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The Search For Life. Part 2 – Are they here?..

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Ahh...yes the unknown.
I believe that is exactly what is at stake here.
Because even if life does exist elsewhere, until you witness it's unknown.
In my humble opinion, life has existed already, somewhere...
Whether or not it was intelligent, well that's relative. Some say amoebas are intelligent.
But I digress.
If there is/was life that traveled here, they are far more intelligent than human beings.
Like you said, until something credible happens to actually prove existence...
...the answer is: "We don't know".
It is fun to speculate.

Oh yeah...I had to use my scroll button 48 times to get to the bottom of your original thread.
Good Lord that's a lot of content!

Excellent job, again!

edit on 2-3-2011 by havok because: grammer

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 04:40 PM
Thank you so much for this. It's really interesting to see so much info here, you have obviously spent a lot of time researching this. I must have missed your previous post and I can now say, you are right up my street.

As Havok said it is fun to speculate, and I have met a few people that claim to have had first hand experience with visitation, including a good friend of mine that has discussed with me his experiences that seem eerily [sic] similar experiences to Betty hill. He has a number of paintings (being an artist) and I will ask him if it is possible to share these with you.

I am struggling at current with the sceptical part of my mind but the more I read, the more the pieces start to fit.

I really look forward to part three of your posts and hope for more discussion when the trilogy is complete.
edit on 2/3/2011 by OccultScientist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:59 PM
Fantastic thread! Thank you for spending the time its truly brilliant!

I'm going to have to read it again a couple of times I think before I can comment about any of the specifics
Also going to have to look up your previous thread as I'm not sure I've come across it yet or not. I hope you get some better responses than mine as my heads still spinning a bit from that tour de force! That and you've kept me up too late now

oh S&F is a given

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:23 PM
Great Thread. I felt like after reading I had to reply so you wouldnt be disappointed like last time as you stated. Alot of good info and you do a good job discussing both sides of the argument. Theyre out there for sure charlie but I have a feeling they just arent very interested in us. Honostly if theyre advanced enough to travel here do you really think that they could learn anything from us? They just want to find out a few things about us physically for their curious alien scientists.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:14 AM
I hope this thread doesn't tank.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Ra10Marduk
I hope this thread doesn't tank.

I have to admit It was quite funny that was the last reply received, and then It did sorta tank.

edit on 3-3-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:46 AM

reply to post by doctorvannostren

Honostly if theyre advanced enough to travel here do you really think that they could learn anything from us?

I try to think of it in the sense of asking myself the question, “what would we do?”

And I'm pretty convinced that if we found a fellow planet that is currently harboring life, nothing would stop us, apart from maybe force, from picking up a few of the inhabitants and experimenting on them. Similar to many Grey abduction stories.

After all, why wouldn't we? (- those in "charge")
edit on 3-3-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Great stuff RA, as usual

There's LOTS of info here I was completely unaware of and I'm still processing much of it, some of which I'm hoping will help me with something I'm looking into, so for that I thank you, good sir

A couple of years ago this would have gotten the attention it deserves, it's a shame really. I just hope the Mods have been as generous with their applause as I would have been.

Keep it up buddy.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

First off, thank you,

There's LOTS of info here I was completely unaware of and I'm still processing much of it, some of which I'm hoping will help me with something I'm looking into, so for that I thank you, good sir

Ehhh, now I'm all intrigued, lol. You CAN elaborate on this yer know.

Anyway, what ever it is, I'm sure it'll be awesome!

..And like I said in an earlier post, feel free not to read everything here. I knew It was a long post so I tried to make sure I added a quick guide near the beginning listing all the different sections etc. Just something which should hopefully make reading a bit easier for everyone.

That's the reason for the seemingly random yellow text in that quick guide also. It's the same text as The section lower down the page so It should be that little bit easier to find.

I just hope the Mods have been as generous with their applause as I would have been.

Nope, not a single one.

It's nothing but an added bonus anyway.

