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Where are the protests in our country?

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posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Such a flamboyant little one, aren't we?

Conservative Nazi's do not know about comprise

Since a conservative, by definition, wants to be left alone by the government - there is no compromise between a conservative and liberal mindset.

However, Nazism was based in the liberal mindset - that government should have more control and should plan/structure the economy. Among other things.

Conservatives would have nothing to do with Nazis - spare for the fact that I would think nothing of destroying an obstacle in my way that could not be displaced or circumnavigated. This would include people and their governments. I can't speak for all conservatives on that issue - but there's a few of us out there that are quite passionate on the issue.

The entire GOP plan in a nutshell :

... They have a plan?

1. Continue and guarantee that the top 10% of earners don't have to contribute a thing to the economy.

You realize that the top 10% of wage earners supply something like 40% of the tax revenue. I forget the exact figures. In the aggregate - only the top 40% of wage earners actually pay taxes, with the lower 60% receiving more in direct and indirect monetary benefits. A total of some 1.2 trillion dollars is shifted, via our tax system, from the top 40% to the lower 60% of our income brackets.

2. Continually allow the banks to do whatever the flip they want and to blindly give them another multi trillion dollar bailout package whenever they get a bug up their tail.

This is really not a problem brought about by the banks. The problem rests with the federal reserve and the consumer spending trends that placed such a high demand on lines of credit that could not be sustained.

3. Continually send our jobs oversees which will double and triple the unemployment rates.

Wouldn't be a problem if we allowed new businesses to start up making products that other countries cannot make due to the lack of skill sets, industrial capabilities/experience, etc.

That is always what has driven our international competitiveness - we can't stay on top of the world by making forks and toasters - we need to move on to bigger and better things. Let the Chinese make toasters - just hold their feet to the fire and make them trade on a level playing field (they are wily).

4. Engage us in an armed conflict with Iran and North Korea while keeping the Wars Over Energy going.

No need for a war over energy. We've got 200 years worth of oil untapped in our own country. Further - None of the countries we are in are all that great when it comes to oil production. However, with gas going the way it is - I would not be opposed to 'convincing' some of these Opec nations to hold off on building their build-to-order islands and cut us a pretty nice deal.

North Korea is not really anything to worry about. South Korea can pretty well handle them. A single carrier could wipe that blight off the face of the planet. That wouldn't be a "conflict" as much as it would be genocide. China won't get involved. They aren't in a place to make any power displays against the U.S. yet and they know it. Give it another five years and it will be a different picture.

Iran is in a similar boat. Israel can pretty well handle Iran. A single carrier task force would have their hands full - but toss in another carrier or two and the work will go much quicker. A ground campaign wouldn't be necessary. A thorough strike against strategic and logistical assets would put that country back to the bronze age and have them removed from the military scene for a decade or more.

5. Deny people the basic right to essential services like Medicaid, Social Security and cancel all social programs effectively leaving those like me who are unable to hold down a 40 hour 5 day a week job to fend for ourselves!

Sounds like a personal problem.

On a more serious note - it's not your basic right to be provided a living. Honestly - if no one cares enough about you to let you crash at their place while you pull your collective arse together ... why in the hell should anyone just hand you an existence?

And I am in a position to talk on that one. I've been there, buddy.

6. Allow time and time again the poisoning of our food and water supply while protecting the companies that are harming us.

My tin-foil hat is not rated for this discussion.

7. Kill off the electric and non petrolchemical powered transportation.

You nuts? The "green" market is where all of the big boys are placing their investments into start-ups. "Green" crap is going to boom about as big as the internet.

8. Allow for more foriegn influence into our process domestically (law passages, elections)

This makes about as much sense as mud - considering a number of conservative/GOP backed pieces of legislation prohibit the citing of any laws but those of the state and nation. IE - Sharia law cannot be cited in a court of law (you would think this would be common sense - but I suppose some people don't get it).

9. Kill off any non white people!


That's about all that needs to be said.

10. Kill our chance to compete on the world's stage while cutting public school education while leaving the private schools alone.

Don't really see the problem with this. Public schools have continually shown degrading performance/dollar invested while private schools tend to show a more positive trend. Further - the government cannot really interfere with private schooling... kind of why it's called private schooling.

