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Arab World Revolutionary wave: a Pandora Box from which a Monstrous World Depression should emerge

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posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

I think if there has been a time in which it is strongly required to pray for the necessary fix of the Economy is of course now, if the United Nations and other international organisms can not find the form to give again balance to the multiple social issues that are affecting the middle east there is only a terribly dark horizon waiting for us ahead.

Dark horizon on the way.

I just don't see UN or any international agency fixing the problems.

I enjoy your threads.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

Is it just me, or is it weird that everone in the Middle East, and now it is starting in Communist countries, just suddenly decided to revolt, as if on cue?

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by jam321

Hi jam32,

Well, the United Nations are since yesterday trying to add "momentum" to the fall of Khadafi, as they said, by
requesting formaly his resignation, however, there are countries also under totalitarian regimes, like Venezuela, that are strongly opposed to any military intervention of an international force of that organization.

Of course it is understandable that the Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez must be at this time really afraid of what is going to happen to his regime as soon as all his Arab allies loose their positions of power.

However, as I underlined the only reality we have in Lybia is that a civil war is now already started, as I predicted it was going to occur, and the worst part is that although there are many revels the best armed forces are the ones loyal to Khadafi.

Please Check:

Now, if we must believe on the accuracy that Nostradamus has shown with respect to our epoch this change of regimes in the middle east could be not for better but even for worst for the West, since anyway figures like Khadafi and Mubbarak have pacted with the United States long time ago, and they were colaborating with the western world in order to maintain a fluid economy.

Mitchel of Nostradamus stated that suddenly a new leadership is going to appear in the Islam in our epoch, one that is going to move millions of people in war against the west, particulary he clearly stated that an invasion from the mediterraneum is going to occur, invasion that will be particularly devastating for countries like Greece and Spain.

I remain very skeptical that these political changes will evolve possitively as it seems the Obama administration think, but one thing is sure, the region that was relatively stable during 30 years can move now to any possible direction, and we still don't know who is really in behind all this spectacular momentum that is moving so fast along all the north Coast of Africa, pretty risky situation.


The Angel of Lightness

edit on 2/28/2011 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by grizzle2

Yes, perhaps, at least it is really evident that Hugo Chavez is really worry in this moment about the luck of his ally Khadafi, he is using his ambassador in United Nations to refrain any possibility that the organization decide to send the blue helmets or any other international Force to Lybia.

However, as I pointed in my previous post, this look to be the moment for the Islam, not for other part of the world, and let me mention some quatrains of Nostradamus that clearly show the point:

Century V. 70

The Eastern kings shall carry out the Divine Justice.
Turkey shall be devastated.

Les regions suvjettes a la Balance
Feront trembler les monts par grande guerre
Captif tout sexe deu et toute Bizance
Qu'on criera a l'aube terre a terre


The regions subjected to Muslim armies
Shall cause mountains trembling with great war
Prisoners of both sexes and throughout Turkey
One shall cry at dawn from land to land

The massive exodus of foreigners that are disparatedly trying to abandon Egypt, Tunisia and Lybia don't look to be the reaction that a trully democratization can produce in any part of the world, that look as the natural reaction of people trying to escape from anarchy and chaos, before they could be damaged by the conflict.

Quatrain V.25

The full-scaled invasion from the sea.
Le prince Arabe, Mars, Sol, Venus, Lyon
Regne d'Eglise par mer succombera
Devers la Perse bien pres d'un million
Bisance, Egypte, ver. serp. invadera


Muslims, wars, the Day of the Lord, the Harlot, the Lioness Beast
The reign of the Church from the sea shall be succumbed
Toward Iran one shall see nearly one million troops
Turkey, Egypt, evils shall invade

It is clear for me that people like Mubbarak or Khadafi dont match with the profile required to move the events
in the direction that Nostradamus pointed, but a new kind of leadership, perhaps many times more radical can do it. This is the reason for which I claim that it is better to be more cautious about who appear as the Good or the Evil in this conflict, since as Socrates used to said appearances can deceive a lot.

In this revolutionary wave on the Arab world the opposition forces are many different groups involved, with very diverse ideoligies and some are really radical.

Quatrain II.4

Muslims shall brutalize the Italian coast.
Depuis Monach jusqu'au pres de Sicile
Toute la plague demourra desolee
Il n'y aura faux-bourgs, cite, ne ville
Que par Barbares, pille soit et volee


From Monaco as far as Sicily
All the coast demolished and desolate
There shall not be any more suburb, city, nor village
That the Muslim invaders shall leave undone

It is important to recall that Anwar El Sadat, the predecessor of Mubbarack was brutally assassinated on 1981 by people that look to be some while connected with radical islam and that Mubbarak himself suffered a terrible attempt of Assasination in his visit to Etyopia more than 10 years ago.

