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What's wrong with population control?

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posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 03:56 PM
Okay, stop bagging on the OP - he was only trying to display neutrality in order to learn.

Aimed at whomever: you either support genocide or you don't. It is not the only solution, it is the solution that will suit those with the power the most. If you back this, then you are a bigot or just a sheep. If you support the global depopulation regime, then do your Handlers a favor and jump off a cliff, that is unless you admit to your ignorance and want to become apart of a real solution.
edit on 10-1-2011 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Maslo
There is absolutely nothing wrong with population control, if it does not involve killing, quite the contrary, it is a right thing to do. The thing is, these depopulation conspiracies usualy do involve violence. Not that I believe in any of them.

There are many things wrong with population control. It starts out with a wrong understanding. It is the me against you world. The problems of this world are not caused by the people on the bottom but the top. The people on the top want more and they use their power to take it. They use their power to keep the system the same. They believe they are better and deserve more. There is no energy, food, or water shortage. The problems with pollution are caused by the system the powerful have created. Huge populations cause technology to advance and society to move forward. Huge populations will force us to live on the bottom of the ocean, underground, and off this planet. This is the next obvious step, not decreasing population for the privileged few.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by PoorFool

Contraception is not a bad thing. I think a lot more people should use it a lot more frequently. But it has been available for decades. There are countless types available as well. Everyone can get it, even if you can't afford it the local health dept. will help you out with that.

So since it is available to all, and so many obviously willingly opt out, how do you suppose we get those people to use it?

Government mandated?

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by PoorFool
Contraception is what I'm talking about. I don't see how anyone will be harmed by preventing more babies to be born.

Look at Japan for example. Their population is declining because more and more people chose not to have children, yet they have they have the highest life expectancy on the planet. This is what I think would be ideal, but people make it seem like it's a bad thing.

The Japanese have forced contraception? I don't understand what you are suggesting? The United States and as far as I am aware the rest of the world has contraceptives and in the United States there have been billion dollar campaigns to get people to use them (especially those useless eaters).

So what, less babies are born - but the world has decided that population control is needed to avoid a crisis and some outcast decided he doesn't want to have just one child, he wants two, maybe three or four or even more. Now what? Kill him/her, kill the babies? Forcibly sterilize them? Nicely sterilize them against their will? I don't understand how anyone can arrive at a statement - 'whats wrong with population control'. Its a psyop campaign to make you not want to reproduce - because controlling people is always easier when there are less of them.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:12 PM
So if I were gassed while sitting in a movie theater as part of a depopulation program, that would make it okay?

Because it would be a non-violent way to kill me & the baby that is in my body right now?

Because I was being entertained and getting my buttered popcorn craving sated while I'm being silently killed?

I have a job, I am not on welfare and I am not a criminal. Even if I were any of those things, the child in my body deserves a chance to be born.

So no, I don't think it's okay.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Maslo

Originally posted by PoorFool

Originally posted by Maslo
There is absolutely nothing wrong with population control, if it does not involve killing, quite the contrary, it is a right thing to do. The thing is, these depopulation conspiracies usualy do involve violence. Not that I believe in any of them.

Are you being sarcastic? If not, that's how I view it. I'm very well aware of the extreme opinions on this. I try to stay neutral.

No, I am not sarcastic.

Population control is not inherently right or wrong. It is a tool, and if used wise, can get humanity closer to living in harmony with the universe and its laws, and increase the quality of life of everyone on this planet.

reply to post by ThinkingCap

It has been proven that this "overpopulation problem" only exists because of 1. The inability to properly distribute recourses.

Indeed. One of the most important ways to ensure that the resources are distributed properly is through population control.

First, this issue of population control is very complex. You say that it is not inherently right or wrong but attempts at controlling the population have rippling consequences whether or not we see them now or in the future. Plus, it leads to another question...who has the right to pick and choose who will live and die? Let's pick them and not them. Who chooses who will live or die? Who has the right to continue to live peacefully and harmoniously on this planet when population is "under control"?

Controlling population by something such as birth control may not seem bad but it may have severe consequences for future generations. Look at what is happening in China for example...
Link: What is the impact of strict population control?

