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Christians are becoming social pariahs in Britain, claims BBC presenter Jeremy Vine

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posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 07:26 PM
LOL LOL LOL....Soviet Russia had science..including knowledge of fertilizers do know this right??

I did not say I was against science..I said science has not made us better peoples...just better consumers. I think this knowledge or concept is lost on you while you teach and preach your devout religion.

And you're wrong again!! Economics have always existed, it's as old as trade...

Thank you for making my point here.

And when economics breaks down is going to fill the gap and feed most of the world?? Surely you jest here.!!?? Science goes no where without working economics.

See the above example of Soviet Russia. A dead inert...anti god nation...and the economy to clearly illustrate that point. Once rocket material needed.


posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

And when economics breaks down is going to fill the gap and feed most of the world??

It is feeding 3/4rds of the world already...what gap are you talking about???

Fact is, economics without science would be pretty useless and large parts of the planet would just starve off. The impact of science is definitely higher than the impact of economics on our daily lives...just pretend for a second science wouldn't exist, but economics does.

You wouldn't live in a house, and you wouldn't have light. You also would have probably died of a childhood disease, and wouldn't be able to post on ATS. You also wouldn't have the Internet, and would basically have no clue about anything other than your immediate surroundings. You wouldn't know the earth is round, and every time a comet passed by above you, you'd go "wtf??".

So yeah, science has most certainly made us as a species stronger, and its impact was definitely more crucial than that of economics, religion or politics.

Also, what's your problem with the word "species"? We are a species after all, like it or not

edit on 6-2-2011 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 09:31 AM

I posted,

And when economics breaks down is going to fill the gap and feed most of the world??

and you posted

It is feeding 3/4rds of the world already...what gap are you talking about???

Science does nothing without the right economic conditions I showed in the case of Soviet Russia. Fertilizer and all.
Their scientific greatness was not able to contribute to the standard of living of the ordinary peon. Science did not make any difference here.
What I find of great interest is that this basic knowledge of events and history was hidden from most of us here in the West ...and hidden/concealed in our public education our own government. Thus meaning science and knowledge was manipulated our own people in order to keep the Soviet Superpower Hoax alive and well. Science and the truth were manipulated and hidden from most of us here.
It became obvious to some thinking Americans that this was the real reason that the US did not go to the Moscow Olympics in 1980, Someone here could not have 5000 Americans running around Russia seeing how un super power they really were.
Science helped with the lie and to cover the truth here....that economics was not working in Russia..neither was science.

Once don't need to be rocket material to know this and this is still true today. All I have to do is go to any store here locally and see how many products are made in Russia. For you see..super powers can do this ...yes???

Science does nothing without the right economic conditions.

Life does not stop without science. The clock does not stop ticking. People by their own labors and ideas find a way to fill the gaps.

The fact is ..MrXYZ..that you and I have two different religious beliefs. You worship science as the do all and end all of everything. I do not.

For I know, and history demonstrates, that science alone is not a good religion. It makes us better homes, better cars, better food...but does nothing on its own to make us better people...better consumers yes..better peoples no.

The impact of science is definitely higher than the impact of economics on our daily lives...just pretend for a second science wouldn't exist, but economics does.

You wouldn't live in a house, and you wouldn't have light. You also would have probably died of a childhood disease, and wouldn't be able to post on ATS. You also wouldn't have the Internet, and would basically have no clue about anything other than your immediate surroundings. You wouldn't know the earth is round, and every time a comet passed by above you, you'd go "wtf??".

You are kidding me here MrXYZ. You are seriously joking about this. Your public education non standards are clearly showing. Are you aware of how many homes are being foreclosed times of science. Or is economics..even scientifically demonstrated economics the dominant factor here..not pure science.
How many peoples cannot pay their Internet bills and are canceling their contracts. Electric bills..out of work. What is the unemployment rate.

Only someone sheltered by science and a huge safety net for which they take for granted can make such an one sided argument in the face of hard economic times. I speak not only of here in the States but in other countries as well. Life does not stop..the watch does not stop ticking because of these things you describe as science and think are the do all and tell all of everything.
Science is not helping/rescuing or aiding these peoples out of work at all...economics is affecting them...definitely.