The problems with our education system stem mostly from structure and a lack of competent administrators. You can throw all the money you want at a room full of kids - if you don't have a good structure and staff, all you've got is a very expensive daycare service paid for by the tax payers.

11. Turn this "War On Terrorism" into a "Holy War" between Islam-Muslim and Christian-Hebrew!

Generally, when people shoot in my general direction while shouting "praise be to God" in whatever tongue or language they are using... that generally indicates a holy war. Not that it really matters much. Someone shooting at me is going to be treated equally regardless of race, color, religion, etc. The most expedient solution is to shoot back - or otherwise kill.

War is war - none of it I'd consider holy.

12. Allow time and time again your health insurance company the control to deny you and your family any treatment they want. < These are the real "Death Panels" a bunch of insurance company employees sitting around dictating who gets what coverage.

This is what separates smart people from liberals. Smart, self-aware beings, tend to realize that living where they have no options in life is akin to being a slave. Living with loan and debt payments that consume entire paychecks while 'scraping by' in a 'hand to mouth' lifestyle is no different than living as a slave on the farm. You can't afford to quit your job or you'll face foreclosures. You can't afford to change your insurance to a company you would prefer, and you feel trapped and oppressed by the world.

The self-aware being realizes the dangers of slavery - however voluntary - and avoids becoming a slave by opting to keep options open in their life. Bad insurance? You can locate one of your own.

13. Do nothing about this immigrant issue so the multi trillion dollar lobbyists firms can contunally exploit them for cheap and dirt cheap labour all the while not demanding that any of it remains stateside all while evading the Federal Income Tax laws,

A wall would fix this.

Though, I agree - no one wants to seem to touch this issue.

14. Allow you to lose your job and home for whatever reason your employer and lender dictates and not have the populous the right to challenge any claim.

You don't really have the right to be employed. Now - if there were contract violations, that's one thing - but it's generally not considered your right to seek legal recourse for being terminated from your job, or the government's job to determine who should and should not be allowed to work at a given company.

Of course - you mean in the form of unions. The issue this pertains to is in the public sector. No one can do anything about unions in private companies. That is all under the first amendment. Of course - 'organizing' and having your position terminated is a potential and perfectly legal outcome.

15. Return to an era whereas an African American was legally declared 2/3 of a person and Women weren't allowed out of the kitchen, forget about having the right to own property, hold down a job, have a say in matters pertaining to thier own bodies, have the right to vote, be forced to endure consistant beatings and belittements if they didn't have dinner done in time, being subjected to forced spousal rape. Do y'all really want to subject your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts to this? African Americans would be forced back into the cotton fields stripped of all rights, properties, jobs, and all money earned. McCain admitted this while on The View in Ear 08!

Considering how well informed you seem to be... I think you're a bit loopy in the head when it comes to this.

In either case - I've plenty of black friends and consider them to be quite homogeneous in composition and substance as human beings. The thugs on the street, I consider to be less than human - but that is equal opportunity - I have high standards for being considered human.

I encourage my female friends to have their own careers and to find good partners who will support them. Not sure where you get your insanity from. Perhaps a fantasy-fetish of yours?


Pretty much. At any point I reserve the right to assert independence and declare the government to have no jurisdiction over me. While, as an individual, that's rather silly - individuals add up to a mass fairly quick.

You don't have to live as a conservative. We simply refuse to live as a liberal. See my thread on ideological incompatibility.

The GOP will protect with life and limb the following industries :
Energy, Big Pharm, Banks, Anyone with an account worth more then $10 Million.

How quaint.

You realize that all of these "big industries" - the most villainous often cited as being the pharmaceutical industry... their profit margins never go over 10%? The average profit margin for even large businesses is 3-5%. Know what Coca-Cola and Budweiser make off of you? 30% profit. The same goes for most beverages - from alcohol to powdered mixes.

And it just wouldn't be a good talk about how the working man is getting shafted without having a cold one.

For y'all that want smaller Govt do not dare complain when that new tool you got to fix your house burns your skin right off because the safety regulations were abolished and do not dare complain when that new skin cream makes your skin so raw it causes an infection that costs you your limb.

If you're stupid enough to buy something so shoddily made - you deserve to learn a lesson. Of course - some of the lowest quality controls I've seen implemented have been in factories working government contracts - stuff that would never have been allowed to fly in the industry of the real world, where a failed part meant bringing an entire assembly line down and a 100% re-inspection of all parts in the inventory. The most reliable and rigorous certifications come from private organizations recognized in the industries (ISO, IEEE, etc - none of which are government funded or regulated).

