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This Can't Be A Coincidence! Denver Airport Close Encounters Connection

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+84 more 
posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:15 PM
First off, I ran across this on another forum, I hope it's okay to post the link at the bottom.

The classic movie, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, has a scene where we are sent a signal
, it's a set of numbers. Those numbers are coordinates for the famous Devil's Tower, where of course our first contact with Aliens happens at the end....


The numbers are 104 44 30 40 36 10.

Let's turn those into coordinates- W104' 44' 30' N40' 36' 10' .

Now, plug those into Google Earth.

Denver International Airport. The movie came out in 1977. The airport was built 16 years later.

This can't be a coincidence!


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:22 PM
I copied and pasted it and it went to Cancun.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Signals

The present article provides the reader with evidence of the discovery of a major North
South Ley Line, also called by the Chinese a Dragon Line. These are psychic/magnetic/ethereal locations or lines of power that traverse the Earth. They may be activated by the Earth's rotation on its axis while revolving around the Sun. The illuminati use them frequently in their works. Much of their numerology and architecture appears linked or based to this phenomena.


1. The so-called Devil's Tower in Wyoming, was featured in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, as many can recall. It is an impressive landmark, eerie, mysterious. more . It is located at Longitude DMS 104.41 - more .

2. The illuminati-linked Denver International Airport: more also happens to be on... Longitude 104.40 - nearly exact for the Devil's Tower. more .

3. The NORAD Command Post for the USAF tracks UFOs . It is located in Cheyenne Mountain complex, near Colorado Springs, Colorado. scroll down to "Fastwalkers" more
NORAD happens to be located on 104.8 Longitude: more . Nearby happens to be the bizarre formations known as The Garden of the gods at 104.5 longitude. more .

4. Roswell, New Mexico, the site of the infamous UFO crash site or theory is located at
Longitude 104.32. There is a theory that the number 104 connects Pi, the mystical irrational number with the number 33 sacred to freemasonry. If one multiplies Pi x 33 the result is 104.more .

What this appears to indicate then is that NORAD, Devil's Tower, Denver International Airport and Roswell appear to 1) be on a North South Ley Line and 2) The ley line is based on 104 which is the result of Pi x Masonic 33.

5. Further , the number 104 is 2x2x2x13. Another way is (2 cubed) x 13. The unlucky 13
critical to masonry , superstition and witchcraft , along with the 13 illuminati bloodlines. It just so happens that zip code 22213 happens to be for the Masonic City of Arlington, Virginia more .

Arlington and the Occult: Go to more and insert - Arlington Virginia Masonic - and see how many items appear. It also happens to be that The Pentagon is in Arlington. more .

Arlington was once part of the Masonic planned city of Washington, D.C. , the land was then returned to the State of Virginia. It previously formed the southwest piece of the D.C. Masonic square layout. more .

Nearby is Alexandria, Virginia also a part of D.C. wherein is contained the 333 foot tall George Washington Masonic Monument. It is named after the mystery school capital of Alexandria, Egypt. If one reverses 22213 , one gets 31222. The latitude of Alexandria , Egypt , mother of the Gnostic Mystery School is 31.22 N latitude: more

More Coincidence?

As to Alexandria , Virginia, Mars 1 landed at latitude 22.3 in Chryse Planitia. more .
The Zip codes for Alexandria all begin with 223. more .Washington, D.C. is known as The District of Cydonia - the design is linked to that Martian plain. more or
google words. more .

Some fuzzy math - but trippy indeed...

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:25 PM
I copy and pasted and it went to Denver International Airport. Great find! S&F.

Maybe they built the airport over an already existing base as a coverup?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Signals

Wow, no, me thinks that is no coincidence.
Isn't there rumor about Denver becoming the new capitol location? Also Colorado is the most fortified region, both naturally and militarily, in the country I believe.
Who knows, could be just a little movie magic to intrigue, or, it could be Speilberg, and other directors, really have been assigned with slowly turning people onto the idea of ET existence, and planting the seeds of reality to come. Wild speculation there, but Denver Airport just has too much esoteric flare to not be considered for something revolutionary, whether it be good or bad, imo.


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Rhain

Paste it into Google Earth, NOT Google. You probably got some address in Cancun 104 44th st W or something silly.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Signals

I copied and pasted it and it went striaght to DIA.


Are we sure that this link from the Movie is genuine? If it is not proven then we are chasing our tails. if it is real then.......................eeeeenteresting, no?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by exroyalnavy

I posted a screen shot from the movie in the OP, but I'm at work right now.

