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Homophobes:: GET A CLUE!!!

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Varemia

Bisexual is just as bad.

If you want to associate yourself with less intelligent animals with the (Animals do it, so can i) excuse then go ahead.

Gay is not natural at all.

If anything its genetic mutation which removes the instinct to reproduce.

I want to keep the human race going, Gay men don't.

I support my species, you dont.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by MrMuzik
I will stay nuetral on weather I condone or dissapprove of what happens behind CLOSED DOORS, I will only state FACTS. This lifestyle IS a choice but the media makes it seem as if it is not by spuing lies about "GENETICS." The truth behind all of this is as simple as they come. Many believe that breast cancer is genetic, but it IS NOT. It is environment. Out of all the diseases in the world (and no i am not saying homosexuality is a disease) only a hand full are truly genetically based! Our whole genetic make up is to change to adapt to environment! Simple: stop smokin and you are less likely to TURN ON the gene to causes lung cancer. Genetics, or being born a certain way that cant be changed, is a foolish tool used to make us ignore our social and economic issues. No one is BORN GAY, it is a choice, wether it be conscience or subconscience. You have 2 types of memory, implicit and explicit. Explicit memory is RECALL memory, the ability to state facts of events you have seen, implicit memory is emotional memory of events. Thus the reason why a child cant remember being put up for adoption but can have abandonment issues. The same goes with homosexuality. Thing may have happen to you when you were in a state were you CANNOT remember because the part that holds the EXPLICIT MEMORY (hippocampus) had not formed but you NOW act on the emotional memory or implict memory. So as you say, you've been "gay" as long as you can REMEMBER, BUT that does not mean you were born that way, when in actuality the whole make up of human existance is to repopulate! Thus the reason you have REPRODUCTIVE organs! Dont take my word for it tho! Study the growth of the human brain from prenatal til now and you will see
I love you all you guys on this beautiful planet :-D

Same-Sex Behavior Seen In Nearly All Animals, Review Finds

Sure it can be the environment that causes homosexual behavior, but that only proves that its NOT a choice.. Do those many animals who are proven to have homosexual behaviors CHOSE to be that way?! NO! The envirnoment evolves certain species like that for whatever reason.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Let me guess this straight...according to the bible you can't be gay or something? Or its a sin?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by jjkenobi

Not condoning or approving homosexual behavior does not make one a homophobe.

Actually, it does.

Homophobia is an unreasonable fear of homosexuality and homosexual people. You hide behind words like "condone" or "approve" but the fact is that you (like every other bigot on Earth) don't have any reasonable or logical cause to "disapprove" their behavior.

You are intolerant of them. You fear them. You are a homophobe.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:09 PM

I DO NOT have sex with animals, nor do I know anyone who does. And for the record, statistics show that 91% of all pedifiles and rapist, necropheliacs and beastiality practicers are STRAIGHT white collar males. Before you lump people into a group, you should really do your research first.

Your statistic is bullcrap and warped.

•33% of homosexuals ADMIT to minor/adult sex (7).
•There is a notable homosexual group, consisting of thousands of members, known as the North American Man and Boy Love Association ( NAMBLA). This is a child molesting homosexual group whose cry is "SEX BEFORE 8 BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE." This group can be seen marching in most major homosexual parades across the United States.
•Homosexuals commit more than 33% of all reported child molestations in the United States, which, assuming homosexuals make up 2% of the population, means that 1 in 20 homosexuals is a child molestor, while 1 in 490 heterosexuals is a child molestor (19).
•73% of all homosexuals have had sex with boys under 19 years of age (9).
•Many homosexuals admit that they are pedophiles: "The love between men and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality" (22).

Although homosexuals account for less than two percent of the population. they constitute about a third of child molesters.6 (6. K. Freund and R.I. Watson, "The Proportions of Heterosexual and Homosexual Pedophiles Among Sex Offenders Against Children: An Exploratory Study," Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 18 (Spring 1992): 3443, cited in "The Problem of Pedophilia," op. cit. Also, K. Freund and R.I. Watson, "Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality," Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 10 (Fall 1984): 197, cited in NARTH Fact Sheet. ) Further, as noted by the Encino, Calif.-based National Association for research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), "since homosexual pedophiles victimize far more children than do heterosexual pedophiles, it is estimated that approximately 80 percent or pedophile victims are boys who have been molested by adultmales.7 (7. Thomas Schmidt, Straight and Narrow? Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (Downers Grove, IU.: Intervarsity Press), p. 114, cited in "The Problem of Pedophilia, op. cit., p. 2. )

A nationwide investigation of child molestation in the Boy Scouts from 1971 to 1991 revealed that more than 2,000 boys reported molestations by adult Scout leaders. (Note: The Scouts, who have 150,000 Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters, ban hundreds of men each year from scouting out of concern that they might abuse boys.)8 (8. Patrick Boyle, Scout's Honor (Rocklin, Calif.: Prima Publishing, 1994), p. 3l6. )

A study of Canadian pedophiles has shown that 30 percent of those studied admitted to having engaged In homosexual acts as adults, and 91 percent of the molesters of non-familial boys admitted to no lifetime sexual contact other than homosexual.9 (9. W. L. Marshall, et al., "Early onset and deviant sexuality in child molesters," Journal of interpersonal Violence 6 (1991): 323-336, cited in "Pedophilia: The Part of Homosexuality They Don't Want You to see," Colorado for Family Values Report, Vol. 14, March 1994. )

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by GrinchNoMore

How about this...I will not lump all straights as uneducated homophones, if you don't lump all gays as parading freaks.

