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California Residents Hit With Government Ban On Paying By Cash

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posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:51 PM
Forcing people into a cashless society harms everyone in the long run; it destroys what some call "the underground economy". By that I'm not talking about drug dealers and other criminals, etc. who do business in cash & then launder their profits through dummy corporations- I'm talking about the shade-tree mechanic who saves his friends money by fixing their cars for cash after work so that his kids have new shoes, or the single mom who cleans houses on the side when her minimum-wage job doesn't pay enough to put food on the table. If cash is eliminated from the equation it becomes next to impossible sometimes to pay the bills for some. One more freedom eliminated. The folks who earn this cash can report it for tax or not; it's the flow of cash to keep normal life on an even keel that is at stake.

I agree that the New World Order is slowly steering everybody into a cashless society. If there isn't a single Euro, dollar or whatever that isn't known about by the Man so that it can be taxed into oblivion, then the bottom line is that all of us are only making money so that the elite can spend it. It ought to come to a screeching halt.

In France, the underground economy has been derailed several times in the last century by changing all of the designs of cash money & making the previous type of cash obsolete- meaning worthless. Anyone hoarding it for a rainy day at home ends up with worthless paper. In the USA, the designs of all cash money have been changing constantly since 1995. I know that the government there says that it's to foil counterfeiters, but that isn't all. Every US paper bill over one dollar, if one holds it up to the light, has a magnetic tape embedded in it. So do all of the pages in every valid US passport, which now all have computer chips in them as well. If one carries a lot of cash and a passport on one's person, anyone with the right device, plain clothes policeman or whoever, can, from a short distance, read exactly how much money one has, who they are and where they have been or where they are going. If those of you in the US think that the airport xray machines are bad, it's much worse than you think.

I can see it now, worldwide: cash money will be hustled out of existence in a number of ways. For example, in the US Social Security will no longer mail checks as of May 2011. All payments must be by electronic transfer or they will not be given out. In the future, as well, I can see all cash transactions that people might still be able to make anywhere in the world hit with two things: fees for handling cash and NO CHANGE. Buying a ten dollar or Euro item and all you have is a twenty? Tough luck- you'll be paying twenty for it regardless. By then, paying in cash will REALLY look suspicious to certain kinds of people.

As has been mentioned earlier, there are people that banks refuse to deal with, for reasons of bad credit (all one has to do is lose their job) or whatever. Some people are getting around this in the US by arranging a prepaid debit card, usually at a big grocery store chain like Kroger- the world's largest. One's paycheck, government check, or what have you can be electronically transferred onto it and then there is a trackable, possibly taxable, record of every dollar one has and how it gets spent. Another thing mentioned before is the movies about these and other things by the late Aaron Russo. Anyone can go to, download a video player and Mr. Russo's movies such as "Freedom to Fascism" FOR FREE. Get them now while they are still freely available. Aaron Russo can tell all of you so much more than I possibly could here.

I find myself reminded of a prophecy from the Qu'ran: that in the end times, Allah shall punish first those unrighteous of the Earth who are at one with the Shaitans and squander the money of the poor. In light of the current depression brought on by such people in the New World Order, I cannot WAIT. Does everyone see how the present governments in the Middle East are falling like dominoes because of the riots? When people cannot feed, clothe or house themselves no matter how hard they work, that is what happens. The people have nothing left to lose.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:53 PM
im of the mind that folks out there should pay with "coins" molded out of human feces, fashioned in the shape of the town's mayor.

on the obverse, of course, should be a profile of jerry brown.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by nataylor

Actually, the US Treasury has it wrong, according to The Federal Reserve.

Basically, if you are paying for a service AFTER it has been provided, then they MUST accept cash payment.

If you are paying for a service BEFORE it has been provided, then if they post the policy they can refuse cash payment.

Say for example, you go to the DMV and want to pay for a new license plate. If the DMV posts a sign saying they don't accept cash, then they are not required to accept cash because they haven't given you the product/service yet.

However, if you are paying for electricity or water services AFTER you have used them, then the utility department MUST accept cash as payment because they have already provided the service. They have no choice.

Hopefully someone takes this California city to Federal court to challenge them.

edit on 28-1-2011 by harrytuttle because: clarification

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 06:58 PM
Can't we just keep our money and ban the politicians instead?

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:09 PM
Is it really the reason they say it is, or is it really because our paper money is worthless? Makes you wonder.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

The words on US currency are clear " all debts public and private"

Just state the debt has been satisfied in full if cash is refused and refer them to the US govt for details.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by gunner50cal

Indeed you're correct. The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express (FedEx).

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Iamschist
Now I'm going to sound like one of those hysterical end timers. I can't help it, this is so scarey to me. In order for the Bible prophecys to come true, I am refering to the number of the beast without which you cannot buy or sell, cash has to disappear. If only "electronic money" exists, then our bank accounts can be controled and by extension, we will be controled.

