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Stephen Harper commits treason. Signs secretive deal with U.S. to remove Canada's sovereignty.

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posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Well, those Ignatieff commercials have started already. The Globe and Mail even said in December that "the Conservatives will bring down a budget that no opposition party can support, forcing an election" in early February. Maybe he's knows something we don't, and he's just starting early.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Originally posted by snowspirit
Harper can't do anything like that without the OK of the opposition parties, and there are 3 of them. Plus the Queen.

If it turned out that he did sign something without the rest of our government knowing, it would be illegal, and an election would be called. Immediately.

Sort've like Mulroney did with the FTA, after his campaign based on the promise of ignoring the FTA?

They pushed the FTA on Canadians through manipulating the reality of the situation, as per Washington's orders. There was a large populist action against it which resulted in an election. The Canadian people voted against Mulroney and the FTA... then Mulroney pushed it through anyway because of his control over the senate at the time.

Then Chretien came in on the promise of taking down the FTA in its infancy. Two weeks as PM and he changed his tune. Now if that is not treason, then it is surely not democracy.

While Harper signs the Fortress American Agreement with Obama, Canadian food and housing prices jump like crazy. His solution is more connection with the US economy. That was also one of the US's solutions to annexing Canada for almost two centuries.

Gee, score three for our government, the very people we elect to protect our sovereignty

(First two being "military and military industry interoperability" in the 50s and the FTA/NAFTA 20 years ago)

What a nightmare this will become, and it has all been planned for decades. The treason here, goes far beyond just Harper.

You're right.
He's already been expecting an election this spring anyways, the ads are all over TV.
The up side of our elections is how fast they happen.
The down side is our choices are all just more of the same.
They're all just following the plan.....

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Originally posted by Aeons

A nation is composed of people. A company is composed of people. A country has a directive to govern and administrate a nation. A business has a legal obligation to produce profits. A business operates with and in the environment of its resources and employees.

Your point is? To "govern and administrate" is different than "produce a profit." Yes, they are both composed of people. In the first, the well being of the nation, and its people matter. In a corporation, the well being of the corporation matters, but the people it is composed of are irrelevant. Utterly. The very instant they fail to contribute to the prime directive, to produce profit, they are disposed of. Is this the role you see for government as well? Disposing of humans who do not contribute to profit? If not, then your analogy fails here.

Because a husband and a father are both in the role of government. (It could easily be mother and wife too, gender is irrelevant) The relevant bit is that husband/father have the same stake in the well being of the family. The humans under his responsibility and the resources of the family. You are not a husband or a father if you dispose of your family. You are a monster. As a parent or leader of a people, you are only successful if the people you are responsible for thrive. But a corporation that disposes of its people is not a monster. If it makes a profit doing it.

So while both corporations and nations are comprised of people, only in nations do the people matter. If a corporation could replace every one of its human employees with mechanical slaves, and make a better profit doing so, it would. Nations dont do that.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Tell me what day and time we are to stand against our horribly mismanaged government and I will be there.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
I am unconcerned about the concept of the NAU. Sorry. It fails to make my blood boil.

Trade and such will happen. Having a say in it, that I find preferable to the alternatives. And having my elected representatives doing so is one way I can do that.

Buuuut: the NAU is a necessary step down the slippery slope snowballing into the eu ( tragic fail); African union and i think there's an eastern union idea proposed; all to be neatly zipped up in the " ( que spooky dude voice":"new world order") . Do you really want unelected CFR guys liker Henry Kissinger perhaps Dick Cheney; and ofcourse cfr founder: David Rochefeller ( quote: " I'm king of the world!!!") to sit up in a U.N. building somewhere for life and decide everything for you no questions or dissent allowed?.
I don't...
edit on 24-2-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-2-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by 46ACE


But the idea has happened. You can't put the plant back in the seed. Its too late.

However, what isn't too late is to bring that *we* are far more powerful than a couple of old men with saggy old man balls.