I'm gay and look like a construction worker. I worked for the STLPD for years and was the one they called when we had an unruly large prisoner because of my size and the intimidation factor I bring along.

You just might want to be carful about shooting your mouth off about gays, the last 'bug tuff straight guy' who did that in my presence at a bar will think twice after the ass whipping I gave him. Just a suggestion that might save you some embarrassment in future.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by mizbeach40


Don't listen to them, that's all I can say ... there are many nice people on this forum I guess you have just bumped into the a**holes.

Anyway, nice speaking to you

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Bisexual is just as bad.

I don't disapprove of what they do, but I feel like bisexuality is flaky.

If you want to associate yourself with less intelligent animals with the (Animals do it, so can i) excuse then go ahead. Gay is not natural at all.

Ummm, if animals are doing it, then it IS natural.

If anything its genetic mutation which removes the instinct to reproduce.

Which is why gay men get surrogate mothers to give birth to their children, all the time...right?

I want to keep the human race going, Gay men don't.

Which is why they want to adopt those children that straight couples throw trash.


I support my species, you dont.

Gay people are part of your species.
You don't support Gays.
So, you don't support your species.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:23 PM
How about this, The stereotype of what a man is, in deed and action, versus the stereotype of what a woman is, in emotion and expression, has taken root so deeply, that when one begins to know them self they hold themselves to this standard. Thus confusion of being. "A man is not supposed to have or show emotion"/" A woman is expected to express" "If I am not This than I must be That". Maybe one day people will just say "I am me" instead of "I'm with them"

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Steve8511
Why does homosexuality get special status? Why can’t a man that wants to have 7 wives get the same respect? Robo marriages are already starting to gain ground. Why can’t a person love an animal and get the benefits for their special needs?
I don’t condone any of these but I don’t care what you do in the privacy of a bedroom. I do mind gays making this political stand everywhere as if they are special.
These are honest questions.

I agree, why can't a man have 7 wives? but I disagree with the animals. The reason: Animals cannot consent.


posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:29 PM
It appears as though that some of the individuals in this thread are making a poor association between those that are homophobes, and those that are heterophobes.

The same posters who attack homophobia are usually the first to criticize and marginalize NORMAL heterosexual relationship. (you know the kind needed for the continuation of the species. Thus the word "normal")
These folks are in serious need of checking themselves for heterophobic tendencies.

One aspect of this issue is that.... Marriage is a function of the church and not the state.

Forcing the state to mandate the functions of churches regarding this area of marriage, completely disregards strict protocol regarding same sex marriage, which is blatantly unconstitutional. A Civil Union with all the same rights as marriage, then cool.... Cool.
Rights equal to marriage for your partner at the job. Cool. Not one problem.

However, a wedding is a part of the church and should have nothing to do with government mandates.
Please, I am not a Christian, AT ALL, but a homosexual "wedding" is nothing short of blasphemy.

This idea currently being proposed is yet another step in the process of making homosexuality the cultural norm. As it is currently proposed, it goes against every conservative value in "states right" versus "federal rights" argument.

Marriage was intent upon one purpose... procreation of the species. And if homosexuality becomes mainstream and heterosexuality becomes marginalized, then we have lost our ability to meet our physiological imperative, and that is the continuation of the species. Children.
(Remember homosexuality was considered a learning disability and illegal in all 50 states until the 1970's... At least according to the DSM)

This movement will have much more dire consequences than is currently being portrayed.

I have no problem with homosexuality, but be discreet, as all people who are mature enough to handle an adult relationship that involves sex. They understand when it is time SHUT YOUR MOUTH.

The entire point to this master plan, IMHO, is to control population growth and have those blind to the truth extroverted masses who appear to be happy at all costs procreate, because they are from a gene pool that is much easier to control. As will be their children.
And the introverted continue to question everything (which is not popular these days), which leads to the fact that they are marginalized and unable to support a family and pass on their genes, which is the biological imperative to human existence.

Our evolution is being controlled by those with money, power, and influence and the sad part is that the media propaganda matrix has the majority of the population fooled into thinking that we are actually on the upswing.

Now that we are about to lose world reserve currency status, which will decimate our economy btw.... The decline, and I mean heavy economic decline, is only a matter of time, and it is just around the corner.
edit on 3/2/2011 by Josephus23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Haydn_17
reply to post by budski


It's not natural end of.

