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Zeitgeist Totally Refuted! (Do not post Zeitgeist BS ever again)

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posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by undo

You interested in real science too? Read any of Prof. Stephen Hawkins work on black holes?

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by awake_and_aware
reply to post by undo

You interested in real science too? Read any of Prof. Stephen Hawkins work on black holes?

sure. did you watch the science channel video i linked?
you wouldn't be asking me this if you had.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by undo

What's Stephen Hawkin's work got to do with biblical scripture?


ALl i see in this thread are people who can't stand the idea of common sense that Zeitgeist promotes - the kind of common sense that destroys religious superstition and dogma.

A small extract from the book of enoch is hardly convincing evidence for 1) God or 2) Advanced knowledge of blackholes or the universe.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 08:01 AM
Well with all this Rant

Clearly Zeitgeist part 1 of Jesus VS Similar Demigods is Showing the similarity that is all involved (linked) with the Sun or (AMEN-RA) Sun GOD! I hear video what the OP posted

What Zeitgeist is talking about is ! Is Global Cultured Pagan Religion was brought the same way Jesus represents ! the Repeat! from the Known Ancient Demigods (Half Breeds of a God & Human) from the last following ( Jesus ) if he is a Demigod instead of MAN and the Link of Worshiping the Sun to those Demi Gods!

As there's versions of THE DELUGE In every part of the Globe ! and the Creation of Man! Some slightly different but have the Same Meaning

Like an Discussion in another thread about the similarity of the Adam and Eve Story with the Iroquois Story
both say the same , of Not eating the part of a Forbidden tree as the Iroquois say its a Root and the Hebrew Religion say its a Fruit

I see here When Christians talk about the Trinity a 3 in 1 God but why did Jesus Talked to God in many aspects of the Bible ? the Famous quote Forgive them father for they Know Not what they DO! ?

and yes IMO!!! ,,, IMO!! < that's In MY OPINION

Christianity has similarity's of PAGAN ! Structure of a Chain of Command !

Ready !

Jesus (Demigod) 12 Apostle oops i mean 13 including Judas replacement Mathias
Peter Jame John Andrew Philip Bartholomew Mathew Thomas James2 Judas Simon Jude & Mathias
Ironically all Apostles were claimed to be Murdered or Crucified except for John as he was spared to die OLD

Hebrew God (YHWH) (Main god) and his 12 Archangels ! (Lesser Gods)
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Sariel, and the fallen Lucifer.
Demigod ( Jesus )




compiled by Dee Finney

Zeus (Main God) (Lesser Gods) Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Dionysus, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Hermes.
Demigod ( Perseus )

Odin (Main God) (Lesser Gods) Baldur Frigg Heimdall Höðr Iðunn Loki Sif Thor Týr Ull Viðarr
Demigod (Baldur)

Amun -RA (Lesser gods?)Shu and Tefnut, Geb and Nut, Osiris, Set, Isis and Nephthys.

The Kicker is All of the Lesser Gods and the Archangels have somthing in common
all represent a Virtue & Attribute!! Archangel Micheal Attribute = Strength Protection Truth

Example God of War Horus , Thor , Athena & Arch Angel== Micheal

Let's forget about Zeitgeist for a Moment

Let break down the similarity's of Horus & Jesus

Origin mythology

Horus was born to the goddess Isis after she retrieved all the dismembered body parts of her murdered husband Osiris, except his penis which was thrown into the Nile and eaten by a catfish,[5][6] and used her magic powers to resurrect Osiris and fashion a gold phallus[7] to conceive her son. In another version of the story, Isis was impregnated by divine fire.[8] Once Isis knew she was pregnant with Horus, she fled to the Nile Delta marshlands to hide from her brother Set who jealously killed Osiris and who she knew would want to kill their son.[8] There Isis bore a divine son, Horus.
In another Version ? OK Isis was Impregnated by divine Fire! ! Hmmm and what was the Hebrew God YHWH shown as ? a Pillar of Fire a Burning Bush ok that made sense to me ! yeah the Holy Spirit will come upon you as Gabriel said to Mary