Genuinely, I just hope at least "some" took something away from the thread. I wasn't even going to write It after all so It'd be nice to know some benefited from it or found It enlightening in a sense.
edit on 3-3-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by havok
reply to post by Rising Against

Like you said, until something credible happens to actually prove existence...
...the answer is: "We don't know".
It is fun to speculate.

It IS fun to speculate.

But, you could argue that alone (your quote above) is a reason for making this thread - although "proving the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence" wasn't ever really what I aimed for. But, looking at some of what I provided I think the signs are there that It's at least possible to at the very least suggest that there was life somewhere other than here at some point.

Take mars for example, with It's vast oceans It seems impossible to believe Life, maybe not intelligent, but some sort of life - one we can recognize here on earth, could've been present here at some point. Nothing has been proven but the signs are there.

Venus also, the signs are there. Not forgetting that there is more than likely millions of earth like planets "out there" in the habitable zone. Not that this proves in the slightest that we have been visited, but the signs are there to suggest life is present at the very least. And If it is present, It's possible It is evolved to a standard of our own standing and/or better.

Nothing proven but signs are there.

Well, IMO.

Meh, It's all speculation really, lol, but can I ask, do you personally believe many people are actually having sightings of "strange crafts?" (in other words, not balloons, not Venus, nothing like that)

If so, do you really think the government are responsible for all of them?

I just find It hard to believe to be perfectly honest. I think they can be responsible for most, but not all.

Oh yeah...I had to use my scroll button 48 times to get to the bottom of your original thread. Good Lord that's a lot of content!

What can I say, why do it unless you're going to do it right? lol.

Too many people work harder at getting an OP up on the boards as opposed to what type of content they are providing for us all.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by OccultScientist

Hello there.

As Havok said it is fun to speculate, and I have met a few people that claim to have had first hand experience with visitation, including a good friend of mine that has discussed with me his experiences that seem eerily [sic] similar experiences to Betty hill. He has a number of paintings (being an artist) and I will ask him if it is possible to share these with you.

Yeah, if possible, please do ask them if you could post their experiences. If It's not allowed I and I'm sure others will understand (as It must be a tough thing to go through and then have discussed by others) but It can't hurt to ask.

I am struggling at current with the sceptical part of my mind but the more I read, the more the pieces start to fit.

Well, all I an say is I feel almost exactly the same.

I'm still finding it difficult to come to a conclusion for myself to be honest - in regards to whether we HAVE been conclusively visited by Life not of our own. I'm heavily edging towards the "yes we have" conclusion but I find it hard to back that position entirely still. As you say, It's the skeptical part of your mind which is causing this (which is a good thing still - It's much better being skeptical than wholly believing imo)

I want evidence. And as I stated to Havok, I strongly believe the signs are there pointing towards it (them visiting here), but It doesn't seem enough still. It's frustrating. I just want to know.

I said in an earlier post, I really love this topic, but at the same time, I hate it!

edit on 3-3-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 06:54 AM

Take mars for example, with It's vast oceans It seems impossible to believe Life, maybe not intelligent, but some sort of life - one we can recognize here on earth, could've been present here at some point. Nothing has been proven but the signs are there. Venus also, the signs are there. Not forgetting that there is more than likely millions of earth like planets "out there" in the habitable zone. Not that this proves in the slightest that we have been visited, but the signs are there to suggest life is present at the very least. And If it is present, It's possible It is evolved to a standard of our own standing and/or better.

It is amazing when you look at different "phases" earth has been through. Various extinction events through heat, methane, snowball earth etc.. and life has survived. It makes you look at some of these other planets that have atmospheres that do not support life "as we know it" and wonder whether life is there.

