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The Threat - Aliens are Evil

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posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:54 PM
Some field biologists up in Canada are riding above the remote arctic tundra in a helicopter. Not much longer into this scenario, a polar bear on the ground is spotted. The bear doesn't know what that object in the sky is, but that that large thing with blinking lights is coming at him. The polar bear isn't that wise to everything, but something's definitely up! Thus the polar bear's response is to start running. Then one of the biologists shoots that polar bear with a tranquilizer dart. The bear's body fails him as he can no longer move to evade his pursuers. This is not like anything he's ever experienced before. While the polar bear is sedated and woozy, for some reason or other he still isn't quite numb to all feeling even though he can't move. But at that moment the biologist picks up the polar bear and man-handles him (perhaps in an uncomfortable manner) into a net. Then the biologist weighs the polar bear. After that, the biologist sticks a thermometer in the bears butt to get his temperature. While that is going on, another biologist pulls one of the bear's teeth to get the bear's age. The bear can definitely feel this, but since neither biologist can speak polar bear and bear is too sedated to do anything - neither knows just how painful that is. Then the biologists draw some blood and perhaps take a few other tissue samples. None of that can be regarded as pleasant either, not considering how swiftly they must work. Then the biologists stick a tag on the bear's ear and a tracking collar on him. This definitely violates the bear's body and privacy. Then they inject another drug to awaken the bear. This doesn't help the bear's memory much either, and once the biologists are safely away in their helicopter - the bear feels all shaken and quite upset at the whole ordeal. If he could talk, since none of the other bears have seen it for themselves, very few - if any - would believe him.

Enough of us have watched PBS or the Discovery Channel, to know how events like this are carried out. Are we complicit?

Knowing what you know as a human, are field biologists doing a wildlife survey evil? Are evil plans part of their intent?

But now look at the exact same situation from the polar bear's perspective and given what the polar bear knows. Traumatic and scary as hell, isn't it?

I think if "evil aliens" exist, they're just doing a job. Whether or not they enjoy doing it, who knows? That doesn't make it any more fun for an abductee, but I have trouble seeing much point in traveling who knows how many light years or whatever just to randomly pick and torture people.

I'd say it sucks to be on the short end of the stick, but that's how I see it.
edit on 26-2-2011 by pauljs75 because: minor edit

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by pauljs75

Knowing what you know as a human, are field biologists doing a wildlife survey evil? Are evil plans part of their intent?
That is a very good analogy you gave, but I don't think you're quite understanding my point. I completely agree with how you're presenting their actions, like some sort of "neutral" scientific activity. I used to think the same thing. However, after a lot more research, their deception and secrecy becomes bothersome. Do we try to hide our experiments or studies from the bears? If we thought the bears were self-aware emotive beings with thoughts, would we still carry out such experiments? Derrel Sims, the hypnotist who I mentioned in an earlier post, believes the aliens are better understood when you think of them like an intelligence agency (he used to work with he CIA). This statement has proven correct in my research, as everything they do is layered in secrecy. Their actions are highly suspicious and I don't trust them at all like I used to.

edit on 26-2-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:20 PM
That was a great read! Thanks for the thread, I really enjoyed it but too bad it ended. I got interested

They say they want us to get rid of our nuclear weapons or whatever. What if its their secret plan to actually destroy us but preserve the planet for themselves, and the only weapon we have to do damage to them is nuclear weapons, and knowing us, we wouldn't care if we blew up half our forests to protect ourselves.

No I'm kidding, but again it was a great read.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by krimletch

That was a great read! Thanks for the thread, I really enjoyed it but too bad it ended. I got interested
Yeah, I'm now looking for some other decent books on abduction so that I can compare them with what I know so far. I let you know if I find anything decent. I'm glad you took the time to read it.

They say they want us to get rid of our nuclear weapons or whatever. What if its their secret plan to actually destroy us but preserve the planet for themselves, and the only weapon we have to do damage to them is nuclear weapons, and knowing us, we wouldn't care if we blew up half our forests to protect ourselves.
I think they just show scenes of mass devastation to people, and some of those scenes involve nuclear warfare. "Mass devastation" is the major theme. But they do make it clear there will be a period after "The Change" where the Earth will rebuild and regrow, and that hybrids will play an important role along side humans (which appears to be only the abductees). So I guess maybe when they say "it'll all be worth it in the end" to the abductees, that might actually have a grain of truth to it.

edit on 26-2-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by WhizPhiz


If this is one of the first books you have read on this subject, you got very lucky because it is one of the best available, and I have pretty much read them all. One of the best contributions Dr. Jacobs has made to the field is delineating what causes the natural human reaction of fear and terror during the abduction, to suddenly turn to feelings of love and caring and compassion for these abductors in a matter of moments. Recall the toaster elements behind the large black eyes?
I interviewed Dr. Jacobs shortly after -The Threat- was published, and found him to be very informed, insightful, and sincere. He and Budd Hopkins are two of the best sources you can find on this subject.
Another book I recommend is -The Silent Invasion- by Ellen Crystall. She documents an aspect of this situation no else has covered yet.

