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Is the Internet Being Used (right now) to Start World War III?

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posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Well it becomes more apparent every day that the 'protests' in Libya are going to lead to an 'oil grab' by the Shadow Government and the Western Militaries...

Fancy your chances against the SAS, Gaddafi? Elite troops and MI6 spies poised to help Libyan rebels

Britain is to send teams of spies and diplomats into Libya to help oust Colonel Gaddafi, it emerged last night.

MI6 operatives backed by the SAS are to land in the east around the key rebel stronghold of Benghazi 'within days'.

In addition, 600 soldiers of the Black Watch are on 24-hour standby to fly in and avert a humanitarian catastrophe as Libya erupted into a new wave of bloodshed.

Read more:

No doubt avoiding that humanitarian catastrophe will be the catastrophe of Libyan Oil not being controlled by Western Oligarchs, those Libyans who need the most Humanitarian Aide will be at the immediate vicinity of key wells, pipelines and refineries!

After all as we have seen in the Gulf of Mexico, oil is awfully toxic and if there is any kind of spill, well those people nearby will definately need humanitarian aide.

Yes just your typical peaceful protests here by the people, nothing to see, move along.

A friend of mine has pointed me to some interesting facts about "THE WORLD PETROLEUM LIFE-CYCLE"

the website above has graphs showing what I think is oil production "projections" that include the countries being targeted today - especially the countries being targeted today!

the graphs show a steady decline from 2010 for Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Ymen, Syria, Oman to name a few.

Surprisingly, countries like Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates are fairly stable going forward!

It may also be known that the countries "in decline" may have "new" and possibly "undiscovered" oil reserves.

It would make sense to assume that a major restructuring, refinancing and consolidation is necessary for the declining countries. The oil industry's infrastructure is in dire need of upgrades in order to maximize the profits.

Libya perhaps being a unique exception as they have steady flow AND good prospects for future "new" discoveries!

Libya is in need of existing infrastructure upgrades as well as new construction for new oil..... hence we are seeing Libya becoming the focal point of all the action!

If military action is going to actually happen in the form of a WWIII scenario, it will most likely be in Libya! what better way is there to "destroy and rebuild" ... a massive "weapons testing" campaign to accomplish the tasks at hand?

The Saudi Royalty possibly being "stock holders" in TPTB, would certainly be supportive of diversionary tactics in their own country, with the end result being "nothing changed here".

The "final target" possibly being a "new" union of nations and states ... followed by some "new" energy based currency to replace the U.S. dollar complete with a "centralized" central bank? All controlled by London of course!

perhaps it may look something like this?

The "refinancing" for ALL OF THIS is already underway in the form of oil futures investments.

The "artificially high price" of oil is being "fueled" (no pun intended!) by the rabid speculators on the world markets ... in fact only a small percentage of production has been affected!! A percentage that could EASILY be matched by Saudi Arabia AND Russia! TPTB have their sock-puppet "panic agents" hard at work with all the rumors and doomsday talk.

TPTB have their wizards busy buying up futures contracts on the world markets. Soon to be followed up by "shorting" oil on the way down when prices go back down! All controlled by the production quotas set by TPTB committee of MBA annalists.

They will funnel billions into their monopolies and will re-invest in the infrastructures after the "hostilities" end.

The WWIII scenario is very possible as we see the U.S.S. Enterprise task force on the way. That task force could easily be the most powerful navel armada in the world right now! All that power for a little pip-squeek place like Libya! What in the name of Caesar is Next??

The sock puppeteers are going to be busy for a while!

Soon we may hear of a protest being organized by a joint effort by the Screen Actors Guild and The International Brotherhood of Marionette Operators ... they will be petitioning for laws calling for collective bargaining rights for sock-puppets!

This current move could be the last one for oil ... if they dry it up, they will then "miraculously" discover a new energy source that can be exploited by the same methods.

does anyone know more about this "WORLD PETROLEUM LIFE-CYCLE" ?

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Honor is a dying art that too few know to this day.

Truer words were never spoken.

I agree there are very very few people left who have honor. lying and stealing have become the norm.

My employment law book states 1 in 10 lie on their resumes. Worse is this article. (My spouse has done some ghost written for PhDs, there are ads on College bulletin boards for the service)

You've never heard of me, but there's a good chance that you've read some of my work. I'm a hired gun, a doctor of everything, an academic mercenary. My customers are your students. I promise you that. Somebody in your classroom uses a service that you can't detect, that you can't defend against, that you may not even know exists.