It is ironic, but now that everybody talks about democratic changes in the region it seems completly forgotten that Mubbarak was reelected three times for the job during the last 30 years in elections and also that Khadafi arrived to the power overcomen a very autoritarian Monarchy through revolution appearantly supported by his people, 40 Years ago. His revolution can be considered as not very democratic but is very far to be totalitarian, since there are many private investments in Lybia, and also his regime is one of the ones that invest more economic resources in social programs in crucial areas tha promote development.

Many things are maked up in this revolution on North Africa, we even have checked in the TV news how the members of the Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt hide their Korans when they decide to give interviews to the western journalists, that is a very curious detail, quite significant, so any similarity with the Iranian revolution of 1980's is mere coincidence? that is a good Question to Ask.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 2/28/2011 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by ag893

Dear ag893

Well, one thing is sure the conflict for political changes on the North of Africa might be the event that can trigger the accomplishment of the Prophecy of Mitchel of Nostradamus about the incoming complete economical collapse of the humanity, I have had during the last weeks a so powerful and recurrent intuition of that possibility.

I was meditating one day, trying to reach enlightment to understand the correct meaning of this su surprising changes in the arab world when suddenly the number of a quatrain of Nostradamus came to my head, and it was the following:

Century 8 – Quatrain 28

Old French :

“Les simulachres d'or & d'argent enflez,
Qu'apres le rapt lac au feu furent iettez
Au descouuert estaincts tous & troublez.
Au marbre escripts, perscripts interiettez"


"The copies of gold & silver inflated,
which after the theft were thrown into the lake
at the discovery that all is exhausted & dissipated by debt.
All scripts and bonds will be wiped out"

So, it is clear that Nostradamus was watching in this same epoch the collapse of the world monetary system. What event can trigger such crisis? the only one with the necessary strength might be the rising on the oil prices, and anybody that should want to break the global economy might be interested to destabilize precisely those countries.

I perceive that this chain of appearant democratic revolutions will open the possibility for chaos and complete anarchy in that area for a while, but moreover chances that the fundamentalist branch of the politics in those countries, that use to look for inspiration in the most extremist intepretations of the Koran, could finally take the power in crucial and strategic areas of production of Oil.

These radical groups were perfectly unable to go head under the so strong regimes of Mubbarak or Khadafi, but once they be removed the things look pretty easy for their group interests.

Thanks for your comment,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 2/28/2011 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,

Dear Readers,

Well, it is clear by now when everybody is expecting the results of the final asault that Ghadafi is lauching over the rebel fortifications in Benghazi, Lybia, and the reaction of the United Nations Security Council, that we are affronting a major conflict in the mediterraneum, a genuily international one in a so neuralgic zone of the planet.

Pls chk

This is no longer the fable of romantic revolutions that at the begining many claimed to be, this is a real war that menace to be generalized to the entire region and that could stop not only the production but moreover the traffic of Oil in a way that perhaps in any moment the routes of oil ships comming from the middle east must deviate around the entire continent of Africa to be able to arrive to America coasts.

If some body was doubtful that this issue was not only north African or European one, but a globlal one, this is the moment to open the eyes and see cleary the magnitude of the problem and the terrilble consequences it might imply on the world Economy.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

Dear Readers,
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,

Well, we have by now months in this crisis on Lybia that has shown to be longer than any official forecast, although at the moment it began there were many that so happily assured that it was question of hours or days to have Moamar Khadafi out of the power as it happened before with Hoshni Mubbarak and the Tunisian goverment.

However, the most important part of the accomplishment of my prediction that the war in Libya was not going to be easy or fast, but just the beginig of a very painful situation for Europe, is that now we see how the European leaders are doing disparate attempts to refrain the recession in Greece and to try to avoid its spread toward Italy and Spain, and also responding to the urgent request of President Obama , Please read:

and now is more evident than never before the worry of China that a potential european collapse could push their own economy into a crash.

please read:

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jul, 16 2012 @ 12:04 AM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

The very agressive protests in El cairo against the visitation of the State Secretary Hillary Clinton of today are showing exactly the type of reaction I was warning we were in risk to observe from these new Arab revolutions that were appearantly so glad to receive the support of the USA, when they needed it to overthrow the regimes they were fighting with, but as soon as they have gained international recognitions, political credibility through elections and also power they are starting to show a very different unfriendly face.