She Fled to the Nile Delta Marshlands hmmm ok if i can remember right (scratching my head) Mary & Joseph Escaped to Egypt! as for the close to the same reason as the First Born Child was to be slaughtered by who ? King Herod ! to attempt to Kill a Future king of the Jews much like what Set was after a future Leader named Horus ! and for the fact that the Merging of Amen -RA with Horus sounds like the merging of Jesus and Hebrew God (YHWH ) 2 in1 instead of the Trinity 3 in 1 ...

as I learn more just from the paragraph above there is a similarity of Jesus & Horus well some what

what about December 25th ?

is a Pagan Holiday merged with Christianity to celibate the birth of Christ
from Saturnalia ( Roman) to Yule ( Norse Celtic) and drum roll........Babylonian holiday the feast of the Son of Isis on December 25th is it Horus ?

In ancient Babylon, the feast of the son of Isis (Goddess of Nature) took place on the 25th of December, wild parties, tons of food, and gift giving were the main staples of the feast.

Well Members of ATS as I researched with interest and this what i found and there you have it !

December 25 was not the Birth of Horus , but a Babylonian celebration in his honor ? Unless alot of Web Site's are Lying ! 42,700 results on Google of Feast of the son of Isis on December 25th

Well that riddle is Solved about the December 25th myth ! with Horus Right ?

The Biggest Modern Similarity's of Parallels is John F Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln 2 People we known to have Existed and they have too much similarity's to me its mind boggling yet its all true
edit on 19-2-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by awake_and_aware
reply to post by undo

What's Stephen Hawkin's work got to do with biblical scripture?


ALl i see in this thread are people who can't stand the idea of common sense that Zeitgeist promotes - the kind of common sense that destroys religious superstition and dogma.

A small extract from the book of enoch is hardly convincing evidence for 1) God or 2) Advanced knowledge of blackholes or the universe.

you think the science channel video is about the bible?

how interesting.
watch the first video in my prior post. it's a group of scientists who discovered that galaxies all have super massive black holes at their centers, and that active galaxies are the creative process by which galaxies are created.

i'm a theorist. i theorize how things connect to each other, across time. for example, i do alot of etymological research. would you prefer i not study at all? watch the video. THEN come back and yell at me.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 08:04 AM
Weird...I thought the whole point of Zeitgeist was to basically point out to us that religion and banking have been used for ages to control the collective mind and wealth of the planet allowing a relatively small group of people to dictate our future course of actions...I agree with you that a bunch of twisting of the information happens here all the time in both the "for" and "against", but I must admit you sound like a fundamentalist with an inferiority complex...If something is used to oppress someone it is evil, period! I don't care how good the intentions behind something are, if someone hijacks it and turns it into a weapon then so be it...Once that happens, its now a silent weapon for a quite war most people don't even know they are fighting in...Try seeing the forest for the trees! Not everything can be broken down and spoon-fed to you...somethings are only for those who choose to "hear" or "see" with the true eyes and ears and not the ones based in physical reality...Its a huge and glorious game being played, everyday, of every week, of every month, of all these years gone by...We haven't see or done anything truly real and independent since long before recorded history...Actually it would seem that the "reality" we are wading knee deep through has been fed to us ever since someone decided to write it down...and call it history or as I like to say His Story....its all poop!

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

dec 25th is nimrod (osiris) reference. the tree likely connected to the cedar osiris' body was found in, by isis, after he had been killed by set (the serpent god of egypt). but he wasn't found hung on the tree, but the tree grew up around him and enclosed his body.