Just my thoughts but it is what another posted said a very slippery slope and there are no clear answers.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:17 PM
Well, as to killing people........That has been going on since the beginning of time.
We have wars to kill people, but no one screams that their "rights" are being trampled.
The governments do own their people. That is why they can take you, your sons and daughters and send them to the killing fields of war.
However, all the wars have not stopped the population of the world from increasing exponentially.

There is no technology existing that will make it possible to have cities under the oceans.
And who would want to live there anyway.
Likewise for underground.
As to other planets.....dream on....

Truth is there for you all to see. All our water is polluted with human feces and any accompanying diseases as well as pesticides, toxic industrial waste and prescription medicines.
When you speak of distribution you are merely parotting something you heard. You have no real understanding of what is entailed. Likewise you have no understanding of the effects of ever increasing populations on the environment and on already existing people.

Solution - fewer births.
How---a massive propaganda campaign making child bearing Uncool.
Sterilization would be offered not only free, but with cash rewards and tax credits. (just like your neutered/spayed dog get a license for $5. instead of $15.)
Stressing the mizeries and exaggerating the dangers.
Stressing the effects on the body's beauty. Stretch marks..Ughhh!
Stressing the body beautiful draped in all the newest fashions.
Showing the advantages of being childless.
More expendable income for all the new electronic toys; the carefree social life; unburdened travel etc.

Maybe they could conjure up some sort of mass tragedy like a pandemic affecting only pregnant women.

China and India err in alowing abortions of female fetuses. They did not foresee nor condition their people to the very real problem of excess males. Unless of course it was deliberate on their part to have a lot of free males available for their armies.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:37 PM
Welcome to your first thread!

There might be an issue of relating anything -- even if it's helpful to the human species -- with TBTB. I think we need to reduce or at least maintain the overall population at its present level, however, as others have indicated, the prospect of some governmental (emphasis on the MENTAL) body making those decisions for us resonote for many of us as a cure that is worse and more oppressive than the symptom. Those reductions must come in the form of less children being created, rather than reduction of population by any means. Yes, I'm a dreamer.

For myself, I think the human species must eventually decide on their own individual basis to choose to have children only when they are able to properly care for them; as most parents know, that care may be prolonged throughout the life of the child. It must be voluntary, in my opinion, or we are lost. Closely related to population self-regulation is the careful and wise management of resources -- both lofty ideals.

I personally don't think we're nearly that far from the Savannah.
edit on 10/1/11 by argentus because: spellin'

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by OhZone

You did not reference me but I will respond. I am not parroting anyone. My thinking is my own and original. Here is a link to food production. million pounds of food. There are also many other methods that can be combined to grow food organically and cheaply. Food can also be grown vertically and on the walls of and in your house. All of our waste can be used as fertilizer, even urine.

Water can be taken right out of the air even in the deserts of Iraq. Aqua Sciences

All of our energy resources can now be supplied by solar, wind, and geothermal. These methods would also satisfy all of our future needs. We do not even need nuclear power. The problem is that there is an entrenched energy elite that doesn't want to change and needs to make profit.

Who would want to live on the bottom of the ocean and underground? We all should. Our survival depends on it. Instead of waiting for a stray rock to hit us.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 06:54 PM
@OhZone: Thank you, you've said it better than me. I agree with everything.

I'll say this one last time.

I do NOT support genocide, gassing, killing, etc., as means of decreasing population.

The keyword is prevention (of births).

I never said the Japanese have mandatory contraception. I said the number of people who chose to not have children has increased (according to something I've read). This is a good thing.

Someone said that we are able to grow tons of food if we want. Well guess what? That will increase the population even further, getting us into even more trouble.
edit on 10-1-2011 by PoorFool because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by BillfromCovina

We should be doing all that Now.
Yes we need to be conditoned to use humanure in agriculture.
However what do we do about all the prescription Meds in it? They do not degrade very fast if at all and your veggies would contain quite an Rx cocktail. Do you really want that?

And we do not have any such set up and it does not appear to be anywhere but in the minds of a few.
In the meantime more and more babies are born. We'll be coming up on 8 billion by 2050. Or is it sooner than that?
Haven'r you noticed that the more people there are the bigger and badder war gets. It seems obvious that some of the bombings were an inventory reduction exercize. Such as Dresden. And then the big show-off experiment - Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And if that is not bad enough, then governments genocide their own people.-Cambodia and Russia.

