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Technology in 50 years

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posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 12:18 AM
If anyone is further interested in logical and well thought out predicitons of the future as well as plenty of good maybe's, check out this site... this guy is very good at what he does.



posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 12:34 AM

I personally hope that you are wrong Texas.

Hopefully in 50 years heath care will be completely free and we will all have easy access to it.

Lol, thats called the NHS!

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by Durandal
If anyone is further interested in logical and well thought out predicitons of the future as well as plenty of good maybe's, check out this site... this guy is very good at what he does.



Yeah but alot of it is kinda outdated. And there is LOTS of fiction and speculation on the site thats clearly marked. It's fairly accurate up to 2020 or so then it gets kinda murky and speculative. His predictions on the fate of the US as a superpower is spot on IMHO.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 02:34 AM
In 50 years there will be taps on each corner dispensing Federal Beer. Each citizen will be allowed one free pail of beer a day. Robotic Man Servants will help intoxicated citizens home and tuck them into bed, change their bibs and clean the vomit off citizen's jumpsuits.

Most American's will no longer be able to walk due to their enormous size. Colorful "Jitneys" will travel the streets allowing gurney and wheelchair bound citizens to hitch a ride to work or home using a grappling hook.

Weekends will revolve around Television Events and Americans will jockey for position around the plasma screen for a "front row" seat. Some citizens will be so intoxicated or inbred they will forgo wearing the foam # 1, giant hands as intended and will wear them as hats instead.

George W. Bush will still be emperor but will be so incoherent and bizarre his corporate aides will run the country. Dissenting citizens will be humiliated and have their credibility questioned.

So........with the exception of the Jitneys, Federal Beer and Man Servants not much will have changed.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 12:15 PM

In 50 years there will be taps on each corner dispensing Federal Beer. Each citizen will be allowed one free pail of beer a day. Robotic Man Servants will help intoxicated citizens home and tuck them into bed, change their bibs and clean the vomit off citizen's jumpsuits.

THATS what I'm talking about Spud!

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 01:19 PM
Uniforms. Citizens will wear Federal Uniforms showing their rank and sports team affiliation. (Kinda like corporate branding these days)

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 11:01 PM
I've been around for fourty years and in that time I've seen the landing on the moon when I was a kid I've seen big bulky cars burning gas. Radios, TV made to look like furniture I've seen all of my family die of Cancers that today they would survive because in Canada Health Care is universal just like the rest of the developed world that wants to improve the health and wellbeing of its citizens.

In 50 years we'll be traveling to Mars for the first time with humans on board no colonies. We'll still be driving cars on the road because the roads are there but I hope the vehicles will be like those being driven in Germany where they already use Hydrogen for some of their cars. They already are using enough solar energy to take 35 percent off of their electricity.

But in the US I think if things aren't done soon it will become the haves who are really selfish and stupid and the have nots who will be the intelligent majiority.

China with the worlds largest population will be the economic power house.

More people will live to be older if they live better lives with the information they have. Limb transplants will be common, spinal cord rehabilitation will be a reality, Cancer will be almost eradicated in the developed world.

Death and starvation in Africa will decimate the population and they will be in abject poverty.

But we will still be driving cars that will be made more sleek and aerodynamic running on eletrical batteries with great life spans and the only extra terrestrial colony being on the moon with less than 20 people their.

Information will be readily available on thin tablets and tvs will be imbedded in the walls of your home. Energy conservation will be the norm because we will not have the desire to burn it as we do now. Electric trains will be more common form of transport because it will be safer cheaper and faster as they will be running on super magnetic rails. Planes will change much because of all the insurance and patent issues with the current airplane engines which have fundamentally not changed in 40 years and probably won't change much in the next 50 because it will be a very challenged industry with it being decimated by the current recession.

Hydrogen will be made by using Solar energy only, grass will be used more extensively to make various fuels.

I really hope that the ignorance towards minorities of colour, disability etc will be history but some how the red necks may still be around.


posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Sigma
My predictions for 2054:

1.)Hovercars based on field effect propulsion; 500-1000 passanger 'wingless' planes.
2.)Intersolar and possibly Interstellar travel via gravity manipulation, colonies on the moon, mars and its moons, Jupiter's moons, and maybe even Saturn's moons. Probes will have explored the entire solar system and reached nearby stars. Multiple Space elevators continously carrying materials to orbit. Many space stations, most a few miles long or longer.

You are quite optimistic. I agree with most of your other predictions, but hover cars and interstellar travel seems to be a long way off. Mainstream science is still trying to discover what gravity is, let alone manipulating it. I have not heard of any recent breakthroughs in field-effect propulsion.

This is a decent site for technologies and research we can expect to see within the coming years:

It mentions the future applications of coming research in high intensity lasers, superconductivity, quantum information, the LHC, spintronics, meta-materials, photonics, etc.

I've also heard Physics of The Impossible by Michio Kaku is a good source for this kind of information.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by nukunuku
humans and machines will become one


That is evolution. Our evolution.

