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(UK Politics) Why the Liberal Democrats Are Bad!!

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posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by UK Wizard
damn, i'm out numbered

Now you know how it feels

i still don't agree with Lib Dem policies, and even if the issues were only talked about at a conference it still shows that there are people in the Liberal Democrats with those ideals

Well, yes, in the same way as people at Labour conferences talk about nationalising everything in sight, and people at Tory conferences talk about enforcing a "Warm Lager and Cricket" law.

Reguarding the cannabis... it is halusangenic (spelling) which effects your state of mind any thing that messes with the chemicals in your brain can't be good for you

True, but so is alcohol, nicotine, caffiene, chocolate - no-one is denying that cannabis is a drug, but this country doesn't operate a "no drug" rule. The point is that cannabis has been proven to be less harmful than state-approved drugs like alcohol, which means it's a double-standard, and it's utterly illogical.

'sorry i didn't mean it was a killer drug, i meant' : cannabis is a softer drug which is a stepping stone onto harder more deadly drugs such as heroin

This is a highly controversial statement, UK Wizard, and I'm afraid it's just supported by the evidence. Ecstasy and amphetamines have been linked with "harder" drugs, but the cannabis link remains questionable.

In regard to enviromental issues other parties do care about the countryside (although Labout might not)

Um, UK Wizard, even if we believed that the Tories would follow through their manifesto pledges if elected - and we have zero evidence to suggest they would - I'm not really going to be convinced by an environmental manifesto signed by William Hague. Are we supposed to be reassured by the fact that the environment is so important to the Tories that Michael Howard hasn't even taken the time to prepare a new manifesto?

just thought i'd mention the fact that everyone i know voted UKIP, not for their other policies but for a withdrawal from the EU

A destructive vote is a destructive vote. UKIP are, even if you ignore their unsavoury connections with the far-right and their simplistic, unrealistic policies, a single-issue party. If the next government is Lib Dem, UK Wizard, you'll be able to campaign for a choice on the EU. You'll be able to make your case, and we'll all be given the chance to make an informed judgement on the real issues, not the rabid xenophobia which is pumped out by UKIP.

Besides, come the next election, the Tories will, I'm sure, have adopted an anti-Europe agenda to pacify the UKIP seperatists and Kilroy-Silk can disappear back under his stone until the spirit of Enoch Powell stirs him once more...

This choice isn't just about the next four years of government. It's about redefining the political paradigm in this country, and creating a lasting legacy of inclusion, equity, transparency, and governmental and personal responsibility.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by UK Wizard
just thought i'd mention the fact that everyone i know voted UKIP, not for their other policies but for a withdrawal from the EU

sorry, but to me, UKIP are a extreme right wing party that is xenophobic towards Europe. They claim not to be racists, but have links to an extreme catholic party in Poland that is involved in anti-semitism,skinheads,etc.

i looked at that republican web site, it does raise some interesting facts, that change my view of the royal family, maybe it would be best if the royal line finished with our current Queen, none the succesors deserve to become King or Queen

Its an interesting site
i would prefer a President then an unelected royal family

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 11:02 AM
my family and my friends don't agree with the people in UKIP they only voted for them as a protest vote, none of them as i know would ever vote for them in local or national elections (yes they do have a growing number of xenophobic members, but a small minority arn't xenophobic)

i doubt that the Tory's will switch back to the tradtional anti-EU stance, they are simply to cowardly to make such as risk, although i would like them to do so, so there was no need to make protest votes with UKIP in future

i've been swayed away from keeping the monarch, but i still refuse to support Lib Dem idealogy, it's too soft and too leftist for me sorry

i do like the Lib Dem stance on lowering the Drink Drive limit, that makes sense to even me

[edit on 19-7-2004 by UK Wizard]

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by UK Wizard
i've been swayed away from keeping the monarch, but i still refuse to support Lib Dem idealogy, it's too soft and too leftist for me sorry

*coughs* and you would rather vote for an extreme right wing party

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 12:09 PM
i can't actually vote, i'm 17

(don't worry i'm not going to vote for any far-right racist parties when i can vote)

political i'm centre-right, so i'll proberly vote for the Conservative Party
(i'm proberly going to hear lots of hissing and booing for saying that

shame the Conservatives have drifted into inactivity and in fighting

they could be a really good party if they thought before they acted

[edit on 19-7-2004 by UK Wizard]

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by UK Wizard
political i'm centre-right, so i'll proberly vote for the Conservative Party
(i'm proberly going to hear lots of hissing and booing for saying that

The Conservative Party is going to end up like the Liberal party, died.
Give it 10 years and the Conservatives won't even be in the top three parties anymore.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 03:53 PM
the Tory's are going through a bad patch, i think they'll get back into power next general election

But Michael Howard is way too nice to be PM, being nice or truthful are not good qualities in a PM

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 04:12 PM
Thats what they said about the Liberal party during the early 1900s,they won a general election. Then started to do bad again, then they fell into third place and fell apart.

[edit on 19-7-2004 by infinite]

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by UK Wizard
But Michael Howard is way too nice to be PM, being nice or truthful are not good qualities in a PM


Michael Howard is a greasy, sleazy, dishonest, deluded rat of a man. Look up his Thatcher-era history, UK Wizard, and find out what he's really like behind the spin. Either Hague or IDS would have been a better Prime Minister than Howard...

Links agogo: here, here, and you can find a potted biography of the Prince of Darkness here, including a fond reminder of the best thing that has been ever shown on British Television - Howard receiving a roasting from Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight over the sacking, by Derek Lewis, of a prison governer.

Paxman: "Did you threaten to overrule him?"
Howard: "I did not overrule him, and the truth is -"
Paxman: "Did you threaten to overrule him?"
Howard: "I have answered your question; I did not overrule -"
Paxman: "You haven't answered the question. Did you threaten to overrule him?"
Howard: "I have made myself quite clear."
Paxman: "Did you threaten to overrule him?"

Howard was asked that question fourteen times, and he still failed to answer. Genius. Sheer genius.

The Tories stand zero chance of getting in come the next election - as as been suggested, I think they will end up third (fourth in Scotland and Wales, when you include the Nationalist parties). It going to take something much more substantial than Howard reheating bland policies and desperately trying to play catch-up with Blair and Brown.

By the way, kudos on being so informed and passionate despite your age. Perhaps there is hope for the political future of this country after all...

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 09:50 AM
shocking.. when ever i've seen him on tv he's always been nice and polite... than again i should have released he's a politician isn't he

you never see what they are really like do you

the Conservatives need a traditionalist Conservative hardliner as a leader (not Howard he's scared of upsetting his peers) returning to a more centre-right approach, it is the only way the Conservative are going to get back into power

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 10:44 AM
Moving back to the topic......

I think the Liberal Democrats will do a good job if the party was elected. Charles Kennedy will make an excellent Prime Minister IMHO, can't do any worse then Tony Blair
. Its nice to see that voters are not voting for the same old two parties that bitch about eachother while dragging this country into the gutter.

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