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Aztec and End times.

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posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:10 PM
I came across a paragraph in the book “Fingerprints of the Gods” by Graham Hancock I would like to post today. The reason I see this as important (now more than ever) is it seems pretty acceptable a theory especially now with the occurrences we are seeing on our earth today.

It’s related specifically with the Aztecs and Mayans.
It’s a little bit to read but very important and you’ll see why when I’m done.
Here is the excerpt
Children of the Fifth Sun
Like the many different peoples and cultures that had preceded them in
Mexico, the Aztecs believed that the universe operated in great cycles.
The priests stated as a matter of simple fact that there had been four
such cycles, or .Suns., since the creation of the human race. At the time
of the conquest, it was the Fifth Sun that prevailed. And it is within that
same Fifth Sun, or epoch, that humankind still lives today. This account is
taken from a rare collection of Aztec documents known as the Vaticano-
Latin Codex:
First Sun, Matlactli Atl: duration 4008 years. Those who lived then ate water maize
called atzitzintli. In this age lived the giants ... The First Sun was destroyed by
water in the sign Matlactli Atl (Ten Water). It was called Apachiohualiztli (flood,
deluge), the art of sorcery of the permanent rain. Men were turned into fish. Some
say that only one couple escaped, protected by an old tree living near the water.
Others say that there were seven couples who hid in a cave until the flood was
over and the waters had gone down. They repopulated the earth and were
worshipped as gods in their nations ...
Second Sun, Ehecoatl: duration 4010 years. Those who lived then ate wild fruit
known as acotzintli. This Sun was destroyed by Ehecoatl (Wind Serpent) and men
were turned into monkeys ... One man and one woman, standing on a rock, were
saved from destruction ...
Third Sun, Tleyquiyahuillo: duration 4081 years. Men, the descendants of the
couple who were saved from the Second Sun, ate a fruit called tzincoacoc. This
Third Sun was destroyed by fire ...
Fourth Sun, Tzontlilic: duration 5026 years ... Men died of starvation after a deluge
of blood and fire

It goes on further to state that we are currently living in the 5th Sun. Here’s what is told about the 5th Sun and how it is to demise
The symbol of the Fifth Sun, our current epoch, is the face of Tonatiuh,
the sun god himself. His tongue, fittingly depicted as an obsidian knife,
juts out hungrily, signalling his need for the nourishment of human blood
and hearts. His features are wrinkled to indicate his advanced age and he
appears within the symbol Ollin which signifies Movement. 11
Why is the Fifth Sun known as .The Sun of Movement.? Because, .the
elders say: in it there will be a movement of the earth and from this we
shall all perish.. 12
And when will this catastrophe strike? Soon, according to the Aztec
priests. They believed that the Fifth Sun was already very old and
approaching the end of its cycle
So its stating that the end of the 5th sun is going to be due to a movement of the earth and from this we shall all perish.
-Lately there have been a lot of crazy things going on with .. well everything regarding our planet.
-We have Massive Earthquakes
-Massive volcanic eruptions
-Two hugely massive storm fronts on both sides of the world
-Animal Die offs …etc..etc.
We all know there’s talk of pole reversal and shifts.. I know there’s some new threads today already about it
My thought is that the “great movement” that causes our demise began back during the Chilean Earthquake…
My thought is this slight increase started the ball rolling so to speak.
We live in a universe that is finely tuned for sophistication where everything effects everything whether we’re aware of it or not.
I believe the small shift was just the beginning.
There’s talk of an all out pole reversal in March, who knows if it will happen but that type of movement, with our current level of technology and civilization, we have no idea how it will affect us fully until it occurs. However is it possible that the large earthquake could very well have put the field on an even more erratic shift rate?
I wanted to put this out there and get some thoughts on this because when I read that the 5th sun earths destruction is by Movement. Truly its felt like that was the last jigsaw puzzle piece after the mass die offs and the horrible weather and catastrophes that have occurred 2010 to present and counting.
Please post and comment your thoughts on this.

edit on 4-2-2011 by srbouska because: spelling

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:28 PM

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 05:48 PM
I really appreciate the belief of past human rises and falls. The Aztecs, Hopi, Inca, Maya, Greek, and Indians (of India) all recant epochs long past. I'm not sure if any other cultures have these stories beyond the Great Flood Deluge.

