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Plus degrees in December (Polar night ends TWO DAYS early? )

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posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by OneisOne
Apparently the melting ice sheet lowers the horizon, hence the light is visible earlier then expected.

From the translated page:

Thomas Posch from the Institute for Astronomy, University of Vienna completed astronomical reasons for the premature end of the polar night also made. He suggests that the observation is due to a change in the local horizon. An accelerated by the melting of the Greenland ice sheet of lower horizon appears as "by far the most obvious" explanation.

This is what I was thinking. If the top of the glacier was "lower", then the Sun would appear to rise early over that glacier -- even if the relative position of the Sun has not changed.

So it seems the issue isn't with the position of the Sun in the sky at all, but rather a lower horizon line.

This explanation is given right in the source article, and I don't understand why so many here seem to be ignoring this explanation.

An example that may illustrate this point better would be if the Sun always rose at 7:00 AM on a certain day from behind the top of a mountain that I see from my window. If the top of that mountain was suddenly gone, then the Sun would appear to me to rise aver that mountain earlier than normal.

edit on 1/13/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by enemoplem

This is now being reported on RSOE-edis which leads me to believe that the report is valid

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Inhabitants of the third largest town in Greenland are worried.|en&tbb=1&ie=ISO-8859-1

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by fltcui
reply to post by enemoplem

This is now being reported on RSOE-edis which leads me to believe that the report is valid

The report could be valid (at least the observation), but the OP's article also gave a perfectly reasonable explanation that does not concern a major change to the Earth's tilt, or a major change to the position of the Sun in the sky.

See my post three posts above for this explanation.

edit on 1/13/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:55 AM
The earth's magnetic field impacts climate: Danish study

The earth's climate has been significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field, according to a Danish study published Monday that could challenge the notion that human emissions are responsible for global warming.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

with all the talk about global warming and then others talking about a new ice age. it got me thinking what if the earth's tilt had changed a good bit in resent years. if the north pole had tilted more away from the sun this would causes the seasons to be more pronounced. like colder winters and hotter summers witch most of us have been going thru. it would also cause changes in the weather patterns. 2010 was the hottest summer on record and winter at least here in florida has been worse than normal. we joke about only getting 2 weeks of winter here but not this year or the last.the earth tilt does change on a normal cycle. but the sun rising 2 days early in the arctic circle that is a big piece of evidence and to try and say it because of globe warming is BS. keep up the hunt for more proof guys. learn all ya can.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by amtarcher

The earth has tilted and changed its orbit but it’s been quite subtle. My theory as to why we are in a period of significant and noticeable change in climate compared to previous modern eras is that we are seeing a significant weakening of the magnet we live on, and the field is being disrupted by the flux we are traveling through and the erratic nature of the Sun’s output (delay of solar cycle 24 and then recent massive sudden increase in sun spots and CMEs for starters).

Earth’s core is constantly changing as it radiates heat away from the core, thus the magnetic field of the earth weakens the older it gets as more heat is lost over time (less heat = less energized liquid iron = less magnetic field strength). The way that the magnetic field responds to solar bombardment is thus also affected, the resultant changes noticeable in the climate of earth. This has been proven by studying the changes in the magnetosphere and even more importantly the ionosphere which has shown a measurable reduction in elevation. The increase in movement of the magnetic poles recently proves that the core is undergoing a significant and noticeable change (now traveling towards Siberia at 40 km / year as opposed to 8 km/year 100 years ago). The projected flurry of solar activity for next year should also prove or disprove this point if we get it. The Sun is predicted to generate a very high number of sunspots and CMEs according to it’s 11 and 19 year cycles. The earth’s magnetic core reacts to these outbursts (anywhere between 8 minutes for high density particles and about 4 days for the weakest) resulting in Magnetosphere and Ionospheric fluctuations. As both of these layers act as filters for the sun’s radiation and are known to directly impact the local weather systems below them (see HAARP and how energizing the ionosphere can cause rain locally – the UAE are doing this also to generate wet weather in their deserts) we should expect abrupt climate scenarios (heatwaves, monsoons out of season etc) here on earth and an increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity as the earth’s core is rattled by the sun’s ejections.

Some other planets are responding in a similar way too. Tellingly, these are the one’s with an atmosphere. The one’s that are not responding are already dead as DoDos as their liquid iron cores turned solid many moons ago so do not generate a significant magnetic field in any case, that’s why there’s no atmosphere on these planets. No magnetic field = no atmosphere = no insulating layer to affect.


posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 09:29 AM
Now what's THIS all about??

RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 09:31 AM
I've been seraching the internet trying to come up with something. I found a PDF about the Ilulissat Icefjord that had a very telling snippet in it.