so not horus but osiris, yes.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 08:20 AM
i think the priesthoods always used the sky as a calendar and a way to discuss in metaphor, their knowledge of the gods, either literally or figuratively. it's always a multilayered affair. some used the movements of these bodies as a fortune telling device because they had learned that if you studied them, they could be used to forecast when they would do other things, like eclipses. they came to be thought of as tellers of the future, and thus were used in a very literal fashion, in that way. such as the babylonian omens of the moon, which the priests used to give the king advice. even though it was totally unrelated to the events it was meant to predict -- if venus is in the shadow of the moon, the king should stay home and eat grapes -- for example, it does show an example of why they started using the sky to predict the future.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by kallisti36

as for horus and the virgin birth , using wiki as reference as you do , it states that he was concived through the means of a miracle , no penis was used ,(1) and an other reference is made to the divine fire that impragnated isis, (horus mother) kinda like jebus on both accounts and pre date jebus ,

(1) Roy G. Willis (1993). World mythology. Macmillan. p. 43. ISBN 0805027017.

.In Osiris the Christian Egyptians found the prototype of Christ, and in the pictures and statues of Isis suckling her son Horus, they perceived the prototypes of the Virgin Mary and her child.

E. A. Wallis Budge, "Egyptian Religion",Ch2,ISBN 0-14-019017-1

Biblical scholar Bruce M. Metzger notes that in one account of the Osirian cycle he dies on the 17th of the month of Athyr (approximating to a month between October 28 and November 26 in modern calendars), is revivified on the 19th and compares this to Christ rising on the "third day"

New Testament tools and studies", Bruce Manning Metzger, p. 19, Brill Archive, 1960

as for Dionysus

Additionally, some scholars of comparative mythology argue that both Dionysus and Jesus represent the "dying-and-returning god" mythological archetype.

Burkert, Walter, Greek Religion, 1985 pp. 64, 132

Other elements, such as the celebration by a ritual meal of bread and wine, also have parallels.

Powell, Barry B., Classical Myth Second ed. With new translations of ancient texts by Herbert M. Howe. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1998.


posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Hi there!

Could you please show us in Egypt where they linked Horus with December 25th? An example of this importance is as we read in the Bible no where is it clear of a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and no where does it lead to the idea Jesus was born in mid winter. But today, we see a celebration of Jesus birth for Dec 25th which certainly was a popular time of celebration in Pagan celebrations. But there is no real reason to celebrate the birth of Jesus on this day. I dont consider just because this date became later tied to Jesus that there is real grounds to stand on (through the history that was left to us about Jesus) for Dec. 25th.

Just because Babylon later tied Horus to Dec 25th does not mean that Egypt, the root of the history for Horus...ever did such a thing. Later people that assimilate a 'man or god' to their already preconceived important dates...does not make a relevant connection enough for any of us to say 'Jesus and Horus were born on Dec 25th'.

What about al the other things zeitgeist says about Horus...can you show me where in Egypt that such things can be shown to us through the root of the people that Horus came from? Im very open and will observe evidence from Egypt about Horus....but not what a later culture mixed with their own preexisting celebrations and important days.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:35 AM
I will note...that the similarities that run through our ancient really really huge in number.

But still...zeitgeist went too far with stretching some truths and some of the claims they make have no real grounds to stand on.

Their agenda was to show that all of these stories revolve around the 'sun'....but they would of been better off if they were just honest and showed the real connections between the stories and left out some of their stretched ideas.

Hre are the claims in zeitgeist....

He was born on December 25 of a virgin (Isis Mary)
• A star in the East proclaimed his arrival
• Three kings came to adore the new-born “savior”
• He became a prodigious teacher at age 12
• At age 30 he was “baptized” and began a “ministry”
• Horus had twelve “disciples”
• Horus was betrayed
• He was crucified
• He was buried for three days
• He was resurrected after three days

I dont dispute the born of a virgin thing...because Isis and Osiris were 'gods' seemingly and Osiris had 'died' so to say before Horus was born. It seems all 'demi gods' were born of a 'spirit of a god'...

But please show me IN EGYPT...where a star in the east proclaimed his arrival.

Please show where 3 kings came to adore the 'new born savior'.

Show me where at age 12...he starts a ministry. As well as, he had 12 disciples.

Show FROM EGYPT...he was betrayed and crucified.