I work at an online company that generates tens of thousands of dollars a month by creating original essays based on specific instructions provided by cheating students. I've worked there full time since 2004. On any day of the academic year, I am working on upward of 20 assignments.

In the midst of this great recession, business is booming. At busy times, during midterms and finals, my company's staff of roughly 50 writers is not large enough to satisfy the demands of students who will pay for our work and claim it as their own.

You would be amazed by the incompetence of your students' writing. I have seen the word "desperate" misspelled every way you can imagine. And these students truly are desperate. They couldn't write a convincing grocery list, yet they are in graduate school. They really need help. They need help learning and, separately, they need help passing their courses. But they aren't getting it....

It is very chilling to think THESE are the students who will lead us into the future, design the bridges you drive over, teach YOUR kids or the deity forbid develop the medicine you take.....

..... and will probably be the ones our kids will have to work for (and with!).

..... and maybe the ones some of us ARE working for (and with!).

How many times has anyone been in a position where the "boss" or co-worker just doesn't seem to know ANYTHING about what they're doing!

They always seem to dodge the knowledge test and are constantly pointing the finger of blame at somebody else in feeble attempts to cover themselves and stay clear of the real work!

It's all classic. Scapegoats by the thousands!

I think many of the institutions of "higher learning" have become hatcheries for TPTB H.R. recruiting office! They collect the droppings from the sifting screens and form committees that help deposed leaders create new names when they retreat into exile!

for instance, Qaddafi in Libya is being stereotyped into a raving mental case. An appropriate new name could be: Meenowgot Al-zaheimerz, and then live the life of Al-riley in France! And, they say Qaddafi is a Freemason:

does anyone know this for sure?? it may answer some important questions!

and one more thing,

crimvelvet, has your spouse received any inquiries from students of the new Masters Program in "Sock-Puppetry" ?

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 12:31 AM
to start? you have it wrong, we are in the middle of it right now..don't think you've seen the thousands of war videos from the past 10 years.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by yourmaker
to start? you have it wrong, we are in the middle of it right now..don't think you've seen the thousands of war videos from the past 10 years.


we ARE interested!

theories too?

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You might want to take advantage of that and read some of them and when you do, you will have a much better idea as to why it’s hard for me to warm up to or embrace many of the well intentioned but not so accurate things you are saying.

If I was a rock star, these threads would comprise the “Essential Proto”

Well my friend you are making a huge wrong assumption about me and what dogmas you think I have been programmed with. I have read your All Roads lead to Rome post and some of the thread but have not kept up on the thread recently, I even commented on it. It is very good and quite plausible for the most part and probably true to some extent however most of it as you know has little to no historical evidence to support it.

As for the Corporate shadow government I have spent nearly 25 years trying to extract myself from it and its assumption that I am its corporate fiction, and literally taught people for a few years how do to it, and have studied all the various gurus and their so called patriot technology, spent time in front of the black robes defending freedom, have studied the laws and origins of law going back many centuries etc. etc. I have also posted some threads here on such things one entitled the US is still a British Colony
. So check on that one.

I posted in your Census thread how I quickly dispatched the census workers. I understand exactly who and what the IRS is and what their function is. I understand the significance of the dates being used to pass bills, 9/11 significance and why it happened etc.

I realize you don't know me from Adam and just assumed I don't know most of those things and I understand that. We probably agree on most things. However I fail to see where that would make you think I am just duped by dogma in my observations of what is going on in the middle east. Especially now that you know I am not under such illusions. It seems that was more of a convenient excuse not to deal with my assertions.

I know and understand there is massive manipulation and always has been, and all over resources for profit to benefit TPTB etc. And the people have been led by the nose for centuries. However to think everything that has happened has been orchestrated to the inth degree is simply untenable. People do rise up and revolt of their own volition unexpectedly, even duped people. And even if they were purposely provoked for specific reasons or plans things do not always go according to plan.

