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Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate

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posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:00 PM
Ha Ha Ha - These little word games against the beliefs of others are fun!

edit on 19-1-2011 by mandella1099 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by aptness
Now I can’t help it that you can’t accept that the person with access and authority to inspect the records has unequivocally stated Obama was born in Hawaii.
Where did I say I can't accept it?

On the contrary, I've said I think Obama probably was born in Hawaii, just like Lou Dobbs has said:

Dobbs does not believe Obama was born outside the U.S., nor does Newsmax. The evidence indicates he was born in Hawaii. But the indisputable fact is that Obama has not released his birth certificate, which the state of Hawaii issues for all citizens born there...

During the 2008 presidential campaign, GOP nominee Sen. John McCain quickly released his birth certificate when liberal bloggers raised questions about his eligibility to be president. McCain was born at a military hospital in Panama.

Obama likewise could put the matter to rest by releasing his actual birth certificate, which would show, among other things, the place of his birth and the doctor who performed the birth procedure.

This information is not provided on the Certification of Live Birth.

As it stands, Obama is the only president in history whose birthplace is unknown to the public - a fact that would be stated on the actual birth certificate. Interestingly, his family has mentioned two different hospitals in Hawaii as the place of birth.

Obama's refusal to release his birth certificate does mean that Obama remains one of America's most mysterious and opaque presidents ever.

I'm not really a birther, since I think Obama was probably born in Hawaii. But even I can see something fishy is going on, and I'd still like to see proof of that. Do I think Fukino is lying? No, but that doesn't eliminate my desire to see proof not only from Obama but from any other presidential candidate, proof which McCain provided by the way.

edit on 19-1-2011 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by eLPresidente
I'm not very familiar with this situation but was there nobody to check on these details when Obama filed to run for Presidency?
That's explained in this post.

I believe 46ACE was talking about a couple of exchanges (here, here) I had with him regarding the question of verifying and challenging the eligibility of a candidate.

Currently, and usually, the heads of the national parties will send a signed affidavit to the secretary of state of the respective states attesting their candidates qualifications for office. As I indicated, on one post, some states are even legally barred from requesting the candidates’ birth certificates.

What I argued in my exchanges with 46ACE was that it is Congress who verifies, certifies and can challenge the qualifications for office of candidates. It’s a federal matter, as I made clear and pointed to the responses of some states secretary, for example, the secretary of state of Minnesotta, that replied to the inquiry by saying—

The Office of the Secretary of State is responsible for administering elections in Minnesota . This office does not have the jurisdiction to investigate the eligibility of candidates for federal office. Under Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution, it is the responsibility of the United States Congress to ascertain whether candidates for federal offices meet the eligibility requirements.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
The birth certificate content here looks the same, but it's a little more legible:

Yes, that one is more legible.

So McCain was born in Colon Hospital in August 1936. Why do you say he is a natural born citizen?

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by aptness

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by eLPresidente
I'm not very familiar with this situation but was there nobody to check on these details when Obama filed to run for Presidency?
That's explained in this post.

I believe 46ACE was talking about a couple of exchanges (here, here) I had with him regarding the question of verifying and challenging the eligibility of a candidate.

Currently, and usually, the heads of the national parties will send a signed affidavit to the secretary of state of the respective states attesting their candidates qualifications for office. As I indicated, on one post, some states are even legally barred from requesting the candidates’ birth certificates.

What I argued in my exchanges with 46ACE was that it is Congress who verifies, certifies and can challenge the qualifications for office of candidates. It’s a federal matter, as I made clear and pointed to the responses of some states secretary, for example, the secretary of state of Minnesotta, that replied to the inquiry by saying—

The Office of the Secretary of State is responsible for administering elections in Minnesota . This office does not have the jurisdiction to investigate the eligibility of candidates for federal office. Under Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution, it is the responsibility of the United States Congress to ascertain whether candidates for federal offices meet the eligibility requirements.

So to simply put it, Congress has failed to do their job again.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by aptness
So McCain was born in Colon Hospital in August 1936. Why do you say he is a natural born citizen?
Please show me where I said that.

I said he provided his long form birth certificate.
edit on 19-1-2011 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Please show me where I said that.
I said he provided his long form birth certificate.

Here. I asked if they were sure he was a natural born citizen, if you were sure, and to that you replied—

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by aptness
Were they sure McCain is a natural born citizen? Are you sure?
They weren't sure, and to help resolve the issue, McCain provided his....guess what...long form birth certificate, the same document Obama hasn't provided.

But are you now saying you don’t think McCain is a natural born citizen? I’m confused.

Well, enough of he said he said. What is your opinion on McCain’s status Arbitrageur?

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Dolphinfan, I think this is hilarious. Is anyone here really surprised? I mean the whole controversy would probably have gone away if Obama had pulled out the original birth certificate -- two & a half years ago. If the Governor of Hawaii can't find it ... gee, I wonder what this means?! lol


posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by enemoplem
reply to post by MrWendal

you can still get a copy of it. i have gotten more than one copy of my kids certificates. no one goes down to the whatever office and gets the original. everyone gets a COPY.