I created a video on this subject you might find interesting:

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by WhizPhizThe False Memory
Syndrome Foundation

Board of Directors includes two who gave an interview to a Dutch pedo magazine called "Paidika", in which they said sex between adults and children was "God's love". The FMSF said they were going to be removed from the Board of Directors, then just waited for it to blow over and kept them on anyway.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by A51Watcher

Another book I recommend is -The Silent Invasion- by Ellen Crystall. She documents an aspect of this situation no else has covered yet.
Thanks for the recommendation, I also just stumbled across Karla Turners website: You can get all her books for free, but it seems she died from cancer some while ago, what a shame. Anyway, since you say you've read a lot, do you know if her books are decent, especially the one called "taken"? It says this on her website:

Dr. Turner's books are all out of print; in addition,"Taken" and "Masquerade" are both very expensive to obtain on the used market. They also happen to be two of the most important books ever written on the UFO abduction phenomenon.

"Into the Fringe," Dr. Turner's first book, also provides much valuable background information on the experiences of this pioneering researcher.

If you read no other book on the subject of UFOs and alien abduction read "Taken." It is easily one of the most informative and relevant books on the overall implications of this phenomenon yet written.

I created a video on this subject you might find interesting:
I'll check it out in a moment, thanks.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:04 PM
i don't get it.. you read one book and suddenly flip your opinion pertaining to the alien agenda.

and all of this is based on the mere theory that if there were aliens who were positive in nature, the abduction phenomena would cease?

how do you know the aliens of positive light aren't waging a war behind the scenes against these particular aliens? you have no way of knowing if this is possible, or if your belief is possible either. There seem to be various species of ET or interdimensional beings on Earth, it's not just one species and that one species is ultimately evil, that's ridiculous.

considering the various reports of different craft and different looking entities, it's difficult to conclude that there is only one species on earth. and you can't object to that by stating some theory that they would be stopping abductions

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by BastianCain

i don't get it.. you read one book and suddenly flip your opinion pertaining to the alien agenda.
No, I didn't suddenly flip my opinion, it has been a slow and gradual change, this book simply sealed the deal, I can no longer trick myself into thinking the alien presence is positive.

and all of this is based on the mere theory that if there were aliens who were positive in nature, the abduction phenomena would cease?
It's based on the way they conduct their abduction operations, how they treat the abductees, what they say to them, and the suspiciousness of their ultimate agenda. If it were all that great, don't you think they might want to let us know? Also see my first post near the top of this page (6) to understand my feelings better.

how do you know the aliens of positive light aren't waging a war behind the scenes against these particular aliens?
They might be true, but the "good guys" must be doing a pretty crap job IMO.

edit on 26-2-2011 by WhizPhiz because: spelling

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:20 PM
aliens are nice.

its mankind who are the evil ones.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by manmental

aliens are nice.
So the "nice guys" feel it's perfectly nice of them to go around abducting people and their children throughout their entire lives? And they must feel it's super nice of them to not tell us a single word of this, and apparently be involved in some sort of breeding program, and it's perfectly nice of them to keep all that from us?

Some aliens are probably nice, I've said it a million times now. But the ones that seems to be hanging around Earth are highly suspicious. And a lot humans are "evil", as a whole we are a dangerous species (to the Earth and other life on it anyway), but that's mainly because we are all controlled by "evil" people. If all the worlds leaders were replaced with people of true honor and integrity, the world would be an entirely different place.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:32 PM
Golly gosh, this abduction stuff is being kept a hush-hush secret?

Well unless you've been living under a pixie hill, the big bad secret is out, what the heck you'all think this thread is about, cooking pancakes?

So pray tell, where's the secret?

So now these amateur doctors, who would fail at medical school, now can't even keep a secret, when according to Jacobs, the abductee's are "bug'd" with "implants" that tell our esteemed and failed alien doctors about everything they think and do.

