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Why are you ready to graduate from 3rd dimensional existence?

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posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:28 AM
I've read that some of us are ready to graduate from our current 3D environment. I don't know if this is true, but if it is, I want to book passage out of here.

Those of you who feel you are ready to graduate out of this snake-pit, could you please give me some tips as to how I might escape?

How are you getting out? Do I have any chance to go with you?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by droid56

Sorry but I think everyone would agree that the only way out is death. Not saying go kill yourself. Just the only way anyone is getting out of here is by birthing into the spiritual realm.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:33 AM
pineal gland activation .....

so i've heard

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:37 AM
With each and every choice your given, choose love.

I'm personally following the path of the Gnostics, they teach enlightenment through direct experience, not belief systems, Astral Projection to explore the other dimensions of life and self observation to understand directly what pulls the strings of your conscious focus. Ultimately, the goal is a merging into truth/consciousness/higher self/higher dimensional body, whatever you want to call it, and the abolition of subjectivity/ego/false self/satan etc.

It's an enormous study, takes moment to moment dedication, and anyone who tells you otherwise has simply not experienced enough for themselves to conclude the same.
edit on 3-3-2011 by raiden12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by droid56
I've read that some of us are ready to graduate from our current 3D environment. I don't know if this is true, but if it is, I want to book passage out of here.

Those of you who feel you are ready to graduate out of this snake-pit, could you please give me some tips as to how I might escape?

How are you getting out? Do I have any chance to go with you?

If I may... I believe I have actually perceived higher dimensions. I know I've seen higher dimensional beings. But I believe I have actually perceived the dimensions themselves as well. We are part of higher dimensions simultaneously with this one all the time. For me, it took a realization of oneness, a strong belief in love and wisdom, and experiencing their powers constantly. There was a little meditation involved. It also, for me, probably required an in depth look at the nature of the human form, up until the point where i saw myself and everything else as light or a form of light. The knowledge of everything as light or a form of light is the background for access to higher dimensions. It is actually what the higher dimensions are. So when you can be able to see yourself as part of the higher dimensions where you are light, then you have done it. It requires oneness and transparency (truthfulness), and a variety of other spiritual concepts introduced.

For a brief moment, I believe I saw that we are this light in these higher dimensions, and we actually, as one with the universe, created ourselves. Aaaaand, we continue to create ourselves and co-create the world around us by means of this higher dimensional light. Oneness is the big thing needed to be realized in order for access to higher dimensions.

Also. I discovered that we were created by the earth to be intelligent, and since we are a part of the earth (the intelligent part), then the earth itself is intelligent. The earth was created by stars to create us who are intelligent, and since we are part of the stars (the part that is intelligent), then the stars are intelligent. The universe is an intelligent universe because we are here. This information is also helpful in seeing oneness, and therefore going on to perceive the higher dimensions. Remember you are already in other dimensions, you just can't see yourself in them.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:22 AM
The idea of graduating from here is predicated on the concept of learning while we are here. I don't know as there are a set of tests or standards one must pass to prove they are ready. "Graduation" is probably not based on just having had enough of this place.

If we relate to life in our favorite four dimensions as a process of learning and development then it will follow that those who have learned and developed the most spiritually will not seek to graduate but to stay on and continue to learn and develop as long as there are lessons for us. And a cool thing I have learned is that the things to learn are popping up all around us like never before. What an amazing time and place for us to be.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:27 AM
You can create can you? sounds like modern gibberish for enlightened BS books are us, did you memorize that?
How about you manipulate your enviroment, the word create was changed oohh back in the 90's the defined people thought they spruce it up to make it more profitable by saying adding 3 things and prestro you created,
sounds better than saying man made, someone say the nwo decided to buy the dictonaries publising houses so they could brainwash the newer generations by altering the defined words so they control there thoughts there thinking there minds. So they become homomasters, the very own creator, all illisions of the ego and freewill confirms your reality, believe in beliefs of believing is your reality, and you trust nothing, have faith in nothing
Perhaps this why America is falling victum to the nwo, they have no faith no trust in that faith. They have no truth higher than there own ignorance feed by secondhand information in teachings of bieng taught to acclaim intelligence of a bankrupt Country led & decieved by false prophets false scriptures. See the point absolute Gibberish!!!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:20 AM
i personally think most of us is ready but we must stay to finish the experience we started and when the day your destined to go you will or maby not see i half beleave in destiny but not entiurely convinced i mean there is no way we are determined every single thing we do no no we change our future constantly by the choices we make so this all counts i think in the whole evolotion higher self thing to if it is a test that is its hard to explain life never mind death you know it will remain secret till you die or till we have the technology to study the last moments of the brains activity before death i want my body put in space when i die because i beleave thats where we came from our orgins arent just in earth my personal beleaf but will probz not know in our lifetimes

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:30 AM
I just think I have taken this course too many times....
I wanna help elsewhere or back here in future STO. But that isnt a decision made by the. I guess its associated with how dense 1z spirit is from being educated within 3d plane. How much ignorance 1 puts out and how much good 1 influences abroad I feel controll your soul density. If you spent life trying to, Service To Self STS then you may have to take the course again due to self centered behavior and selfishness. If you STRUGGLE down here on EA and dont feel you need to step ontop of another being to get ahead but instead except you are = to the beings you wished to over step AND STILL MAINTAIN A POSITIVE ATTITUDE AND SHINE then you may be on right path. Un no, figured I would add...

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:56 PM
Three dimensions is already too complicated for most sheeple. In fact, for most, one dimension would be better. That way, they just know to follow the straight line in front of them. There's (almost) no way for them to get confused by that, and wind-up going "down the wrong path". It's hard to go down the wrong with, if there is only one path.

Personally, I try to stay in the two-dimensional universe, unless I'm playing First-Person-Shooters.

The Mooninites (Ignignokt and Err) are my hero's!

Mooninite Quotes

edit on 2011-3-3 by EnhancedInterrogator because: Video link, try #7.

edit on 2011-3-3 by EnhancedInterrogator because: yet again, failed linky.

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