And your kids were born where?

If I was born in Kansas, it would be no problem for me to get a new birth certificate, but I was not born in Kansas. I was born overseas, and I can tell you for a fact (because I have tried when I lost my original..not a copy.. original) to get my birth certificate and it was not happening. So you can feel free to tell me what you think I can go get, but I already know for a fact. Been there, done that. However, I got lucky and eventually found my birth certificate.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:41 PM
While the birth certificate is certainly noteworthy, what should be the bigger story is the extent that Obama's legal team has blocked all access to any documentation that might prove this issue once and for all, without the birth certificate. This is like a magic trick; while everyone is focusing on the BC, the real truth is being blocked from every other angle.

Ask yourself why no other President in U.S. history has gone through the trouble he has to ensure that nobody can corroborate most of his past. If Obama truly has nothing to hide, just release your past.

My gut feeling is that this will turn into another great conspiracy like who shot Kennedy, or was 9/11 an inside job. People will still be talking about this issue years from now. And, someday, the truth will come out and won't matter because it will be long past the time that anyone can do anything about it.

Maybe Nicolas Cage needs to find that President's Book of Secrets. I bet Obama's original BC is in there!

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:41 PM

People, let's stop trying to make this man look bad so we can continue to blame him for all thats wrong in the world.

At the end of the day it comes down to what US, the American people are letting happen to our country.

Stand up and be accountable, if we all do this then we can start to change.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:50 PM
I don't understand. You voted him in, he's proved he can handle the job and has qualities valuable for such a why do you care? As has been noted, neither candidate was born in the U.S. This is simply a ploy by opponents to get him out of office rather than a genuine concern over whether the constitution has been broken.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

So if Obama can be el-Presidente, why not the Governator

Cam On, juz do it, you know you want to.

But then, why would anyone want to be in charge of the biggest economic meltdown in history.
But then, people only remember the bad times, so at least you'd always be remembered.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:15 PM
This thread proves that most people are racists.

What possible sane reason could anyone have to question the race of any elected leader? There can be none!

The Truth is that race is 100% irrelevant. Even if he was an Eskimo living abroad in an igloo is 100% irrelevant.

The only relevant factor is his ability to recognize and embrace Forbidden Truth, and run the society in a Truth-based manner. Does Obama do such a thing? Absolutely not.

So he fails for the same reason all societal leaders must fail...not because of race.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by aptness
Yes, you misrepresented what I said in your earlier post, so thanks for confirming what I actually said with the quote you just provided.

Regarding McCain's eligibility, I have this to say:

McCain openly provided his long form birth certificate for all to see, and the issue of his eligibility was debated openly with the source document being available. He wasn't trying to hide anything.

I like to refer to Snopes though I think their accuracy rate is less than 100%, and they say this about McCain's status:

Claim: John McCain does not qualify as a natural-born citizen of the U.S. because he was born in Panama.

Status: Undetermined....

it's impossible to make any definitive statement about Senator McCain's presidential eligibility because the issue is a matter of law rather than a matter of fact, and the law is ambiguous. There is no disputing that, under the U.S. statutes and laws applicable to the offspring of Americans living abroad and to the Canal Zone, John McCain is a citizen of the United States. However, the difference between "citizen" and "natural-born citizen" is an important one in this case, and some of the legal distinctions between the two are still murky...

If a consensus on the matter can be said to exist, it is that if John McCain is not a natural-born citizen under the law, it's only because of an exceptional and narrow gap in the law that was subsequently corrected and was never intended to exclude someone in his circumstances from natural-born citizenship status, so it would be unfair to declare him ineligible for the presidency on that basis
I can't argue too much with that assessment? Do you want to argue with it? And if so should you do it in another thread since this one is about what the governor of Hawaii is looking for with regard to Obama?

Now in contrast to McCain's dealing with the admittedly valid issue openly, we have Obama not dealing with it openly. Instead, he claims he can't provide provide his birth certificate, because his original was destroyed in a small unreported fire in his grandparents house, and also the Hawaii version was reportedly destroyed in a fire, but later Fukino said they had a "birth certificate" which she later changed to "vital records". That seems pretty odd to me. Then we have reports like this one saying he was born in Queens Hospital:
Snopes even reported he was born in Queens hospital. Then Obama said he was born in Kapiolani, and Snopes changed their story from Queens to Kapiolani. So just as I'm wondering which hospital he was born in, because there are two different hospitals being claimed, along comes Tim Adams, from the OP article:

Tim Adams, a former senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008, has maintained that there is no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate on file with the Hawaii Department of Health and that neither Honolulu hospital – Queens Medical Center or Kapiolani Medical Center – has any record that Obama was born there.
I don't know what to make of his story, but there certainly was no clarity before his story cane out about where Obama was born, Queens or Kapiolani, and the waters are even muddier with his revelation and the governors uncorroborated statement about Kapiolani.

To me it looks like a tangled web and there's something very odd about not knowing where Obama was born, and then confidently declaring we know where he was born. Was he born in Queens? Kapiolani? Neither one? That's what bothers me.

