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One World, One People (Humans), One Religion, One Government. NWO a must!

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posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 04:54 PM
It's time for all the people who oppose the New World Order to realize that this is exactly what the world requires. This will come as a shock to some but our elite friends are just attempting to assist all humans to our next level of understanding which will ultimately lead to all humans excepting who we are and what we have achieved has all of us in common.

Nations must understand that we are all human and experience the same surroundings. Everyperson on earth requires a financial trade system for currency and security through law to support the current lifestyle they are living.

We live on Earth and our mother in nature need us to act as one to support her due to the current circumstances we have left her in during the technology cycle of life.

The United Nations must be granted the power of elite status and nations should operate and co-ordinate with eachother through this organisation.

All nations and people must realize the reason for life and the operations behind it!

When we have achieved the higher level of being, humans will be clensed of hatred & jelousy for eachother and other beings they encounter in space due to the respect they hold for all life forms.

What do all of us, Of every nationality, race & culture have in common? We all are human; experience the same feelings & surroundings. The basic external fundamentals in life are three elements known as the third dimension. Fuel, Oxygen & Heat! All plant, animal & human life is made of this element, known as Fire. Fire physically burns us and this is what the external factors of life bring us. Fire is a NEGATIVE, but all life forms internally are also 90% water! ( Spirit ) which is our POSITIVE spirit. Spirit also contains three elements. Which are the sensations of Mind, Heart & Soul? (These are the six elements which are used to form the Star of David in the Jewish religion.)

Water can only occur on Earth as the further away you go from the sun it freezes & the closer you go it evaporates! The human spirit of mind & heart is true spirit of positive energy while the human external has the same characteristics as fire which is negative, the learning process for each individual. All living creatures will naturally experience negative aspects in life but the heart, mind & soul can overcome these hurdles like mankind has to Earth. This evolution is natural for mankind’s spirit like a child attending school.

Before trade & money, people worked hard as a group or pack to obtain basic food needs to live life. Why is this case? Because each individual pack of humans loved & supported each other when hunting for prey, an emotional inter-joining pack that would die for each other in order to survive. The male would hunt food for the pack or tribe due to his superior physical stature while the female would comfort the family spiritually and attend to her children’s needs. This was the age of Man.

The age of man is currently operating under the strongest symbol of life which is pyramidal. Man continue to operate under a triangular or pyramidal operational system but on much broader world terms where World banks, Presidents & Prime ministers of Governments, Kings & Queens, Tribal elders & Chiefs control the general public where the bottom supports the top & the top support the bottom in direction. This is the age of man. The Armed services, Law enforcement & even all political & sporting teams all have a leader under this system. Now, we as humans are becoming increasing individual in our ethics and needs. This is what private business or enterprise brings to all people of all cultures. With the computer age we are approaching the age of women.

The information is set in stone at Egypt in the Pyramids! ( A Triangular shape with four sides representing North, East, South & West). The sphinx is represented by a Lion body with a human head. This represents man king of the domain. This is why America & other nations protect Israel as their flag has the Star of David as this was the birthplace of such beliefs. The Jewish belief is that the Star of David represents mankind. A six pointed star with a triangle (pyramid) pointing upwards, (representing the age of man No 6, six derived from Fuel, Oxygen, Heat, Mind, Heart & Soul. 50% good & 50% bad.( like the Yin & the Yang in Chinese culture, Male & Female) & a triangle pointed downwards (representing the age of women, No 9). The numbers of 6 & 9 means man mirrors women. The triangle of the women upside down also represents her womb & re-birthing of energy! We are right at the cusp of these to energy’s meeting. The age of women is technology, ability to obtain the knowledge of D.N.A, cloning & electrical systems as well as having the ability to defeat the environment & reach space through the hard work and labour of all man over time. Men are currently beating this domain on earth of Fire by spiritually thinking of each other & a higher God, no matter what the race or religion.

Why do I mention the Jews! Well, numbers and language are information to the stars! Money & education produces production for all. We are all similar in our operations at this point. There are numerous secret organisations and legitimate ones which are not public knowledge which is a form of control like International banks and certain lodges. These organisations are there to support the general public and have done an exceptional job getting mankind to where we are now.

There are two main Laws when dealing with the logistics of Law, trade and money! There is Law of Land (which is each individual countries Law) & Law of the Sea which was used for trade with individual countries using the ocean or rivers in shipping or boating routes. All world Banks operate under Law of the Sea! This enables them to ascertain own laws over land countries. Certain family’s which privately operated the BANKS of the river or sea of their country for trade became rich during thousands of years & had the fundamentals in place to commence banking organisations for the people of several countries. This enabled the Banks to form a physical domination of man using Law of the Sea, and in time demanded they achieve what system was in front of them. This was the knowledge of numbers.