Life does not stop because one cannot post on the Internet.

What much of science has done is make us better consumers..not better peoples.
We can now foolishly brag upon ourselves as a "species" without any knowledge of how these things on which we brag and boast about got here. We think this is somehow a credit to ourselves and our humanity. It is none of these. All these things can be gone tomorrow and for many peoples today times of "Science" they are disappearing by a process called economics. And economics is politics ...and politics is a "occult religion."

What are you thinking here???


posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
reply to post by orangetom1999

science has most certainly made us as a species stronger, and its impact was definitely more crucial than that of economics, religion or politics.

That's absolute truth in the purest sense of the word. Every day we are learning more about our surroundings. We discover new technologies which make our lives easier. We can communicate almost instantly with almost any person on or off this planet. Religion took effect as an explanation for the strange occurrences around early homo sapiens. Early man knew nothing about the sun, other than it was a blinding object far above their heads. The sun illuminated their world. They could never reach it no matter how high they climbed, or as much as they walked towards it at dusk or dawn. Is it not completely logical that you too would think the sun was a god? Obviously we know the sun is a mass of helium, hydrogen and a small percentage of heavier elements. But we also know that the energy of the sun combined with the elements of Earth gave rise to protenoid microspheres, arguably the building blocks of life on this planet. This was discovered in the 1970's and is sourced here -->

You are made out of the same "stuff" as the chair you sit on, and the keyboard you type with. It shouldn't be difficult for most persons to understand that the universe is "god." I read somewhere earlier that "god" is commonly believed to have created the universe in six days when because of the reality of the universe he would be constantly creating the universe all the time as it happened from its birth to its death. We are "god" (elements, everything that everything is made of) and "god" is us. This isn't some outrageous claim it's completely based upon observing the universe which we are a part of. You're probably thinking too hard about it if you can't grasp my meaning. I simply observe what occurs and adjust accordingly. I'm made of millions of tiny living organisms working in tandem to create an entity which can observe itself. Everybody gets so caught up in the trivial tasks of their every day lives that they forget about the small things.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Dystopiaphiliac

I don't worship the sun nor the sun gods. I am, however, well aware of the duality in religions which goes way back in history. A religious system for the insiders and the knowledge/wisdom to accompany this..verses the religious system to the ordinary slobs and the knowledge/wisdom to accompany this. A dual system.
I am also well aware of the nature of many Occult religions and their dual/Talmudic methods of operations..including the body politic of any nations. And the body politic finances public education as well as science. As a result of this I have expanded this out to the arena of Counterfeit religions.

However ...the things of which both you and Mr. XYZ speak are of the physical...and I speak of the Spiritual when I say these things of science have made us better consumers..who tend towards defining ourselves by the things we consume..not by what we know or are. In this Light science has not made us better peoples..better consumers..yes..better peoples no.

And the 'Spirit is of something very different from the physical things of which we are made.

Thanks for your post,

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

There is no evidence of spirituality. There is no NEED for spirituality. A spirit is not a prerequisite of life. That is an OBSERVABLE FACT.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Dystopiaphiliac
reply to post by orangetom1999

There is no evidence of spirituality. There is no NEED for spirituality. A spirit is not a prerequisite of life. That is an OBSERVABLE FACT.

This point you are making here in this quote is amazing in its ridiculousness. I say this because I can make this argument for science...that the religion of science is not a prerequisite of life and this too is an OBSERVABLE FACT. What are you possibly thinking here??

I should also tell you or educate you to the OBSERVABLE FACT that in the science of the study of man...Anthropology/Archeology of the means by which such scientists know that a site is of man verses animals is the signs/evidence of worship. The trappings of worship. Man's spiritual side. This too is an OBSERVABLE FACT. It just happens to be a fact seldom taught in public schools or on television. But if one does sufficient reading it can be found and learned. This is a KNOWN OBSERVABLE FACT about humans.

The single biggest factor in the wealth and prosperity of a nation and their people is their is not science. Not the religion of government but the religion of a people themselves. Is their religion conducive to them keeping more of that for which they labor and also have the discretionary control over how it is spent/consumed?

Once again...this is obvious in the case of Communist Russia. Everything controlled by government ...not the people ...from the ground up...from cradle to grave. They had dead inert economies...yet they had a heavy investment in science.

