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Video Games In The Medical World

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posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 08:44 AM
Do you think that it is possible for a video game to trigger some kind of health problem, beside obesity? I have my reasons to believe they it do.

Video games are played by tons of people around the world. And some people have had incidents happen to them while playing a video game. It could be anykind of game, that has suspense, or horror, or a video game involving epic battle sequences.

You may notice that while you are playing a video game, your heart rate and breathing rate rises. Some people have had heart attacks. It is a rare few, but it has happened. Also, people can get chronic migranes from constant flashing of the screen. Or, your eyesight can weaken. It has happened. If you read in your game booklette, you will notice a warning that says people that are weak of heart, or people who have eye problems, should not play the game.

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 10:14 PM
video hames dont cause much.But they can disrupt eating and sleeping patterns. And Im not sure about obesity, cuz I looked it up before and a lot of it actually has to do with genetics. especially these days.

we dont have to hunt down our food, we just go to a store.

We dont have to walk across the world to trade, we use ebay.

Technology has almost eliminated the need for movement.

We had all better act soon and continue the old ways or else we'll all become lumps.

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 10:16 PM
i really think that video games could help people think better and exercise their brains.

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Yasuhiko23

You may notice that while you are playing a video game, your heart rate and breathing rate rises. Some people have had heart attacks. It is a rare few, but it has happened. Also, people can get chronic migranes from constant flashing of the screen. Or, your eyesight can weaken. It has happened. If you read in your game booklette, you will notice a warning that says people that are weak of heart, or people who have eye problems, should not play the game.

True that.

Some video games may trigger epilepsy and seizers for those who arent used to it or are just vulnerable to those types of things.
Also, for playing for a long period of time, u can get cramps in ur hand, but i think all teenage boys get cramps in their hand

Anywho...i've played video games all my life and i truly think it has helped advance my mind more strategically and my hand eye coordination has improved.

But i think its best to play in moderation. Everything is best in moderation (wine, food) Too much of a good thing can be addicting and unhealthy...ooh i feel smart

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by 1Gov
i really think that video games could help people think better and exercise their brains.
I like the way you think dude. real mind excersize!

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 06:12 AM
yes. You guys have points as well.
Because, I started playing simulators when I was around 7 years old, and I thought they were fun.
And I think that Water Ski-ing simulators helped me get my liscence. lol. Water ski-ing is fun.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 06:33 AM
still better than using a single finger to switch between TV chanells, besides there are actually some good games out there, and when you play them, you actually dont feel that you are wasting your time

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 07:07 AM
video games are great gives u a challenge and a target to reach and when u do it gives a good feeling of accomplishment!

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 08:04 AM
video games are just another form of art and nothing more. granted games can trigger epilepsy in those that suffer from it but other than that, there are no other direct physical effects of video games. granted there are some problems related to video games but it all boils down to the person themselves. if you are generally a lazy person that gets too wrapped up in video games, then your gona probally have a weight problem from playing too much. also if you are very impressionable and dont have a firm grasp on reality or the concepts of "right" and "wrong". you might be inspired to commit acts of violnce on others. i've gone on countless killing sprees and caused all sorts of mayhem when i play grand theft auto. but at the same time i'm not gona run down inocent pedestrians and cut cops in half with a chainsaw in real life. i know better than that.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:17 PM
I think that frequent flashing on games can cause convulsions in some gamers.

And I think that a gamer can become nervous when they are about to lose, or about ready to win, his/her heart can speed up, and it's unhealthy for people with heart problems. My heart speeds up when I play a game.


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