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Homophobes:: GET A CLUE!!!

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:02 AM
Dont let a minority spoil your experience. In a sa similar thread recently for every negative response there were at least 2 in support.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:56 AM
howdy mizbeach , thankyou for being you , hopefully other gay people will read your post and realize that they should be themselves . homophobes I believe are afraid , afraid of you, other gay people , afraid of change , they can't undersatnd , they mock what they don't understand . using their god as an excuse , they call gay people perverted , why? because you love somebody of the same sex , what's wrong with love.two men or two women being together is perfectly normal and healthy I figured that out myself . I know it must be hard being you but # them , you're not doing anything wrong .

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by Fitch303

Sorry I'm not afraid of some fairy queen I just find the act of two dudes/chicks pounding each other gross. Now stop being so intolerant of MY views, thanks.

Are you a bloke ? Christ ! If you are you'd be the first I ever heard of that found the act of 2 chicks pounding each other ( making with the love) gross.

Personally I would sooner be a lesbian than a bloke (I think) watching women go at each other really gets my juice going,

If there is an after life I'm coming back as a female lesbian I couldn't give a crap what the bigoted xtians thought mmm I can almost taste it now.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:17 AM
OP, don't be too angry, some religious folk are very limited people with decades of indoctrination and insane amounts of fear. I used to hate them too, but I have come to realize that more than likely they not very serious about their religion or the core message of their belief, which is about forgiveness, loving your enemy and judging yourself before judging others. They like the idea, but abhor the practice. If you happen to come across a serious believer, they will probably never dare to judge you and be aggressive, but instead be kind and understanding to you.

I suggest you teach them how it's done, and forgive them, as I am sure they truly have no idea how much pain they inflict with their harsh judgment of others.

much love! be brave!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:27 AM
You're not going to change their minds - it's a sad fact.

These people are absolutely TERRIFIED - they perceieve social change as a threat, and that giving other people equal rights they will somehow lose their own. I know it sounds ridiculous, but their fears are very real for them.

I do think generally the only way to change people's prejudices is through personal relationships - whether it being having a son or daughter who is openly gay, or a close friend or other relative. It's no different really to the bigot racist who's daughter or son marries a person of another race. They might come around eventually when they see their fears are baseless.

I know it's annoying to see their fear translated into idiotic ranting, and hiding behind the security blanket of their misunderstanding of religious texts - but we have to try to NOT fight fire with fire - we have to sympathise with their internal fears, it's all in their mind after all

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:29 AM
Its good that you have accept who you are.. Ignore the small minded primitives its your life - not theirs... You can achieve anything you want dont let them hold you back...

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by 12voltz
You want me to start a thread about how i like nice women,?probably not and i wouldnt anyway.

The sad thing is. If you started making threads about how you love women and bragging about your sexual ideals, your thread would probably be deleted.

But... Gays and lesbians can happily come here to moan, brag and tell everyone about how gay / lesbian they are.

Perhaps this is because the whole gay-movement is a Government run program to bring the population down, just a little.

Hey, I'm just saying.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by mizbeach40

dont be hating on homophobes they got the right to live as well...what are u a homophobephobe...???

lol jk s&f
edit on 2-3-2011 by gmac10001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:01 AM
I approve whole heartedly of the message.

Sadly it will not change the mind of any Homophobes.

There is no argument we can present in writing that will open their mind to the truth.

Blind hate is what they have been taught and they believe the have the divine to back them up.

Still to not engage them is to let them win and that isn't going to happen!
edit on 2-3-2011 by Helmkat because: The mind creates words the finger do not type

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by LordBucket
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

The only place I want homosexuality is on EQUAL ground with heterosexuality.


Because I cherish liberty, equality and the rule of law. The Constitution says that all people should be treated equally under the law. And I agree.

Originally posted by TheVoodooGamer
You don't see straight people doing such things in public parks ?

Ha! Yeah, straight men never 'approach' women out jogging...

reply to post by Hawking

That was great!

reply to post by schawalski

Nice post. I agree.

Originally posted by The Djin
If there is an after life I'm coming back as a female lesbian I couldn't give a crap what the bigoted xtians thought mmm I can almost taste it now.

See? This is how I would be if I was gay. I wouldn't give a crap what people think or said! I'm already so unconventional that people think I'm strange, out of touch, and weird. It wouldn't be a big deal if I was gay. I still wouldn't care what people thought of me. As long as I had equal treatment under the law, which is what matters to me. And I know gay people don't have that (but it's getting a lot closer!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by VelvetSplash
You're not going to change their minds - it's a sad fact.
I know it's annoying to see their fear translated into idiotic ranting, and hiding behind the security blanket of their misunderstanding of religious texts - but we have to try to NOT fight fire with fire - we have to sympathise with their internal fears, it's all in their mind after all

This is the best post in this thread, IMO.
I think gay people would do better to fight the legal battles and give up on changing people's minds to be more accepting than they are. They're not going to change unless they decide to. And that is their choice and their decision.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by mizbeach40

Welcome to ATS, i'm sorry you've been having trouble but remember this is a discussion forum for people all over the world and it includes many different views. Essentially it's like any society where free speech is held in esteem. If you hate hearing opinions that differ from your own then you really shouldn't be here. I don't understand homophobia, but i'm not religious so maybe that makes it easier. It is odd how the religious often claim to be morally superior and better and yet reject a large section of society just because they're gay. But you have made a very big mistake, you are trying to understand an irrational viewpoint with a rational mind.