I find this ironic because economics is supposed to be based on scientific observation and mathematics. Yet no one seems want to explain or make this obviousness plain about Soviet Russia. Even today this observation is missing from our public educations.

Communist China is today doing well because almost all of their know how and technology has been imported from Capitalist nations, the West. And they are working very hard to suppress the hunger of their people for freedom..even religious freedom.

You get the right religion amongst a people and prosperity happens rapidly..even science. Get the wrong religion and nothing happens. Feudalism occurs along with Tyranny...and the economics and people suffer accordingly.

The best form of government...intelligent, wise, educated men can tyranny...always. They may begin under liberty and freedom ..even religious freedom ..but they will always tend towards tyranny. And their economies will bear the fruit as witness to this transformation towards tyranny.
Education and Science does not help here. This is history..and recorded for those who can see what is there.


posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

It's hard for me to talk to someone that doesn't see the universe like I do. Maybe I'm broken. Who defines what broken is? I merely exist. That's what I do. I didn't choose to be born. I didn't ask for life to arise on "planet Earth." I exist, and I observe what else exists around me. Science is NOT a religion. Completely erase the word "science" from your vocabulary because it means nothing to me. What means something to me is that existence is an obvious reality and there are humans on Earth that observe the occurrences around them and seek answers to why things happen. I can't even come up with a response to your response. My mind is doing back flips trying to comprehend how you view existence? Do you think there's a right and wrong? Do you think the entirety of Earth couldn't perish in a millisecond from some unknown force?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

One last tidbit to add.. every government is made of individual people. You talk about the government of Russia as if it itself is some living thing.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Dystopiaphiliac
reply to post by orangetom1999

It's hard for me to talk to someone that doesn't see the universe like I do. Maybe I'm broken. Who defines what broken is? I merely exist. That's what I do. I didn't choose to be born. I didn't ask for life to arise on "planet Earth." I exist, and I observe what else exists around me. Science is NOT a religion. Completely erase the word "science" from your vocabulary because it means nothing to me. What means something to me is that existence is an obvious reality and there are humans on Earth that observe the occurrences around them and seek answers to why things happen. I can't even come up with a response to your response. My mind is doing back flips trying to comprehend how you view existence? Do you think there's a right and wrong? Do you think the entirety of Earth couldn't perish in a millisecond from some unknown force?


You are not saying/stating anything new or profound here in what I am quoting of yours above.
Contrast this with what you stated in your earlier post....

There is no evidence of spirituality. There is no NEED for spirituality. A spirit is not a prerequisite of life. That is an OBSERVABLE FACT.

You have quite a contrast between the two positions/posts. I will agree with you in that you may be broken. Your thinking process is incomplete. None of us chose to be born, where, or when. This means none of us is sitting on the only one in town.

I will differ greatly with you in that for many Science is indeed a religion. All you have to do is read some of the posts here on ATS/BTS to see it clearly. However my points does not stop without science. It may not be as convenient but it does not stop.

Suggest you try Rene Descartes' " 'I think therefore I am. "

However your grist mill of thinking seems to be incomplete as you are obviously unable to deal with an individual such as myself and the pattern of my thinking. For some reason you seem to lack the resources to comprehend or reply to what I am stating...even out of history.

Give you an example of what I was thinking when typing out my earlier post

Science...observation...mathematics..etc...Economics. One of the simplest things is to balance a budget. Most of us do it every day..every to maintain our finances within a budget such that payments due do not go past or exceed those amounts received.

Yet we have leaders who cannot seem to balance a budget..and they have all the economics degrees...learning ...learned men...etc etc etc. For all practical purposes they are speechless to account for it..and no matter how much they postulate or preach on it..nothing seems to change. I say this particularly at a Federal level as well as a state level.

Now I don't have to be very smart or of rocket material to realize that the product here is not that which is advertised to get our vote. I can even go so far as to declare that the whole process is a lie and a counterfeit of that advertised to get our vote. Then all I have to do is realize that there is a phony, lying , deceitful religion at work here...called Politics. All they have to do is balance their budget and thus manage the public felicity.

