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Crop Circles

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posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 12:45 PM
After seeing this :

I admitted to myself they must be manmade. But there still is the nazca lines... cuz at that time they had no mean of taking an aerial picture to enjoy their work, did they?

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Trapt

Exactly what I'm leaning towards...I use to think all the 2012 hype was unfounded until I opened my mind up a little and looked back into history (also opened up spiritually). Maybe it will be in 2012, maybe sooner or later, but one thing I'm certain of is that we won't be waiting too long for whatever change is suppose to happen.
Crop circles use to (and still do) fascinate me, as do "aliens" and other fringe subjects. When I started to connect all this phenomena together it made more sense.

I'm a very logical person by the way. I see some people think all these things are man made just because a few have been replicated by man. I think we are kidding ourselves if we really think that. Some of these patterns are so intricately designed, I'm sorry but no group of men/women could pull of some of these shapes in just mere hours without some sort of attention being drawn to themselves. There are just too many things that don't add up to man creating all of them. These are just my opinions I have come to from my research, I definitely do not have the whole story.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 01:52 PM
For anyone who is skeptical, I'd like to direct you to this thread: Crop Circles... With Some Actual Evidence

If you're too lazy to read it, the gist of it is that you can tell by the elongated nodes on the plant that they were exposed to heat. They can tell by measuring the nodes that there was one source creating the heat, and it was hovering above it.

Whatever it was, I believe there is plenty of evidence that the more elaborate ones were not made by a couple dudes with a board.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by strawberry91

Please, look at this...

This is a still shot from video cameras that were rolling continuously out in East Field during a MASSIVE crop circle formation, 700 feet long, in a matter of less than 10 minutes, all caught on video tape by well known researchers Winston Keech and Gary King. The only thing on the video and that witnesses saw was a flash of light, like lightning but with no bolt. On the tapes, it was less than 3 milliseconds. You can see the original video here (the commercials are a bit annoying but please watch all of it):

Some of the crop circles have taken years to figure out, and once understood, the overlooking of simplicity in their design was like a palm plant to the head. Others took some very sophisticated people to figure them out. The majority of the more complex formations are Sumerian, Mayan, Inca, Aztec, Celtic and Egyptian, and almost all of them identify with a Christ-like figure, or represent symbols of divinity, with the majority focused on Mayan symbols. Quetzalcoatl is the Olmec and Aztec God, while KulKulKan is the Mayans... these often get confused because so much of both cultures blended over the years.

You can find all of that information here, and I would recommend that anyone interested look at this link:

And for the Quetzalcoatl breakdown, go here:

There is a LOT of material here, and I've gone through a majority of it and found the more relevant information to this subject because there is still a lot of speculation around what has been happening.

This image is particluarly important because it shows the Mayan symbol for the galactic center, with something emanating out of it, along with a new moon and a comet. I went and checked for when there would be a new moon on or around December 2012, and it appears to happen on about December 12th/13th. So I checked into these dates and low and behold, there will be a huge asteroid visible with the new moon called Toutatis, also known as Lucifer's Hammer. No, it is not a doomsday asteroid or comet, it is a symbol that marks the date, and it is just one week prior to December 21, 2012. There is also this:

This shows the exact position of the planets in December 21, 2012.

I absolutely think there is a message being sent here, possibly to engage our consciousness or subconsciousness, but either way, these are not ALL human made and are clearly the work of something "more". What I'm presenting here is the tip of the iceberg, because there is so much to learn and understand here that you'll need to come to your own conclusions, but so far, everyone that I've presented my case to has ZERO doubt in it.

I have more links and lots of information on this topic if anyone is really interested.


posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Uberlime

You're kidding, right?

Of COURSE that one was man made, it's easy to tell. The people who study these are not morons and if I were them, I would be quite insulted for you to be convinced that all crop circles are fake because of one OBVIOUS fake.

Take a look at my previous post and maybe you'll wake up.


posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:18 PM
Okay as I read through here I am seeing logical issues on both sides of this argument.

Those who think they are all man made: Just because one thing exists that holds a specific shape does not mean that all things are of the same origin. For example: There are currently 3 distinct mechanisms for flying in nature (at present) Bat is not a bird just because it flies. This is what the arguments sound like to me. Please try to find an explanation for the specific evidence being pointed out ie: Bent instead of broken stalks, radiation signatures, complex mathematics etc...