Think about it: now, we act as if we are already merged with the machine. How long can we go without technology?

Do you turn around and go all the way back home if you forget you cellphone? Do we communicate primarily by face to face interactions or social media?

And auto-tune for our singers??

RFID chips implanted in our hand/ arm will become a reality, in which I embrace. And it too will go a step further:

The Brain Chip:

edit on 7-4-2013 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by racos
I once read/heard, that the government is actually 50 years more advanced than they let on to be. I aint to sure if this is true. However I do believe that what we see and what we have available to us are two seperate matters.

The technology in 50 years time could be two seperate things. It could either be highly advanced, as in renewable,everlasting energy techonologies, with the technology to match or the other matter is that the technology of 50 years time, will be nothing more than clubs, and stones.

Hmmm makes you think.

Very true.

By the time technology is introduced to the public, it is at least 30 yrs old. For example, the HD flat screen TV was probably out in the late 80s.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 03:19 PM
Wow, I've never seen such an old thread being bumped before. It's quite entertaining reading nearly 10 year old comments about technology, we don't seem to have advanced whatsoever.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 03:54 PM
I believe that there is a fork in our future as we progress. If we, as a planet do not develop a renewable power source that can support our planet and all of the existing and planned technological advances, we will start to slide towards an 1800's lifestyle, where the gap between rich and poor ill be a large chasm. However, if we develop an abundant renewable energy source, things will be very exciting in the future (in a good way).

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by MushroomWig
Wow, I've never seen such an old thread being bumped before. It's quite entertaining reading nearly 10 year old comments about technology, we don't seem to have advanced whatsoever.


I had to bump it up because we are seeing the rapid takeover of technology in jobs and are living in very very exciting times!!

I, Robot, here we come.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by ArcAngel
I believe that there is a fork in our future as we progress. If we, as a planet do not develop a renewable power source that can support our planet and all of the existing and planned technological advances, we will start to slide towards an 1800's lifestyle, where the gap between rich and poor ill be a large chasm. However, if we develop an abundant renewable energy source, things will be very exciting in the future (in a good way).

Very true!!

This is what Dr. Michio Kaku was talking about:

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by AD5673
Perhaps hydrogen running engines, flying cars, first permanent homes in space, more advanced system of cloning, 3-D televisions, saucer aircrafts, and many more inventions that could benefit us, and/or blow us all to hell

Nice prediction there..
I got one..

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 09:46 AM
wow, a lot of great idea's here on how the future will be like in 50 years time. I don't think I need to add anymore but I will say this...

The one thing I've noticed from people in the past who have predicted what the future will be like is that they all envision futuristic looking buildings but that hasn't been the case. The only place close to this happening is Dubai, a place in the middle of nowhere - a desert - literally... who would of thought?

The one thing I predict in 50 years time - A few new buildings but many of the same old ones, and old cars too.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 09:57 AM
Fifty years from now almost everybody will be walking around with small hand-held devices in their pockets (like today's mobile phones) but all of these devices will be more powerful than the most powerful supercomputer in the world today.

The most powerful computer in the world at the moment is Titan, which is based at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee for use in a variety of science projects. It has performed at 17.59 petaFLOPS but has a theoretical peak of 27 petaFLOPS.

At the moment, this computer consists of 200 cabinets covering an area of 4,352 sq ft.

If you go back a few decades ago, computers also once took up whole rooms. But nowadays computers much more powerful than them are now so small they can be put into small devices, such as a mobile phone or games console.

But this will still happen. Decades from now there will be small handheld devices, about the same size as our mobile phones, which will be much more powerful than even Titan, which takes up a whole room, is today. So, 50 years' from now almost everybody, even children, will have computing power which outstrips all of today's supercomputers but contained in small devices which they can put into their pockets.

edit on 19-4-2013 by Sicksicksick because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2013 by Sicksicksick because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2013 by Sicksicksick because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2013 by Sicksicksick because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2013 by Sicksicksick because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2013 by Sicksicksick because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 10:05 AM

posted on 10-7-2004

I think technology will be alot better than today

That's because you lot live in 2004. Even Twitter wasn't invented then, and Facebook was just being founded.

edit on 19-4-2013 by Sicksicksick because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 10:41 PM
is it possible we will have an alternative world. the real world will be regulated for it resources, for our safety, the alternative world will be for us to shape more freely but with constraints on ownership.

you will have pirate in a global community who will be a big danger but also pirates in the alternative world with different kinds of threats. eventually the alternative world will start to mimic the real with power structures and idols.

could you be poor in one but great in the other, could you be poor in both or great in both. you could choose solitude, space war, farming or sports or you could choose something you cant currently have and strive for it.

seems weird striving for something that doesn't exist. but people do it now in role playing type games and even in reality!?

we are warned to be careful as a society and that technology can be a bad companion. heeding that warning without being lets say being pagan is our challenge.

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