There is another group working behind the scenes that most do not know about that are actually on the side of freedom and working to tear down those in control and oppressive systems. And I have as much proof of them as anyone else does of the bad guys or TPTB or what ever you call them working behind the scenes so just to get that out of the way. They have a long term plan too that works generationally just like the bad guys however they honor free will so it seems they have been obscure through much of their history. Also they know tearing down the old systems to fast could set us back instead of move us forward. I know folks will disagree and scoff but that is no different then those who scoff when you tell them of the conspiracies. So I guess we will have to just agree to disagree. However I am here to tell you there is more going on then meets the eye and it is not all in favor of the bad guys.

I will however say most of humanity is still emotionally polarized and subject to the manipulation, but a larger part of humanity then ever in history has moved to the mental side, and there are enough now for the first time in history that this will cause a great shift and is in large part responsible for the unrest we are seeing. This surprised TPTB and they sense they could lose control hence the police state crack downs we are seeing and the preparations for further crack downs etc.

You are going to see more of a divide between the mental, and the emotional sheeple. Of course people are at many different levels on both sides of the spectrum, but never the less you will see it. It may get worse before it gets better but all that is going on will move us forward eventually and tear down the old systems. It may take 100 years to come to full fruition but we will see significant change in the next 20 to 30 years. So there you go call me crazy ( I am used to it, but you are all crazy too so I don't care LOL) however mark my words as only time will prove me right. Some of you out there know I speak the truth.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

crimvelvet, has your spouse received any inquiries from students of the new Masters Program in "Sock-Puppetry" ?

Actually he mainly works for Chinese Students writing in English. More like our new Masters.

The stuff was mainly Environmental Sciences and Physics. Also he was not actually writing the papers but editing the papers and cleaning up grammar and spelling and clarity for publication in Science Journals.

He did catch one guy with whole sections lifted from WIKI without attribution and suggested that it was not a good idea and he should rewrite his paper.

edit on 7-3-2011 by crimvelvet because: Added last paragraph

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

I know and understand there is massive manipulation and always has been, and all over resources for profit to benefit TPTB etc. And the people have been led by the nose for centuries. However to think everything that has happened has been orchestrated to the inth degree is simply untenable....

There is another group working behind the scenes that most do not know about that are actually on the side of freedom and working to tear down those in control and oppressive systems. And I have as much proof of them as anyone else does of the bad guys or TPTB or what ever you call them working behind the scenes so just to get that out of the way. They have a long term plan too that works generationally just like the bad guys however they honor free will so it seems they have been obscure through much of their history. Also they know tearing down the old systems to fast could set us back instead of move us forward. I know folks will disagree and scoff but that is no different then those who scoff when you tell them of the conspiracies. So I guess we will have to just agree to disagree. However I am here to tell you there is more going on then meets the eye and it is not all in favor of the bad guys.

I sure hope you are right!

I do know there is more than one group. One wants violent over through and a socialist dictatorship and the other wants a slow transformation to a socialist "democratic" dictatorship. Different methods same result.

1. Rights are derived from the state and NOT from the individual.

2. The group is more important than the individual and the largest group is the state.

3. Laws should be applied differently to different classes; (Some pigs are more equal than other pigs)

4. Providing benefits, otherwise known as redistributing wealth, is the proper role of government, as long as the banksters get their half of the pie. (Remember about 45% of the US federal debt is "owed" to the banksters)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by Josephus23

South Korea's labor uprisings in the 1980ties.

Historical suppression of unions detonated explosive events in summer 1987, when Koreans won democracy after almost a decade of struggle. Union membership soared. So did industrial disputes: between July and September, over 3,000 conflicts occurred, exceeding the total number in the previous two decades. Some were spectacular: Seoul deployed helicopters, landing craft and more riot policemen to break up a strike at Hyundai than the British government had used soldiers to recapture the Falkland Islands. Wages soared across industries. The early-mid 1990s were the heyday of union activism; a general strike in 1997 forced the Kim Young-sam administration to back down from changes to labor laws. But in 1998, with the specter of mass layoffs hovering due to the Asian economic crisis, a Tripartite Commission, formed of representatives of government, management and labor was formed to mediate industrial disputes.

The U.S, has a very long history of labor revolts that were very successful.

Firstly poet1b, I want to apologize for taking two days to respond to this, but here are the reasons for me taking so long:

1) I know that this may come to a shock to some people, but I actually had a few things to do outside of my online life here at ATS. Believe me, even when I am in the middle of a "gentlemanly disagreement" (like now), I am still happiest when I interact with the (mostly) kind people here at ATS. Hell, I even like the bots if they are kind as well.

