and Good out to be Evil. Christ's teachings represent and stand for all that is Good of God. The kingdom of Heaven is above and beyond this universe into immortality; into the Eternities however a person can connect with the kingdom of heaven within themselves and find peace, comfort and guidance with the spirit of Christ which can be their guide which is the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit of pureness and truth coming from the Heavens. In order to have such a spirit within thee thou must first live by the words of Christ and be as Christ taught. Pray unto your Father in Heaven about these words with an open and honest heart and I promise you that you will receive confirmation of these words based on your sincerity. Knock and the doors shall be opened unto those with an honest , pure and sincere heart. Let the spirit of Truth manifest the truth unto thee; let the spirit of Christ be with thee to guide thee.

The second coming of Christ has always been an internal realization of his truth.

The Second Coming of Christ is a real event and not a metaphor; behold the signs and wonders of the heavens are at the doors even now and shall come unto thee as lightning and thunder. The Heavens shall open and the Light Family shall come quickly; who shall stand in such a day for who can withstand their presence. Be then prepared and filled with the spirit of Christ so that ye may be translated and taken upon yourself a transfiguration to withstand the presence of the hosts of Heaven upon the second coming of the Son of Man even Jesus Christ.

distorting his truth,

Many distort the truth of Jesus Christ unknowingly; many not realizing it and even perhaps with good intentions.

You are loved by Jesus Christ and what I share with you is the truth coming from the Heavens.

Blessings, love and peace be with you.

Jesus Christ Lives and Shall Soon Return
edit on 10-4-2011 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by BreezeLike
Truth is in the prophecy

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall ne caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shalll we ever be with the Lord

What does this mean to you my friend?

I would like to answer this, if i may, being in the air is not being on the earth,which if the rapture is as you say,that means that the raptured ones are still on the earth,contradiction to me

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

If heaven is on earth and we never leave earth then why did Jesus say I go to prepare a place for you,and if i go and prepare a place for you,I will come again and receive you unto myself,that where I am ye may be also.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by infojunkie2
reply to post by IAMIAM

If heaven is on earth and we never leave earth then why did Jesus say I go to prepare a place for you,and if i go and prepare a place for you,I will come again and receive you unto myself,that where I am ye may be also.

Where is the Kingdom of Heaven my friend? It is within you. Look at the full verse you quoted.

1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.

Where is the Fathers house? It is within you. Thus there are many mansions, for the father dwells within us all.

I go to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Again, Christ is within you. You must find him within you.

4And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

You know the way. Act like Christ would act in all your dealings.

5Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? 6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 7If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

Christ showed the way, Christ revealed the truth, Christ demonstrated how to live your life. Believe what he taught and walk in his ways, speak his truth, and live your life like he demonstrated.

Then YOU will find him within YOU. Then YOU will be raptured and join those of us who are doing what Christ taught.


Don't make excuses. Don't believe it impossible. Don't drop your cross, pick it up and follow him.

Love everyone, Judge no one, and be at peace.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Man, your star tally is spinning like a slot machine!

my finger is gettin sore

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Akragon
reply to post by IAMIAM

Man, your star tally is spinning like a slot machine!

my finger is gettin sore

You know, I think I remember reading some where that stars would fall from heaven around this time of year. Then again, perhaps it was my own revelation.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM


posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 11:41 AM
I love love love your posts IAMIAM!

I'm not a Christian by any conventional means but a student of the best teacher. Whether or not he is real or a work of monarch fiction the lessons, if applied, simply work perfectly -when choices are involved. In the idea he is certainly real and all one has to do is apply the lessons to know that someone has tried them in practice.

There are times one has to step outside the teaching when faced with a real threat as those with evil intent are well beyond predictable and cunning (to say the least). In matters of self defence anything goes as choices are not an option. This is where the line of being a Christian, in the classic pacifist sense, blur. But even Jesus overturned the tables on the "money changers".

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by 2012king
so if heaven exists does hell? and if so why would an all powerful being that wants love and peace everywhere allow a place such as that to exist? unless there is nothing he can do about it, again making him not all powerful. would it not be better for him to actually physically show people of his existence and allow people the option to be forgiven? instead of supposed misterious cryptic messages that only a certain few can see? my eyes and mind are open and have been forever but i still dont see anything. thats why i dont believe, i have nothing along those lines to believe in. its like my son beeing scared of monsters under his bed. i can prove to him they are not there but he still believes they exist. until he has lived a life full enough to see for himself the physical evidence, he too will continue to believe in them. If he sees one, then and only then will he know that they are there for sure, so how can people possibly base a belief on something they have never seen? anything could be percieved as a sign from god, but it in itself is not definitive proof that he exists. until i see proof of his existence i wont believe, and due to the way the stories are told, it can never be proven that he does.

my beloved one, that which you call Hell is reserved for the acid with which you the creature are being refined, which acid are the refining spirits, Satan and his ministering spirits. He that you refer to as an all powerful being is the pure Energy/Spirit in whom all things exist: you are his creature, being fashioned unto glory, and that which you refer to as Heaven is reserved for you.

The reason his righteous work is veiled to man is the work shall be fulfilled through man; in essence, if you knew the way it would turn out you would miss the dance: you cannot receive the glory without first performing the dance. Live in the moment and enjoy the dance; along the way pure and unadulterated love will manifest in you: for though you might not believe in God, you do believe in love, therefore you believe in God without realizing it.

Peace be with you!!!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:29 PM
Wow, I never thought of it like that. Nice interpretation!

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by mysticnoon
What has my statement to do with government?

None of us are kings until we have sovereignity over our own desires. Saying "I am king" does not make it so.

You are correct my friend. Saying one is King does nothing. Knowing one is King, and letting no one tell you otherwise makes it so.

Of course to be King is to not depend on another for your own well being. I depend on God and no one else. There is no higher authority than God in my life. After God, I answer to myself. Why do I have this privledge?

Because I do God's will. I love everyone and I seek to Glorify God in all my actions. Those who do not do this have governments instituted among them to keep the peace and manage labor.

Everyone serves something. Some will serve God, and are Kings and Queens unto themselves. Others will serve themselves, thus government is needed to manage the inevitable disputes.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Where is the Kingdom of Heaven my friend? It is within you.

hey I seen that movie too... the Passion of Christ right?

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