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Vote Now: Is Humanity worthy of Life?

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posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:04 PM
Let's just say hypothetically... that this thread was gonna be used by aliens to determine if humans were worthy of life? With all the good and the bad and the chaos of the world and the disasters we create... are we worthy? Should we be exterminated to save the planet? Or do we have enough love and wisdom in our hearts to continue on as a race?

I want your vote... Yes or No and a summary of why you feel that way... there is no right or wrong...

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by EvolEric

[Only read the title]


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by EvolEric

NO , this planet is inffected with humans and LIZZARDS/REPTILIANS + falling f.,.. angels!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:13 PM
Every human is worthy of life that is why we are givin it..

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by EvolEric

Yes, we are worthy of life.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:19 PM
To answer your question yes..It is no one's responsibility OR place to say that human life is worthless.. People have many different ways of thinking. Even if a mistake is made as long as a person realizes their mistake it's possible to make it right again,We are not here to judge. Even though I still think to myself theres no place worse than this planet.
edit on 25-2-2011 by TechVampyre because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by EvolEric

Let us be realistic about this question. As with the majority of most things in life, wars, tyranny and the like are driven by the few. We all know this right? So essentially you would think, that the ones who are not in control, who are not empowered to make such decisions resulting in the above, should not be judged in the sameway, right?

Wrong. We as a race can see the injustices going on around the World, yet the majority of us, despite knowing this, remain silent and do not oppose such things. A case in point was the Iraq war. What did the majority of U.S/U.K citizens do to stop this illegal act? Nothing.

What are the majority of us doing about the problems in the Middle East/North Africa? Nothing. Apart from sharing our thoughts on sites such as this we are not undertaking any kind of action. By this I don't mean all out anarchy, I don't believe in that, but peaceful protest and awakening out of our slumber, might just rekindle the little hope we have of saving our species. Unless we act, then NO we do not deserve to survive.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:23 PM
the only answer I can give is yes and no if that is the wrong answer I am sorry, but yes worthy of life when that life is used to enhance others and no when it is used to hurt I get to vote twice?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by EvolEric


i think that "aliens" would know that there has been enough of people believing that they have the right to decide what is best for others on this planet. i think that they would be more interested in showing humanity that every single one of them is powerful and part of the force that creates what we all experience as life on this planet. i don't think that they would waste a second of their time judging or labeling or criticizing. i think that they would be much more interested in and focused on empowering people to create a much (a crazy amount of emphasis on the much) better world for themselves.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by gaurdian2012

While I myself, do like your answer... In this hypothetical situation... and let me say that again for some other people... HYPOTHETICAL... situation... there is only one vote... I do suppose being neutral is the same as not voting... if you can't decide... then why vote? But in this Hypothetical situation everyone deserves a vote... so why not use it?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:33 PM
Sure we are "worthy" of life as a species. If worthy is even the issue. But lets say it is.

Like our fellow animals we are selfish, not so bright, and obsessive pleasure seekers. We arent doing anything most other creatures do not do, in their own way, to the degree they are able. So we are no different really from the other life forms we know.

Because of a few quirks of fate, we are simply able to be selfish, rather stupid pleasure seekers on a scale most other animals are not. And so we are making a rather large splash.

And when we die as a species, we are "worthy" of that too. Or if rather than die, we evolve, we will be worthy of that too.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:52 PM
What is worthy. It's just a certain perspective of a human brain. Does an animal think it is worthy. Drop down to the basic question "Do you want to live". Now apart from the abnormal people that want to die (I don't want to hear about anyone with a terminal illness) the human being is programed to survive. So if any alien is going to ask you if you are worthy to live I do not need a crystal ball to know your answer. All those that answer we are not worthy are making that decision from a nice warm house and comfortable life. Just ask anyone who is at the bottom of the pile that question and the answer will be"I am just as worthy as anyone else. Only some one with a comfortable life would broach such a question it would not enter the mind of some one having to struggle daily just to exist. A moot philosophical question if you ask me.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:00 PM
This is one of those "I know what I'm trying to say, but I don't know if it's coming out" kinds of posts.

"Worthy" That has to be measured against some standard. The aliens' standard? No, because we have no idea of what their standard is. They could, for example, be extremely militaristic and wondering why we take care of our sick and old instead of conquering planets and each other.