2) Your challenge to my premise was very thought provoking poet. That was my reasoning for the star and the congrats. I am not in this to win this, so to speak, but I am here to learn. I needed time to organize my thoughts into a coherent and cogent response.

3) I just like to do things in three's.


You are correct that at certain times a peaceful social uprising has lead TPTB to temporarily change course.
I wanted to emphasize the word temporarily for a very specific reason. It will become the basis of my argument.

In America we have a storied history of peaceful social uprisings that lead to more freedom and wealth for the average person, however....

true wealth is only one of 5 different items:
-clean water/food
-clean air
-minerals and their ownership rights
-human resources

Now.... During any of the known historical social uprisings, did any of the aforementioned items of true wealth change hands from TPTB to the plebs.
The answer to that would be NO!!
(The only exception would be the American Revolution, but those items are no longer "ours". They have been taken back, as all items ceded during reactionary uprisings are eventually assimilated back into the fold of the elite uber-wealthy. Don't say Thomas Jefferson didn't warn us that the banks would do this if a national bank was given the power to inflate and then deflate currency)

All social uprisings in history, save a very few, have lead to a higher standard of living. That is all.
Pensions. Higher wages. Less work hours. The abolition of child labor. A larger social safety net, etc....

And EVERY SINGLE one of the aforementioned demands that were met can be slowly stripped away from the average worker bee while true wealth continues to consolidate into fewer and fewer hands.

Since I mentioned the US, let's use them as an example.

-Pensions are drying up. Here is a link to an article stating that 16 states are already in the process of dismantling their pensions. Social Security is not a trust, but an IOU and the latest reports from the IAO state that the Social Security "trust" will remain solvent until the year 2037, but that is at our current rate of deficit spending. I imagine that the last year of SSA solvency will proportionally lessen with our massive growth in deficit spending.

-Higher wages are a joke. Inflation kills higher wages because it lowers the purchasing power of whatever fiat currency is being used while simultaneously making it appear that higher wages require higher taxes. This is a double whammy to the supposed higher wages that were ceded to the people by TPTB.

-Less work hours are only applicable at ONE job. Because inflation is used as a weapon to debase currency, individuals are forced out of need to work two jobs. So... Although a 40 hour work week is in place, it only applies to one job. People are now at the point of being forced to either work two jobs out of need, or both individuals who head the household must work a job in order to make ends meet. This essentially kills the "40 hour work week", while still giving us the illusion that it is by choice that we work 60 plus hours a week.

-Child labor laws are still in effect, and they are probably the one real gain that the average American made during the union movements of the early 20th century; however, the reason that this worked was because wages were higher and it allowed the father to be the bread winner and the mother stay at home and raise the child.
Now that inflation has made it almost a necessity to have a two earner household, the job of raising the child is slowly being transferred to the state, which is no different than what those pinko commies did in Russia back during the days of the cold war.

-The social safety net that was the great accomplishment of Lyndon Johnson and FDR was essentially completely dismantled by Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich in the 90's.

Unless any of the items mentioned of true wealth change hands, then any gains made by peaceful uprisings can be negated by the inflation or deflation of currency.

In order to quell social reactionary uprisings, TPTB give us stuff, but that stuff does not represent true wealth.
The materials and means necessary to make the goods that we receive as compensation are what we truly need in order to sway the power from the few to the many.

And historically this has never happened and I doubt it ever will.

I hope this answered your challenge in a peaceful and informative manner.

Cheers mate

edit on 3/7/2011 by Josephus23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 09:44 AM
Hello Proto my friend,
Thank you for drawing this post to my attention. I will read it fully at my leisure this evening.

I wholeheartedly agree with the heading and from what I managed to skim read today during work, however I don't think it is purely the medium which can be blamed. I am sure you would agree.

Be well Proto.


posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Josephus23

Nicely said.

Everyone confuses WEALTH (land, labor and resources) with money. We get the worthless paper, the bankers and their friends get the land and resources. In essence that is what the whole fight is about. Access to resources and they have been winning.

Nicole Johnson has a very good article showing how cold bloodedly TPTB, in the form of the Council on Economic Development went about stealing our land out from under us. link

More telling evidence is this:

According to an article in The New Republic of Dec. 2, 1991, in 1948, a married couple with median income and two children, paid only 2% in state, federal, and Social Security taxes. In 1999, Social Security was 15.3%, plus 2.9% for Medicare, out of the first $62,700 in wages, or $11,411.40, and then perhaps 30% in federal taxes…if you were lucky....