Say goodbye to ABS, airbags, seatbelts, aircon, brake override systems in cars if they get their way.

Because, obviously, you're going to buy a soap-box derby car with a V-8 in it. I mean - if a person wants to buy a crappy car... it's their life and their family's lives.

Say goodbye to every single safety protection that exists if you want smaller Govt as Big Govt keeps these firms up at night living in fear.

You wish.

Thank the Conservative dictaitorship for that for completely dismantiling every single protection out there that worked beautifully for nearly 50 yrs. It only became a problem when the individual worker had more power then the corporate bigwigs and they couldn't stand i

the individual worker doesn't have any power beyond their own decisions. The unions will gladly let workers be laid off in order to guarantee full benefits and full work-weeks to its members. What gives the worker power is to be financially solvent. That means you put money in the bank, not borrow money from it (for the most part - a line of credit is a fact of modern day life - within reason). When you can walk away from your job and not have to worry about whether or not you will be able to find a job soon enough to keep your house from going back to the bank - you have freedom.

When you are living hand-to-mouth... you don't have any freedom as a worker.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by sugarcookie1

First OP right off the bat. Whats going on in this country doesn't call for any foot stomping, slogan shouting and
signage. I've never seen any use for protesting. TPTB prolly just kick back and laugh, watching their home movies
of, what ever goon squad gets deployed to kick their azz They prolly love it.

It's not effective at all. Pretty sure they want us to think it is though. I know if I were in their shoes I would be thinking somrthing like:

Oh look the common folk are up in arms again. My they look really mad this time, Oh! their holding their bresth.

You ever notice, that in France when the people take to the streets, there isn't much protesting. When they get to the streets. They drop the signs and it turns nasty in hardly anytime. They don't go out to protest. They just go straight to full on riots. Those people lose their fricken minds. I think that's just about the only nation on earth, where the govt. fears it's people.

With damn good reason too. You see the french know exactly, the only thing TPTB understand. Is violence.
Louis the Sixteenth is why they're feared. The fear is still there today. For those who might not know, The King of France was put to the guilotene by the french people. I think it was the sixteen hundreds but don't quote that.

LOL i like your humor
And i did notice that about France pretty scary bunch.. i wouldn't want that kinda demonstration..and ya know it would probably over here work into violence before it was over with..I'm disabled so there wouldn't be much foot stomping from me
In France they just yell off with there heads and everyone trembles

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
Maybe thats what wrong with me i need more sex

star 4 u
just for the laugh

but ur a female, ur suppose to be able
to get it whenever u want it. Us guys
have it a lot harder (ummm, no pun intended)
ok, maybe just a lil pun

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
Maybe thats what wrong with me i need more sex

star 4 u
just for the laugh

but ur a female, ur suppose to be able
to get it whenever u want it. Us guys
have it a lot harder (ummm, no pun intended)
ok, maybe just a lil pun

Hey thanks for the star now i feel all special and sexy

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 03:38 AM

France when the people take to the streets, there isn't much protesting. When they get to the streets. They drop the signs and it turns nasty in hardly anytime. They don't go out to protest. They just go straight to full on riots. Those people lose their fricken minds

^^^ This is very typical when one takes on MSM propaganda and spreads it

The TV pictures of violent French protests against pension reform don't lie exactly - but they do distort the truth.

Most of the workers opposed to the reforms didn't throw rocks, block fuel depots or overturn vehicles.

They marched peacefully, chanting the old slogans of the French Left - a movement which, with most of its members well into middle-age, has grown less radical and a lot more comfortable.

The burning barricades of 1968 are ancient history now.

The labor organizers of the Paris march on Tuesday were so anxious to avoid a confrontation that they made a deal with the authorities. At the first sign of violence, all the legitimate union members would disperse - leaving the police to arrest the troublemakers.

Of course, there have been pockets of violent protest - but the balaclava-wearing car-burners in the suburb of Nanterre aren't fighting pension reforms. Their anger has several strands: they don't like President Nicholas Sarkozy; they hate his government's center-right wing policies; and they're legitimately frustrated by high unemployment. Some are just bored

On Wednesday, police in the southeastern city tear-gassed about 300 youths in groups around the central Bellecour square after calling in 800 extra officers to put down what one local official called "urban guerrilla warfare
Government estimates suggested nationwide marches had mustered about half the number who turned out the last time, the interior ministry putting the final turnout at 560,000, versus 1.1 million on October 19.

