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Christ is the Messiah, and he has come

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:03 AM
But, IAMIAM may have a totally different take on all of this.

And since this is his thread I don't want to disrespect him in that way, so I hope he cam come here and offer his input on some or all of these things.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:05 AM
so if heaven exists does hell? and if so why would an all powerful being that wants love and peace everywhere allow a place such as that to exist? unless there is nothing he can do about it, again making him not all powerful. would it not be better for him to actually physically show people of his existence and allow people the option to be forgiven? instead of supposed misterious cryptic messages that only a certain few can see? my eyes and mind are open and have been forever but i still dont see anything. thats why i dont believe, i have nothing along those lines to believe in. its like my son beeing scared of monsters under his bed. i can prove to him they are not there but he still believes they exist. until he has lived a life full enough to see for himself the physical evidence, he too will continue to believe in them. If he sees one, then and only then will he know that they are there for sure, so how can people possibly base a belief on something they have never seen? anything could be percieved as a sign from god, but it in itself is not definitive proof that he exists. until i see proof of his existence i wont believe, and due to the way the stories are told, it can never be proven that he does.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by FoxfilesMulder
But, IAMIAM may have a totally different take on all of this.

And since this is his thread I don't want to disrespect him in that way, so I hope he cam come here and offer his input on some or all of these things.

There is no disrespect my friend. You have been doing an awesome job and I have enjoyed watching the conversation unfold over my morning coffee.

I'll add some thoughts though...

But keep up the good work!

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by 2012king

Hell doesn't exist, its just an old church scare tactic used to keep people in the church.

Hell is an English word placed into the bible after the fact.

Originally it was referred to as Hades which translates to realm of the dead.

Then there was a real place in the world called Gehenna in the bible. This was a large rubbish pit that people threw away everything they didn't want including dead bodies and it was always on fire to get rid of it.

These two words Hades and Gehenna were later combined into one word - Hell.

And you know, you don't get something for nothing. To get a reward you have to earn it. And to be given free will you have to use this free will to make choices. The right choices will get you the reward.

There is no "obvious" outside influence with this reward anymore, its only an internal influence now.

God used to be this way in the old testament of the bible but even then, people STILL acted badly so he basically said ok, that's it, believe in Christ to show me your faith or don't, its your choice now. Take it or leave it.

And that's just how it is now.

You have to find God within, but as a personal guarantee, I found him inside, and I hear him. I have never heard his voice, but I can hear Him and He answers questions and will even set up things masked as coincidences in my life as a life experience to answer some things.

That's why its best not to ask too many questions sometimes.
Even though you may not have recognized it as such, the life experience may not have been what you wanted to happen.

edit on 22-3-2011 by FoxfilesMulder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by 2012king
so if heaven exists does hell? and if so why would an all powerful being that wants love and peace everywhere allow a place such as that to exist? unless there is nothing he can do about it, again making him not all powerful. would it not be better for him to actually physically show people of his existence and allow people the option to be forgiven? instead of supposed misterious cryptic messages that only a certain few can see? my eyes and mind are open and have been forever but i still dont see anything. thats why i dont believe, i have nothing along those lines to believe in. its like my son beeing scared of monsters under his bed. i can prove to him they are not there but he still believes they exist. until he has lived a life full enough to see for himself the physical evidence, he too will continue to believe in them. If he sees one, then and only then will he know that they are there for sure, so how can people possibly base a belief on something they have never seen? anything could be percieved as a sign from god, but it in itself is not definitive proof that he exists. until i see proof of his existence i wont believe, and due to the way the stories are told, it can never be proven that he does.

First my friend, you cannot get closer to God than you already are. God is within everything and he is within you whether you believe it or not.

Answer me this....

Where do YOUR thoughts originate inside your mind? Before you act on them, before you let them out into the world, before you are even aware that they are there, where do they come from?

People do not believe this is God that originates our thoughts because we are too busy judging each others thoughts and actions. We say "Your thoughts cannot be God talking because God would not say that."