We require Law in this world for the sole purpose of what would happen if this was not available. The external circumstances of life would overtake what each & every civilisation ever created. Law works for the benefit of every individual worldwide. Security is required for all nations through organisations like the Army and Police.

Today, Banks control the stability of the global economy to obtain control over each individual & eventually every country to achieve a one world economy which is based on money which supports the lifestyles we all have. All countries should keep their culture as all countries are different. We can still treat individual countries like family. World Business (Private or Government) is established on exactly the same principle of pyramid or triangular operation.

All religions were formed speaking of this Truth! Sun-worship is where humans obtained knowledge (Calender rotation of Sun around earth, Time). The Egyptian calendar, Myan and then the Jewish calendar used by the Romans. The Christian bible even states that this is Satan's domain in Eden where the serpent dwells with Knowledge! (Earth). This is our external energy of fire.

Our internal energy of water or spirit requires discipline from our external surroundings in order learn efficiently. There is a good side to Satan and a bad side to him, just like us. Don’t think all is bad as life is an experience of grand proportions. The senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, speech and hearing are a blessing in themselves for each of us. With the entrance of computers to our world, unfortunately, people will lose the ability to communicate face to face. We all must maintain our physical contact with each other in communication in order to save world society as we know it.

We are all living batteries here on earth. Hold your faith in spirit, of who we all are.

Christians also believe in the cup of Christ which is water as spirit or our internal positive energy. The Sun is just a birth star for all people on Earth. We all have the same external characteristics as the Sun which is negative & destructive like fire but have the internal characteristics of Water which is positive energy & creative! Just like a battery as we all know! The Sun is the Son of God which is a young star compared to the others with the others star consolations being God in energy. Earth is a birth star, like hot lava turns to cold rock the human spirit develops from body & soul when born to pure spirit at death.

This is why the Roman's used the cross to kill there criminals!! Too represent the positive water energy of the internal soul, while the external energy of fire is destructive, which is our external surroundings our internal spirit of water lives for life, love & communication of others. Why do we find it so hard to admit that the physical factors of life which make a direct impact on our individual emotional state of minds?

The age of Man adapts to common sense or grounded earthly knowledge while the age of women adapts to starry energy or spiritual thinking. Womankind made the pyramids for mankind to reset! With use of laser cut equipment & technology. Mankind & Womankind are God in the physical world! It's a natural evolution from one to the other! Man & Women are software while the Earth (Female) & Sun (Male) is our hardware like a macro computer in action. We are all zero point energy in learning!

We all must physically experience bad circumstances mixed with our interpretation of good times spiritually to others, to appreciate & know the good within all of us to help others. Both Male & Female all need a physical & spiritual partner in life for support and direction in life emotionally. Being a parent & producing children is the direction of Mankind, All parents know this is their greatest gift. Unfortunately, money has distorted people’s values when dealing with family or friends.

We all must think of the different circumstances that each and every one of us is in at any given time. It is in our nature to become competitive when speaking or doing something we believe in and receiving a negative comment for something we refuse to believe in. We must think positive. Man can’t be judgemental or jealous of any ones predicament, as this is a curse in itself.

Human kind has excelled to the point where all living things on earth are relying on us to change. We are currently doing an exceptional job in recycling man made materials like plastic & metals. The world-wide population has realised that the greenhouse effect is true, with all the artificial chemicals & pollution currently in the atmosphere, due to our consumption of oil & fuel. Now is the time to slow down in what we are experiencing and take a step back. There are a number of alternative fuels which might not be as volatile as fuel, like solar energy, Electricity, Hydrogen from water, this could also run a vehicle equivalent distances. The rich want to get richer off resources like oil. They should think of the consequences of this action to themselves and other people.