Those who are certain there is non-human involvement: Can we completely discount the lengths very smart people will go to to show off? Humans are very clever and I wouldn't put it past us to have some sort of machine that would replicate the effects with geometrical algorithms being provided by a very smart mathematician.

I think both sides lack sufficient evidence to say one way or the other for certain.

I for one lean towards non-human creation for many of them but will not yet say extra terrestrial creation.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:21 PM
I hear about these "radiation levels" and genetically altered corn and so forth very often, but I've never actually seen a direct case of it. Admittedly, I don't watch crop circle cases religiously. Could someone point out an actual case where actual scientists did actual science on a crop circle? Which crop circle was it? What was the design? Where was it? What did the scientists find?

It's like people are hanging onto this subject on pure faith, with complete disregard for any actual realty involved in it.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by BobbinHood
For anyone who is skeptical, I'd like to direct you to this thread: Crop Circles... With Some Actual Evidence

If you're too lazy to read it, the gist of it is that you can tell by the elongated nodes on the plant that they were exposed to heat. They can tell by measuring the nodes that there was one source creating the heat, and it was hovering above it.

Whatever it was, I believe there is plenty of evidence that the more elaborate ones were not made by a couple dudes with a board.

Excellent thread that dispels the fiction from facts! Star for bringing that to the thread.

I think that thread is best for the scientific and logical thinkers who are still on the fence about whether or not crop circles are man made. Once someone decides that there ARE formations that are not man-made, I would recommend moving on to the links in my previous post.

Thanks for that thread!


posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:57 PM

I went through many links on this thread...sadly i have not yet found the one crop circle thread, that "I'm rather the type thats leaning toward the man made side" until this one came out... I know some one has it flagged or bookmarked , sadly I did no such, so I';; try to deribe it in hopes that someone else will post a linky ...... It had something to do with Aracibo sp? and a message we either sent on a satelite or in a message many years ago, but it was the formatt that laid out into a 2D pic of our human shape Ithink even dna, and there was a crop circle that when broke down into the same layout was an almost match, the person was a bit different and some of the info. was a bit changed, I never got to see a real breakdown of the meaning, is what I'm getting at....sadly i think if my memories correct this also caught Linda Moulten howe annd a few other fanatics attention and killed it ...pretty much...I never heard any more about it and it seemed to just go away from ATS and everywhere else.. ETA I think it was a square patern not round....if that helps...anyone..anyone...Bueller...... Bueller Also forgive my spelling and punctutation....I'm not up to my normal self for now.... I'm very frustrated that I can not find the thread I'm mentioning.....I'm normally very capable.
reply to post by Doc Holiday

heres the one you mean i had already posted it on page 2 :

heres another i posted it might intrest you:

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:13 AM
While searching the connection between the UFOs and the crop circles in Ohio:

I found the next:

There is something very similar with the druids at the anciant indians and everything
is somehow linked.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:22 AM
I started this thread off because I myself sit on the fence a bit when it comes to crop circles and always have done, and not to try to convince skeptics or try to get them to change there opinions.

A lot of these crop circles are clearly hoax's and man-made. But I'm more than open to the possibility that a few of them, the more fancy one's if you like, just might be part of something much, much bigger, and after reading through all the replies so far that hasn't changed.

I just get a bit narked when somebody insists that your opinion is completely wrong. Challenge somebody's opinion and ask questions by all means, but don't try pass your own opinion off as fact.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by Trapt

Star for you! I think you're exactly right about people forgetting that just because a few are hoaxes / man made they all must be. It is a blatant logical fallacy.

As much as I hate to do it I'm going to quote George Noory: "It only takes one to be real for us to really have something..."

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by Trapt

While it sounds good to say "I have my opinion, you have yours, we should both respect the other's" it doesn't solve the mystery. There's only one truth to it, and that truth is that crop circles are, or are not, entirely man-made.

So when I find myself curious about how crop circles have come to be, I look at the available evidence. The available evidence being that on many occasions crop circles are man made. There is no evidence to the contrary for what could be making them. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a person who's unwilling to change their opinion if some new evidence came to light that proved it wasn't humans making them. Many just don't swap opinions because it sounds fun, and instead require actual evidence.

So, since I know there are many crop circles that are man made, and have zero evidence for any that are not, it stands to reason that I would have to assume they are all man made, until some new evidence presents itself. At that point, my particularly open mind will adjust my viewpoints.

