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All nwo "conspiracy theoreys" hereby laid to rest

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posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by JR MacBeth

I've researched the topic for years. The people who don't think we're currently overpopulated are ignorant. The logic they use isn't global, it's local. These people just can't see the forest from the trees. I don't expect you to ever change your mind, but that's okay. It's all going to happen anyways, and I much doubt anything you or I say on the subject will cause much change anyways.

Take care.

It's past my bedtime, but I'll answer one more tonight!

Whether we are "currently overpopulated" shouldn't be as big an issue as where we're headed. I would think you would know that, since you say you have researched the topic for years. But I will quote you further, because I detect a slight "attitude" shall we say, that tips your hand...

Now it's pretty much up to the elite to have a culling of the masses. We practically begged for this out of our continued state of ignorance. Bring it on already. Target those with low IQ, and wipe them from the face of this earth with a quickness. Then we can all get together and do what's best for our species and this planet. Too much scum getting in the way of global progress

You can't exactly be an unbiased, objective party with sentiments like that, can you?

Tell us how many of the dark masses (of "low IQ") you want to eradicate?

Perhaps your prejudice has blinded you. Of course, you want the vermin out of the way. No doubt, Africa would be free to recolonize by best and brightest. India...Oh, they couldn't be the same if the likes of you were unleashed. But then, anything would be an improvement, right?!

I'm sorry of that sounds harsh, but really, you have not researched the issue of population enough. The fact is, even the United Nations, radically biased, perhaps even as much as you and your co-conspirator OneArt, was startled to find that their research, backed by big funding, determined that human populations were going to PEAK about 2050. After that, the following 50 years would bring us back to about where we're at today. After that, things get rather grim...and that's assuming NO war, NO pandemic, NO asteroids slam into us, NO mega volcanoes erupt, etc...

Of course, that sounds absurd to those who have no idea of how complex the issue is.

Let's take one quick example: How about FERTILITY? What part does that play in the Hitlerian equations?

Fertility is in catastrophic decline, across the globe. Yes, even the Third World "scum" that you want to terminate, their fertility has been trashed too. Lots of reasons, some of your buddies like Bill Gates are playing their roles.

The crazy thing is that the actual evidence, that is, what we can look back on now as historical fact, suggests a rude awakening for the Agenda 21 bootlickers out there.

You imagine that our masters will bring you salvation, by finally culling the masses, since we have "begged" for it.

The reality is that YOU are the target!

How does that make you feel?!?!

Do you have a high IQ? Good bye!

Are you of European decent? Bye bye!

Take a good hard look at pathetic Europe, TODAY. Italy, a "Catholic" country (since you brought up religion), and yet, the LOWEST birthrate in Europe! They can't even replace themselves (go ahead, celebrate!) In another few generations, we will read about "Italians", people that "used to" live on that boot-shaped peninsula (no doubt renamed to accomodate it's new inhabitants).

RED PILL my friend. Take it, if you dare.


posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by OneArt

You have no idea how broad my horizons are, brother, so don't assume anything. I just happen to have thought past my dreams and hopes and got down to bare facts. You still refuse to admit that our society is terrible, damn near cancerous, in its present form. You still refuse to admit that there are people out there who are draining the rest of us dry with laziness...

And while, yes, there are others draining us in other ways, at least they have the brains to do it in a subtle way. I have more respect for the 10% than the 85%, and I'm not afraid to say that.

I think that once we trim the fat of society, the meat will get a little healthier. And I think once we rid ourselves of that dead weight, we'll be able to move on and make the changes if enough people wake up and cease their selfish, violent, materialistic ways. But, once again, considering the mental capacity of the average person currently living on this planet... I don't see that happening any time soon. Which, once again comes down to social darwinism, We need to start with the stupid and the violent and work our way to the greedy... Then we can move on to that utopia you have in mind. K?

I try not to assume too much. If you look at my first reply, I simply listed the various things YOU said.

It's your own words that paint you as a modern-day Nazi. You advocate the eradication of how many people? Millions? Billions?

Well sorry if your nose gets slightly out of joint, but you must realize that the rest of us may take some offense at people advocating wholesale human slaughter.

Is our society terrible? In lots of ways it certainly is. The problem I see is that you have identified the wrong enemy. What if it's not your neighbor, that you so smugly look down your nose at, since he/she is so stupid? What if it's not the dark hordes, who are "draining the rest of us dry"?