Consider the submerged structures and megaliths along the oceanic coastlines, under lakes and seas. These date beyond Giza, or Stonehenge, or Baalbek. All logic points toward advanced civilization BEFORE this planet's last ice age!

Before all of the ancient alien bull-crap, average people were learning and piecing together the remnants of our past and discovering how far civilization and technology go back in ancient history. There is no "pre" history, only forgotten history. Nothing miraculous or extraterrestrial about it. Humans went through more than one stone age, more than one age of aviation, and more than one nuclear age. Great catastrophe wiped out our history, and nearly annihilated our species. According to our most ancient of "myths," this has happened more than once. And remarkably, the Human Genome Project supports the near extinction of mankind. Scientists and researchers have discovered a few genetic bottlenecks in our DNA... meaning, on more than one occasion, humans were driven to near extinction... only very few mating pairs survived. And what's even more astounding, is that Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosomal Adam date to different times! Meaning, even at our earliest beginnings, there was population survival problems.

"I know not what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
- Albert Einstein

Einstein's prediction sounds eerily similar to the ancient Sankrit epics and Plato's Atlantis. It happened before and it can/will happen again. If not by our own hands, then by the forces of nature.

Beyond the great cycles and fifth world of the Aztecs, fourth world of the Maya and Hopi.... too many world-wide prophecies, stories, tales, myths, legends, astrology, and religion point to our modern time as an end or transition. I am anxious to witness what's in store for us, but I'm a little fearful.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 06:08 PM
The cool thing about Hancock is he leads you to the door.

Read up on the Toltecs.

The fifth sun is the age of quintessence to parallel a western belief system. (1-Water, 2-Fire, 3-Earth, 4-Air, Quintessence being the 5 element)

There is no doubt that Earth and Humanity were around a long time before the deluge of myth.

Global pyramids.
Global burial mounds.


posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 06:20 PM
Good post, and reply so far.
Personally, I trust more in India's Vedas than most other cultures.
The Vedas, and central American cultures that culminated in the Aztec city-states, actually give a very similar starting date for our age of the Kali Yuga (the age of quarrel and hypocrisy).
However, apart from some vibrational change, there is no end to the Kali Yuga in 2012.
It will continue for over another 430 000 years.
Some self-styled scholars have questioned this (I think mainly to cash in on the 2012 industry).
Well, that's my take.
Sorry everybody, no big BOOM and escape from karma.
No easy way out from the cycle of birth and death.
Unfortunately the Aztecs were conquerors from the north themselves, who kept certain material only, and the Spanish destroyed much else. Anyone who claims to know "their true knowledge" is not quite honest.
By most accounts they saw the scumbag Cortez as a god - despite their achievements that wasn't too clever.
edit on 4-2-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 06:37 PM
Great post s&f

I have been following a thread regarding a rare planetary alignment.

The poster recently mentioned Graham Hancock.

Now I see this thread.

I love synchronicity, I will never stop following it.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 07:53 PM
This is very interesting...

Did anyone else notice how it fits into the Writings of Sitchin?

These are not neccessarily my beliefs. I have been reading Zecarias Sitchin for a school project and happened to notice the connection between "The Children of the Fifth Sun" and the writings of Sitchin.

The following underlinings point out interesting text, and italicizing point out my thoughts on the selected text and were added by me.

Originally posted by srbouska
It’s related specifically with the Aztecs and Mayans.
It’s a little bit to read but very important and you’ll see why when I’m done.
Here is the excerpt

Children of the Fifth Sun
Like the many different peoples and cultures that had preceded them in
Mexico, the Aztecs believed that the universe operated in great cycles. [The Universe; Earth are changed by Cycles.]
The priests stated as a matter of simple fact that there had been four
such cycles, or .Suns., since the creation of the human race.
[shows a very young Mankind. Cycles could be related to Nibiru's orbit.]