The CGT union said the protests had attracted about 2 million people, down from 3.5 million during the last rally

Pension protest numbers

Saturday 16 October: 825,000 (police) - 2.5-3m (unions)

Tuesday 12 October: 1.2m - 3.5m

Saturday 2 October: 899.000 - 3m

Thursday 23 September: 997,000 - 3m

Tuesday 7 September: 1.2m - 2.7m

But MSM concentrates on the THUGS, and people like YOU walk away believing its the MAJORITY who are the THUGS destroying property etc.. NOT SO!

The protests for the most part were peaceful, thug opportunists (usually a few hired, others just join for fun) ruin peaceful organised protests

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by Aim64C
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Such a flamboyant little one, aren't we?

Conservative Nazi's do not know about comprise

Since a conservative, by definition, wants to be left alone by the government - there is no compromise between a conservative and liberal mindset.

However, Nazism was based in the liberal mindset - that government should have more control and should plan/structure the economy. Among other things.

Conservatives would have nothing to do with Nazis - spare for the fact that I would think nothing of destroying an obstacle in my way that could not be displaced or circumnavigated. This would include people and their governments. I can't speak for all conservatives on that issue - but there's a few of us out there that are quite passionate on the issue.

The entire GOP plan in a nutshell :

... They have a plan?

1. Continue and guarantee that the top 10% of earners don't have to contribute a thing to the economy.

You realize that the top 10% of wage earners supply something like 40% of the tax revenue. I forget the exact figures. In the aggregate - only the top 40% of wage earners actually pay taxes, with the lower 60% receiving more in direct and indirect monetary benefits. A total of some 1.2 trillion dollars is shifted, via our tax system, from the top 40% to the lower 60% of our income brackets.- Lie, lie, lie as they did in one point in time give 40% of the tax revenue but when millions of jobs are sent overseas millions in revenue goes with it.

2. Continually allow the banks to do whatever the flip they want and to blindly give them another multi trillion dollar bailout package whenever they get a bug up their tail.

This is really not a problem brought about by the banks. The problem rests with the federal reserve and the consumer spending trends that placed such a high demand on lines of credit that could not be sustained. - Do not dare try to blame the consumer who is the victim here.

3. Continually send our jobs oversees which will double and triple the unemployment rates.

Wouldn't be a problem if we allowed new businesses to start up making products that other countries cannot make due to the lack of skill sets, industrial capabilities/experience, etc.

That is always what has driven our international competitiveness - we can't stay on top of the world by making forks and toasters - we need to move on to bigger and better things. Let the Chinese make toasters - just hold their feet to the fire and make them trade on a level playing field (they are wily). - Try starting a business that employs Americans exclusively and see how fast that the banks deny you a loan but promise to employ illegals while sending your entire base overseas and watch how fast you get that loan.

4. Engage us in an armed conflict with Iran and North Korea while keeping the Wars Over Energy going.

No need for a war over energy. We've got 200 years worth of oil untapped in our own country. Further - None of the countries we are in are all that great when it comes to oil production. However, with gas going the way it is - I would not be opposed to 'convincing' some of these Opec nations to hold off on building their build-to-order islands and cut us a pretty nice deal.- Big Oil, OPEC knows full well that they are on the way iut because in as little as 20 years do not expect to buy a petrol powered car new.

North Korea is not really anything to worry about. South Korea can pretty well handle them. A single carrier could wipe that blight off the face of the planet. That wouldn't be a "conflict" as much as it would be genocide. China won't get involved. They aren't in a place to make any power displays against the U.S. yet and they know it. Give it another five years and it will be a different picture.

Iran is in a similar boat. Israel can pretty well handle Iran. A single carrier task force would have their hands full - but toss in another carrier or two and the work will go much quicker. A ground campaign wouldn't be necessary. A thorough strike against strategic and logistical assets would put that country back to the bronze age and have them removed from the military scene for a decade or more.-Israel struggled with Hezbollh and would have a considerably harder time with Iran who is better armed, equipped and trained.