Please read the reports at:

Unfortunately there is some sort of fatal fade in the American Diplomacy and it is to think, in a so naive way ,that by giving or removing support to political regimes by chance they can assure the protection of the vital interests in very sensitive, strategic and conflictive areas of the world, like the Middle East.

In 1980 another liberal administration commited also terrible mistakes to support also a democratic wave in favor of another islamic revolution, that time in Iran, against a very reliable and modern politician like it was the last Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, that it was in his time the best ally of the USA in the middle east, perhaps the only one for long time, just only to see that at the end the new regime that became product of such a dangerous and irresponsible experiment, the Ajatolah's one, thanked to America that attitude by creating the worst diplomatic crisis in the region that sent the political career of Jimmy Carter to a trash can.

Former President Jimmy Carter Changed a very reliable friendly ally in the middle east for one of the most formidable enemies now USA is still confronting, and if that would be nothing he also gave to the Talibans a lot of power in their war against the USSR, the same power that many years after than was used to trigger the worst terrorist wave in American Soil ever existed. All that moved by the obsession to promote liberal changes in countries which History he really never knew or understood good enough.

I am wondering if at these moments Hillary Clinton has yet opened her eyes, with this very unfriendly demonstrations, to see clearly that she and President Obama have sacrificed a very sincere and loyal friend as it was former President Hosni Mubbarak, that is now sadly dying in a dirty jail in Egypt, for a new islamic fanatism, that only God knows what new menace can represent at future, and that is now rulling what it was in other time also the best American Ally in the middle east.

It is sad to witness how easy huge mistakes can be commited twice when the difficult lessons History gave us are ignored.

How true is that statement that says that a people that ignores its History is sadly condemned to repeat it.

President Woodrow Wilson retired the American Troops that were fighting in the side of the green army trying to stop the advance of the corrupt Bolsheviks on the 1920's civil war to control the entire Russian territory, and President Jimmy Carter remove all political support to the Shah of Iran just to see the Islamic Totalitarian Revolution take control of a country that was once the most modern of the entire muslim world to sink it in a medieval obscurantism for decades.

Please read:

It is terrible to see how true is that the cold war that consumed great part of the energy and resources of seven American administrations of the XX Century, apart of the risk that represented to the entire free world, could be prevented if only in a crucial moment Woodrow Wilson would have taken the correct decission supporting the disparate attempt of Almiral Aleksandr Kolchak with his brave and heroic white kossacks, the Czech and Polish legions of volunteers and the green army to maintain still alive and strong a democratic Russian Far east republic.

Please read:

I am afraid that this time the lack of prudence and tact in the State department has contributed to create another monster than only time will tell us how difficult to deal with will be for America and the western world.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 7/16/2012 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

The horrible attack suffered by the American embassador in Lybia, that ended with his life in a so brutal and cruel way, as well as the grave violation of the privacy of the embassies in Yemen and Egypt by riots of furious islamic fundamentalist fanatics, show clearly that the claim of my prediction of february 2011, that the Obama Administration would repent so much of the support granted to the revolutionary wave in North Africa, was not only extremly correct but prophetic.

Pls read:

We have now in extremly strategic countries like Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia and now also Yemen an evident insurrection against American interests, and who just less than two years ago were asking for the support of the USA to carry out their revolutions, swearing sincere friendship are now showing their trully ugly face.

America have committed a horrendus mistake by changing regimes that possibly were not really democratic but at least were friendly, or had some ethics, like the one of Hosni Mubbarak, or militaries that were anyway relatively easy to be handdle like Moamar Kaddafi, for a new generation of terrible fanatics that in so hypocritical way have promised Democracy and freedom when their trully intention was to implant in various other nations the same kind of medioeval so dark totalitarian Islamic regime that has ruled Iran since 1979.

Without resting weight of guilt in this terrible tragedy to the so bold and extremly irresponsible action of the jewish filmmaker Sam Bacile by creating such a biased and negative movie to discredit Mohammed, a man that is considered as holy prophet for millions around the world, I am so sad to see that only until now the American diplomacy realize how grave and how big is the error committed to not only tolerate but even sponsor political changes that have facilitated the arrival of this authentic criminals to the power, the same that able to discharge their hatred over innocent victims without hesitation.