Discovered only 20 years ago, these so-called "Black Smokers" are towers of rock that spew out torrents of black scalding water, gushing up from the core of the Earth. They are part of a system of underwater hot springs, called hydrothermal vents, which are found on volcanic mid-ocean ridges where the Earth's tectonic plates meet. The vents harbour one of the most extraordinary ecosystems on the planet - animals and plants living in complete darkness, under enormous pressure, one and a half miles under water. Without energy from the sun, they survive instead on a unique form of chemical energy. At the base of the food chain are chemo-synthetic bacteria. Unlike plants which derive energy from the sun, these microbes feed on chemicals like caustic acid and carbon dioxide that come up through the hot springs from deep inside the bowels of the Earth. The bacteria in turn become the basic nutrients for tube worms and other animals higher up the food chain.

These conditions would be lethal to us, but life thrives!
I think we need to stop specifically looking for conditions that would suit us and allow that life can exist in environments that we would see as extremely hostile.
Interesting stuff!!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by OccultScientist

These conditions would be lethal to us, but life thrives!
I think we need to stop specifically looking for conditions that would suit us and allow that life can exist in environments that we would see as extremely hostile.
Interesting stuff!!

I believe they do (I cite the Venusian Clouds as an ecample). It's our type of life I and others want to find though.

And yeah, even so, It really is interesting stuff still!

edit on 3-3-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Well I could reply with my usual this thread is AWESOME comment

But this thread is just beyond awesome, its like a book almost, yeah its the " War and Peace " of ATS extra terrestrial threads !!

I've made a start on reading it, but think this could take a while baby,,,,,,

S&F for this epic effort


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:57 AM
Thanks for sharing!

It's huge-amount-of-info-threads like this (oh, how I miss Internos) one is looking for in this Forum.
Keep up the good work!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Goodness gracious Rising Against, I just did visit part one [which I obviously missed] after seeing the link you posted in this part two and cannot say other than that you have done really a marvelous job here.

I have not taken the time yet to read it all, because I am busy with other things at the moment, but I did take a quick look to part one and part two.

My compliments for all the work you have done so far.

I keep it short for the moment, but here is my point of view.

Originally posted by Rising Against

According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history.

I personally think that what is stated there is true, and that there is in my opinion pretty convincing existing historical information that supports that theory.

Originally posted by Rising Against

If aliens visited Earth in the past, could they make an appearance in the future?

Well, I reversed that sentence.
Because there is in my opinion already enough evidence for an Alien presence here on Earth today, it is therefore very plausible that they did visit Earth in the past.

Thanks again my friend.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by spacevisitor

Hey man, thanks for your post!

I have to admit though, when I first made part 1, I was 100% a believer in AAT. Now, I'm still a believer ,I admit, but I'm more of a skeptic. I suppose all I really want is that undeniable evidence really - something I doubt I will get. And with this being absent, It's hard to truly be a believer I find, the same applies in everything else I suppose.

As I said earlier, you just have to follow the signs It would seem.


I personally think that what is stated there is true, and that there is in my opinion pretty convincing existing historical information that supports that theory.

Out of nothing but curiosity, what "historical information" exactly does It for you?

edit on 3-3-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by uk today

I've made a start on reading it, but think this could take a while baby,,,,,,

Well then just read the sections which interest you.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against

Originally posted by Ra10Marduk
I hope this thread doesn't tank.

I have to admit It was quite funny that was the last reply received, and then It did sorta tank.

edit on 3-3-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

I'm re-reading it all later tonight when I have some me time as its a biggie! Even if it does tank its one of the best threads I've read yet and defiantly the best in the UFO section. The trouble with the UFO section is that things get added very regularly so threads can sink out of view very fast I think.

eta- the Venus section is very interesting and fits in with some thoughts I've had in the past, for a newbie like me its a great thread to send you off scouting for more info

edit on 3-3-2011 by Versa because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Versa
I'm re-reading it all later tonight when I have some me time as its a biggie! Even if it does tank its one of the best threads I've read yet and defiantly the best in the UFO section. The trouble with the UFO section is that things get added very regularly so threads can sink out of view very fast I think.

lol, Yeah, once I started writing, I just couldn't stop you see.

And thanks, there are sooo many great threads in this forum, I cited as many as I felt I could in this thread also, so It's nice to be held in as high a regard as some of them also.

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