Animals have sex with other species of animals, i guess it's natural to have sex with a couple of Chimps, a Dog and a couple of goats then is it?

If not why not?

Simple anatomy and science here for you gays and lesbians.

Mans Penis was designed by nature to enter another womens vagina. Why? To produce children. Why? To keep the human race going. Why? Because it's our primal instinct to keep the species alive.

Now explain how that science works with two men having sex, and two women having sex..

Go on, im waiting.

"Naturalness" is not a sign of approval or rightfulness. Rape is natural. But Rape is not consensual. A behavior is harmless if it does..... ahem.... no harm.

Really, it is that simple.


posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Byteman
reply to post by jjkenobi

Not condoning or approving homosexual behavior does not make one a homophobe.

Actually, it does.

Homophobia is an unreasonable fear of homosexuality and homosexual people. You hide behind words like "condone" or "approve" but the fact is that you (like every other bigot on Earth) don't have any reasonable or logical cause to "disapprove" their behavior.

You are intolerant of them. You fear them. You are a homophobe.

I do not approve of homosexual behavior, yet I do not fear them. I've worked with gay people and my last boss was a lesbian and I really enjoyed working with her. I guess that makes me a bigot that I can work side by side with someone with respect and submission to her authority as my boss...

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by AnonymousMoose

Approval is a word that I think is not well defined in any dictionary.

Approval is well defined when a manager approves your vacation, because he / she has authority. Approval is a word that has a clear definition when an engineer approves a design because he is liable. Approval is something a parent can do to a child's behavior because he has authority and responsibility over the child.

But people who are not moral authorities or in any position to decide the fate of another person based on their behavior sometimes claim that they "approve" or "disapprove" something... seems like the word is being used to convey a slightly different meaning. Can you please clarify?


PS: in other words, approval without consequences (you cannot punish) seems to imply that you "wish" you had the authority to stop the behavior but since you don't you are willing to put up with it. is that it?
edit on 2-3-2011 by rickyrrr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by rickyrrr

Originally posted by Steve8511
Why does homosexuality get special status? Why can’t a man that wants to have 7 wives get the same respect? Robo marriages are already starting to gain ground. Why can’t a person love an animal and get the benefits for their special needs?
I don’t condone any of these but I don’t care what you do in the privacy of a bedroom. I do mind gays making this political stand everywhere as if they are special.
These are honest questions.

I agree, why can't a man have 7 wives? but I disagree with the animals. The reason: Animals cannot consent.


To quote the late George Carlin:

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by AnonymousMoose

Originally posted by Byteman
reply to post by jjkenobi

Not condoning or approving homosexual behavior does not make one a homophobe.

Actually, it does.

Homophobia is an unreasonable fear of homosexuality and homosexual people. You hide behind words like "condone" or "approve" but the fact is that you (like every other bigot on Earth) don't have any reasonable or logical cause to "disapprove" their behavior.

You are intolerant of them. You fear them. You are a homophobe.

I do not approve of homosexual behavior, yet I do not fear them. I've worked with gay people and my last boss was a lesbian and I really enjoyed working with her. I guess that makes me a bigot that I can work side by side with someone with respect and submission to her authority as my boss...

No, that makes you a mature adult who can function in society despite your personal prejudices. Personal prejudice does not always have to translate into intolerance as you have demonstrated. Really, good job. Many people can't see where that line is.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:39 PM
No one cares if you are a lesbo. Get over it.

I support gay rights, but I am sick of hearing about it. It appears the one that had a problem with your being gay was you. And once you came out you assumed everyone else had a problem. What do you care what others think? If you are happy, then F them.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Bisexual is just as bad.

I think most women have some bisexual tendencies... at least most of the women I've met. In fact, even though they are married, I know quite a few gals who wouldn't think twice about lezzin' it up a bit. I can't argue with it...they like what I like...

Seeing two guys being intimate though...repulses me (it just does)...but I will support their right to make that choice for themselves. I also support equal rights for them..(but not "special" rights).

Double standard? I guess...but it is what it is. Still, I'd like to see all people treated fairly.

edit on 2-3-2011 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:46 PM
I'm gay. Let me tell you it's not a choice. I had no choice. In my opinion it is as natural as being straight. I also don't act feminine. Most people who find out I am gay are suprised and quite often they are suprised simply because I don't act feminine.

I am not a pedophile either. I am interested in guys around my age. I have known I am gay for years. When I was 13 I was interested in guys around that age. Now I am 17 I am interested in guys my age. I am no longer attracted to 13 year old guys.

I am proud of myself. Why? Because it took years for me to be able to accept myself. I am proud for finally doing that. I don't flaunt it.

I could probably write more, but I only read a couple of posts before deciding to write this.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by J.J.Stuart

17 may be a bit young (if you are waffling a bit) to decide sexuality.. I've known quite a few people (girls/guys) who flip-flopped between gay/straight while going through their teens and even into their 20's, before landing on one side of the fence or the other...(or permanently on the fence)....

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