5. Deny people the basic right to essential services like Medicaid, Social Security and cancel all social programs effectively leaving those like me who are unable to hold down a 40 hour 5 day a week job to fend for ourselves!

Sounds like a personal problem.

On a more serious note - it's not your basic right to be provided a living. Honestly - if no one cares enough about you to let you crash at their place while you pull your collective arse together ... why in the hell should anyone just hand you an existence?

And I am in a position to talk on that one. I've been there, buddy.

6. Allow time and time again the poisoning of our food and water supply while protecting the companies that are harming us.

My tin-foil hat is not rated for this discussion.

7. Kill off the electric and non petrolchemical powered transportation.

You nuts? The "green" market is where all of the big boys are placing their investments into start-ups. "Green" crap is going to boom about as big as the internet -. Big Oil, OPEC knows full well that they are on the way iut because in as little as 20 years do not expect to buy a petrol powered car new. EV vehicles will overtake and dominate petrol powered ones by 2030 and that is that. Hence why we refuse to invade Iran.

8. Allow for more foriegn influence into our process domestically (law passages, elections)

This makes about as much sense as mud - considering a number of conservative/GOP backed pieces of legislation prohibit the citing of any laws but those of the state and nation. IE - Sharia law cannot be cited in a court of law (you would think this would be common sense - but I suppose some people don't get it). - No one mentioned Sharia so right there you lose all credibility. Leave it up to the Conservative GOP and Sharia will be law stateside.

9. Kill off any non white people!


That's about all that needs to be said.

10. Kill our chance to compete on the world's stage while cutting public school education while leaving the private schools alone.

Don't really see the problem with this. Public schools have continually shown degrading performance/dollar invested while private schools tend to show a more positive trend. Further - the government cannot really interfere with private schooling... kind of why it's called private schooling.

The problems with our education system stem mostly from structure and a lack of competent administrators. You can throw all the money you want at a room full of kids - if you don't have a good structure and staff, all you've got is a very expensive daycare service paid for by the tax payers.

11. Turn this "War On Terrorism" into a "Holy War" between Islam-Muslim and Christian-Hebrew!

Generally, when people shoot in my general direction while shouting "praise be to God" in whatever tongue or language they are using... that generally indicates a holy war. Not that it really matters much. Someone shooting at me is going to be treated equally regardless of race, color, religion, etc. The most expedient solution is to shoot back - or otherwise kill.

War is war - none of it I'd consider holy.

12. Allow time and time again your health insurance company the control to deny you and your family any treatment they want. < These are the real "Death Panels" a bunch of insurance company employees sitting around dictating who gets what coverage.

This is what separates smart people from liberals. Smart, self-aware beings, tend to realize that living where they have no options in life is akin to being a slave. Living with loan and debt payments that consume entire paychecks while 'scraping by' in a 'hand to mouth' lifestyle is no different than living as a slave on the farm. You can't afford to quit your job or you'll face foreclosures. You can't afford to change your insurance to a company you would prefer, and you feel trapped and oppressed by the world.

The self-aware being realizes the dangers of slavery - however voluntary - and avoids becoming a slave by opting to keep options open in their life. Bad insurance? You can locate one of your own.

13. Do nothing about this immigrant issue so the multi trillion dollar lobbyists firms can contunally exploit them for cheap and dirt cheap labour all the while not demanding that any of it remains stateside all while evading the Federal Income Tax laws,

A wall would fix this. - We are not Germany whereas we feel the need to wall ourselves off from the rest of the world hence why the border fence was cancelled.

Though, I agree - no one wants to seem to touch this issue.

14. Allow you to lose your job and home for whatever reason your employer and lender dictates and not have the populous the right to challenge any claim.

You don't really have the right to be employed. Now - if there were contract violations, that's one thing - but it's generally not considered your right to seek legal recourse for being terminated from your job, or the government's job to determine who should and should not be allowed to work at a given company. - You do unequivocally have a right to feel safe in your job.

Of course - you mean in the form of unions. The issue this pertains to is in the public sector. No one can do anything about unions in private companies. That is all under the first amendment. Of course - 'organizing' and having your position terminated is a potential and perfectly legal outcome.