Let's recap:- The extraterrestrial theory is not good enough, because it is not strange enough to explain the facts.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:33 PM
You know, there's enough info out there on Jacobs' work that completely discredits him that I'm not going to argue the point. Ever. But I did want to chime in here and just register my disappointment that when sober threads on Jacobs & Hopkins were created here after the Emma Woods material exploded on Paratopia, they died a swift, painless death. Now comes this bunch of misinformed nonsense and it's six pages and counting.

We're not going to get better until we demand better from ufology. And we're in no shape to demand better if we're going to argue over closed cases like Jacobs or completely unprovable nonissues like whether or not gray aliens are hostile.

Do you even know that they exist?

Do you even know that they are aliens?

I'm an "experiencer." I've seen them face to face and I'll tell you the truth--No. You don't. And neither do I. None of us know what this stuff is. We don't know if it's a facade to something deeper. We don't know if it comes from different sources or one source.

We don't know anything about what this enigma is. What we do know is what it is not. What it is not is any scenario pasted together through hypnosis. We know this because in the last 2 decades hypnosis as a memory retrieval tool has been so completely discredited that it's not admissible in any court of law in any Western nation.

It's not that it can't retrieve memory; the problem is that hypnotized people can't tell the difference between a real memory, a dream, something they saw on TV, or something they read in a book. It is, as Dr. Scott Lilienfeld pointed out, no better or worse at memory retrieval than getting someone drunk. How do we know? Because study after study after study confirms this.

Now add to that the fact that experiencers who seek out pseudo-hypnotherapists such as Jacobs & Hopkins already have it in the back of their minds that 1.) They ARE experiencers 2.) Their book writer of choice is correct in his hypothesis about what that means and 3.) That the book writer is more like a therapist in that he is going to help them.

I am an experiencer. I think that guy is right. He can help me.

Maybe he helps them; maybe not. We don't know. Flip a coin. But the coin is weighted, so the odds are not even 50/50.

Is someone like Hopkins pulling out traumatic memory from the person or is he co-creating a traumatic scenario that feels so emotionally overwhelming that it feels therapeutic to release the pain? If he creates emotional ordeals for his subjects to go through and they go through them, they'll likely thank him for the help.

But was it real or not?

We don't know.

Jacobs is different in that we do know with a greater level of certainty that nothing he's doing is real. It's not only not real, it's 100% unethical--and that's if we take him at his word about the Emma Woods case. And that fact need not be tried again in this court of public opinion, but noted for the record. So, if you actually care about the subject and you don't know what I'm talking about, you can look it up.

But anyway... my point is: it bothers me that if you have a topic like this presented as a rational discussion of facts it goes down the tubes. But put that ignorant, sensationalist twist on it and it'll stay on the main page for a while.

Aren't we better than this? If not, why not?

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Jeremy_Vaeni

Now comes this bunch of misinformed nonsense and it's six pages and counting.
Have you even read anything that I've said in this thread, or did you simply read the title and decide to come in flaming like everyone else?

Do you even know that they exist?

Do you even know that they are aliens?

I'm an "experiencer." I've seen them face to face and I'll tell you the truth--No. You don't. And neither do I. None of us know what this stuff is. We don't know if it's a facade to something deeper. We don't know if it comes from different sources or one source.

We don't know anything about what this enigma is. What we do know is what it is not. What it is not is any scenario pasted together through hypnosis. We know this because in the last 2 decades hypnosis as a memory retrieval tool has been so completely discredited that it's not admissible in any court of law in any Western nation.

It's not that it can't retrieve memory; the problem is that hypnotized people can't tell the difference between a real memory, a dream, something they saw on TV, or something they read in a book. It is, as Dr. Scott Lilienfeld pointed out, no better or worse at memory retrieval than getting someone drunk. How do we know? Because study after study after study confirms this.
So what your saying is, even if these events are real, and aliens are suppressing certain memories that require hypnosis to unlock, we should just ignore them all and pay no attention simply because it's possible for it to be fake or real information? I don't agree. It's the only line of research that allows some sort of real analysis to take place, we have nothing else. Photo's and videos can always be discredited. Therefore, we treat any information retrieved via hypnosis carefully, only after other abductees have corroborated the same information multiple times can we start to give it any weight. That is what Jacobs does, and how he reaches his conclusions. In fact, on the last page of this thread I've shown a comparison between Jacobs conclusions and external abduction accounts posted on ATS. I think you'll find the similarities quite surprising. Please see this post:

And for more information on exactly how Jacobs identifies and avoids confabulated and faulty memories, please see these posts:

But was it real or not?