Show where he was dead for 3 days and then rose. And DONT confuse Horus with Osiris.
edit on 19-2-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Their agenda was to show that all of these stories revolve around the 'sun'....but they would of been better off if they were just honest and showed the real connections between the stories and left out some of their stretched ideas.

That's NOT the agenda of Zeitgeist. they point out many ancient religions that revolved around the sun, and some that have adopted myth of the sun or changed. Zeitgeist highlights vivid similarities between religious dogma.

Again, another user has mentioned it, it's to make people aware that there is a select few controlling the minds and money of the many. Religion is deception as God cannot be proved,(this doesn't mean God does not exist) faith is not a virtue despite what you have all been told. Religion is presubscribed beliefs or philosophy made by other men.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by undo
i think the priesthoods always used the sky as a calendar and a way to discuss in metaphor, their knowledge of the gods, either literally or figuratively. it's always a multilayered affair. some used the movements of these bodies as a fortune telling device because they had learned that if you studied them, they could be used to forecast when they would do other things, like eclipses. they came to be thought of as tellers of the future, and thus were used in a very literal fashion, in that way. such as the babylonian omens of the moon, which the priests used to give the king advice. even though it was totally unrelated to the events it was meant to predict -- if venus is in the shadow of the moon, the king should stay home and eat grapes -- for example, it does show an example of why they started using the sky to predict the future.

The mazzaroth is all prophecy.
It's all about a story to be told in the future.
It is not a mystery.
We have the model for all the hero stories that are familiar because they all attempted to be the fulfillment of prophecy

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by awake_and_aware
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Their agenda was to show that all of these stories revolve around the 'sun'....but they would of been better off if they were just honest and showed the real connections between the stories and left out some of their stretched ideas.

That's NOT the agenda of Zeitgeist. they point out many ancient religions that revolved around the sun, and some that have adopted myth of the sun or changed. Zeitgeist highlights vivid similarities between religious dogma.

Again, another user has mentioned it, it's to make people aware that there is a select few controlling the minds and money of the many. Religion is deception as God cannot be proved,(this doesn't mean God does not exist) faith is not a virtue despite what you have all been told. Religion is presubscribed beliefs or philosophy made by other men.

I will agree religions are philosophies of what a culture or people understood for that time. But they all had 'real reasons' for what they understood and used personifications for what they did not understand.

Just because later man 'make money' and may have used a 'story of the past' to control anyone....does not mean that the origins of the beliefs and stories had that agenda. Those stories meant something to the people of that time, they deeply had a reason to personify their 'gods or people' they way they did.

Go back to every 'belief' of man in the past...and there is good reasons why they believed what they did. They were not making up their beliefs for money making or for control.

All religions have a purpose for the people of that time period and of that culture and for what they understood and did not well as what belief existed before their 'time' and usually a former belief was assimilated into any 'new beliefs'.

So no, when the 'religions or beliefs' existed and were birthed in the time they were birthed was not about money and control. They all had reasons, deep reasons, why they personified things like they did.

Even the Old ugly of a god as it displays...the people had their reasons for believing as they did for their time, their past beliefs that were passed onto to them from other lands, ect.

Each 'religion' so to say....needs to be looked at from the eyes of that time and the people. There is reasons and understanding linked to all their beliefs.

I wont deny that part of the NT seems to be written in a way of 'control' on the people....and does not always seem to adhere to the ways of Jesus (example, he often taught along the road side, not suggesting any money be given in any way)....but still...the stories of Jesus true nature can be found between the lines of the NT. Leaders were needing to 'bring together' several different beliefs and I do think they tried to do that through the NT....for there was much conflict between the pagans and non pagans.

All beliefs were not 'birthed' to make money and control people...they had real reasons and real understandings tied to the people and that time.
edit on 19-2-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

It could be possible that those who created religious doctrine had the best intentions at the time, but a lot of the ideas and philosophy are now considered morally reprehensible.

Metaphysical claims are unprovable and therefore have conjured. They were not formed by objective maens.