First Sun, Matlactli Atl: duration 4008 years [eccentric orbit of Nibiruu] Those who lived then ate water maize
called atzitzintli. In this age lived the giants[Giants on Earth; proposed by Sitchin] ... The First Sun was destroyed by
water in the sign Matlactli Atl (Ten Water). It was called Apachiohualiztli (flood,
deluge), the art of sorcery of the permanent rain
[creation of continuous rain; advanced "science".]. Men were turned into fish. Some say that only one couple escaped, protected by an old tree living near the water.
Others say that there were seven couples who hid in a cave [the god and demi gods of Annunaki were sheltered in underground submersibles [caves?]] until the flood was
over and the waters had gone down. They repopulated the earth and were
worshipped as gods in their nations ...
[because they were gods; proposed by Sitchin!]

Second Sun, Ehecoatl: duration 4010 years[Eccentric Orbits of Nibiru]. Those who lived then ate wild fruit
known as acotzintli. This Sun was destroyed by Ehecoatl (Wind Serpent) and men
were turned into monkeys ... One man and one woman, standing on a rock, were
saved from destruction ...

Third Sun, Tleyquiyahuillo: duration 4081 years[Eccentric Orbits of Nibiru]. Men, the descendants of the
couple who were saved from the Second Sun, ate a fruit called tzincoacoc. This
Third Sun was destroyed by fire ...

Fourth Sun, Tzontlilic: duration 5026 years [Eccentric Orbits of Nibiru] ...Men died of starvation after a deluge
of blood and fire
[war,nuclear fallout 21st century B.C.E; proposed by Sitchin]

It goes on further to state that we are currently living in the 5th Sun. Here’s what is told about the 5th Sun and how it is to demise
The symbol of the Fifth Sun, our current epoch, is the face of Tonatiuh,
the sun god himself
[Marduks New Age; proposed by Sitchin]. His tongue, fittingly depicted as an obsidian knife, juts out hungrily, signalling his need for the nourishment of human blood
and hearts. His features are wrinkled to indicate his advanced age [Annunaki lived for 200+ years; proposed by Sitchin] and he appears within the symbol Ollin which signifies Movement. 11
Why is the Fifth Sun known as .The Sun of Movement.? Because, .the
elders say: in it there will be a movement of the earth and from this we
shall all perish.. 12 And when will this catastrophe strike? Soon, according to the Aztec
priests. They believed that the Fifth Sun was already very old and approaching the end of its cycle

I don't know what you think about this whole thing but I find it absolutely stunning.

It's either a very hard to handle reality; or the greatest series of stories ever told by Mankind.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by srbouska
Why is the Fifth Sun known as .The Sun of Movement.? Because, .the
elders say: in it there will be a movement of the earth and from this we
shall all perish.. 12
And when will this catastrophe strike? Soon, according to the Aztec
priests. They believed that the Fifth Sun was already very old and
approaching the end of its cycle
So its stating that the end of the 5th sun is going to be due to a movement of the earth and from this we shall all perish.

edit on 4-2-2011 by srbouska because: spelling

Thanks for posting this information srbouska. I already knew about the end of the 5th sun prophecy but I did not know that it was associated with The Sun of Movement.

I have a theory that earth and all the planets in the solar system are going to change positions some time in the future. I believe a planet fell apart many ages ago and its loss caused the other planets to reposition their orbit to offset the imbalance. Some event is coming that is going to reassemble the lost planet, which in turn is going to cause the planets to reposition themselves back to their original locations.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Colton

Thats exactly what caught me was the death of the 5th sun. The one thing that was eggling at my mind was the "obsidian" knife... could that be reference to volcanic eruption being the originator of the movement? who knows!

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