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Open letter to the World by the Anons.

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:29 PM
Just to add:

I do not think the OP knows what anonymous stands for.

You have failed. Go back and research peaceful disorder.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

Fair enough!

BTW I was with you in spirit until the talk of killing began. I agree that anon, and similar grass roots movements are a very strong and powerful tool in the defense of freedom and the fight for equity in the class structure. It's the fight club mechanism... telling the powerful to go ahead and enjoy the fruits of their labors, just as long as they don't forget who fixes their food, drives their cars, buys their products, and allows them their station.

The wealthy and powerful, in reality, are so by the good graces of the herd. This is a reality that, in recent years, seems to be lost on some of those who live in luxury because of our good graces.

But killing? Killing is ugly business. There is nothing redemptive or cathartic about it. It is a necessary evil on occasion but it is the last resort of revolution - not the first.


posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by nickoli
reply to post by AdAbsurdum

I'am and I have.

Ah excellent! I was unaware that there really was a rightwing section of Anon. Nice!

Liberty does not exist in socialism,nor in communism,liberty only exists in republicanism,democracy it exists as our founders created it, not as we are today. The key is not to destroy what we have but to reinstate it or restore it,frankly I dont trust anon to do that.

I disagree with your views on Socialism wholeheartedly. I also disagree with reinstating 1776. But all of that is conversation for another thread. Keep up the good work!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by AdAbsurdum
My point here is that Anon is an opportunity.

I don't understand how it can be
an opportunity if I have to give
up my faith, my freedoms, my rights
all for the betterment of humanity.
And by eliminating the US Constitution
that is exactly what we would be getting.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by Lateralussicksicksick
reply to post by boondock-saint

Umm I guess the elites needs to die?

That's just my opinion though, if you want to hate me for that then do so.

Thank you for keeping this thread alive though.

Yikes. I'm now distancing myself from this thread.

Not cool. I don't think you represent anonymous. Violence is not the path.

I don't represent anyone and anything I stand for myself.

As I have said earlier I am in NO WAY affiliated with anyone or anything.

That is just my opinion, if you would like to judge me by that then do so.

reply to post by Hefficide

Thank you for understanding me.

In the heat of things like these I tend to forgot my values, I have never thought of killing anyone as far as they don't strike the first blow.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Lateralussicksicksick
reply to post by OptimisticPessimist

I think I am not talking to you in that post you quoted from me.

I said that the other guy tries to discredit us because of his religion, I directed him to my thread against religion and he replied that he is a christian.

Now if you are in the same position as that guy then I really have no doubts that you would try and discredit us.

Okay please read my signature if you have the time. And please don't respond to me if I'm my replies are not directed to you, you see how easy it is to twist my words?

Good luck to you my friend.
edit on 2-3-2011 by Lateralussicksicksick because: The Apple.

No, I was addressing your seeming attitude that if anyone is suspicious of this Anonymous, you say they are discrediting - bringing down the (as yet nonexistent) reputation of Anonymous.

That's not a mature method and you will make no friends with such tactics.

Additionally, what has my beliefs, whatever they may be, have to do with my questioning the motives of a suspicious organisation?? Are you saying that you would respond differently to me, were you to know who or what I 'believe' in??

The use of Words and how they are put is very important when addressing people you wish to responsibly debate/advise/instruct. More than you seem to understand, from what you have so far written.
It goes much deeper than the mere employment of some basic manners...

For the sake of your credibility and the credibility of the Anonymous you attest to being an active part of, choose your words on this subject very carefully, as an edit just doesn't cut it with those watching you now.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by AdAbsurdum
My point here is that Anon is an opportunity.

I don't understand how it can be
an opportunity if I have to give
up my faith, my freedoms, my rights
all for the betterment of humanity.
And by eliminating the US Constitution
that is exactly what we would be getting.

I'm not quite sure where the idea that we'd lose our Constitutional rights due to a renaissance comes from....

I thought you were talking about the NWO, not Anon... or are you still speaking as if they are one in the same?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Tephra

So specifically what do you wish to change? Are you anon? Are you sure you shouldnt belong to my group? Does anon want to restore the constitution or destroy it? They better get that straight fast cause they are far outgunned,there's many more trained patriots than there are anon trust me and then there's folks like me,I'm kinda middle of the road but dead set on our constitution as written. Listen, this conversation is really moot,this isnt Egypt which by the way was an anon fail/cia and so will be America. The patriot forces here are far to strong and the military stands with us,try it and die.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by AdAbsurdum
I thought you were talking about the NWO, not Anon... or are you still speaking as if they are one in the same?