15. Return to an era whereas an African American was legally declared 2/3 of a person and Women weren't allowed out of the kitchen, forget about having the right to own property, hold down a job, have a say in matters pertaining to thier own bodies, have the right to vote, be forced to endure consistant beatings and belittements if they didn't have dinner done in time, being subjected to forced spousal rape. Do y'all really want to subject your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts to this? African Americans would be forced back into the cotton fields stripped of all rights, properties, jobs, and all money earned. McCain admitted this while on The View in Ear 08!

Considering how well informed you seem to be... I think you're a bit loopy in the head when it comes to this.

In either case - I've plenty of black friends and consider them to be quite homogeneous in composition and substance as human beings. The thugs on the street, I consider to be less than human - but that is equal opportunity - I have high standards for being considered human.

I encourage my female friends to have their own careers and to find good partners who will support them. Not sure where you get your insanity from. Perhaps a fantasy-fetish of yours?


Pretty much. At any point I reserve the right to assert independence and declare the government to have no jurisdiction over me. While, as an individual, that's rather silly - individuals add up to a mass fairly quick.

You don't have to live as a conservative. We simply refuse to live as a liberal. See my thread on ideological incompatibility.

The GOP will protect with life and limb the following industries :
Energy, Big Pharm, Banks, Anyone with an account worth more then $10 Million.

How quaint.

You realize that all of these "big industries" - the most villainous often cited as being the pharmaceutical industry... their profit margins never go over 10%? The average profit margin for even large businesses is 3-5%. Know what Coca-Cola and Budweiser make off of you? 30% profit. The same goes for most beverages - from alcohol to powdered mixes.- I give no money to Bud (quit drinking in Feb 03 and Coca Cola makes me feel like I'm choking)

And it just wouldn't be a good talk about how the working man is getting shafted without having a cold one.

For y'all that want smaller Govt do not dare complain when that new tool you got to fix your house burns your skin right off because the safety regulations were abolished and do not dare complain when that new skin cream makes your skin so raw it causes an infection that costs you your limb.

If you're stupid enough to buy something so shoddily made - you deserve to learn a lesson. Of course - some of the lowest quality controls I've seen implemented have been in factories working government contracts - stuff that would never have been allowed to fly in the industry of the real world, where a failed part meant bringing an entire assembly line down and a 100% re-inspection of all parts in the inventory. The most reliable and rigorous certifications come from private organizations recognized in the industries (ISO, IEEE, etc - none of which are government funded or regulated).- Regulations in place now guarandamntee that every product you buy must be safe and if a company is selling a defective product and refuses to do anything about it that firm should have its feet held to the fire.

Say goodbye to ABS, airbags, seatbelts, aircon, brake override systems in cars if they get their way.

Because, obviously, you're going to buy a soap-box derby car with a V-8 in it. I mean - if a person wants to buy a crappy car... it's their life and their family's lives. - Regulation mandated that every single item be standard in cars.

Say goodbye to every single safety protection that exists if you want smaller Govt as Big Govt keeps these firms up at night living in fear.

You wish. - Without Govt being able to stand over a company and with a fine tooth comb sift through thier practices then they have something to hide and is being deceptive in its practices.

Thank the Conservative dictaitorship for that for completely dismantiling every single protection out there that worked beautifully for nearly 50 yrs. It only became a problem when the individual worker had more power then the corporate bigwigs and they couldn't stand i

the individual worker doesn't have any power beyond their own decisions. The unions will gladly let workers be laid off in order to guarantee full benefits and full work-weeks to its members. What gives the worker power is to be financially solvent. That means you put money in the bank, not borrow money from it (for the most part - a line of credit is a fact of modern day life - within reason). When you can walk away from your job and not have to worry about whether or not you will be able to find a job soon enough to keep your house from going back to the bank - you have freedom.

When you are living hand-to-mouth... you don't have any freedom as a worker. - All workers have freedom but you have evidently conceeded yours long ago.

Not one original idea nor point, just a rehasing of the GOP Daily talking Points.


Hook, line, sinker, SUNK!

Liberal by very definition is to be liberated or free from oppression.
Conservative by very definition means maitaining more of the same.

Anti American go away and leave the adults and smart people to discuss political discourse as you clearly need to go back to school as you are incapable of formulating an original thought on your own because your Fuher demanded that no questions are to ever be asked and if you dare you are a terrorist!

43 said it best around 05, "If you are not with us (The USA) you are with the terrorists!"!

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

You should really learn to properly reply to someone. Replying within a set of quoted text only leads to confusion.