This kind of fierce inflamated terrorists and fundamentalists make appear Kaddafi and Mubbarak as the most flexible, accesible and reliable leaders that we would want to still have ruling those lands. As happened in 1979 with Jimmy Carter abandoning a reliable ally as it was Sha Mohamed Reza Pahlevi to a so sad luck, just only to pay later terrible consequences for his own administration and the country, now Obama and Clinton sadly misinterpreted once more time in so wrong way the Historical scenarios they had in front, and now only God knows to which terrible situation this will ride the world.

In my opinion, any posible plan to restablish stability to the region might also include a severe legal action against the Director and productor of such a bizarre film, cynically called "Innocence of Muslims" , that has released this chain of devastating facts. The freedom of creation and expression in America cannot be used by people that clearly wants to use it just only to destroy beliefs or to boost political hatred causing moral damage to other communities. If we want to see Muslim countries to put in jail the criminals that are behind the violence relased by fundamentalism in the last hours we also must give an example by punishing in examplary way our own fundamentalists that are creating troubles with their irresponsible and selfish activity.

Sam Bacile has also his hands clearly spoted of the blood of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, and must be judged by the American Law for abuse of the use of the expression freedom in the Media to agitate the hatred that exists in between his religion and people against other belief, putting in a so selfish way in so serious risk many Americans around the world.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 9/13/2012 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

DID I MISS SOMETHING IN THE VIDEO ? They can state that Jesus is the Truth and the Light but not the Son of God , kill Christians and attack America and kill 3000 people but they get pissed over a cartoon ?
Are they brain damaged . I have noticed that it's mostly the young ones that follow the extremist . They havent figured out that heaven will not be inherited by the flesh . There will be no need to have sex organs . So their 70 virgins will be virgin forever and ever .

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Well, this issue is not precisily boosted by a Cartoon , the film was nothing really of that style, it has actors and the scenes on it are very realistic and by no way can be considered of course for all the audencies, besides that of course that it is a clearly biased and deformed adaptation of the life of Mohamed, with a lot of facts that are just fiction and not based at all in any serious source or account, but based on an extremly liberal and bad tasted, perhaps the best word is abominable, version of the life of a spiritual Leader.

This movie is obscene in various parts and sexualy perverse, and must be severly censored since deforms entirely the life of a person and it that sense is also misinforming the public that watch it, with a clear malicious intention.

Now, it is true that the souls that arrive to heaven, in Jewish, Muslim and Christian religion too, do not have sexual identity, and there is no sex in the great beyond, but there is a lot of love and of course plenty of sincere affection, they enjoy a kind of love that is not selfish, it is good intended and it is morever pure.


The Angel of Lightness
edit on 9/15/2012 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

To a young man the implications of 70 virgins awaiting you in heaven is quite indicative of a sexual smorgasbord awaiting you for killing the enemy of your Imam .
Tolerance of Islam and it's eccentricities is not necessarily what Jesus wanted us to do . Islam certainly does not have tolerance for Christianity or Judaism .And their Koran tells them to kill the Infidel which I am proud to be called .If they want people to play nice let them show us how to do so .
Sadly Intolerant

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Hi Dear Simon Peter,

I think you are confusing Islam in general with fundamentalism sectarian groups of it, in fact the Koran teaches to reverence and respect all the ancient prophets that came before Mohammed in the past, and Include of the patriarchs of Israel, as Abraham, Isaac and Moises ( the muslims call them Ibrahim, Ishaq, Musa) , as well as king David and Solomon. ( they called them Dawud and Suleiman), and they consider Jesus ( in islam is called Isa) as the greatest Prophet of God before Mohammed.

In fact in the islamic version of the final judgement at the end of times they believe Jesus will come before Mohammed and he anyway will be the judge of the nations, in that aspect they coincide with the Christianism.

Before that the Israel State was artificially created in 1947, as part of a political and economical pact in between british jewish bankers and Winston Churchill, that assured the financiation of the WWII by them, Islam didnt have anything against the jews, they considered them literally as the chosen people of the Holy Book.

It is good to recall that Lawrence of Arabia denounced the treason that the creation of the british protectorate over Palestine, the predecesor of Israel, imposed by London, represented toward the Arab people that fought against the Turkish and Germans on WWI.

I would suggest you to refer to three important events of the past that shows that the idea that all muslims are violently opposed toward christiansm or Jewish religion is just a stereotype:

- The Khalifate of Cordoba in Spain was the most liberal monarchy, in terms of religion freedom, every existed in Europe in Middle ages, they tolerated peacefully coexistence of the three great monoteist religions in their borders.