I think they are the same in principle.
From what I read here, anon is
just a tool of the NWO ideology.
The same way wikileaks is.

And both are asking us to give up
everything we have known for something
completely UNKNOWN which has no
general direction other than Capt. Kirk
just saying to Sulu. "Take us out.
Anywhere we wind up is fine."
Actually, no it isn't fine.
A great movement needs a plan.
Do you think we got to the moon
without a plan ???

I see no plan here other than some
anon group just pointing a finger and
saying "that general direction".

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by OptimisticPessimist
No, I was addressing your seeming attitude that if anyone is suspicious of this Anonymous, you say they are discrediting - bringing down the (as yet nonexistent) reputation of Anonymous.

Anyone suspicious of the Anonymous you say? Well me and bondock aren't talking about the Anons at that point (to me I guess).

Additionally, what has my beliefs, whatever they may be, have to do with my questioning the motives of a suspicious organisation?? Are you saying that you would respond differently to me, were you to know who or what I 'believe' in??

The reason I said this is because we are talking about RELIGIONS at that point, so your beliefs would have impact on your position there in the post you quoted from me.

The use of Words and how they are put is very important when addressing people you wish to responsibly debate/advise/instruct. More than you seem to understand, from what you have so far written.
It goes much deeper than the mere employment of some basic manners...

Well if you are gonna attack me with the use of words and such please reconsider that English is not my native language.

For the sake of your credibility and the credibility of the Anonymous you attest to being an active part of, choose your words on this subject very carefully, as an edit just doesn't cut it with those watching you now.

I have said this before and I will say it once more I am not part of anything. Is that really hard to understand? It is not me who said that I am part of the anons, so please don't put words into my mouth.

Oh and if you are really concerned with what I have edited there, I have put an additional you in the first line that I have to delete.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:46 PM
>> " Beware of FALSE prophets "

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by CerBeRus666

You do realize that this is an open letter to all of us...we are all ANON...
Every individual should strive to obtain the necessary knowledge for a counter attack, or a preventive stile, before Chairman Obameeeehhhhhhhhh tries to take over our only weapon: a totally free, transparent, and unedited INTERNET.

Great letter. Now go learn how to best become ANON - ..."for we are Legion"...

well, i'm not anon...being an old computer guy from the 80's, i know what can be written, can be read...with a strong enough machine code hack, alot of info can be gathered. "the art of war" by sun tzu, speaks to this in various ways that can be applied to world networks of today. do not ever become over-confident, alot of people that have are now dead. there are people out there that take no prisoners...stay frosty, my friends

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:51 PM
The problem is, we do not know exactly whom to go after. Personally, I feel setting the politicians straight is the easiest thing to do, but its the corporations and banks that need to be tarred and feathered first and foremost. But the question is who do we go after, which corporations do we go after, how do we do it. They have such a stranglehold on our daily lives that unless you are paying attention, it is so subtle that people simply do not really notice or care to notice. Then how do we break that grip without sacrificing personal materialistic gratifications that so many people hold onto for dear life.

At least we all agree that this country is royally screwed, but that is not enough. Because then it comes down to morals and ethics and when someone comes up with a plan or idea, the other group disagrees because it is immoral to them and it is a never ending cycle and nothing gets done. Then we have technology for all its good and all its evil and people are so addicted to it that they cannot see past their next incoming twitter message. TPTB have certainly got what they wanted, if they tried to pass some law and it failed, no big deal, they then just turn it in to technology and made to be fun while laying the infrastructure to put their ultimate plan into motion, and the people are none the wiser, because now they can tweet - awesome! Examples of this could possibly be discount cards, facebook and twitter alone are some of the biggest privacy stripping things out there, but so what, its fun - right?

The US has lost its spirit that it once had, where is that attitude we used to have when someone wronged us, I mean, there was a time if someone was wronged, the individual would be up and in the other persons face at the drop of the hat defending themselves no matter who it was. After all, we did not like what the king was doing, so we packed our bags and headed across the pond, saying screw you while we left. The king tried to tax us, and we unloaded a ship full of tea right into the harbor, saying screw you as each crate hit the water. Then the king tried to kill us again, and we sent his soldiers right back to him, saying screw you. Where are the days we did not let anyone walk over us, instead of saying "I don't have a choice", or "that's the way it is", or take things at face value, or taking the path of least resistance for fear of being chastised or called a rebel. Americans have become despondent and submissive and I do not know why, maybe technology?