We don't know.
We can know, and if you don't even want to try and know, be my guest. I, however, do want to know, and there's more than enough information to make very educated guesses. Whether you want to accept that information or deny it with the safety net of false memory syndrome is your choice.

edit on 26-2-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
However, after a lot more research, their deception and secrecy becomes bothersome. Do we try to hide our experiments or studies from the bears?

Do you think it would do any good if we tried to explain to the bears our intentions? Do you really think they would understand? Maybe you didn't understand the point the poster of the bear story wanted to make?

Same goes for LordBuckets cat story which was funny and brilliant at the same time, imho.

lt's all about the perspective, as always.

Originally posted by LordBucket
reply to post by WhizPhiz


I offer enlightenment to the readers of this thread. Do with it as you please.

the idea that aliens are on Earth for our benefit

Fluffy: Hello. I am a cat.

Human: Oh, it's a kitty! How adorable!

Flufy: *Purr*

Human: Here you go little kitty, have a treat. *pet* *pet* *love* *cuddle*

Fluffy: *Purr* *purr*

The Threat - Aliens are Evil

Spot: Hello. I am a cat.

Human: Ahh! A cat. How delicious. *Om* *nom* *nom*.

Spot: Gahhhh!!!! *runs away*

some New Age abductees have 'sought assistance from a competent hypnotist,
one who is well-versed in the abduction phenomenon. As a result, they remember events
that do not seem so positive.

Precious: Hello. I am a cat.

Human: Oh, look. Another stray. Come on, it's off to the vet with you. We can't have feral cats just wandering around.

Precious: I'm not sure I trust you.

Human: Hmm. Ok, well, here's a yummy treat. Now come with me please.

Precious: Oh, how delicious! *nom* *nom* Wait...why do I feel so sleepy?

Human: Ok, guys. The anesthetic will last about an hour. Let's neuter him so he doesn't breed more cats.

Precious: *zzzz*

Human: Trust me cat, this is for your own good.


Later, at the cat hangout:

Spot: There are humans!

Muffins: What are you talking about? I've never seen a human. You must be delusional.

Fluffy: No, it's true! I see humans regularly. They come to pet me and give me yummy treats. They are kind and love us.

Spot: What?!!?!? Are you crazy? They want to eat us! They're evil!

Fluffy: No! They love us and adore us and just want the best for us.

Precious: I...don't know. I mean, yeah, they give us treats so they seem very nice, but I don't really trust them. I think they have ulterior motives. I've never been quite the same since encountering them. I feel different and I don't like it.

Muffins: Ok, you're all crazy. I'm leaving now. "Humans." Heh. What rubbish.


When seeking to understand what is outside, try looking inside first.
edit on 26-2-2011 by LordBucket because: (no reason given)

If we thought the bears were self-aware emotive beings with thoughts, would we still carry out such experiments?

Do you think dogs are self-aware emotive beings with thoughts? l do, for sure.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by WhizPhiz

The reason why there is any "abductions" is because free will must be upheld in any circumstance.

To be "Positive" or with "Unconditional Love" that means love and freedom for all without condition.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:53 PM
Since the political world as we know it has been dominated by evil, pathocracy, corruption, rule BY secrecy etc. since whenever time before recorded history, it kind of makes sense, in its own sick-and-twisted way, that the only unseen beings with any power and influence on this rock would be likewise malevolent. Of course I hope I'm wrong, and there will be TRULY worthy ETs or nonhumans whom we will formally befriend and align with... and too soon isn't soon enough, if so.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by gnostician

Do you think it would do any good if we tried to explain to the bears our intentions? Do you really think they would understand?
That's a typical response from he aliens actually, when asked what their ultimate goal is, they always say "it's too complex and huge for you to comprehend". Give me a break. More like "it's too controversial and wont easily be accepted by humans, therefore we need to keep it extremely secret and use questionable tactics to enforce our will."

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 12:04 AM
In this duality dimension (I often refer to as earth school) there is both dark and light energies....So, the aliens / ETs are not ALL evil, just a portion of them. We are often our own worst enemy.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 12:08 AM
Damn it, it's too late now to change the title to something like: "The Threat - The Alien Presence is Evil"

Oh well...mods please change that if possible.

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