Originally posted by mizbeach40
To hate something just because a Bible, Koran, etc. tells you to, is ridiculous. It is natural for you to NOT UNDERSTAND, but it is WRONG of you to judge me based on how I live my life. I am NOT hurting you, or your family. I am not killing babies, or raping your land. SO leave ME and MY KIND alone!

To you it's ridiculous, to them it's very serious. They honestly believe that you being gay is hurting other people, they also want to see you go to heaven and think you won't if you're gay. So in their very twisted minds they are trying to help you. They of course fall for all of that horrible propoganda that churches teach them. You can give them all the figures in the world but they will still think that being gay means you're far more likely to be a peadophile or some other sexual deviant. Just remember there are plenty of religious people who don't hate homosexuals.

Still i find it odd you are asking them to keep their views to themselves while happily posting your own. You need to calm down and realise that people in this world have different views, some may disgust you, others you may deeply agree with but remember that a part of free speech is that you will hear things you don't like.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
This is the best post in this thread, IMO.
I think gay people would do better to fight the legal battles and give up on changing people's minds to be more accepting than they are. They're not going to change unless they decide to. And that is their choice and their decision.

I agree with this and it's sad so many gay people miss the hypocrisy of what they are demanding. They want the same freedom and rights as everyone else, to live and think as they see fit, while demanding everyone accepts them as they are even if it's against the will of those people.

Homophobia makes no sense, but nor does forcing people to accept others.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by mizbeach40

(Is a homosexual's behavioral root cause a form of "performance anxiety" manifesting itself from a deep set childhood trauma of some sort? just a question.) For some one who claims to not believe in the bible you sure do spend a lot of time talking about it. It sounds like some one has hurt your feelings and you have come on here to rant about it. You can say what you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you are living an alternative lifestyle (alternative to the norm). I am not saying you weren't born this way or that God hates you. I am saying, biologically, sex is meant for reproduction and as much as I love to watch two girls get it on it is still deviated from the norm. I am not judging, go for it, just don't claim it is "natural," it's not! Also, when you say "openly gay," I hope you don't mean "in your face gay!" like some of the more flamboyant gays. I am openly hetro, but I don't go around ANOUNCING it to the world and yell at gays to not judge me. Get over it and deal with the retards that come along every now and then with an ignorant rude comment. It is gonna happen whether you are "hetro" or "homo!"

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:37 AM
To the OP -

The reason you get hate is because you make statements like

It's not a choice, i was born this way!

Sorry but that's BS. Sexuality is a choice, you are born to reproduce, all life is, trees, dogs, cats, bacteria. You were not BORN to be gay, you just like to be gay. Is there anything wrong with that? NO But there is something wrong is defying simple logic.

Its your PREFERENCE to be gay, in other words a choice.

Why don't you stop blaming your mother and father's genes and stand up for yourself?

You WANT to be gay so you ARE gay.

By saying you were "born" that way, you are pretty much saying you don't want to be and had no choice. No you have a choice. I chose to be straight. You chose to be gay. Its that simple.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by schawalski
howdy mizbeach , thankyou for being you , hopefully other gay people will read your post and realize that they should be themselves . homophobes I believe are afraid , afraid of you, other gay people , afraid of change , they can't undersatnd , they mock what they don't understand . using their god as an excuse , they call gay people perverted , why? because you love somebody of the same sex , what's wrong with love.two men or two women being together is perfectly normal and healthy I figured that out myself . I know it must be hard being you but # them , you're not doing anything wrong .

It is not biologically "normal!" When you consider that sex is biologically meant for reproduction, then you have to admit it is deviated from its true intent. To say this doesn't mean I am scared or afraid or any of these other slurs that gays throw around when some one doesn't feel comfortable with a homosexual public display of affection. I don't do it as a hetro and I don't feel like some one as a homo should either. You can do what you want, I don't judge. I have a couple of family members that are openly gay. The only time they hear abusive words is when they act inappropriate in public. Which any one should hetro or homo. So, before you start crying about the world ask yourself what you are subjecting the world too first.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by doom27
To the OP -

The reason you get hate is because you make statements like

It's not a choice, i was born this way!

Sorry but that's BS. Sexuality is a choice, you are born to reproduce, all life is, trees, dogs, cats, bacteria. You were not BORN to be gay, you just like to be gay. Is there anything wrong with that? NO But there is something wrong is defying simple logic.

Its your PREFERENCE to be gay, in other words a choice.

Why don't you stop blaming your mother and father's genes and stand up for yourself?

You WANT to be gay so you ARE gay.

By saying you were "born" that way, you are pretty much saying you don't want to be and had no choice. No you have a choice. I chose to be straight. You chose to be gay. Its that simple.

Ahhhh! Some one with a clear mind!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by mizbeach40

Starred and Flagged!

Agree with every word.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Carseller4

HAHAHAHAHA....what makes you think I had a "hard time getting a man"?????

I think this is the most outrageous response I have seen yet.

I guess I should have outed myself as slut back then too! But I was trying to point out that being gay not...about sex.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:00 AM
I've never understood why people place so much importance on the sexuality of others. Humans by their very nature are multi-faceted, holistic beings. Sexuality is but one of the many thousands of aspects, that when combined, determine the individual.

Some people like red, others blue; some people drive Fords, others Toyota's; some like football, others tennis.. and so on, and so on. Why focus on one simple aspect such as sexuality and make such a big deal out of it? To what end? It is, at the very best, petty, immature and ignorant.

The only thing to be learnt from such narrow minded people is that they should be avoided. Rarely have I met a homophobe that thinks or acts progressively in any other fashion. They are generally backward in most other aspects of their lives.

No matter... the world is leaving them behind!

IRM :shk:

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