The current culture in the western countries is that it is alright to become a gay or lesbian! This is not natural. This is an individual branch of thinking and idealist in every way. A man & man or women & women can love each other emotionally without physically touching the same sex for pleasures. This is a physical form of love which is currently being confused with spiritual ethics! (No Common Sense). All people love their family when they are the same sex and don’t physically have sexual contact with them. We all appreciate the love they bring us. This is what a best friend brings to all of us, emotional support and encouragement. We don’t want the youth of today getting confused when with a best friend and think they are gay & can have sexual relations with each other because they emotionally support each other.
A male’s direction in life is to have a family, protect the family, and provide love & wealth for the family. Obviously, a Females direction is similar, Women are stronger in their spiritual direction of the family, which is why they give birth! (But physically lack certain qualities of man.) With the entrance of same sex relationships to our society, it will confuse the younger generation of their direction in life.
Did we get to where we are today by same sex relationships. In the birth of children! We have achieved so much over this time. I think that all people do have their own belief systems, and they deserve that. No matter what positive religion they believe in, but man is not God. We might think we are by what we have achieved but we have achieved this by believing in a higher presence other than ourselves. We must all respect & appreciate each other, no matter what skin colour or physical appearance.

The human eye receives 75% of spiritual sensation! Mind, Heart & Soul are represented by ¾ of our three main elements of spiritual interaction. (Like our other 25% is a representation of our physical sensors. If all nations & races conducted similar beliefs, respecting the spiritual beliefs of individuals, religions & countries in a positive manner, all world conflict would not occur. With an operational system with a number of personnel on a board of Governments, (instead of an individual leader) the organisation of any government would be harder for one person to manipulate, Including & especially the banking sectors. All men & women would operate under a 100% ability to understand others & equal in their standing of all citizens. The bottom would continue to support the top but on equal standards. All man & women equal in life & learning.

All people of all cultures should not indulge in any drug which is naturally grown like Cocaine, Heroin, Cannabis, Ice, Ecstasy, Alcohol & man made drugs which deliberately alters someone’s state of mind. This takes away what respect they can offer other people while not under the influence of the substance. The use of Man-made drugs for medication of a medical condition is alright, just as long as it is on a temporary basis or required to support the life of the individual.

We all need love and respect for each other! All people should feel positive about who they are and who others are. Everyone experiences different circumstances in life from each other. We shouldn’t comment on someone else’s predicament. Unfortunately, respect is not occurring in modern society due to the different views people hold on each other. All people on earth will become selfish & individual in order to obtain physical wealth in money if this trend continues and not obtain the wealth of spirit we all hold, no matter what race or religion.

We must respect each other at all time. It doesn’t matter if we’re black or white, Asian or Caucasian; we all experience the same surroundings.

Religion, Maths and Science go hand in hand with each other. The sooner all mankind realise this fact the better we can progress in the future. We have reached the Golden Age of man.

We are all Jewish now, but not when we pass! Man God will never reach the heights of God.

Think positive like water & continue to have faith and respect in life and the afterlife, yourself and others. All will be saved. I do love all mankind. Believe in God & we’ll all be saved in the future & live again in the next dimension.

After reading this, think narrow & not wide to respect yourself & others.

edit on 14-1-2011 by Archangelelijah because: Info

edit on 14-1-2011 by Archangelelijah because: Edit

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 04:59 PM
Youd make a brillaint member of Goverment

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:03 PM
I can accept the idea of one government, one currency, maybe even one language if we get to vote on it. But religion is a private, extremely personal matter, and one religion is just not going to cut it.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by TedHodgson
Youd make a brillaint member of Goverment

probably already is

and sounds exactly like a Clinton

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

I am pretty sure most religious scriptures state that in the end there will be a one world order...except that it would be brought into existence by those that seek to control it for their own gain. Following this time-period it would fall apart and be turned into a one world order under the truth and not for the gain of those that control it.

I agree with much of your opinions. I am not opposed to a world order. It is the people who seek to control that world order that I am opposed to. They make rules to benefit themselves. They preach fairness, while creating inequity. They speak of justice, while creating classes of people unable to obtain the justice they seek.

One world religion is already being practiced. It is called the worship of wealth and power. I look forward to the religion of peace and benefits to all. Call me old fashion but I seek not to deceive or corner a piece of prosperity for only myself. I seek to spread the joy if I found it. If I happened across the cure to cancer, I would only require that which would sustain me to continue a prosperous life and give freely the benefits of a cure.

We can have a world order, but the people currently in charge should not be part of this unless they have shown no deception in their actions.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:17 PM
let me explain to archangel why a NWO
would never work.

Because submitting to a NWO WILL NOT
change the individual person. It ONLY changes
the government body controlling that individual.

And if the individual collectively doesn't change
then submitting to the NWO will neither advance
our cause or solve our problems.

We as human beings are too diverse a species
to clump all in one basket.

reaching a level 1 civilization can ONLY be achieved
by the individual and not by force. He has to walk
through the door himself. He can not be dragged
without dissent. Being dragged is slavery, doing
it of one's own accord is freedom.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:18 PM
no. no NWO.