Economics...learned of letters..cannot seem to balance a you think science can do this or is there something else at work here...something not desired to be seen or known by the ordinary peoples??
A hidden concealed religion at work. A religion not advertised or known by the bulk of the public ..particularly at election time when their vote is needed for the various political parties!!??

Not difficult to think this it!!??

Do you think the entirety of Earth couldn't perish in a millisecond from some unknown force?

I am a machinist by trade with a special qualification as a nuclear fueler. I do not concern myself with such things, fears, or insecurities. I have put my life and safety on the line many many times for my monies. This does not make me better than other peoples..It does however make me quite different.
This is obvious by your responses to my posts.

Many of us are by nature and rote very provincial in our thinking...including myself. I do not believe you comprehend how provincial you are in your thinking.

One last tidbit to add.. every government is made of individual people. You talk about the government of Russia as if it itself is some living thing.

You are demonstrating your provincialism in thinking here with the above quote. I do indeed speak of the government and particularly the Soviet Government as a living thing. A thing of destruction..and not conducive to prosperity and economic stability. A negative influence on peoples daily lives. Most governments are indeed this way and history bears this out. They may start out well but as I posted earlier ..they always tend and trend towards tyranny and feudalism...royalty for the government and not the peoples individual liberty. Governments always trend and tend towards taking more and more production away from the people and thus the prosperity of a nation. History bears this out.

One fingerprint I have found concerning many on ATS/BTS who are heavily invested in the Religion of Science...and that is that History is not their forte. Many of them avoid it at all costs. Science is much more of instant gratification religion/philosophy to them. History is not. And many of them do like to glory in the Religion of Science.

Nonetheless..I stand by what I stated..Science has made us better consumers..not better peoples.


posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Science...observation...mathematics..etc...Economics. One of the simplest things is to balance a budget. Most of us do it every day..every to maintain our finances within a budget such that payments due do not go past or exceed those amounts received.

Yet we have leaders who cannot seem to balance a budget..and they have all the economics degrees...learning ...learned men...etc etc etc. For all practical purposes they are speechless to account for it..and no matter how much they postulate or preach on it..nothing seems to change. I say this particularly at a Federal level as well as a state level.

Now I don't have to be very smart or of rocket material to realize that the product here is not that which is advertised to get our vote. I can even go so far as to declare that the whole process is a lie and a counterfeit of that advertised to get our vote. Then all I have to do is realize that there is a phony, lying , deceitful religion at work here...called Politics. All they have to do is balance their budget and thus manage the public felicity.

It is very easy to balance a budget if what coming in is equal or greater than that going out. Gets a little trickier otherwise. Roll that over the centuries, loans, obligations, tariffs on this, embargos on that, agreements, interest...etc. Once you start borrowing off Peter to pay Paul, and taking a little off there to cover can become a conundrum that no-one can unravel, which is why they need whole departments, administrators, filing clerks etc etc to juggle the whole mess.

Religion was as Politics is, all economics.

Originally posted by orangetom1999
I am a machinist by trade with a special qualification as a nuclear fueler. I do not concern myself with such things, fears, or insecurities. I have put my life and safety on the line many many times for my monies. This does not make me better than other peoples..It does however make me quite different.

Basic economics, you trade your health and well-being for a financial return, you are no different from a soldier or a steeplejacker, miner, main-line electrician (as examples), etc who has decided that their life/health has a pecuniary value, men have been programmed to accept such a trade for centuries, just as women have traded sex under the same system.

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Nonetheless..I stand by what I stated..Science has made us better consumers..not better peoples.

Depends on the people.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Kilgore Trout,

It is very easy to balance a budget if what coming in is equal or greater than that going out. Gets a little trickier otherwise. Roll that over the centuries, loans, obligations, tariffs on this, embargos on that, agreements, interest...etc. Once you start borrowing off Peter to pay Paul, and taking a little off there to cover can become a conundrum that no-one can unravel, which is why they need whole departments, administrators, filing clerks etc etc to juggle the whole mess.

Religion was as Politics is, all economics.

All this means is that one needs simplify ones budget. It still amounts to payments due...are greater than accounts coming in. This applies no matter how big the program is...if you have more going out or owed than that coming will go broke. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul will only last so long. Then all that is consumed up as well. No surpluses/savings.