It doesn't serve my purposes, or your purposes, nor the purposes of our descendants to have old elitist snobs make all the decisions. But convincing you that you don't have any power, or that it is evil, or that you shouldn't serves THEIR purposes. Period.

These organizations will come, one way or another. By governance, by religion, by companies, by banks, by lobbies, .....doesn't matter. It is happening. It will happen regardless of someone or someones being at the helm.

These old men aren't LEADING it. They are trying to seat themselves at the crest of the wave so it'll LOOK like they are. The wave isn't theirs. They didn't create it. They don't own it. They are merely trying to figure out how to use it to their personal advantage.

The wave can drown them, no matter how great a surfer they think they are. The wave can seduce them even. But you mistake that they OWN the wave. They do not. They are toy monkeys, hoping to contain, direct, manage the wave. And all waves can go rogue.

edit on 2011/2/25 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:27 AM
I think I am about to make some enemy's.

I have often thought that a fair one world government would be the ultimate Utopian ideal. HOWEVER, I also feel that the only way a one world government could possible work is if we were no longer dependent on 'I am better than you because I have more money' system. The only way to due this is not use money. Money = greed period. Someone will always have more, it isn't right. As an example, I have a garden that I love to work in, we always have tons of extra, we can & dehydrate some for winter but still have lots of extra, this we give to friends who need or want it, and some to the local charities, etc. If EVERYONE in the world gave their 'labor of love' excess to others we would not have the issues we do today. Some love to build things, some to paint, some love to grow food, and some are really happy working in a factory 8 hrs a day so they can spend their off time doing what they want.

My point is this, The thought of the US becoming a province of Canada is in a way appealing to me, more appealing than Canada become the 51 state even though there really should be no difference, but there is. I see Canadians as my brothers even though I am a WI citizen.

Having a centralized world government imposed upon us is as wrong as a middle east dictatorship. We as a species need to grow, and we are. just really look at some of the posts here, Canadians & US citizens Complaining together and calling for actions to keep us apart, that in itself is an oxymoron. We need to remove borders between us rather than build new ones. we obviously know how to work together, Why don't we??? MONEY.

It could be that I am just daft, but it could be that I AM NOT

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:49 AM
That IS the whole point of these unions!
More money in CORPORATE COFFERS less money, freedom, and dignity, in yours!
The structure must be altered at the ROOT.
Till we have honest people again in goverment, taking care of the welfare of those whom they are in place to SERVE, there will be the same old same old, which is in fact destroying humanity.
No Canadian wishes to be part of the world domination scenario the USA is engaged in on behalf of its ruling corporations.
It is time people everywhere took back the power they have allowed the corporate fascists to usurp from our goverments.
Corporations are too big, too entrenched, and far too profit oriented to be allowed to exist in their present forms.
The simple fact is they will destroy anybody or anything that gets in the way of their corporate profits.
This includes humans, even though it would mean the end of the corporations.
The situation is insane to the extreme yet we persist..........

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:54 AM
Well the Law Enforcement should have this delivered on their desks, and those "secret" documents subpoenaed, because Steven Harper needs to be arrested.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:12 AM
Actually I am curious as to how this would affect both countries in the long run. I'm an American. I've been to Canada a couple of times but aside from really liking it there I really don't know much about the Canadian government.

I know Canada uses the Metric System. The US does not. That Canada has a much different healthcare system than the US. Canadian currency is becoming a thorn in the side of the US. Nothing major, but it is there. I assume all of this would continue to act as it does now.

Now. Canadas Athabasca oil sands would certainly be of interest to the US. I've read that it is believed that there are somewhere in the vicinity of about 170 BILLION barrels of abtainable oil from these reserves. That is a whole lot of oil which translates to much less dependance on the Mid East. This is huge. Imagine the conversations behind closed doors in Washington about this.
Canada from what I understand also has quite a bit of untapped diamonds. Another very powerful thing.

Yes I can see how the US would be very interested in becoming more involved with Canada. It's certainly not something that has no credibility in theory.