The problem is, we cannot agree on a common goal to set things right. Here is my challenge, lets try to come together and agree on one simple thing, what to do about this mess. Then, lets not get all hung up on the method to reach that goal, as long as we all reach that goal at the same time, isn't that what really matters? Yes, we will have to make people upset, we will step on their toes, we will be putting our hands in their cookie jar, and we will break a few eggs, that is part of it and it is all worth it in the end. Come on, put aside petty differences and lets just work together for once and just get the job done and always be aware of what the big picture is and not let others distract us from our goal. Because it really sucks that the only time we come together as one is when things like 9/11 happen, then we are right back to our old ways 6 months later, as if nothing ever happened.

edit on 2-3-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

The wealthy and powerful, in reality, are so by the good graces of the herd. This is a reality that, in recent years, seems to be lost on some of those who live in luxury because of our good graces.


Originally posted by Hefficide
But killing? Killing is ugly business. There is nothing redemptive or cathartic about it. It is a necessary evil on occasion but it is the last resort of revolution - not the first.


I dont know. I go back and forth. I want my immune system to kill rogue cells that try to live the highlife at the expense of the whole. I dont want my immune system to pretend that those rogue cells are "just like the rest" of my cells when clearly their selfish agenda shows that they are not team players. And people who fail to have immune systems so ready to kill rogues, die of cancer.

I look around at nature, and how natural selection works, and I am reminded that personality, and altruism, and cooperation, and all of those traits we hold dear, only exist because we kill off those who do not share them. And have, for untold numbers of years.

That is just a simple fact. Cooperation and altruism can only exist and flourish in a world where the penalty for not having those traits is extinction.

So I dont know. Its distasteful, its unpleasant, but unfortunately, I see no other viable strategy on Earth but evolution. And evolution occurs by natural selection. And natural selection requires there be differential reproductive success. And that requires........................that some people not live to reproduce.

Its difficult. I really struggle with the whole thing myself.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:54 PM
J35t3r, he is kinda funny, he dont talk much online,but when he does,he speaks loud and clear,right anon? Boys,you'll need to study LIBERTY hard,really anon, I can love ya but really dont make me hurt ya. I understand your frustration but if you little crackers get to acting stupid I'm gonna bring a world of pain on ya. Really,trust me,there are many good patriotic groups out there to help you make the changes you wish to see but screw around with my republic and I'm gonna butthurt you fast. Last warning.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

You genuinely think my advise to you about choosing your words carefully because they matter more than you are clearly aware, was an "attack"?

It was assistance.
I suggest you take what I advised on board. You've already lost some who were siding with you due to your lack of consideration for how what you write comes across to others.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Ah ok, I see where you are coming from.

Anon begs the question, "What is the end goal?" or "What is the exit strategy?"

I think, and this is just me, that the idea is to give people tools, they didn't know they had, to be heard and enact change to get them used to dissenting actively as opposed to just yelling at the TV which is what the majority of our parents did.

Once you have people actively involved again then change can start to take place because the people will be accustomed to reactions by the State and learn what worked and didn't work during organizing, application, etc. Some actions will have adverse consequences, that is a give-in, but you have to learn some how.

On the other side of the coin, I think it is great that this is getting young people involved in current events, politics, economics, etc. As opposed to playing video games and listening to Lady GaGa they are taking time to educate themselves on what is happening and the history surrounding those events.

Is immaturity going to make some actions less effective than they could be? Of course. So will inexperience. Given enough time the exit strategy, or the end game will manifest and will be based on the collective experience of the people involved. It's going to take time to evolve into that just like it took time to evolve into what it has become today.

Could it all go awry tomorrow? It very well could. But for now, Anon is an opportunity for people to do something there TV enslaved parents never did and that, in my opinion, is a very good thing.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by nickoli

You keep bantering on as though the United States is some sort of utopia, like it's still the place it once was, and how it was envisioned by our founding fathers. It is not anymore, as Jefferson and others wrote it would happen. Jefferson literally wrote that the United States was destined for failure, and he knew we would need to tear it down.

I'm not saying the constitution is to blame,'s power.

edit on 2-3-2011 by Tephra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by imjustlikeyou

Thank you for describing the /b/tards, the Anons are now more bigger and more directed than what you have described here. Thank you though for posting that.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by OptimisticPessimist

I'm just saying the possibility of you and others attacking me in that side.

And thank you for your advice I have conceded that and I will be more careful on what I post here.

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