Who has the right to tell God what he would say? LOL.

God is all of our consciousnesses and we should love and respect each other as such.


Hell is this world we have created where we judge each other and fight over who is better than the next. Look what we have done to this planet and each other. Can you not see we are Gods battling for control of that which is infinite? If we worked together in love with each other what could we create?


Heaven is right here in front of us, but we do not see it because we are not appreciating what we truly have here. Again, if we loved and valued each of us as an equal and worked for our collective betterment, we could create the Heaven that all of us imagine. Jesus showed the way. Few are willing to let go of their own ego and walk it. It does take sacrifice.


This is just a name for a man who has come and gone. It is merely the name of the flesh suit that walked the earth containing the spirit that saw more than others did.


Christos, XPTO, in Greek means very good. Now understood to mean annointed one. Just a title that was added to the man who walked the earth seeing what others did not.

Can you be Jesus?

You can certainly try, in fact you certainly should. To be Jesus you must.

Love everyone equally. This means your children are no more valuable to you than the children in Iraq, Ethiopia, Russia, China, etc. You love all the same and that is with all your heart.

Take no offence. You find no offence in anything. You are equally comfortable and in love with murderers as you are with healers, rapists as you are your own mother, you are judgement free. Why? Because you realise people are merely the products of their environment. You know no one came into this world wanting to murder or rape or steal. This is simply what they learned to do from living in a world where all are not loved from birth. It is a cruel world we have allowed to be created, and as such, we have become cruel and ruthless.

So, you can claim to be Jesus, but the proof will be in your works and how you love.


If a second coming of Jesus must happen for the world to accept his teachings and give up the silly systems of iniquity which harms us and destroys our world, I will be Jesus. Unfortunately, at the present moment I believe that anyone who called themselves Jesus and did as Jesus would do would be crucified all over again.

Don't struggle so hard to find God my friend. He is within you. He is the source of all your thoughts and he explains the world to you in a way that you will understand based on what you have experienced. You have seen a cruel world an enslaving world and to say there is no God is accurate in such a world, for God made us to be FREE.

I see God because I see beyond the chains that bind us, I see beyond the horrors we do to one another, I see the potential for us to do divine things. I AM in Heaven, and I am trying to get all to join me here.


With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:55 AM
Thats about as good a reply as i could ask for, for another perspective or somebody elses view of it all. Personally i dont believe in god as such because the mere idea of it in its many forms have caused endless problems throughout the ages. If God was behind all of our thoughts and consiousness, surely he has created the murderers and rapists you described. If this is the case and we are not in control of our own thoughts, why would he make people do these things? I like your idea of how god should be seen, but im my eyes life is what you make of it, wether you believe in a higher power or not. personally i dont, however i hope i am open minded enough to accept whatever the reality is, when or if mankind ever discover it. I am happy with the way i live my life, and i dont intend to cause offense to anybody in the way i write my questions, but i find it interesting to get others points of view on everything, as thats the best way to get knowledge

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by 2012king
If God was behind all of our thoughts and consiousness, surely he has created the murderers and rapists you described. If this is the case and we are not in control of our own thoughts, why would he make people do these things?

Remember, we are just an image of God. We are a small part of the whole. The whole did not create murderers and rapists, but they are part of the whole. Why do people murder or rape? Is it not because we do not value each other as the divine aspects we should? Look how our children are raised today. Are they shown unconditional love and acceptance?

When you judge someone you are judging the divine. When you see a murderer and think, that cannot be God, I see an aspect of God that has not been shown the love he should have. Love can heal a murderer. When we no longer have to fight for our survival, we will not murder. When we no longer rape and abuse our children, they will not rape and abuse each other.

We must realise this, or we will destroy ourselves. Fortunately, God will not allow us to destroy each other. Some of us come to the realisation of who we are and then set out to give everything they have to helping others come to this realisation.