- Gengis Khan, also a Muslim Tatar-Mogol emperor created a so powerful monarchy precisely based in tolerance in between Buddhism, Christianism, and Islam.

- The conquest of Jerusalem by Saladin didnt ended in a bath a blood, as it happened two centuries before him when the crusades took by force the city, to the contrary he respected the lives of the civil population,as well as the survival Christian soldiers after the siege and allowed them to exit it toward the coast of Palestine.

At present in the world, there are muslim countries with secular regimes that respect the religion freedom, as it is the case of all the former soviet republics of Central Asia, also Azerbaijan, Albania, Bosnia, Cyprus and Turkey in Europe. In those countries there are not only Christian minorities but also jewish ones, living in peace.

I think possible it is more difficult for the Christians and Jews to accept or open their minds to Islam that for the muslims to accept the other two religions as part of theirs.

thanks for your comment,

The Angel of lightness
edit on 9/17/2012 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by The angel of light
I don't decry that all of the sects of Islam are radical or even faithful . The young are the radical ones , the rest of the older people are expected to be Islamic or persecuted be by the Radicals
Most likely the older people just want to be let alone .
Surah 9:5 does not leave much speculation about their intent . Jihad is an occupation for some . It's a fact that the Radical Islamist brand peaceful Muslims along with them .

You have basically overlooked the fact that God did say that the Jews would live with the Arab and enmity would be between them . God also said the Arabs would rule like Wild Ass of Men . We do know that the bible in Ezekiel 38 tells us of this upcoming battle called Gog and Magog . God put that enmity there and the Arab and Jew have their destiny by the will of God and we shall not change that .

Jesus is the Messiah , he paid the price , he is worthy and will rule at the right hand of God the father alone without any input what so ever from Mohammad .

There is no other way to the Father but by Jesus . Mohammad is dead .

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Dear Simon Peter,

Arabs, Palestinians, jordans, Jews are all descendents of only one patriarch , that is Abraham, the father of the trully faith, either through any of his two sons: the primogenit Ismael or the son of Sarah, Isaac. The holy scriptures are clear in the sense he loved so much both and never wanted to reject any of them.

In that sense all of them are counted as the many nations God promised were going to descend of him and also were going to inherited the blessings he gave to him. God clearly stated that through the descendence of Abraham many nations will be blessed.

It is important to underline that when Abraham arrived first time to Palestine, Jerusalem already existed as a kingdom, and his King Melchisedec was already also priest of God Almighty, as the Genesis states. So Monoteism existed in the Holy Land even before any hebrew started to live there.

In one of parables of Christ, the one called of the Lazarus and the Rich Man, it is said by our saviour that Abraham is who receives the good souls at Heaven, and also that certainly descendents of Abrahan might be sent to hell, as it happened with the Rich man, but that is something that depend entirely on their lack of accomplisment of the commandments of the law and the prophets, not into descend from one or other side of the linaje of Abraham.

Pls read:

Besides that, our Lord Jesus Christ himself, as a man, was descendent not only of David, but also of a palestinian woman called Ruth, and also he grew up in part in Egypt, as it was said must be according with the prophets. In his public life Christ not only predicated the gospel to the Jews, he traveled along the current Palestinian territories of the west bank, he crossed the Jordan River and he also was in south Lebanon and he appeared to St Paul very close to Damascus, in Syria. In the parables of Christ there are many so polite mentions of the samaritans, people that usually are rejected by the fundamentalist zionism as not trully hebrews because they are mixed with Palestinians, what proves that he considered them also as part of the Chosen People.

Anybody that is agitating a conflict in between the descendence of Abraham is not working for God, to the contrary is working for the evil, is trying to destroy the faith in only one trully almighty God by promoting anhilation of the nations that praise to him. This is true it does not matter who is trying to do this, it can be a fanatic fundamentalist of the Islam, Christianism or Zionism.

Mohammed was also descendent of Abraham, through Ismael, so he inherited also the blessings given to his ancestor, and perhaps in him it was after all accomplished the promises granted by God to Ismael when he was lost walking with his mother in the dessert.

The fact that the majority of the arabs are not Christians, but Muslims ,might be not only their own responsibility since it is clear, by reading the Koran, that Mohammed appeared as a prophet in a period in which there was unfortunately idolatry in cities like Medina or Mecca, and he fought a lot against that practice. So if there was idolatry or Paganism in Arabia in the VI century A.D. something it is very evident:

Christianity failed into spread the message of Jesus on time to that region, so we must assume also our own quota of responsibility with humility and charity in this division of religions that we have at present.