Lie, lie, lie as they did in one point in time give 40% of the tax revenue but when millions of jobs are sent overseas millions in revenue goes with it.

No, it's the absolute truth - and has nothing to do with corporate revenue.

To quote from the source:

Overall, we find that America's lowest-earning one-fifth of households received roughly $8.21 in government spending for each dollar of taxes paid in 2004. Households with middle-incomes received $1.30 per tax dollar, and America's highest-earning households received $0.41. Government spending targeted at the lowest-earning 60 percent of U.S. households is larger than what they paid in federal, state and local taxes. In 2004, between $1.03 trillion and $1.53 trillion was redistributed downward from the two highest income quintiles to the three lowest income quintiles through government taxes and spending policy.

- Do not dare try to blame the consumer who is the victim here.

The consumer is the victim? Of their own negligence, yes.

I'm sorry - the average household debt is over $100,000 with the average household income being only about $40K. That's a minimum of three years of working just to pay off the debt.

I'm not sure what the hell kind of stupid pills you all took to celebrate my being born - but it's sure as hell throwing a wrench into my plans now that I'm "an adult" and working now. But it's alright - your kids will fix your abysmal failure.

- Try starting a business that employs Americans exclusively and see how fast that the banks deny you a loan but promise to employ illegals while sending your entire base overseas and watch how fast you get that loan.

There's your problem. You are looking to the bank for investment capital. While that's not always a bad idea - it's often better to find venture capital. The reason? The bank will process your loan based off of statistics more than your business model and personal character.

-Israel struggled with Hezbollh and would have a considerably harder time with Iran who is better armed, equipped and trained.

Starting to get off-topic - but this is hardly the case. Terrorist groups are completely different issues from organized armies. Effectively using air support and area-effect weapons on terrorists nestled in amongst civilians is impossible. Against organized armies - it's brutal and causes unsustainable losses. Israel is in the space age by comparison to Iran.

-. Big Oil, OPEC knows full well that they are on the way iut because in as little as 20 years do not expect to buy a petrol powered car new. EV vehicles will overtake and dominate petrol powered ones by 2030 and that is that. Hence why we refuse to invade Iran.

... they are going to "kill off" Electric vehicles ... but it's the only model of car you'll be able to buy in 20 years? ... You sure like to change your story.

I can tell you why electric cars are so expensive - it's because they are not made of cost-effective parts. Electric motors of the types used in cars are not cheap - and the solid-state circuitry to drive them is hideously expensive. Even more troublesome is the power storage. By comparison - it would take a truck-bed full of batteries to approach a tank of gasoline in energy density. Batteries are very heavy and bulky for the amount of power they store, and to make matters worse - their capacity degrades quite rapidly in such applications. Lithium-Ion batteries degrade over time (not necessarily per use) and are at a fraction of their initial rated capacity within a matter of a couple years.

The market technology is simply not there. The cars are not worth it as you'll spend more replacing the damned batteries every few years than you'll ever spend on gasoline for a fuel-efficient vehicle.

Without some serious breakthroughs in power storage applications, we will still see gasoline as the primary fuel for vehicles - we'll just see it used to power an electric drive and smaller storage system - something similar to a hybrid that you might be able to plug in and use batteries to drive the the store and back - but will be all electric in-wheel drive systems (every vehicle would be "four-wheel drive" with electric and mechanical breaking systems) and a fossil-fuel driven generator (likely compatible with more renewable sources such as ethanol).

Fuel-burning engines can be made quite efficient - as high as 70%. Electrical systems can easily reach 70-80%. The combined total is far better than the relative stand-alone efficiency of a current IC engine - not to mention transmission losses. A lot of mileage can be gained by redesigning the entire concept of a power train and paying closer attention to aerodynamics. Without sacrificing convenience or performance of the vehicle.

- No one mentioned Sharia so right there you lose all credibility. Leave it up to the Conservative GOP and Sharia will be law stateside.

Alright - you clearly didn't understand the comment.

- Regulations in place now guarandamntee that every product you buy must be safe and if a company is selling a defective product and refuses to do anything about it that firm should have its feet held to the fire.

Do you need someone to tell you when a product is not safe? If you have purchased a defective or dangerous product... what is wrong with filing a legal case? In fact - the government only sets standards that help to keep large businesses on top of the food chain. Know who sets the standards and regulates almost everything electronic? The IEEE. Everything from safe amounts of exposure to EMR to the data transfer standards in use by the computer you are on.

