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Ventura and Jesse Fakes?

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posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 09:11 AM
Can't say I like Alex Jones that much, there's too much madness around the small amount of worth listening to.

Jesse I have time for but not the TV series, people should separate the person they see and hear on that with the real Jesse. The TV show is scripted nonsense with Jesse just following the script and taking the cash, come on, we have June Sarpong from here in the UK as an investigator yet the only job she's done here is a kids TV presenter and other minor TV jobs, she's no investigator at all, its all written and scripted.

The trouble with Jesse is he sometimes puts the old foot in it, he recently stated that while the OTT body searches were going on he would no longer fly on any airline that allowed it to happen, next thing you know he's taking the company responsible for the new security to court over being frisked at a commercial airport.

I don't rally care if this was a contrived item, the fact is I like to see people stick to their word and not just be a paid mouth..

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 09:27 AM
If you would like to actually speak to Ventura i have his home phonenumber. so PM me if you would like it.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by zeon9010

I highly doubt Ted Turner watches any of the shows, let alone all of them.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by stars15k
Being loud does not make you right. Craving attention usually makes you look like a fool. That both are getting PAID to do what they do. That makes them shils, doesn't it?

So because they get PAID they are shills? Hmm I think Alex and Jesse are REAL patriots. Alex just talks about what he can prove in documents or video and Jesse has balls enough to take his research anywhere and try and get truth and the reason they are allowed to do what they do is because if they were killed then it would only make their point that much more valid, and the only reason alex gets loud and obnoxious is because people like in this thread shut him down just because he makes a pinch of money trying to get all of this tyranny out there and getting people to open their eyes. So what if they make money, they have to live somehow just like the rest of us. But yes their is also MUCH more truth that they are not seeing either. Nobody is perfect.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by theseven333

Perhaps it has less to do with the fact they make money and more to do with who they make their money from., who pays the bills, who funds their operation. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by zeon9010

Like David Icke. Guy really nails it on the head when it comes to Rothschild, Illuminati, NWO, but then he starts talking about alien shape shifting reptile vampires.

I know what you mean but remember he says that once he started researching it people started coming foward and telling him their related accounts . Im not saying reptilians exsist i'm just saying it seems that way to him and others .

As for Jones i thought it was jesuits he ignored . bong , if alex jones spoke more about israel I reckon hed be shut down, Icke can talk about israel because uk doesnt have dual nationality politicians in positions of power as much as you have ..
And anyway Jones talks about zionists so hes spot on there .

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by zeon9010

Money. Turner knows that conspiracy theorists are laughed at and thought to be crazy, so it would not affect him at all to allow a conspiracy theorist a show on his network. It helps him actually, because he gets advertising bucks.
edit on 31-1-2011 by InvisibleAlbatross because: fixed spelling

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by quackers
reply to post by theseven333

Perhaps it has less to do with the fact they make money and more to do with who they make their money from., who pays the bills, who funds their operation. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

that is exactly what i am saying.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 08:43 PM
Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory is entertaining and I think that is all it is supposed to be. The real question is "why is there an ex Blue Peter presenter on it?"

Alex Jones is really just another Glen Beck. Come to think of it, you never see them in the same room together!

Just my 2p

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by zeon9010

well well well, don't you know by now that everybody on the air (t.v or radio) is a puppet. Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, you don't actually think that there allowed to say anything real. "They" own every media outlet directly or indirectly. Bill Cooper tried to tell us what was going on - and surprise surprise, he was shot dead.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by BritofTexas

Do you mean June Sarpong ?
Thats what i though but shes done some good charity in her homeland and she seems to have a wise head . Good luck to her!

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 01:38 PM
I like both Alex and Jesse to a certain extent. I like the fact that they're letting "us" know, or at least other people that don't know, what's is not talked about in mainstream media (if that is applicable these days - i'm really referring to nightly news or local TV news). However, you have to take the good with the bad and sort out what is BS and fearmongering and what may be the truth. Sometimes it's hard to tell, other times, not so difficult.

IMHO, whenever I hear a person like Alex, Jesse, Icke, Bloom, Tsukolous, Maxwell, etc. speak, I have to filter out what makes sense to me and what doesn't. Sometimes they speak of stuff that I have thought about prior to hearing them or anyone else say it and I come to the conclusion that perhaps it is the truth, as it now makes sense now that someone else besides myself it saying this, or thinking in such a way. A lot of the times these guys contradict one another, but deep down, I'll know what to believe in and what not to. Again, it all comes down to what makes sense to me.

So whether or not these two are fakes... I don't know, but at least they're getting the word out, right? They could be disinformation agents or whatever, but i've come to believe that there is a little truth in every lie.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 01:40 PM
LOL.... my signature. I swear, that damn number keeps showing up (see posting time of my reply above).
edit on 1-2-2011 by BishopLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 01:45 PM
Jesse Ventura: pro Wrestler and USA politician? By that resume alone the man should have to pay people to trust him.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by stars15k
Let's see Jesse Ventura's resume: Navy, but not a SEAL as is often claimed

I'm actually quite sure he is a former US Navy SEAL. Got any sources on your above statement?

As to him and his show, I don't really feel it's that groundbreaking of stuff that he covers. The scripted "round table discussions" with his "staff" (hand picked by a pr firm) are corny, and the sensationalism of the show itself(ever seen his Area 51 show?) is really just to keep folks anchored to observing and not participating. Being handed bits of truth and left with more questions, instead of taking part in gathering data and formulating independent thoughts.


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