Heaven, Hell and Reincarnation are irrational metaphysical claims created as fiction for what man doesn't understand. It's wicked preaching to teach any human, let alone a child - False fear and false hope.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by Wolfenz

dec 25th is nimrod (osiris) reference. the tree likely connected to the cedar osiris' body was found in, by isis, after he had been killed by set (the serpent god of egypt). but he wasn't found hung on the tree, but the tree grew up around him and enclosed his body.

so not horus but osiris, yes.

ITS Horus and Osiris Were Both Right Yeah! I think ?

Ancient Babylonians believed the son of the queen of heaven was born around this time of the year. Ancient Egyptians believed the god-man and savior Osiris died and was entombed around this time of year and that his death gave life to the son of Isis who was born around — you guessed it — December 25 (the feast of the Son of Isis was celebrated on December 25).

That his Death Gave Life to the Son of Isis ?

Hurry Isis get that Seed from your Dead Husband so you can bear a child you got 3 to 7 days !

but this is just one of many websites that has this little information is there any truth who the hell knows

Honestly i dont have a Clue

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by awake_and_aware

It could be possible that those who created religious doctrine had the best intentions at the time, but a lot of the ideas and philosophy are now considered morally reprehensible.

Metaphysical claims are unprovable and therefore have conjured. They were not formed by objective maens.

The limits of Pure Reason.

The questions of whether matter came before consciousness or conscoiusness came before matter cannot be resolved, as such questions can be indisputably shown to be beyond the limits of pure reason, since both questions lead to an infinte serious of questions which cannot be resolved without declaring an uncaused cause; whether it be uncaused matter or uncaused consciousness.

However if there is a "Frist Consciousness," She clearly did not leave any evidence of Her existence or Her nature, apart from possibly human nature and nature itself (Mother Nature); thus even the person who takes the view that consciousness preceded matter (i.e., the Deist) can only comment on nature and on human nature, human psychology etc.

If there is a Creator, She has clearly left us alone with each other, and thus the constant fascination and endless ramblngs about God and Her nature seems to me to be "ungodly," and even blasphemous. The entire subject of Theology (lit. the study of God) is an utter fabrication, since God apparently does not lend Herself to empirical observation, and neither does She step into deny the fabricated ramblings of theologians, and thus they can say anything they like about Her.

Heaven, Hell and Reincarnation are irrational metaphysical claims created as fiction for what man doesn't understand. It's wicked preaching to teach any human, let alone a child - False fear and false hope.

Basically what the religous fanatic is saying is "If you do not agree with me and accept my metaphysical ramblings and my laws restricting human nature, then you will be eternally cursed by god;" a god whom the fanatic has never observed; it is a monstrious lie and every theologian is a liar.


The Antichrist (Extracts)
Friedrich Nietzsche

The Declaration of War against Christendom

"We should not deck out and embellish Christianity: it has waged a war to the death against this higher type of man, it has put all the deepest instincts of this type under its ban, it has developed its concept of evil, of the Evil One himself, out of these instincts--the strong man as the typical reprobate, the "outcast among men." Christianity has taken the part of all the weak, the low, the botched; it has made an ideal out of antagonism to all the self-preservative instincts of sound life; it has corrupted even the faculties of those natures that are intellectually most vigorous, by representing the highest intellectual values as sinful, as misleading, as full of temptation. The most lamentable example: the corruption of Pascal, who believed that his intellect had been destroyed by original sin, whereas it was actually destroyed by Christianity!--

It is necessary to say just whom we regard as our antagonists: theologians and all who have any theological blood in their veins--this is our whole philosophy. . . . One must have faced that menace at close hand, better still, one must have had experience of it directly and almost succumbed to it, to realize that it is not to be taken lightly. This poisoning goes a great deal further than most people think:

So long as the priest, that professional denier, calumniator and poisoner of life, is accepted as a higher variety of man, there can be no answer to the question, What is truth? Truth has already been stood on its head when the obvious attorney of mere emptiness is mistaken for its representative.
Upon this theological instinct I make war:

I find the tracks of it everywhere. Whoever has theological blood in his veins is shifty and dishonourable in all things. The pathetic thing that grows out of this condition is called faith: in other words, closing one's eyes upon one's self once for all, to avoid suffering the sight of incurable falsehood. People erect a concept of morality, of virtue, of holiness upon this false view of all things; they ground good conscience upon faulty vision; they argue that no other sort of vision has value any more, once they have made theirs sacrosanct with the names of "God," "salvation" and "eternity."