Agree..Religion is economics. The Right Religion and the economics will follow as a natural result. It is inescapable. Wrong Religion and the wrong economics will follow..this too is inescapable.

Basic economics, you trade your health and well-being for a financial return, you are no different from a soldier or a steeplejacker, miner, main-line electrician (as examples), etc who has decided that their life/health has a pecuniary value, men have been programmed to accept such a trade for centuries, just as women have traded sex under the same system.

LOL LOL LOL...this is not the point I was making to Dystopiaphiliac.I was illustrating by my narrative that some of us dont frighten easily as a result of the work/experiences we have done. We have the ability to stow our emotions and fears in order to work difficult and sometimes very dangerous high RISK work. That his does not make us better than others but we know it makes us different from Instant gratification types.
To put it another way..if the world were soon to end ...there is not much to do about coming unglued will not help.

As to women trading sex...this is quite true and indeed a record of history. I just dont find it an equal nor equitable trade for my labors or RISKS taken. When a woman tries this tack with me I find it insulting and dehumanizing and I will let them know very quickly. My time and RISKS are worth much more in the marketplace than sex. I suffer a great deal of dehumanizing RISK at work. I dont expect to be dehumanized in like manner by the woman in whom I choose to spend my monies earned at great dehumanizing RISK. I find the conduct of a hooker much more honorable than this. It is a straight up business deal..not concealed..occult. I just dont have much use for todays high maintenance woman..nor the males of today who are high maintenance as well and there are alot of them out here..their numbers are increasing.

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Nonetheless..I stand by what I stated..Science has made us better consumers..not better peoples.

Depends on the people.

It does indeed depend on the people. When you have a people who spend an inordinate amount of time watching television or movies..and are educated more by peer group and these medias...their world reflects these artificial values. As I stated..their numbers are increasing..particularly the males. They too cannot define a thought outside of their consumption levels. Their thoughts and speech clearly reflect this.
It is getting difficult to find peoples out here whos thoughts are not someone elses or some movie/television thought. Some consumption level of thoughts or ideas. And these peoples are becoming voters???? Think about it. They vote with their emotions..not their individual independent thinking. And even their emotions have been transplanted from some other source than themselves.
This is what I mean by good consumers....not better peoples.

Gotta shove off now..
Thanks for your post,

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Agree..Religion is economics. The Right Religion and the economics will follow as a natural result. It is inescapable. Wrong Religion and the wrong economics will follow..this too is inescapable.

No, you misunderstood what I was saying, I wasn't clear though. Religion is not the same as a Belief System, though there is a relationship. A religion is a structured belief system designed to generate revenue. Hence, religion is the same as politics, a method by which to administer a large body of people and the revenue/waste that they generate. Therefore, religion and politics are the by-product of economy, not the other way around. Belief systems are homogenised to form social cohesion and 'common goals', these are formulated to create religious or political doctrine.

Originally posted by orangetom1999
LOL LOL LOL...this is not the point I was making to Dystopiaphiliac.I was illustrating by my narrative that some of us dont frighten easily as a result of the work/experiences we have done. We have the ability to stow our emotions and fears in order to work difficult and sometimes very dangerous high RISK work. That his does not make us better than others but we know it makes us different from Instant gratification types.

To put it another way..if the world were soon to end ...there is not much to do about coming unglued will not help.

As to women trading sex...this is quite true and indeed a record of history. I just dont find it an equal nor equitable trade for my labors or RISKS taken.

So when you refer to 'risk', you mean that you have received training and obtained a skill set that you feel enables you to be more emotionally detached than some members of the population?

Women, historically were 'traded', that is still very much the case. Very, very, very few women engage in prostitution as a choice. But it was that minority that I was referring to. Those that have recieved training and obtained a skill set that enables them to be more emotionally detached from the 'work' that they are doing. In doing so, they were able to attain influence and security, rather than be used up by 'pimps'.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Kilgore Trout,

No, you misunderstood what I was saying, I wasn't clear though. Religion is not the same as a Belief System, though there is a relationship. A religion is a structured belief system designed to generate revenue. Hence, religion is the same as politics, a method by which to administer a large body of people and the revenue/waste that they generate. Therefore, religion and politics are the by-product of economy, not the other way around. Belief systems are homogenised to form social cohesion and 'common goals', these are formulated to create religious or political doctrine.

