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50 Characteristics Of The Antichrist

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posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Red Cloak

interesting thanks and for you who don't believe why bother with a religious thread ? stick with your alien ufo crop circle jerk crowd lol

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 04:21 AM
"antichrist" is written of only 4 times in the scriptures

1John 2:18"Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour."

1John 2:22Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son

1John 4:3And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, of which you have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

II John 7: "For many deceivers have gone out into the world, who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

First in Greek this prefix means "in place of " which is more in tuned with what John is saying.Christ (christos in Greek) means anointing from the Hebrew mashiach.Christ is not Jesus(Yahoshua) last is a title...THE christ THE anointed means to smear on oil..what the Hebrews (and pagans) did to denote power...

hence antichrist means ... in place of power.....It has an odd phrasing to it but it definitely doesn't mean "against "the Christ".. Yahoshua.It is one word.

THE ANTICHRIST is an extrapolation foisted on the book of Revelation because "John wrote it.Then it is falsely tied to the same type of extrapolation as the abomination of desolation and the "man of sin.(which is man ..just as is the beast of is a metaphor

The fact is THE Antichrist is not in the scripture... neither is the "GREAT Tribulation" nor the rapture and about a million other doctrines of men.They are as real as dungeons and dragons.It is almost-(but... not at all) amazing how so many believe this very verifiable facts of scripture...however ...a man only hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by nakiannunaki
I think the antichrist was actually coined by the roman church for they knew ahead of time of the coming of the one.
That very one that would one day stand up to the roman empire and topple it.

Much like christ was the antichrist in his time coming up against the then roman empire and being crucified, the people of rome must have given their support to the roman empire for this crucifixion or the roman empire simply would not have crucified christ.

Yes he had followers but they were in the minority.

The antichrist or world teacher will come in pretty much the same fashion as christ did and will be labled the antichrist but only in that he would threaten the power structure that exists.

Remember thet one mans terrorist is anothers revolutionary.

The new testament only speaks of the antichrist, lets remember the old testament was added to the bible many hundreds of years after christ had died and by the very people in the roman church.

I think the time of the old system is over and the new system awaits us but only once implemented after the antichrists reign is over.

The antichrist after all is not a man but an energy, one that possesses a vessle or host and through that host emmits an energy that destroys the old order.

That time is now more than ever. Those that do not accept this or talk of religion being a form of control have no idea of the movement that is taking place behind the scence preparing the world psychologically for the coming of the one.

I personally feel that the one is yet to step forward. The world still do not know who this man is or will be. He will rise out of obscurity and will talk directly to the hearts of humanity. Not politcal by any means but more a spirtitual teacher. What he will say will be undeniable for his truths will be our falling away.

Anticlockwise, Anti-Clockwise. motion in the previous of clockwise and by hitting each previous number in progression. Anti-Christ.. the Previous Christ.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Red Cloak

Could you give a scriptural reference to each of the 50 points? Some of your points are false.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Red Cloak
According to the Bible, the main traits and characteristics of The Antichrist are:

1. Fierce countenance.
2. More stout than his peers.
3. Understands dark sentences.
4. Deceiver of the elect.
5. Worshiped by the false apostate church.
6. Wolf in sheep's clothing.
7. Blasphemous speaker.
8. Exceedingly arrogant, boastful, and prideful.
9. Military conqueror.
10. Extreme economic dictator.
11. Leader of a one world government, economy, and religion.
12. Has a personal religious guru and spiritual adviser that is a "dragon that speaks like a lamb" and gives power to him (The False Prophet).
13. Has the Great Mystery Religion of old (Freemasonry) as his religion of choice.
14. Governs through extreme right wing ideology fascism.
15. Is the leader and ruler of the end times "Babylon The Great" Beast Empire.
16. Under his reign the people are forced to take his name, number, or the number of his name in their foreheads or right hands.
17. Those who politically dissent against him are beheaded, most likely through use of the guillotine.
18. His kingdom has a sort of sex magic occultist religion that becomes very widespread during his rule.
19. He shall bring a 7 year peace treaty.
20. 3 and a half years into that treaty he shall break it and make war.
21. During his reign the Jewish temple shall be rebuilt in Jerusalem and he shall then go inside of it and sit on a throne made for him and he shall then declare himself to be God while sitting on that throne inside the temple.
22. The Battle of Armageddon shall occur during his reign. This includes a battle where a 200 million man army will come from the east towards Israel.
23. Either through himself, or his spiritual guru, or both, he shall perform works, wonders, and miracles.
24. Throughout the whole world he shall be greatly feared and for a time no other powers shall dare oppose him.
25. He will arise as one of three world stage leaders. He will then soon get rid of (presumably kill) the other two.
26. His kingdom shall be most likely divided up into 10 regions.
27. He shall be killed through some type of blow to his head. Most likely in this age and time it would be a bullet. After dying (legally dead) he shall then arise back to life (resuscitation ).
28. His rule shall not be by legitimate means.
29. He is a King and his father was also a King.
30. He will be able to trace his line back to the throne of King David (he will have Jewish DNA that can prove a royal blood line).
31. He will be of European descent (he will have Caucasian DNA).
32. He shall come from the west (either Europe or the New World) and he shall attack towards the east as a conqueror, imperialist, colonialist.
33. The very large majority percentage of Christians shall falsely embrace him as being The Messiah, Jesus Christ returned.
34. He shall unite all the major world religions into one new religion.
35. He is very bold and very stern.
36. He succeeds in all his endeavors.
37. He is the prince of lies.
38. He is the great deceiver.
39. He shall rule over the world, the air, and the heavens around Earth (orbit around Earth) during his reign.
40. He shall put an end to animal sacrifices.
41. He can speak in tongues.
42. He is extremely charismatic.
43. He possesses a demonic charm that is able to mesmerize and hypnotize people.
44. He is a great orator and speech giver.
45. During his reign, everything is the opposite of reality. The truth is lies, lies are truth, falsehoods are realities, realities are falsehoods, war is peace, peace is war, good is evil, evil is good, etc.
46. There shall be many drastic environmental changes and many ecological and geological disasters during his time. Such as droughts, floods, terrible storms, horrible earthquakes, devastating hail storms, etc.
47. There will be massive die offs of people, trees, green grass, plants, sea life, birds, and animals during his time.
48. Mystery Babylon The Great, "the great city" and The Whore of Babylon shall be destroyed during his reign.
49. At first, for a time, he will be worshiped, praised and adored by the world.
50. Through peace, he shall destroy many.

Now, let us speculate as to who it could possibly be

The Bible Incarnated as a group of humans transcribing ROTE as to describe all possibles of heresy (false declarations, scare tactics) to futher sublimate subjegate the humanbeing. A living breathing thing that is the OVERLORD to quell smash the intrinsic curiosity of mankind, to take all of mans good deeds, its formidible accomplishments and TAKE THEM FOR ITS OWN-ER-SHIP. The Bible as a group of greedy scholars seeking an outcome to usurp and control the people. It never mattered if 70% of it was borrowed from the Pagan disaplines, its a random bad documentation of history, it was all about the effect of the message and the CONTROL it could impart to deform and suggest mankind is an inferior product.
edit on 3-7-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

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