About 7/8ths of the present world population is illiterate and living in what we call poverty.
Why do we need more of them?
Why do we need more people on welfare? This segment of the population has been growing and growing and growing. Do you like supporting those who will not work?

Why exactly do we need more people?

LIkely you have no idea of what it was like when a 2 lane highway was plenty adequate once you were outside of town, and driving thru most cities was not much of a hassle either. Nashville and Birmingham were a breeze to go thru. With patience you could even enjoy going thru Chicago and Milwaukee.
Presently I find that Freeways going thru large cities are a real hassle. People on them drive like they are doing the Grande Prix or something.

There is such a thing as overcrowding stress. People do not like being in close proximity to others for very long.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by OhZone

If you go back to my original post, the problems are not created by the people on the bottom but the top. Wars are created by the people on the top. Lack of education is because people on the top do not want the poor competing with their kids. They believe they are better. All the problems can be traced to the top not the bottom. It is not because of welfare. How about free education to all? It is the me against you world that causes the problems. We have a throw away society so that the few on the top can become very rich. The poor saps on the bottom are just buying into it not causing it.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by PoorFool

Nothing is wrong with it, as long as it doesn't effect you right? Fact is we won't have a choice, and most people will probably die from starvation in the coming years!

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by OhZone

By the way, I live in Los Angeles County, so I know about congestion. The reason we have so many people driving around in cars is because the auto makers made sure that we do not have viable and easily accessed public transportation. People are programmed to want to drive and have a new car. Their self worth is tied to this. Again this is so the very top can have more wealth.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by PoorFool
Hey all, I'm new and this is my first thread here.

So a big deal about the NWO is that they will attempt to decrease population over the next few decades.

Is this necessarily a bad thing? (given that they use non-violent methods)

Now you may say that they will try to make us all stupid, unhealthy, weak, poisoned, etc.

But what can TPTB gain from making the majority of the human race weak sheep?

Thank you and please bear with my ignorance.

What gives anyone else the right to say who can and cannot reproduce, a slow depopulation would mean that only selective people will be allowed to breed.
the majority sterilized against their own will and knowledge as it is being done today.

Nature determines selective breeding, not man

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:42 PM
I cant stand when I am out in public an there is a mother with 5 out of control kids with sugar drinks in there hands and eating Mc Donalds. They cry, scream, yell and make a god damn mess in their wake. And now TV shows glamorize huge families, geeez.

Lets start with them. I say we depopulate now!

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by theclutch
reply to post by PoorFool

Nothing is wrong with it, as long as it doesn't effect you right? Fact is we won't have a choice, and most people will probably die from starvation in the coming years!

Do you want to get personal? I am not selfish. I would be willing to give up my right to have many children so the future children of others can have a better life. This does not prevent me from living life to the fullest.

And yes people will die of starvation. This shows over population is a big threat to our planet.

Also, why would the elite NOT want a big population to control? 6 billion slaves are better than 1 billion, no?

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by PoorFool

You can not see the big picture and have not thought this out. Big populations force us to live in harmony with nature and the world. It is the inevitable evolution of an intelligent species. It will force us to spread life out into the solar system. We are not a disease. We are the seed that spreads life out.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by PoorFool

Contraception is what I'm talking about. I don't see how anyone will be harmed by preventing more babies to be born.

Ok, I gotcha. I didn't really know how to take your initial post.

I think that preventing births PERIOD wouldn't make much sense, but allowing only a certain amount per family wouldn't bother me too much, granted that any additional births that accidentally occurred, weren't forced to be done away with.

If adoption were made cheaper and easier, I think this would solve a lot of the problem. I know people who've had to jump through so many hoops to adopt a child, that it's crazy! If true orphans could be adopted without such high costs, I think this would prevent many couples from wanting to have their own children and therefore, raise an already existing child.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by BillfromCovina
reply to post by PoorFool

You can not see the big picture and have not thought this out. Big populations force us to live in harmony with nature and the world. It is the inevitable evolution of an intelligent species. It will force us to spread life out into the solar system. We are not a disease. We are the seed that spreads life out.

Big population (or to be even more precise, too fast population growth) causes big problems with distribution of resources, and increases suffering.

Big population will not force us to spread into solar system, otherwise Africa would be colonizing Mars already. Wealthy and educated population will give us the means to spread into universe.

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