I dont like the thought of some Islamic oil sheik deciding how much i get to pay in taxes, or what "rights" we are given. I believe my country fought a pretty nasty war against the brits exactly for that reason.

I AM NOT A CITIZEN, I AM A SOVEREIGN PERSON... so dont #ing tread on me.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:18 PM

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Homogenization of the entire Human Race is not acceptable.
It wasn't acceptable when it was Hitler trying it, and it won't be acceptable in the future either.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Archangelelijah
It's time for all the people who oppose the New World Order to realize that this is exactly what the world requires.


But I will address this first line. You're right the world requires unity. But a psychic Noosphere (aka The Christ) must be the foundation of that unity, not the barrel of a gun.

We will try, and fail, to gain the required unity through a gun and politics. On the mythic plane, that attempt will be the ape of God (anti-Christ) which precedes the future Noosphere (Christ).
edit on 14-1-2011 by Student X because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
let me explain to archangel why a NWO
would never work.

Because submitting to a NWO WILL NOT
change the individual person. It ONLY changes
the government body controlling that individual.

And if the individual collectively doesn't change
then submitting to the NWO will neither advance
our cause or solve our problems.

We as human beings are too diverse a species
to clump all in one basket.

reaching a level 1 civilization can ONLY be achieved
by the individual and not by force. He has to walk
through the door himself. He can not be dragged
without dissent. Being dragged is slavery, doing
it of one's own accord is freedom.

The NWO will change a person and Governments. It will not be easy but this can occur.

Each Individual requires to understand the meaning behind their excistence. When this occurs, each person will think and act as one. This will be the door they must walk through which you mentioned.

Humans are diverse at the moment but this will change when we all think and act for eachother.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Archangelelijah

Originally posted by boondock-saint
let me explain to archangel why a NWO
would never work.

Because submitting to a NWO WILL NOT
change the individual person. It ONLY changes
the government body controlling that individual.

And if the individual collectively doesn't change
then submitting to the NWO will neither advance
our cause or solve our problems.

We as human beings are too diverse a species
to clump all in one basket.

reaching a level 1 civilization can ONLY be achieved
by the individual and not by force. He has to walk
through the door himself. He can not be dragged
without dissent. Being dragged is slavery, doing
it of one's own accord is freedom.

Humans are diverse at the moment but this will change when we all think and act for eachother.

so whats going to make the masses suddenly change their way of thinking? as long as people need to survive, there will be selfishness and immorality.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:36 PM
The NWO will never succeed nor should they.You archangel are either a member of the government or just some random idiot.There are too many good people who will fight tooth and nail to keep the nwo from happening.I for one will die fighting it before I will give in to it.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:41 PM
No. it'd ruin the whole world. its even written in the bible. look it up. when that happens, the one world government, and the one world currency, everything ends.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Oh so you want a one world Feudal State with an ultrarich Aristocracy and the rest of us serf/slaves???

David Rockefeller praised the major media for their complicity in helping to facilitate the globalist agenda by saying, "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. . . . It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

"supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." Means NO say in the government by those who are governed, the worst form of government.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:45 PM
I disagree with the One World Idiot Program.

Does that mean I will be punished? Killed ?
Since I refuse to agree with these foolish plans?


edit on 14-1-2011 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:51 PM
OP you lost me right here-

The United Nations must be granted the power of elite status and nations should operate and co-ordinate with eachother through this organisation.

You must surely be joking, if not, then I must issue a SHILL ALERT....

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
I disagree with the One World Idiot Program.

Does that mean I will be punished? Killed ?
Since I refuse to agree with these foolish plans?


edit on 14-1-2011 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

You don't need to have that attitude.

The meaning behind it is eventually peaceful and ends all future wars as we all think and support eachother.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

at the risk of being flamed, i will have to say i agree with you OP to an extent.

Your heart is in the right place, however theres so many parasites who would take advantage of this

in the end we are one species, and on one planet. I think to progress as a species this is something we have to overcome like it or not.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 05:58 PM
well I think I understand what Arc is saying here:

If we as a global people submit to the NWO
then the Alien Race will protect and lead
us into a level 1 civilization.

However, Arc will not tell you that those
Aliens are fallen angels cast out of heaven.

The Aliens have not interfered in earth's
problems for a reason. Because God
will not allow them to do so. Once we accept
their pretty picturesque utopia then God will
no longer protect us and Satan has free reign
on this earth. The Bible said in it's prophecy
that we will be given a choice.

This is the choice right here at this moment.

make it wisely or suffer damnation

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