As Christ did it, so do I. Christ and I are one.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 01:19 PM
I am not trying to judge, as I am not a Christian either, but I cannot deny another person their reality or beliefs.

With that in mind, yes, Christ has come, but he has not "Returned"; and based on the beliefs of so many it shall happen and is happening all around us!

It is not Jesus but the embodiment of Christ that is returning. The Kingdom in Heaven will reign on Earth: "On Earth as it is in Heaven".

Sadly, in my own observations I believe that there are many that have come to believe that GOD does not exist and as a result their actions speak loudly in regards to selfishness, greed, and power over others. I do not believe that believing in Christ within is enough to prevent the worst of us from harming all of us; it is the Collectiveness of all that will overcome the ills of the World, but without the Return of Christ this cannot be as we can clearly see across the Globe today.

I look forward to the Literal translation of Revelation; not out of harm, because harm is what is at hand, but out of Love! It may be our only Hope so I look forward to the Return of Christ.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Greensage
I look forward to the Literal translation of Revelation; not out of harm, because harm is what is at hand, but out of Love! It may be our only Hope so I look forward to the Return of Christ.

I am curious my friend, what part of Revelation are you anticipating? What is your understanding of it that will come to pass?

How will Christ literally return?

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

OMG, I think that would derail your wonderful Thread!
Let me just say that the Kingdom in Heaven will "descend" upon the Planet! In other words, it will land!

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Greensage
reply to post by IAMIAM

OMG, I think that would derail your wonderful Thread!
Let me just say that the Kingdom in Heaven will "descend" upon the Planet! In other words, it will land!

It's my thread and I give you permission to derail it. LOL

The Kingdom of Heaven is right before our eyes. Why would there be another Heaven given to man if we do not appreciate the one we have?

By descend upon earth, it is meant that the world we picture as heaven in our mind will be made reality by our own decision to make it so. We will turn our swords into plough shares and return this earth into the clean bountiful garden we started with. We must do this or we will destroy ourselves.

I am a Palero, my garments are dipped in blood.
I surf the network clouds on a crystal white samsung n210 notebook.
I swing the sword of truth from my mouth.
I bring with me the power and Glory of God.

Have you seen this thread?

Final Warning

Notice the date it was started?

Have you noticed that I use only the book of the Lamb, the teachings of Christ in my works?

Who am I?

You wish to see Revelations fulfilled my friend. I say open your eyes or you will miss the show!

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Oh, it is the same Heaven as it always has been, the Kingdom is what will land and then the Laws of the Land will be that which is of the Heavens. On Earth as it is in Heaven! Our rules and laws will not longer serve us.

I did like that previous thread! I had flagged it but it had moved down my cue so I will see if I can catch up on it again, Thanks!

As far as the literal translation of Revelation, yes, I will miss most of it, thankfully, as I am residing within the Whore of Babylon. One day, it is my belief, that I will become like the mud; insignificant, of no concern, and discounted as being a threat. This is my hope so that I am be given something that most would not want to venture accepting, and that is to survive beyond it all. I want to be "left behind". I want to be here to pull myself out of the ashes so that I may finally find my place in this "story". I am a gardener, a seed collector, and I understand soil, water, and nutrients; I want be here to replant the forests.

There is nothing we can take with us, but some of us are beginning to realize the important things that we can leave behind when we are gone. It is the least I can do for our Mother; "Honor thy Mother and thy Father" was never meant to be about our parents.

On a side note, in regards to the Return of Christ, I am pretty sure you have seen one of my Michael Jackson posts! LOL, I am crazy, but someone has to fill the role!

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

Originally posted by mysticnoon
He said his soul IS Lord, not that the Lord is a part of him. Perhaps I am misunderstanding his expressions.

Let's try it a couple different ways my friend.

In a full glass of water, is a drop of water within the glass any less than the whole?

Would the whole be less without it?

Is the drop greater than whole?

Here is another way...

God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omnibenevolent, and Omniscient.