The computer/technology industry is a perfect example of what happens in a minimally regulated environment. It's expanded so fast that the government hasn't even had time to react to it.

- Regulation mandated that every single item be standard in cars.

That it most certainly has.

But do they make you safer? Air Bags are pretty much required... an added expense - for no real benefit over a seatbelt in survivability tests.

For example, the law to control emissions reduces fuel efficiency. The government's requirements concerning side-door guard beams, energy-absorbing steering columns, and other safety features have added about 200 pounds to the weight of an automobile. These government actions lower fuel economy--and generate more pollution in the process.

In turn, fuel economy standards have forced the manufacture of smaller, lighter cars that are inherently less safe than the heavier cars that would otherwise be produced. When two cars of different size collide, the safety advantage lies with the occupants of the heavier vehicle. Also, in single vehicle accidents (such as hitting a tree), the occupants of heavier cars are likely to suffer fewer injuries.

The fuel efficiency standards applied to cars made in the United States after 1990 are estimated to result in over 2,200 additional traffic deaths every year. Overall, safety and emissions requirements add more than $2,500 to the price of the average new automobile. That's a stiff hidden tax on the American motorist.

- Without Govt being able to stand over a company and with a fine tooth comb sift through thier practices then they have something to hide and is being deceptive in its practices.

The problem is that the government doesn't do that. When illegal workers are found to be employed at a workplace - a hefty fine is slapped on the business for a grab at revenue and the problem not addressed.

Take the recent incident with Toyota and "unintended acceleration" - government regulations should have caught any problems before they came about. It only got involved after a bunch of morons who didn't know how to drive filed a class-action lawsuit - to ponderously analyze the problem and turn back around and say: "Eh, Toyota is not in the wrong here... sorry for all the bad press - the drivers were just dumb as a bag of hammers."

Know who really moderates the manufacturing industry? ISO. Not related to the government - and carries more weight in industry than any bill ever passed by congress. If you fail your ISO audit, you'll likely lose every contract you have and be shut down because no one wants to do business with a company that can't follow their own documentation and process standards.

Not one original idea nor point, just a rehasing of the GOP Daily talking Points.

I'm rubber, you're glue - whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!

... Two can play at childish games. I can have fun with it and laugh as you pull your hair out in frustration.


The real question should be: "Why is it that the only relevant thought consists of my own?"

Hook, line, sinker, SUNK!

Generally, when the fish dives deeper than your hook, it means it stole your hook - not that you're about to reel in a fish.

Liberal by very definition is to be liberated or free from oppression.
Conservative by very definition means maitaining more of the same.

This is not true.

A liberal application is an application without concern for excess. To liberally apply lotion, for example. This stems from the etymology of the base word - which does mean "to free." In this case - it means to freely apply. A liberal government will freely apply its powers.

Which is not at all in contrast to your attitude from the above. Application of government involvement and regulation is seen as inherently good and benevolent by you. Thus - you are for the liberal application of government and associated regulations.

A conservative application is to limit and restrict. To conservatively spend, for example. In this case, it would mean to limit and restrict the application of government and its powers.

Now - in the context of personalities, a liberal is more likely to "throw caution to the wind" while a conservative is more apt to take the stance of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." But that's more related to social issues - not government issues. Since I'm a conservative - social and government issues are separate and to be discussed separately. Since you are a liberal - you will insist that social issues are, in fact, government issues as well. Which makes discussion and/or the lack thereof rather difficult.

Anti American go away and leave the adults and smart people to discuss political discourse as you clearly need to go back to school as you are incapable of formulating an original thought on your own because your Fuher demanded that no questions are to ever be asked and if you dare you are a terrorist!

Considering I test in the 99.9 percentile, I never really needed to go to your school to begin with. Which is probably why I don't consider you to be sentient. The average person is a simple pattern of behavior to be unraveled. It's okay - I do have a reason for striking up a conversation - I find your pattern of behavior mildly amusing and would like to add it to my collection of emulations for entertainment purposes. I have a hard time developing a liberal personality for the sake of internal rebuttal and story writing - I can't ever develop one capable of taking itself seriously. I figured your personality could give me some pointers.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

Thanks for your reply it was a good one

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