Very interesting. I would be curious to see where this goes.

This plus I happen to enjoy beer and hockey make me wonder.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:50 AM
T&C should be updated to disallow articles posted in BAN that do not have an author
just my opinion

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:15 AM
And then Canada wonders why Quebec wants out !!!!!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Fox Molder
And then Canada wonders why Quebec wants out !!!!!

Quebec wants out because french canadians want quebec to be 100% french
Quebec wanting out is 100% all about language

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by Fox Molder
And then Canada wonders why Quebec wants out !!!!!

Quebec wants out because french canadians want quebec to be 100% french
Quebec wanting out is 100% all about language

Nope, has nothing to do with language, I'm French Canadian and I will tell you that the day Canada recognizes Quebec as a founding nation if Canada in it's Constitution will be the day you will never hear about Quebec referendums ever again. Of course the French language is to be preserved and emphasized upon as a primary tongue but let's face it the politics that surround that whole issue goes against that theory.

Where do you live MordernAcademia ? Origins in Acadia ?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by eArth33lr

Cool i am all for this!
Canada will be inducted by the US, this leads me to believe that Cannucks will be afforded all of the rights and priveledges of a US citizen. The right to bear arms included, welcome to the US, now go buy a gun please.

I S'pose we can get in line behind youse guys for medical checkups eh?Sample some of that excellent care I am constantly hearing" aboot"

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by eArth33lr

OK, I read the story. The only problem is, the writer (from the link) gives no sources or basis for his information. Canada is just fine as is America, and their is no need for either side to conform to the other. For the writer to solely blame all behind the scenes activities on America, is a red flag itself. It shows me that people are just looking for someone to blame. We have all hard or this NAU. But, this is such a bad idea in all respects, it gains absolutely nothing in being implemented. Business or other. I have to say that this thing is not what it seems and grants further investigation. From my sources, they want to build ONE major freeway that will allow faster free trade and not affect the borders or the lives and differences of countries. This was the first PUBLIC story I read many many years ago on this NAU.

I will remain open though, and think this grants further investigation.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by Fox Molder
And then Canada wonders why Quebec wants out !!!!!

Quebec wants out because french canadians want quebec to be 100% french
Quebec wanting out is 100% all about language

Bunch of Irish and Meti, forced to pretend they are french and take on french names somehow became more french than the frenc. Its a wierd world.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by eArth33lr

Cool i am all for this!
Canada will be inducted by the US, this leads me to believe that Cannucks will be afforded all of the rights and priveledges of a US citizen. The right to bear arms included, welcome to the US, now go buy a gun please.

Don't worry i come from a small town and 95% of them have gun
How do i know i see them ever hunting season
now most of us have at lease one or more of these

high power 303; 308' 30-30, 7mill, bolt & semi-automatic
small game 22, 270, bolt & semi- automatic
Bird gun 12, 16, 410 and a lot of over & under 22 on top 410 under
i have too send black bear or wolf to LALA land yearround

Ho P.S. 20 to 30% of us have 10 to 20 in total
don't believe me come on up on opening weekend sound like down-town Tripolie

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:34 AM
Canadians have more guns and riffles per capital then the U.S. difference is we mostly use ours for hunting !

And that little side job here and there but Shhhhhhhhhhhhh....don't the them nasty cops...lmao !

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:47 AM
I am a Canadian myself, and this will never happen. As others said, Harper simply can't do that. If he does, the people will stand out. If this thing gets more serious, this will only lead to another state of protest, such as the Middle-East countries, now North Korea, USA in not-so-long...

People will either manifest or Harper might just get killed. I think people are fed up on him. I don't know about the other provinces, but here in Quebec, no one really likes him (and no one really likes us
). If it ever happens, I'll supply with AKs, M4s and what not.

Once again, people won't let this happen, and it will never get serious enough. Harper doesn't have the majority, he can't do # like that. It's under the table, but for the deal to work, it must be known to everyone, someday. You can't hide such a thing for too long. I think Harper is our illegal alien...

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