In 1976 A typical American CEO earned 36 times as much as the average worker. By 2008 the average CEO pay increased to 369 times that of the average worker.

The sneak attack by the banksters – money devaluation:
Here is a money supply/gold/wage chart:
Date.....$ /oz gold.. Money supply......minimum wage...min wage in gold..CEO pay in gold
1971 ......40.62.............. 81 billion...........$1.60 ...................0.0394 oz.
1974 ......195.20...........101 billion...........$2.00.....................0.0102 oz.
1976 ......124.74 ........... $113 billion.......$2.30.....................0.0184 oz............0.663.oz
1985 .....354.20 ...........$205 billion........$3.35....................0.0094 oz.
1994 .....409.80........... $ 406 billion.......$4.25.....................0.0104.oz.
2006 .....636.30 ...........$808 billion........$5.15.....................0.0081 oz.
2008 .....880.30........... $831 billion........$5.85.....................0.0066 oz.............2.44.oz
2009...1,020.28...........$1663 billion........$6.55.....................0.0064.oz.

From the beginning of 1964 to the end of 2010 the bankers have made $1,962 billion dollars in fiat currency!

Also in 1970 - 24% of our labor force was engaged in manufacturing, now it is less than 9%. Mostly we are a nation of government employees, store clerks , burger flippers and temp workers.

...On March 20, 1969, Dr. Richard Day, the National Medical Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored "Planned Parenthood" told a meeting that American industry will be sabotaged and shown to be uncompetitive.

"The stated plan was that different parts of the world would be assigned different roles of industry and commerce in a unified global system. The continued preeminence of the United States and the relative independence and self-sufficiency of the United States would have to be changed... in order to create a new structure, you first have to tear down the old, and American industry was one example of that".'

John P. Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy was coauthor of a book in 1973 stating “A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States.

In 1972 we had TPTB front man Maurice Strong chair the UN First Earth Summit. Strong warned urgently about global warming, the devastation of forests, the loss of biodiversity, polluted oceans, the population time bomb. Greenpeace and others were told to go home and raise hell, leading to all the EPA laws strangling US industry in red tape. (Greenpeace is funded by the Rockefeller foundations - link)

The plan was formulated and as I showed in other posts each US administration did their part to make sure the plan was carried out.

Now Maurice Strong is in China where

...China is completing two new coal plants per week.

That power is being used to drive an enormous manufacturing expansion. China has increased steel production from 140 million tons in 2000 to 419 million tons in 2006, the authors report. Even more recent numbers from the International Iron and Steel Institute show China’s production leading the world at 489 million tons, more than double Japan and the US combined....

Sure looks like Dr. Richard Day knew what the Rockefeller & Co. plans were and was telling the truth.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Ah, ok, sorry, I understand.

I would say we are mostly in agreement, just on opposite sides of a divide in thought..

We had far more rights up until about 25 to 30 years ago, when under Reagan and the con job of the free market, we began morphing into a military police state, and since then our rights have been slowly stripped away.

We still enjoy far more freedoms than our ancestors did before the civil war. We are no longer subjects of a King, and that is a huge difference. Europe as a whole is far more free now than they were in the past. Even most of the people in the third world have far more freedoms than in the past. It hasn't been that long since slavery was abolished. Slavery is far more brutal than you seem to imagine.

We are not slaves, not be a long shot. The bigger problem is that all too many people take their liberty for granted.

edit on 7-3-2011 by poet1b because: correct mistakes

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

I understand, we all have responsibilities.

The way I see things, the fight for liberty is a never ending battle. It seems that people want to believe that once the war is over, after their liberty is secured, then the fight stops. This is not the case, and it never will be. Once you stop defending your liberty, you start to surrender it.

In a sense, all things are temporary, but predominantly, nature moves in cycles.

When it comes to liberty, right now, we are definitely in a downward cycle. However, over all, the degree of our liberties has for the most part continued to increase. While elites have managed to gain ground, their hold on their positions are weak at best.

We have had many violent uprisings in our nations history, where the people have had to physically assert their rights, and it is likely we might once again have to resort to violent means to defend our liberties. Should the need arise, the people of the U.S. are quite capable of doing just that.