Now, it is interesting to underline that in 1980's apparitions of the Holy Virgin St Mary, mother of God, in Medjugorje, ex-yugoslavia, that have had a tremendous influence in the Orthodox and Catholic churches, was clearly said to the children that witnessed it, in a country that was at that time in a terrible civil war among the Islamic vs Christian groups, that the divisions of religions that we have in this world at present are not commanded by God or exist in Heaven but are created by the men.

Of course this last claim is highly controversial and ironically has boosted great division among the Catholics that support or not the authenticity of the Medjugorje appearitions:

Pls read:

Thanks for your interesting reply,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 9/23/2012 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by The angel of light
I will not question the wisdom of God . Jacob I love and Esau I hate ;Romans 9:13 . Ishmael the 1st born and God preferred Issac for his lineage to bring the Messiah . I agree thet were blessed . One with the Kingdom of God and the other with the riches of the earth (oil). Should Mohammad be considered blessed with the kingdom of heaven ? No . He lived his life as a whore monger and a fierce man . For many years Islam was not accepted by the people now called Arabs . But the youth followed it because of such as 70 virgins . Sorry no sex in heaven ! The people in the Arab countries are compelled to be Muslim or suffer rejection or worse.
This everything is good , the Oprah many ways to God does not get it . There is one way to the Father . It is through Christ Jesus only . Before Jesus it was by your righteousness to God for Abraham and then at the offering of ( Issac ) as a sacrifice to God the promise of Jesus Christ and those who believed at that time was saved ..

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Dear Simon Peter, I am also Christian, I believe nobody is greater than Jesus Christ of men born from a woman, but I think Mohammed had some interesting virtues that resist the most strict moral evaluation, he was a monoteist all his life, he called the people of Arabia to abandon idolatry, also his ethic code was based in the laws of Moses, and that is something is also very acceptable, even from the point of view of Christianity.

What perhaps makes Mohammed not as great as it might be is perhaps that although he claimed to be the seal of all the Prophets sent by God to this planet, anyway, as far as I know he never perform in his relatively extense public life the kind of wonders or miracles Christ made by thousands in his so shor public life of just three years.

I believe possibly the only great miracle of Mohammed is to be written the Koran, but if I am wrong I might be interested to be corrected by some muslim readers in that respect.

Thanks for your interesting comments,

The Angel of Lightness

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

Dear readers,
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,

Here I want to include for the reference of the readers of this thread, the different links that report the begining of a second economic depression in the world, that has been even officially declared by the goverment of Greece to be happening in that country.

Even the most optimistic analyst are recognizing that the kind of crisis that Greece is experiencing if we dont want to qualify it as a depression is worst than any recession ever experienced since the great depression.

Pls read

Now, unfortunately this same terrible economic scenario is moving toward spain, that might be officially the second european economy sinking in depression.

Pls read:

So, now there are voices claiming that it is time to call this crisis for its proper name, and accept for painful that can be that at least part of Europe is affronting a second Depression.

pls read:

Hence, I consider that there are enough judge elements to determine that this thread has already arrived to its full accomplishment stage.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

Today sadly once again the North African revolutionary wave is carrying out new American victims, with the terrible clashes in Egypt in between Government and different political factions..

In the middle of so much violent protests, a young American student became a fatal victim. This is another of the many bad signals that the political process in Egypt is showing, in which extremists are trying to move the democratic reforms in a direction that seems to be not only violent but also chaotic, as I predicted it was going to occur long time ago when I opened this thread. .

Pls read:

Of course this sorrowful outcome is very worrying, for any American that is planning either to travel to Egypt or to stay there.


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

The moment that I have been waiting for, along the 2 years and half of this thread, finally has arrived, the generalized massive protests in Egypt, against the government that was elected democratically, just less than two years ago, are gradually pushing up the prize of Oil in the Markets with incredible momentum.

This was the situation at the beginning of the week:

And this is the situation right now:

Pls read:

The Uncertainty of what is going to happen with the functioning of the Suez Canal, the most important pathway to the distribution of the Petroleum produced in middle east toward the western world, is causing this trend of abrupt inflation on the prices of the crude around the world.

This escalation of the Petroleum cost is the economic phenomenon that I prevented was going to occur, when I open the thread, the one I foresaw will transform the second great recession that Europe has been experiencing on the last Year in a genuine and terrible Economic World Depression.

I am sorry to say this, but my prediction of two years ago is turning now in to a major prophecy of a giant economic collapse for the world.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 7/2/2013 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

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