I unearth this theological instinct in all directions: it is the most widespread and the most subterranean form of falsehood to be found on earth. Whatever a theologian regards as true must be false: there you have almost a criterion of truth. His profound instinct of self-preservation stands against truth ever coming into honour in any way, or even getting stated.

Wherever the influence of theologians is felt there is a transvaluation of values, and the concepts "true" and "false" are forced to change places: what ever is most damaging to life is there called "true," and whatever exalts it, intensifies it, approves it, justifies it and makes it triumphant is there called "false."... When theologians, working through the "consciences" of princes (or of peoples--), stretch out their hands for power, there is never any doubt as to the fundamental issue: the will to make an end, the nihilistic will exerts that power...

The Christian concept of a god--the god as the patron of the sick, the god as a spinner of cobwebs, the god as a spirit--is one of the most corrupt concepts that has ever been set up in the world: it probably touches low-water mark in the ebbing evolution of the god-type. God degenerated into the contradiction of life. Instead of being its transfiguration and eternal Yea! In him war is declared on life, on nature, on the will to live! God becomes the formula for every slander upon the "here and now," and for every lie about the "beyond"! In him nothingness is deified, and the will to nothingness is made holy! . . .

Christianity also stands in opposition to all intellectual well-being,--sick reasoning is the only sort that it can use as Christian reasoning; it takes the side of everything that is idiotic; it pronounces a curse upon "intellect," upon the superbia of the healthy intellect. Since sickness is inherent in Christianity, it follows that the typically Christian state of "faith" must be a form of sickness too, .... "Faith" means the will to avoid knowing what is true. ...... The impulse to lie--it is by this that I recognize every foreordained theologian.--

Do not let yourself be deceived: great intellects are sceptical.... The strength, the freedom which proceed from intellectual power, from a superabundance of intellectual power, manifest themselves as scepticism

..--With this I come to a conclusion and pronounce my judgment. I condemn Christianity; I bring against the Christian church the most terrible of all the accusations that an accuser has ever had in his mouth. It is, to me, the greatest of all imaginable corruptions; it seeks to work the ultimate corruption, the worst possible corruption. The Christian church has left nothing untouched by its depravity; it has turned every value into worthlessness, and every truth into a lie, and every integrity into baseness of soul. Let any one dare to speak to me of its "humanitarian" blessings! Its deepest necessities range it against any effort to abolish distress; it lives by distress; it creates distress to make itself immortal. . . . . . a will to lie at any price, ,,,,Parasitism as the only practice of the church; with its anaemic and "holy" ideals, sucking all the blood, all the love, all the hope out of life; the beyond as the will to deny all reality; the cross as the distinguishing mark of the most subterranean conspiracy ever heard of,--against health, beauty, well-being, intellect, kindness of soul--against life itself. . . .

This eternal accusation against Christianity I shall write upon all walls, wherever walls are to be found--I have letters that even the blind will be able to see. . . . I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough,--I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race. . . .

edit on 19-2-2011 by Lucifer777 because: edited text

edit on 19-2-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Formatting

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

she married her son, who was known as narmer (nimrod) before he died, and osiris after he died.
might explain why she didn't have sex with him. lol it was a royal marriage.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by Wolfenz

Hi there!

Could you please show us in Egypt where they linked Horus with December 25th? An example of this importance is as we read in the Bible no where is it clear of a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and no where does it lead to the idea Jesus was born in mid winter. But today, we see a celebration of Jesus birth for Dec 25th which certainly was a popular time of celebration in Pagan celebrations. But there is no real reason to celebrate the birth of Jesus on this day. I dont consider just because this date became later tied to Jesus that there is real grounds to stand on (through the history that was left to us about Jesus) for Dec. 25th.