When it comes to property rights, the people of the U.S. reached their most recent peak level of percentage of wealth ownership in the U.S. in 1979. Since then, by hook and by crook, the elites have managed to grab back a fair chunk of that wealth.

Not only has the overall level of our liberty increased for the common person in the U.S., so has our overall level of wealth, and this includes property ownership.

During Clinton's presidency, average wealth of the average person in the U.S. actually increased. Don't forget that it was as recently as the nineties that the people have succeeded against the elites.

You need to take a better look at history, because in the fight for liberty and property, the average person has continued to gain ground, and will continue to gain ground.

It is the recent gains of the elites that are temporary.

So heads up, and don't give up the good fight.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by poet1b

We are not slaves, not be a long shot. The bigger problem is that all too many people take their liberty for granted.

We certainly agree there.

There have always been bullies and thieves and brutes. If they win we call them kings and Lords since they write our history.

The only thing that has changed is that they have gotten more crafty and set up a system where they siphon off our wealth without the work of overseeing us every day. All they had to do was make that theft of our wealth "legal"

Given how very well this system works, I do not understand why the idiots are mucking it up. Sheer boredom I guess. It certainly is not to "make the world better for mankind"

Perhaps they think there are too many of us and it is time for a whopping big culling of the herd.

...From the Bank of England forward all the governments of Europe had central banks for a very good reason. The kings and princes of Europe had learned from hard experience that they could raise the taxes of their subjects only so high and then they had a revolt on their hands and they tended to lose their jobs (and heads). It appears that that natural level was about 40-43%; people will tolerate taxes up to about 40-43% and then they start digging in their heels and they just won't allow it to go any further. But with the central bank mechanism in place the lid was off. Now these governments could tax their people 50%, 60%, 70% and in some cases 80% of everything they produced and they did not have a revolt on their hands. They did not have resentment because the people didn't know that they were paying a tax. They knew that prices were going up, but they didn't understand why, they didn't know who was getting their lost purchasing power.

It was a nifty arrangement for these governments. It was at that point in history that governments' wars began to heat up. They always had wars but they were relatively small things because wars are expensive and the people won't pay more than 40% for everything including wars. But now that they had a way to tax higher than that, they could engage in very expensive wars. It's at that point in history that Europe plunged headlong into continuous war and big, very, very expensive wars. The people paid for them uncomplainingly through the process of inflation....

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:25 PM
by the way, does anyone know anything about this guy?

Lightbringer (usurped - blocked) is a stubborn user who has extremely POV and fringe beliefs regarding Freemasonry. He repeatedly edit wars through sockpuppets to insert his beliefs into all Freemasonry- related articles. He steadfastly refuses to engage in discussions or negotiate his poorly sourced (and often wildly incorrect) edits. His egregious violations of policy resulted in him being indefinitely banned by community consensus after the ArbCom banned him for one year on top of his previous indefinite ban from editing articles on Freemasonry. Following every block or ban, Lightbringer (usurped - blocked) has used sockpuppets to attempt to re-insert his material and fraudulently claim consensus suppporting it. His modus operandi, his POV, the material he edits, and the summaries he uses means it is often easy to recognise him........

"it" may be a major player in the "sock puppet" wars?

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Except your link on oil output is very old, and completely outdated.

Saudi oil production has been in decline since the beginning of 2008. It used to be that you could easily look up on the internet to find oil production numbers, but not anymore.

The press keeps reporting that the Sauds WILL increase oil output to offset production declines in Libya, but they aren't putting out any numbers, nor has any evidence been provided that Saudi oil imports have increased to make up the loss in production from Libya.

What is also not getting any attention in the press, is that these uprisings in the Muslim world are due to declines in oil production, leading to less give aways to the people.

The elites know that their power structure depends on oil,so that last thing they want people to know, it that world oil supplies are in decline, and will probably never recover.

edit on 7-3-2011 by poet1b because: change you to your.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:54 PM
A point I would like to make about government's role in securing our liberty and our property rights, is that this is natural, and something we should support.

Without a state or other form of governments, one's liberty and property rights are completely dependent upon one's ability to defend them through force of arms.

Without government, if someone kicks in your door, you must either defeat them in a fight, flee giving up your property rights and leaving your love ones to their mercy, or become their slave or servant, or die.

We form alliances and creates states in order to secure our liberty and our property rights.