The only other standard we have to measure our worthiness against is our own. Consider the fact that we even have a standard. We have goals and ideals that we hold as good. We may not live up to them, but in admitting they exist as good we show that we are capable of desiring good. A race that desires good, or desires to be worthy, is by that very fact worthy.

What race might not be worthy? If I am correct, a race with no racial goals at all. Possibly anarchists or those who believe the only important thing is themselves.

As I say, this might not be clear. Write back if you'd like.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Which is why I chose the standard for worthy to be "other life forms we know."

Human beings are not better or worse in their basic behavior and drives than our fellow life forms. So, if they are "worthy" then we should be "worthy" too.

Life is a brutal ugly game, and we are all playing it.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:03 PM
Who are we on this planet. In the terms of its existence we are nothing. We may upset its balance for a small amount of time(but that is our definition of balance) but it is nothing. For the planet it is just a small shrug of its shoulders and we go the way of the dinosaurs and all the other living things that have gone that way. It is just man that has the total arrogance to think he is the power. If you really want to querry this just what makes you think any aliens would ask humans when a more populace and more peaceful society exist on this planet. It does sound silly but ants are the more civilised of the earths creatures. theres more of them than humans and they are more sucessful in their society.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:08 PM
Why the inflated egos? Jesus..

Regardless of what goes wrong in the world, it's a learning curve for each and every one of us to learn from. Is it one's place to decide who's more fortunate or less fortunate? No. Is it any one's say as to who lives or dies? No. All that's going on in the world is the transition from our ego animalistic selves to something higher. Growth. It seems like the end of all be all as the ego percieves it as such.

"If you're walking through hell, keep walking."

The 'leaders' are ruled by greed and neglect sure, but it teaches the ones who look at them the reprecussions of such a thing. They're pretty much acting as teachers while TRYING to act like big meanie tough guys. Maybe you're on the road to first seeing the whole of duality and if so, congrats. Life's a game. In the end, everyone learns from it no matter how rough it seems. I do believe though we should all face OURSELVES at some point. Maybe not the vast majority's time yet, but more and more are beginning to.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by charles1952

Dear Illusionsaregrander,
Thanks for writing. It seems we are focusing on two different things. You seem to be taking a scientific eye to the entire living world as one category and pointing out that "Everything gets hungry, everything sleeps, everything has children (or has the drive to reproduce), etc.

Human beings are not better or worse in their basic behavior and drives than our fellow life forms. So, if they are "worthy" then we should be "worthy" too.

You're right, of course that all living things share certain characteristics, but even your name gives you away. "Illusions..." People can have illusions, dreams, aspirations, standards. We pray to and curse at God, we engage in self-sacrifice, we plan things we won't be around to see, we have codes of behavior.

That is why I thought to look at humans as distinct from the rest of life on earth. The aspirational nature of those codes of behavior led me to think of us as worthy.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by charles1952

My name is a play on the term, "Delusions of grandeur," which humans suffer a good deal from.

Animals dream. They have wants. Aspirations. My cat wants treats and aspires to them all the time. I know he dreams because he often acts out his fights in his sleep, complete with vocalizations.

We just arent that special. Our culture, the accumulation of our learning and skills, that makes us different. But we can lose most of that in one big war, or one major catastrophe. And then we are back to being clever animals. Aspiring to lunch and a good shag.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:04 PM
All life is valuable.. Humanity will one day grow up to reach their true potential.. NO ONE - has the right to say who lives or dies..

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:39 PM
I simply asked a hypothetical question... most of you gave the answer strait forward and did as the OP stated... while others decided to turn it into a code of ethics debate, spouting their own claims on what it is be human... Its quite humorous to me... that people cannot follow rules... how can we reach that point where greatness consumes us all if we are too caught up in our own egos and self righteousness...

In order to become the all wise and powerful human race... we must learn to love each other... we must realize life is precious... all life... we must realize the natural orders and cycles of the world... we must cast our chains of disagreement and treat each other justly and worry not if we are distinct from fish...

For true wisdom lies not in the fact that we are greater than the fish... but that the fish is greater than us... for the fish will give its life so that we may live... feed not haste-fully but as you feed, give your thanks to the order and cycle of this world... and with respect shall you consume the fish... not hate

we are searching for the big picture so that the world and life will be clear... its not that hard to find... its right under our noses... but we're too proud to look down...

I thank each and everyone of you for your time....

-Yours Truly

Evol Eric

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