Hopefully we have an ATS'er that's obsessed with the movie, and know when that particular scene happens!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:42 PM
That's interesting. I also notice the runways make a Swastica of sorts.

And being they built it out in the middle of nowhere, what are the odds it would be that coordinate unless someone planned it.
edit on 25/2/11 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Rhain
I copied and pasted it and it went to Cancun.

Can you edit this post?

It's Google Earth, not Google....

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:14 PM
hmm that's actually pretty cool. i'm thinking more than just a coincidence when you add this to all the other eerie stuff surrounding the DIA. what the ^&% is going on there?!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:25 PM
I don't see the significance at all!, the co-ordinates have to be somewhere right. So Spielberg probably chose an unoccupied piece of land , so as not to lend significance to any place or thing.

16 Years later the build an airport there, No Biggie in my honest opinion.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by exroyalnavy
Are we sure that this link from the Movie is genuine? If it is not proven then we are chasing our tails. if it is real then.......................eeeeenteresting, no?

IMDB has the same coordinates listed in the "Goofs" section for the movie:

Errors in geography: The coordinates received by the scientists (40°36'10" N, 104°44'30" W) aren't very close to Devils Tower at all. The coordinates are very close to Stage Colorado, east of Ft. Collins, Colorado, almost 300 miles (480 km) away from the monument.

Seems like the coordinates from the movie are legit.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Signals

Not exactly....

The Airport Terminal (roughly the center of the field) is at (roughly):

N039 degrees 51.5 minutes
W104 degrees 40.5 minutes

Major error on their part, in the technicall accuracy of the film script.....I think this was covered MANY years ago in Science Fiction fan blogs (well....actually in "Fanzines", before the Internet even existed!!)


Factual error: The aliens broadcast a series of pulses which are decoded by the scientists to be a longitude and latitude. In degrees:minutes:seconds, the longitude is 104:44:30 and the latitude is 40:36:10. These numbers are what the computer display shows and are what the scientists say (except for one slip-up in the hallway early in the scene where 104:40:30 is said). The scientists grab a globe and declare these coordinates are in Wyoming. Everybody and his brother (and the aliens) then proceed to show up at Devils Tower, Wyoming. However, Devils Tower is at around longitude 104 deg 44 min and latitude *45* deg 36min, not the *40* deg 36 min pulsed out by the aliens. If everyone had gone to 40 deg 36 min, they would have ended up in Colorado, more than a couple hundred miles south of Devils Tower, Wyoming.

Errors in geography: The latitude/longitude received by the scientists (104 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds West 40 degrees 36 minutes 10 seconds North) isn't very close to Devil's Tower at all. The coordinates are very close to Stage Colorado, east of Ft. Collins, Colorado, almost 300 miles away from the monument.

Somebody (script person, or an actor) just transposed some numerals.....

edit on 25 February 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by rigel4
I don't see the significance at all!, the co-ordinates have to be somewhere right. So Spielberg probably chose an unoccupied piece of land , so as not to lend significance to any place or thing.

16 Years later the build an airport there, No Biggie in my honest opinion.

If this was any old airport, I'd agree.

You are aware of the extreme strangeness of DIA, right?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

You lost me.

Are you saying the written script had different coordinates?

Wouldn't that make it even more suspicious if they changed the coordinates in the film version?!?!?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Signals wasn't clear. It depends on how the film was shot...what order. AND, what was in the original "shooting script". (Not to be confused with the script, when written, and re-written, and then sold as the concept for the film).

THAT script goes to the production department, and they break it down into numbered scenes (the director has input too) and even notes on camera movement and angles, lighting ideasetc....(also, there's the "StoryBoard" process, too)....and it's broken further down to a production schedule. To make the logistics of filming more efficient. But, the one with the numbered scenes is used to "shoot" by, and can undergo revisions during production too.

Anyway, depending on the schedule, the scenes with the actors reading out the numbers might have been filmed (most likely was) without any of the "close-ups" that were cut in, of the teletype machine readout....(that can be done in post, or as a second unit process).

All it takes is one or two actors to transpose the numbers they memorized, and the "new" numbers are now on, you then alter the close-up scenes to match that!!

It's my working theory on a possible scenario to account for a slight error. If you notice, they got the longitude correct, but messed up the latitude......

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:32 PM
I thought I saw something about underground tunnels under DIA
On Jesse Ventura tv show

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:33 PM
Sorry link didn't work

+8 more 
posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Thanks for the comments but I think you're over-thinking this.

It doesn't matter if the coordinates match the main terminal, a runway, or even the parking garage, it's still the Denver International Airport, and the numbers are still in the movie.

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