When a just state exists, it is very unlikely anyone will kick down your door, because a sizable force will arrive shortly to take down the intruders, kill them if necessary, or send them off to jail. As long as you are a law abiding citizen, you can enjoy the privileges of living in a civilized world.

The problem is establishing and maintaining a Just State.

If you care about your liberty, your property rights, and your ability to pursue happiness, than maintaining a just state should be a very high priority in your life.

This basic truth is something that people need to be reminded about on a regular basis.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Even kings and lords need allies that they can trust. Kings who treated their subjects well, received far more loyalty and trust, and were thereby far more powerful kings.

It has been well proven that people who have something to gain from their efforts will put out far more effort.

This is why egalitarian societies prosper far more than oppressive societies.

The problem isn't that people don't realize when they are being taken advantage of, it is that they don't know what to do about it.

The biggest problem we face here in the U.S. is that we have been suckered by the con job of the free market.

We have people foolishly believing that government is the problem, when it is the corporations that are the problem, and government is, or should be, the solution. That is the reason we create governments, to defend our rights against entities like corporations who want to kick down our doors and turn us into their slaves.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by poet1b

You make some excellent points poet.

Land "ownership" did reach its peak in the late 70's, but that little known factoid should be denoted with an asterisk.
And it is a very important asterisk.

We don't really own the land. We more or less lease the land from the government. That is why we pay taxes and if we do not then the land becomes property of the government. I won't delve too much into this because I have already covered it in a previous post, but....

Here is the most important footnote to land "ownership"...

Even if people hold the title to land free and clear, in 99.99% of the cases it states explicitly on the title that the holder of the title does not have the right to own any of the mineral deposits found on said land.
The owner of those mineral rights is the US government and they can take your property through eminent domain and sell the mineral rights to the highest bidder.

Contract law is tricky, sticky, and icky. Contracts are webs of deceit created by esquires to the crown (lawyers) that give the impression of meaning one thing (connotation), but in reality they mean something totally different (denotation).

I actually know a good bit about contract law because one of my ex-girlfriends graduated from the University of Arizona with a law degree specializing in international contract law.
We no longer speak because honestly, I do not trust her any longer.

Contract lawyers are snakes in the grass and if they are any good at their job, which she was tremendously intelligent, then they get gobbled up and used by the large international corporations that are slowly taking this country from the inside out.

Edit to add:
You are very correct when you say that the purpose of government is to protect the liberty of its citizens from predatory corporations, but the line between government and corporation has become so blurred that it can best be described as corporatism, or fascism, as Mussolini like to say.
edit on 3/7/2011 by Josephus23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

I agree about land ownership, but any property has to be maintained. I don't know if there is any way around, or better, than use of contracts, and I completely agree with you about lawyers. Pretty much everyone I know, even lawyers, had problems with lawyers.

We need to find a way to reduce the power and influence of corporations in my opinion. I think corporations are a creation of the dawn of industrialization. That is when our economies first began to create the super rich. Before that time, the difference between the most wealthy and the average person was not that great.

I think that as an institution, corporations have ran their course as far as usefulness goes, and are far more of a problem than a contribution. As the easy to get high quality oil runs out, and the markets turn to alternative energy sources, a great deal of the wealth created by the easily centralized control of big oil is going to dry up, and the giant ICs may go the way of the dinosaur. It is very probably that most of these destructive market trends could be the death throes of the giant ICs. Having worked for a few, I was amazed at how inefficient they are.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by xuenchen

Except your link on oil output is very old, and completely outdated.

Saudi oil production has been in decline since the beginning of 2008. It used to be that you could easily look up on the internet to find oil production numbers, but not anymore.

The press keeps reporting that the Sauds WILL increase oil output to offset production declines in Libya, but they aren't putting out any numbers, nor has any evidence been provided that Saudi oil imports have increased to make up the loss in production from Libya.

What is also not getting any attention in the press, is that these uprisings in the Muslim world are due to declines in oil production, leading to less give aways to the people.

The elites know that their power structure depends on oil,so that last thing they want people to know, it that world oil supplies are in decline, and will probably never recover.

edit on 7-3-2011 by poet1b because: change you to your.

Excellent point!

I knew something was "funny" ....

this link --> may be better?

and this graph may be accurate ?

what's your take on a "new" energy source in the future?

edit on 7-3-2011 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-3-2011 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

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