Scientific researches over 250 years have made Ilulissat Icefjord and surroundings one of the best observed ice-streams in the world. A significant and unique set of glaciological records and many scientific publications have been written about the site which displays most of the surface characteristics of the Greenland ice margin clearly, compactly and accessibly.
Study, especially over the last 10-20 years using aerial photography, core drilling, deep radar sounding and satellite monitoring, has been intensive.


So if this is one of the best observed ice-streams in the world I would think they could say for sure that the early end to polar night was due to ice melt.

Also if it was caused by weather creating a mirage seems like there would be a history of that.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 09:38 AM
There's a mini ice age coming, says man who beats weather experts

Piers Corbyn not only predicted the current weather, but he believes things are going to get much worse, says Boris Johnson, London's mayor.

Confused yet?????

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People

Originally posted by fltcui
reply to post by enemoplem

This is now being reported on RSOE-edis which leads me to believe that the report is valid

The report could be valid (at least the observation), but the OP's article also gave a perfectly reasonable explanation that does not concern a major change to the Earth's tilt, or a major change to the position of the Sun in the sky.

See my post three posts above for this explanation.

edit on 1/13/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

My apologies for posting the same info. Hadn't gone through all new posts ....again, sorry about that.

I find it very curious that this is being reported as emergency/disaster if it's truly nothing!

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:02 AM
Well, if there's one thing that I have confidence in, it's that there are about 15 million "nerd" eyes out there that sit in their back yards night after night tracking and measuring the cosmos. No way that a cosmological shift goes unnoticed. Fortunately, this science has broken out of the mainstream, and thanks to technology getting down to the user level and the (natural) interest in tracking heavenly bodies, if there were even the slightest shift in the earth's axis, rotation...anything that effects our cosmological observations, the flag will go up loudly. Those who advocate a "moon hoax" cite this fact directly as the reason why there are no stars ever visible in the night sky as they relate to pictures being taken from the surface. Simply put, there are just too many amateur astronomers who would pick the sky apart and discover the fraud (by the way, I don't mention this in support or denial of moon hoaxers, simply as an example of how closely the sky is being observed).


posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:12 AM
well we might consider looking around the globe
to see if there is an article of a place that lost
sunlight 2 days early.

If you can find such a place, then it could possibly
be matched to an earth wobble. What would cause
an earth wobble? A magnetic polar shift would do it.
But that's just speculation at this point.
Good find OP

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:30 AM
Something is obviously very askew with planet Earth and the degree at which it's axis sits. I find it a little odd that Australia, which should be in the summer season, recently had snow. I live in NE Ohio and on New Years Day it was 64 degrees here. Also it strikes me as odd that 49 states had fresh snowfall a few days ago. Sorry Florida, you were left out. Granted it is January, and snow does happen, but that is very very odd to me.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:39 AM
Studying the mantle, some have felt that if Greenland and the South Pole melts, or just one, the Earth would become top or bottom heavy, however that would be in space, and this could "flip" the Earth's Poles as the planet would start to slide on its mantle. The North Pole could melt and cause no problem as far as Pole Shift is concern because the water has been displaced by the frozen ice in the water. It should not raise sea levels. As a glass with melting ice does not raise the water in the container, so it is with the Pole at the top of the Earth, the water is already displaced by the frozen ice and would not add to the sea water if melted.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I've been wondering, did the Sun set in Greenland on time or was that also, 2 this case, late?
If it was on schedule ...what?.......6 months ago?.....then whatever just happened, happened suddenly. Even if it's due to glacier melting (which I tend not to buy).

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:19 AM
In California we have been breaking records this year too - especially cold/gray summer and So Cal is breaking rain records this winter.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:23 AM
I have to say that I felt that the shortest day of the year this year was shorter for us than usual. It seemed to get very dark early here in California 1/2 the way through December. I've been in France in winter and observed nighttime come up around 4pm and it felt that way here in California this year - darker earlier than previous years.

If I had to guess - I'd say the shift happened at the Tsunami on Xmas eve - when a lot of people are on vacation or not watching the stars and could come back a few days later and adjust instruments to catch up? Possible.

Those who officially track, probably know if it happened and aren't saying anything under gag order not to freak everybody out. just a guess.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

So if the ice melting is the reason, then there is a huuuuuge amount of ice melting it because the horizon line was there a year ago.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien
Very good! It's people like you and many others who are really paying attention that will out the lie's and deception's of the very people that are supposed to keep the people informed of what is obviously happening to the planet.
I belive the events that are happening are way beyond the so called 50 and 100 year event's that is talked about,therefoe all they say "it's never been like this".Say as little as possiable without really saying anything.
That's what so sad,if a world destorying event is comeing people have the right to come together and deal with it in there own way,but with the PTB in charge that would not be to there likeing and no one really counts but them.............right??

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