Therefore, GOD must be within all things, at all times.

You cannot be separate from God, nor is God separate from you.

Your consciousness is part of the consciousness of God, just as the drop is part of the whole of the water in the glass.

When I say I am King, I am acknowledging the divinity within me AND YOU.

With Love,

Your Brother

Excellent analogies IAMIAM, I too was struggling to understand this viewpoint but I completely understand now.
I enjoyed your original post and look forward to your next thread.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Greensage

I am residing within the Whore of Babylon. One day, it is my belief, that I will become like the mud; insignificant, of no concern, and discounted as being a threat.

Interesting you said that, perhaps one day when and if everyone learns to love one another as equals, all cities of the earth (government wise at least) will be like mud..."insignificant, of no concern, and discounted as being a threat"..

Even mud is equal to everything else in creation...

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:27 AM
After a bit of thinking, i have come up with an idea. right or wrong i dont know but is the idea of god just an overall description of everything that exists? if so i believe i exist, and whatever and however we were created in the beginning, we are all from the same thing. some choose to call it god and some choose to call it the big bang theory. at the end of the day, we all exist, and that existence started somewhere. did it all happen the way it says in the bible? i dont think so. is god an actual being that is watching over us and has the power to do anything he wants? again i dont think so. what i do think is that as we are from the same energy that created everything we know and everything we have not yet discovered, we are all equal in that way. i still dont choose to follow any type of religion, however that doesnt mean i dont believe we were created. maybe the bible is just mans way of trying to explain existence, without the current knowledge we have. thats why there are mistakes, and its also why a lot of people cant or dont want to listen to the messages it is trying to say. some would call it common sense, to want to co-exist with each other in a peaceful way, and deep down thats what most of us want.
So now onto the idea of heaven. is it a place that we all go to when we die, and carry on with an existence similair to what we have now, actually knowing what is going on around us? i dont think so, but what i do think is that when we die, we still exist in the form of our energy, as it all has to go somewhere. wether thats back into the ground, or floating around the universe, we are still here in a way. as for everlasting peace, you cant get more peaceful than being asleep, and when you die thats about as long a sleep as you could get!!
As i say, i may be right and i may be wrong. I am not religious in any way, but i do want to have a good and happy life, and if how i am currently living is working, why change it?

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by 2012king
After a bit of thinking, i have come up with an idea. right or wrong i dont know but is the idea of god just an overall description of everything that exists? if so i believe i exist, and whatever and however we were created in the beginning, we are all from the same thing. some choose to call it god and some choose to call it the big bang theory. at the end of the day, we all exist, and that existence started somewhere. did it all happen the way it says in the bible? i dont think so. is god an actual being that is watching over us and has the power to do anything he wants? again i dont think so. what i do think is that as we are from the same energy that created everything we know and everything we have not yet discovered, we are all equal in that way. i still dont choose to follow any type of religion, however that doesnt mean i dont believe we were created. maybe the bible is just mans way of trying to explain existence, without the current knowledge we have. thats why there are mistakes, and its also why a lot of people cant or dont want to listen to the messages it is trying to say. some would call it common sense, to want to co-exist with each other in a peaceful way, and deep down thats what most of us want.

Well done my friend. Every step you make to understanding God, he makes a step towards you. Never be satisfied that you have the whole truth, for that is so great it cannot be fathomed by man. But, well done thus far!

Originally posted by 2012king
So now onto the idea of heaven. is it a place that we all go to when we die, and carry on with an existence similair to what we have now, actually knowing what is going on around us?

What if Heaven is right here, right now, this very place and this very moment? What if Heaven is merely a perspective, one we must choose, and then build.

Originally posted by 2012king
i dont think so, but what i do think is that when we die, we still exist in the form of our energy, as it all has to go somewhere. wether thats back into the ground, or floating around the universe, we are still here in a way. as for everlasting peace, you cant get more peaceful than being asleep, and when you die thats about as long a sleep as you could get!!

