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Lets discuss Geoengineering

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posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:47 AM
The chemtrail crowd seems to be focusing on geoengineering as the reasoning behind this despicable problem. It's nice to have a clear concise direction as opposed to the way it used to be. There were more theories about chemtrails than were theories about 9-11. I am not a scientist, but I do consider myself a thinker. I troubleshoot things for a living and have to think logically to solve problems. When I think about this proposed geoengineering concept, I get confused. Supposedly, the reason is to decrease the global temperature in order to combat global warming. ( a problem that a large portion of the world isn't sure about in the first place) If the purpose is to reduce the temperature of the earth, and the oceans are the biggest sources of temperature rise that exists, why are the planes spraying over land? If the Atlantic ocean heats up 4 degrees sue to sunlight, that will in turn bring higher temperatures to countries that border the ocean in direct path of the jet stream. Making it cloudy in Anytown Wisconsin, might make it cooler on the day that it's cloudy, but when the sun shines again, and the upper atmosphere isn't conducive to making persistent lines in the sky, it's gonna get hot. It just seems like a waste of time.

And to head this off at the pass, I don't think I know more than the scientists who work in the field, I am asking this question to learn.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:51 PM
If there's any truth to the chemtrails thing, I figure it has more to do with the ozone hole(s) than global warming. Some of the compounds that are claimed to be in chemtrails are also found in various types of sunblock. If you can put such particulates high up where they absorb UV, then it seems to make sense that it would block some amount of that radiation. Might have some economic impact on things like agriculture, and not just the impact on people.

I'm curious if anyone's ever taken UV meter readings in an area with many chemtrails, to see if there's any before and after correlation.

If there's a problem with geoengineering, it's whether we know enough to do it correctly. Nature always has some way to achieve balance, and if you plug up one outlet for energy it always finds another. Not to mention unexpected chain of events types of interactions which can be detrimental.

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