Just because Babylon later tied Horus to Dec 25th does not mean that Egypt, the root of the history for Horus...ever did such a thing. Later people that assimilate a 'man or god' to their already preconceived important dates...does not make a relevant connection enough for any of us to say 'Jesus and Horus were born on Dec 25th'.

What about al the other things zeitgeist says about Horus...can you show me where in Egypt that such things can be shown to us through the root of the people that Horus came from? Im very open and will observe evidence from Egypt about Horus....but not what a later culture mixed with their own preexisting celebrations and important days.

I am not claiming the celebration of Jesus ! where do you think i do ? December 25th is a Pagans Holiday
like the Celebration Feast of the Son of Isis that follow on December 25th from the websites ive been on it did not say it was his birth but a Feast in his Honor I would Assume ... (Guess)

more likely he (Jesus) was born in the mid summer months the December 25th was linked celebrated around many pagan holidays from the Council of Nicaea 1st or 2nd one not sure which Especially Yule ! so I already knew that! my family celebrates those holidays Samhain and Yule is the Most respected holiday of our family well the Celtic Side that is and I do Agree there is NO reason to Celebrate his Birth on that date but for Yule we should celebrate Father Christmas AKA:Yule Days Gift of Giving , The Tree decorations the mistletoe the Feasting is all Pagan ohh and the Bonfire's i cant forget the Bonfires ! I have mention that if you looked in my previous posts and i dont thump the bible
yet i study ..

In the 2nd paragraph i do agree but what i posted is the similarity is what you will see with a open mind between Jesus and Horus (check my last post of the links )

A Few thing's i find interesting is Amun & Ra were Merged into One like the Christian Trinity Merged into Three to One

but did you hear of the Arian controversy that particular Debate ( the Trinity)
Source :

that and the Other is that the Parallels of Jesus Mother Mary and Horus Mother Isis ,,, Isis Escape to have her Son at the Nile of the Marshlands to Escape fro Set that wanted to Kill her Son to Prevent Him from Ruling and Mary Escapes to Egypt to prevent her son from being killed by the Israel King Herod that wants to kill every Son under the age of 2 as he heard of a Future Jew King would be Born to Rule

Now that is to me there could be a similarity a close one ! to Egyptian and Hebrew linked with Sumerian the other stuff about what Zeitgeist says I haven't gone that far to find out
but what i did find so far & posted it here
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My argument that the Hebrews the Israelites ( SLAVES ) MAY have Adopted some Egyptian Sumerian Folklore with Theirs seeing that the Culture and Religions around their surroundings ! Before and After the Exodus It would make sense would it not ? as the African Slaves in America of the 18th &19th century adopted Christianity as the Native American's Adopted Christianity from French Jesuits in the 16th century
Algonquins & Iroquois in Canada and Along the St Lawrence River

One of the most Famous Religion Culture Adoptions is the Romans & Greeks and later the Romans Adpoted a few of Egyptians Deity's from what ive seen on the Web ...
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Here is what i found Im still on the Fence
with Videos you decide ...

The Star in the East and Three Kings
by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S

"Christ in Egypt:
The Horus-Jesus Connection

edit on 19-2-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Malcram
reply to post by Chinesis

Before I take down your position: please state what IS your position?


That's absolutely hilarious. Its clear you're thoroughly objective on the matter of Christianity and not at all simply trolling for conflict with anyone who might happen to disagree with you, right?

Matter of fact: I wanted him to go on the record about his opinion.

I'm for truth, not any one side.
The problem with most people here is that we cannot go to the beginning, the source to conclusively say
one way or another about each point of view each opponent shares.

The fact is: Zeitgeist lies, it's been proven.
The fact is: I'm not for nor against any one side.

Trolling is what you have done in your reply to me!
I asked sincerely a question: you have CLEARLY missed the boat on this one.
Because my position: isn't clear. See that?

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