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Who says you die? I do not die. I have been here from the beginning, and I will be there at the end. I am the Alpha and the Omega. The flesh is merely a single manifestation, a brief spark in my eternal light. So too is it with you.

Originally posted by 2012king
As i say, i may be right and i may be wrong. I am not religious in any way, but i do want to have a good and happy life, and if how i am currently living is working, why change it?

Remember there are others who wish to have peace and happiness as well my friend. If they go without while you have, they will eventually come to take what you have. Now if we all worked together to ensure all have, then we will all have it for eternity.

I like the road you are travelling. Thank you for allowing me to walk it with you for a time.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:36 PM
I'm all about the messages the man left us, rather than about the man who left messages - like the Ten commandments, basic and sound logic. I'm not the religious type, but it makes perfect sense to "thou shall not kill" is good and how can anyone misinterpret that.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:19 AM
Dear Brother,
I wonder what your concerns are on perhaps the "End of times".

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by jimmyyrk
Dear Brother,
I wonder what your concerns are on perhaps the "End of times".

I wouldn't really say I have concerns about the "End of times". I do not believe it is an "End of times" as many think of it. I think it will merely be an end of time keeping. What is the purpose of keeping time other than to place our history in a context we could understand it? No, I we do not understand our history or we would stop making the same mistakes we continue to make. Keeping time has done nothing for us and it is a rather pointless endeavor to try and record eternity, and we will be around for eternity.

So, what I think will happen is that we finally "get" the lessons of our past and make the necessary corrections in our way of looking at things. After this, keeping "time" will be pointless and we will focus instead on discovering all we can about this existence with a mind towards eternity.

Will it come easy? I do not think so. From my view, world events are like a great project undertaken by four rail road tycoons. Each decided to unite the world via rail. One started in the north, one the south, one east, and the last from the west. Everywhere these men laid rail they managed to sway the people to come and help them with this world uniting endeavor. They became prideful through their success and decided to compete amongst each other to see who would circumscribe the earth first. To make the competition that much more intense, they even put a train upon the track before the rail was completed and bid the engineer to stop for nothing until it circled the globe with every assurance that track would always be a step ahead of the speed of the locomotive. Thus all four trains were set full speed ahead, and the people came and threw down track over land and ocean keeping pace with the Engines.

We are now enter the finish line and by fate all four tracks are reaching the same point at the same time. All four engines being built of equal performance and quickly coming to the end of the line. The people do not see what is coming, they are laying tracks and only care to finish their task. The engineers won't be stopped because they are faithfully sure of the Railroad tycoons promise to have track ready as they sped forward. The Rail Road tycoon won't listen to what lies ahead because each is sure they are able to reach the finish line before the others and thus unite a track before the other even gets close.

All the players are filled with pride at their part, are suffering under the burdens of just doing their part, or are simply trusted the tycoon that they had covered all bases in the project.

Only those who have stepped far away from the whole ordeal can see that all participants will arrive at th same time, and the speeding locomotives will meet in a four way collision, the likes of which the world has never seen.

Can one have concern over the participants when they see the wreck approaching?

No, when the participants do not listen, one must simply allow the collision to take place. Only then will the tycoons, the engineer, and the rail workers see the folly in competing with each other. It will be a tragedy in many ways, but in the end, it is a lesson that must be learned.

Then, there will be no more keeping time, no more races to out do each other.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:55 AM
Very well spoken,I have never had it explained the way you have.Maybe you should write a book on this topic,You would make a huge impact on the world with your insight. I am impressed.

I was born into a southern Baptist family and attended service regularly, But chose not to believe as they do .

I do believe in Jesus Christ; The man,The Sacrifice,My savior I would like to hear more from you about yur thoughts also on the existence of heaven and hell and what happens to a believer and a sinner when they die.

I hope I'm not bothering you with my ramblings and questions,But so far your the one who has the answers to my question

Thanks, Jimmy
And keep on keeping on,,,God bless

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