I grew up in church and learned about the end times.You are right it is scary how the prophecy s are coming true.I believe this is just a test run for the main event.I for one will not take the mark of the beast.God bless.
edit on 28-1-2011 by Sabretooth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by RomaMayLi
Forcing people into a cashless society harms everyone in the long run; it destroys what some call "the underground economy". By that I'm not talking about drug dealers and other criminals, etc. who do business in cash & then launder their profits through dummy corporations- I'm talking about the shade-tree mechanic who saves his friends money by fixing their cars for cash after work so that his kids have new shoes, or the single mom who cleans houses on the side when her minimum-wage job doesn't pay enough to put food on the table. If cash is eliminated from the equation it becomes next to impossible sometimes to pay the bills for some. One more freedom eliminated. The folks who earn this cash can report it for tax or not; it's the flow of cash to keep normal life on an even keel that is at stake.

I was going to post something about this also. I have a cousin who brings home the "computer" used to read car codes on the weekend from the mechanic shop he works at and diagnoses family and friends cars and tells them what the problem is (usually a $10-$20 part) for a nominal fee and sometimes free.

Also what about the teenager who's parents are both working 2 jobs to pay the mortgage on a home that's valued at 1/3 the price they paid for it 5 years ago that wants spending $ to go out with her friends
so babysits a couple times a month for her neighbors?

The neighbor that cleans the elderly peoples gutters for a nominal fee or the old man that has a shop in his backyard and is mechanically inclined that fixes lawn mowers,dryers,washing machines etc to supplement his meager SS earnings, the teenager who mows his neighbors lawns for $10 etc..

Now someone stated earlier about the "burning" of old bills being bad for the environment. If all the these people that I've stated (and various others) across the country could no longer operate then that means other people would have to drive from farther distances and most likely use much bigger tools to accomplish the same job (and charge everyone much more). thereby putting a bigger load on both the environment. and the poorest people in our society.
edit on 28-1-2011 by Adamanteus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by mtnshredder

You need to run for office and then refuse to serve after you win.

I will vote for you

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:06 PM
Is there legislation on this? Or just speculation right now?
They are beginning to ditch the dollar and accept the yuan more. Just another step toward dominating this giant piece of land. They're doing it well.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:10 PM
So, I take it those who live in "Disco" can not play any state lottery game in that area since all the lottery games in the U.S. only take cash!

I can see the future of cop movies and crime tv shows now .... when someone is handed an envelope with what looks like an envelope of cash because it is a bribery payoff or payment for some evil deed the camera will zoom in on the envelope and we will see it being opened and the person will now be fanning through a stack of pre-paid visa cards, (un-marked of course), because cash will mark them as a terrorist.

A good friend of mine who works for a popular international hotel chain told me last week that starting March 1st the hotel chain will no longer be giving out "live pay checks", ( a check that you take to a bank to cash), to their thousands of world wide employees. They wont even be issuing paper pay-stubs of any kind, even if the employee has direct-deposit with a bank. If you want to see any of your tax deductions, vacation/sick time hours accumilated or any other information found on a pay-stub you now have to go to a website. The company instead is now giving all employee's a plastic Mastercard in which their pay check will now be automatically added to the card. One of the reason's .... the company is going "green" and "paper" shouldn't be used so much. So is that going to be the next new excuse, the government will say they are making the U.S. a green country hence why they should eliminate all makings and use of paper money?

Finally, I have been following this thread since it has started so, please lets not post this statement anymore ...."This note is legal tender for all debts public and private." .... it's been typed a zillion times already in this thread and we get the point on how that is written on U.S. currency plus, reading it is making my head hurt.
(ok, a zillion and 1 now).

rant over, hiccup.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:26 PM
slippery slope here. ONe state...the rest of the world seem hell bent in following the US down said slope. Cashless society soon. What happens to the black market then? I mean, good or bad, the black market puts literally trillions of dollars into the world economy. And how much money do governments around the globe make from dodgey doings?

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:27 PM
156 flags?

Just realize that prisonplanet is NOT a primary source

they never say where they got their information from.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by stirling

When the goverment prints cash thats good for all debts both PUBLIC AND PRIVATE< you bet the townies better accept it!
Thsi is so far away from constitutional rights a to z that it reeks SECRET POLICE!

The Treasury is printing the money but the Federal Reserve is issuing it. They aren't the government, they're a private bank controlled and owned by foreign interests.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:31 PM
You don't want cash? Then take my gold or silver.


Then I have some lead for you instead................Kiss my rosey red cheeks.............

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:01 PM
Uniform Commercial Code says no no.. a refused presentment may be retracted without dishonor. Pretty much by them not accepting cash = you don't have to pay the bill

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:11 PM
I can see this becoming a nightmare very quickly. Just glad it's not to that point everywhere YET.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:30 PM
I can see that it will lead to a new pore people in america.
that have NO money at all.
that beg for ! food. steal and have to find food by hunting.
rats maybe.
dont worry they will find a way to hide them.
most would die off any way.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:36 PM
This makes no sense, and its illegal* cash is leag tender* better hope this dosnt gian momentum into other'll spread to alrger citys,a nd soon, money would be ruled obsolite* if i was thier in discovery CA, ide start bartering n make more friends!
money with terrorism? so does homeland security actually think EVERY american citizen has as much moey as bin laden??? geesh that is paranoid thinking.its draconian..plain and simple. blind leading the blind.
notice how it started with the name DIScovery as in the credit card. few months ago, i saw a brief DIscovery credit card commercial..making cash look like its a bda thing to was a quick breof thing, like it was some kinda test commerical or something. made me think of They live..subliminal messages lol.
sounds too me like an illuminati thing or something..the name DISCOVERY*

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