Don't take any of the above as an insult, please. I'd say the same about aliens themselves, or bigfoot, or fairies, or even religion.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Great video thanks for sharing!
All of that pretty much ties in to the conclusion I've drawn from my (ongoing) research. This is more than just strange symbols appearing in fields (I mean honestly use your common sense!), I get so frustrated when my peers try to tell me they are all man made -_- I mean really? its one thing to make a bunch of circles in a field and connect them wooooo but entirely another to actually create some of these symbols. Give me a board and I can roll that thing around with my buddies, but when it comes to some of those shapes...unless I had a helicopter radioing precise instructions to us there is no way in hell you'd be able to.
Also come one, I'm not one to downplay humans potential because I know we are way more powerful than we think, I'm just saying there is a certain amount of error that would show up in works as large as some of these crop circles. Some of the "logical" explanations I've heard for crop circles are anything but that! Its like giving a child a half baked answer just because the truth is so complex you don't even understand it.
Thank you for the links again
and sorry about my rant, I just don't see why this doesn't get more attention. If the meaning isn't plainly spelled out in front of some of us then we dismiss it, oh brother! What happened to good old fashioned research (mixed with using common sense, remember, science is slow)? I guess some are just content with believing everything without looking at the whole picture.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
I believe there is a Christ like figure that is going to return... Or a Christ like consciousness that is appearing and will flourish soon.

Hmmm...So that all Christians would be delivered from evil and sent to Heavenly bliss. The others be damned!!

Why isn't Mohamed or Rama seen in crop circles? Is it a Christian thing? Jeeeez!

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by EsSeeEye

No insult taken, in fact I found it was a very fair post so credit to you if anything.

I know a lot of crop circles are man made, and don't take issue with anybody who uses that evidence (which it is as it's been proven) to come to the conclusion that it's all a hoax.

But until I, and I can only speak for myself here, see evidence that the really unique one's can be made in the same perfect symmetry and detail by a bunch of guys using only the same basic tools that are used to make the one's that are man made then I'll stay open to the possibility that it's something else.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by simples

Yes ty thats the article, but someone has done an indepth thrread on ATS about it also..
Thats the part I'm having trouble finding.

I'm reposting the link to your article in hopes someone will find thtat thread still.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 07:46 AM
Back in the 70's when crop circles began to appear in wheatfields in South England, I was initially interested in them, and followed their continuing appearance over the last few decades. They seemed to peak in the mid-nineties and have have tailed off since then, although the few that do continue to appear remain highly pictographic, organised, and enigmatic.

The thing never get one appearing in awful weather; in a snowstorm or a torrential downpour. If their authors were truly intelligent off-world entities, their technology and advanced capability would overcome both snow and rain, and other inclement weather situations. The truth is, as enigmatic and artistically interesting as their appearance present them to be, crop circles are nothing more than a small cottage-industry for tourism in the area they appear. They are man-made, appearing mostly (in the UK at least) around sites of mystic and new age interests. This region, combining Somerset and Wiltshire and adjoining counties, where you will find Glastonbury, Avebury Stone Circle, and of course, Stonehenge, have very little sources of generating income for their area except by tourism. Crop circles were never anything more than an attempt to generate tourism for an area that has little to no industry apart from farming, which has been in decline for many years. The areas are steeped in mysticism and legends (ie, Arthurian) around neolithic sites of interest, but apart from Somerset, the areas are inland and do not have a coast that helps to bring in visitors.

I know for many of you that this is not what you want to read, and will no doubt cite examples of witness-observed circles forming under flying balls of light, or that their complexity and size must disclude man from having a hand in their appearance and formation. The truth is, not one circle or agrigraph has appeared that could not have been made by human hand. Not one formation has attributed to the avancement of mankind, in either a medical or technological, or scientific way. I predict that you will see a decline in the coming years of their appearance, as it is a man-made device that has lost its mystery and drawing power, except for those die-hard new agers who just don't accept reality.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 11:36 AM
I don't know how creditable this guy is "Collin Andrews" as he does state he is good friends with nick pope who is apparently not credible at all but watch this video he presents alot of good evidence definatley worth a watch.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by elysiumfire

The thing never get one appearing in awful weather; in a snowstorm or a torrential downpour. If their authors were truly intelligent off-world entities, their technology and advanced capability would overcome both snow and rain, and other inclement weather situations. The truth is, as enigmatic and artistically interesting as their appearance present them to be, crop circles are nothing more than a small cottage-industry for tourism in the area they appear.

nice try

edit on 16/1/11 by simples because: (no reason given)

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