I find this very interesting...because this is also the definition of politics and political parties. They are indeed trying to raise/generate revenue....constantly. If they are doing this under the guise of separation of church and state...then they are practicing an Occult/hidden/concealed/esoteric religion on the populace. A religion in which the average persons do not even know is going on while they believe this nonsense taught to them about separation of church and state.

The problem with your statement is this very occult nature of much of what goes on around us....verses what we are taught is supposed to be going on.

The other problem with what you are stating is that the Church, as founded in the New Testament, was not set up as a revenue generating system. This was never it's primary function. They never built big buildings, edifices... etc..requiring lots of revenue.
To those of us capable of still thinking...this means that many of the churches out here are not following the New Testament instructions for a church...they are following another set of instructions ..not in the New Testament. Another god and another bible. Occult in their religious nature and in this very much like politics. This much is obvious.

And this very Occult nature goes on between the sexes as well.

So when you refer to 'risk', you mean that you have received training and obtained a skill set that you feel enables you to be more emotionally detached than some members of the population?

Women, historically were 'traded', that is still very much the case. Very, very, very few women engage in prostitution as a choice. But it was that minority that I was referring to. Those that have received training and obtained a skill set that enables them to be more emotionally detached from the 'work' that they are doing. In doing so, they were able to attain influence and security, rather than be used up by 'pimps'.

I have indeed received certain trainings which allow me to be more detached emotionally than some members of the population...both male and female. This does not make me better than others. It does however make me very different from most of them and I am aware of this difference.

I don't care how women were "Traded." I am not responsible or accountable for this history. It does not give any of these women the ability or license to default through on me because of this history.
If all a woman has to trade with me for access to my disciplines and the proceeds/revenue of my disciplines/training/ sex....she is "high maintenance." This type of woman, I have learned, does not ask what RISK I take for my monies when she is spending it to her fancy or needs. Most of them I have found think this is an equal or equitable for RISK and everything and anything proceeding from this RISK/discipline/training. I don't think so...and find this belief system of many men as well as women to be dehumanizing. My time/risk/monies is worth more than sex from a woman.

As I have stated here on ATS/BTS ..I can get women to come over and take off their is not difficult.
There is no "oil shortage" here. A woman can come over here and take off her clothes..but that is only "in addition to giving/offering some real life skills" and the ability to take RISK.

The dehumanizing thing about sex for RISK taking that I find this to be a variation of "Pimping" out the male and his RISKS for her consumption levels. Not an equitable trade to me.
The falsehood and default assumption is that only she gives sex...he does not. Therefore her sex is more valuable than his RISK..always.. or at least the equal of it. I don't find it to be so. This is an occult belief system at work Kilgore Trout. Politics and economics. And one in which most women are never called on it. The males out here can be incredibly dumb about many things.
As I often say..give these males some sports, alcohol, and cheerleaders..and their brainwave activity flat lines. No thinking going on. Very lucky for the women carrying out and carrying on this devout and occult religion.


posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by gandalphthegrey
Please don't take this the wrong way christians , but why should you be treated any differently than any other brainwashing cult ?
I find Christians are generally bigotted , self righteous and spiritually unable to walk without a crutch .

Your religion is based on a ficticious character from an ill documented history .

These are my beliefs . would you ridicule them ?

and BINGO was his name-o

good point gandalphthegrey

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by gandalphthegrey
Please don't take this the wrong way christians , but why should you be treated any differently than any other brainwashing cult ?
I find Christians are generally bigotted , self righteous and spiritually unable to walk without a crutch .

Your religion is based on a ficticious character from an ill documented history .

These are my beliefs . would you ridicule them ?

Oh yes I would ridicule them gandalphthegrey. Your statement here is about a dumb and ignorant as it comes today yet no one since you posted this nonsense seems want to catch on to it.

You are using the moniker of a fictious character from a movie and you want to state the same for Christians.

You are showing here that you have a movie and television education. By this I must, of necessity, ask if you have a movie and television thinking as well as emotions??

Not everyone out here thinks the same.. even Christians.

You need more practice gandalphthegrey.



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