Obama could just deal with this openly like McCain did, but when he makes up excuses like 'it was destroyed in a fire so that's why I'm not providing it"* and then Okubo comes along and offers to provide it, if he would just ask for it, can't you see that doesn't really add up? It doesn't add up for me anyway.

*I paraphrased a bit, here's the actual article:

Obama Birth Certificate Lost to Fire in 1972?

Responding to Hawaiian health officials, who confirmed that the President's 'long-form' birth certificate has not been released to the public, a spokeperson for President Barack Obama stated this morning that it is impossible for the papers to be released at all.

Through a spokesperson working for the Administration, the President now claims that his original birth certificate was lost in a fire in 1972. At the time, Mr. Obama was living with his grandparents in Honolulu.

"There was a small house fire in which the document was lost," the spokesperson said. "That is why the President has been unable to comply with requests to release it.
It is? Then what is Okubo offering to release to Obama's campaign?

Okubo said, "If someone from Obama's campaign gave us permission in person and presented some kind of verification that he or she was Obama's designee, we could release the vital record."
How can I reconcile Okubo's offer to release it, with the statement from Obama's spokesperson that it can't be released because it was lost in a fire? Does that add up for you?

It doesn't add up for me.

One other question I have is, if his birth certificate was destroyed in the 1972 fire (a claim I'm not sure I believe since the fire was unreported), what was Obama referring to when he later wrote "Dreams of my Father, on page 26 when he referenced a newspaper article about his father graduating from the University of Hawaii:

"I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms when I was in high school."

"What a tangled web we weave..."

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
It was? Please refresh my memory with a source. Governor Lingle stated Kapiolani was cited in Fukino's 2008 press release, but it wasn't.

Yep, it was the governor who stated that Obama was born at Kapi'olani hospital, and that statement was not denied by Fukino. I highly doubt the governor would know this without consulting Hawaiian health authorities and Fukino was most likely involved in this clarification. As for other hospitals, this was touted by various newspaper articles. People make mistakes, information is mistaken and it happens.

You stated that you do not seek an original birth certificate, rather information on his place of birth and the hospital, well, you got both of those. One announced by the governor, and one actually placed with Obama's short form birth certificate.

I want to see what Okubo has offered to provide to Obama's campaign:

Okubo said, "If someone from Obama's campaign gave us permission in person and presented some kind of verification that he or she was Obama's designee, we could release the vital record."

And I told you already, neither he nor any other president is required to release their original form birth certificate. In the state of Hawaii there are two kinds of birth certificates, the original long form birth certificate or the short form birth certificate, either one is acceptable as evidence of birth. I already explained to you as well that making this a requirement for any presidential candidate is not workable.

You stated before that birthers do not demand the original long form birth certificate, and yet you continiously go on and on about Obama releasing it. It is abit silly, and you are going around in circles.

I don't pretend to know what everyone else wants,

No, you pretend that all birthers are different which is not the case. You are repeating the same thing here, that the president must release his birth certificate, and the point has already been made. He is not required to neither should he be obligated.
edit on 19-1-2011 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:29 PM
Oh no, he must be from space, no no hes a muslim agent, no no he works for the mossad, no no hes a NWO pupet.

Poor obama, he became a pawn to win an election, and now hes demonized, its is fault that everything is going wrong in the states, he makes all the decisions, hes evil.

Lol, since when does an american president take any decisions lol, thanks for wasting our time on here, while real news are out there lol, thanks for the good laughs.

# my electrical bill is higher this year, must be obamas fault

just my 2 cents

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by mandella1099
reply to post by Southern Guardian

YOU HYPOCRITE! You chastise someone about making assumptions, yet you clearly do the same thing in assuming that someone is lying when they say they carry their birth certificate

Where did I say the previous member was lying? And how do you know he is not lying? Do you know him in person?

I do not know many people who still have their original birth certificates. I know of two or three people, none of my family members appear to have theirs any longer. As stated before, I have a cousin who assumed she had her original birth certificate but it was registered years after her birth. Millions of americans function without their original birth certificates, it is just a fact.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by dolphinfan

Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate

Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.

Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser he was searching within the Hawaii Department of Health to find definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii, because the continuing eligibility controversy could hurt the president's chances of re-election
(visit the link for the full news article)

Have you heard the news, Abercrombie has found the document in question.
Read it here.
edit on 19-1-2011 by hawaii50th because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by mandella1099

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by Skippy1138
Um- yes I REALLY have my 43 year-old birth certificate in my wallet.Did you think I was lying?

No not really, just surprised as I do not know much people who have their 43year old original birth certificates let along carry it in their wallets. Things happen over a period of 30 or 40 years, but well done to you and your parents for looking after that birth certificate. It'd be silly however to expect everybody else to still have theirs.

Why? Because you say so?

Requiring your original birth certificate for the presidency will make millions of natural born americans ineligible for the presidency because many do not have theirs. I'd assume if a 40 year old birth certificate dissappeared due to circumstances over life, that disqualifies that person to the presidency? Really?

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