It's funny that you seem to realize the implications of your statement, almost catching yourself with the minor disclaimer that others are draining us in other ways, but since they have used their brains, and are more subtle, you can respect that!

Sort of absurd, wouldn't you say?

Of course, the "10%" you admire, let's not pretend. They are probably less than that actually, but let's put a name on them, they are the ELITE. They are some of the monsters behind Agenda 21. They are the ones who fashioned the various school programming you and so many more were fed. Interesting that you not only believe their tripe, you admire them as well! Amazing.

Because your focus is on the wrong enemy, everything that logically proceeds would have to be in error as well. For example, if you assume that your neighbor is the reason you are miserable, then it does make perfect sense that you eventually try and get rid of him. Of course, if your "real" problem was the fellow looking back at you in the mirror, than you would act very differently. Perhaps you would get a job, go to school, try to better yourself. (An example only, not "assuming" anything about anyone in particular.)

There would be real irony in a person imagining they could consider "solutions" of any kind, when they hardly know the real problems to begin with. No, I'm not saying anyone has it all figured out, but I personally have found that a very good beginning point is to stop trusting Massa.

Imagine if everything Massa has convinced you of, even though it makes so much sense, imagine that it is a lie. Massa has told you these things so that you will be a better slave. So far, most seem to be quite OK with his program.

That is, until they figure out that it is not their neighbor that Massa wants to sweep away!

"But Massa!! I's SO smart!! Why yoo wanna kill MEE??"

"Slaves don't need to be as smart as you. In fact, your kind worries me. Good bye!"

Read the script above, and don't be surprised if you aren't written into this ugly play, not as Massa, not as one of his smart servants, but as just more troublesome inconvenience that needs to be dealt with. Of course, Massa will have you believing anything else but what really awaits you, as you voluntarily march up to the pits that have been dug for you.

Too late...


posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

Once again, bro... You have no idea. But that's fine.

I never advocated human slaughter, you are putting words in my mouth. Read back through all my posts and I specifically argue against war and genocide... But that's cool. Twist my words. You still haven't answered a lot of points... But I'm sick of repeating myself.

You say the word elite... You spit it out of your mouth... But I don't get mad at people who have risen to the top of society, sometimes through what they did, sometimes through a parent or grandparent's actions. But even the elite cleanse their own ranks automatically. You don't stay on top unless you strive to be there...

My problem with "the dark masses" (your words) is that they don't strive for #. TRUST ME ON THIS.

You still haven't addressed the problem of welfare moms that I brought up, but it's cool we can let that go.

And you keep saying "Don't trust Massa", but I don't think you get it still. You can not trust whomever you please, but it doesn't change a damn thing. The people you are defending aren't even going to help you stand up to "Massa" because they are stupid and lazy. You have to realize that people let this # happen, and even if you changed the world, these same people would screw it up by handing the power back to some new "Massa".

We did it with our freedom loving little revolution. Got taken away because people stopped caring about the happenings of the government. From say right after the civil war until the 60s... And then from the mid 70s til Bush took office. Now, suddenly interest has peaked again in the last decade but the damage has been done. America is no more.

You say there is only one true enemy, but in my mind, and throughout history, the victim has handed the whip right over to the overseer. They're just as guilty, and they aren't really on your side even though you are fighting for them. Utopia isn't cool, it means that people would have to curb their materialism, their greed, their violence... And no one on my streets seems to have any interest in giving those things up.

Me, I try not to feed into it anymore. The experiment failed in so many ways. I'd rather just see it over and done with. I'm praying for rain. I'm praying for tidal waves.

Remember, the only freedom you or I will ever truly achieve is in our own minds.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by OneArt
reply to post by JR MacBeth

Once again, bro... You have no idea. But that's fine.

I never advocated human slaughter, you are putting words in my mouth. Read back through all my posts and I specifically argue against war and genocide... But that's cool. Twist my words. You still haven't answered a lot of points... But I'm sick of repeating myself.

You say the word elite... You spit it out of your mouth... But I don't get mad at people who have risen to the top of society, sometimes through what they did, sometimes through a parent or grandparent's actions. But even the elite cleanse their own ranks automatically. You don't stay on top unless you strive to be there...

My problem with "the dark masses" (your words) is that they don't strive for #. TRUST ME ON THIS.

You still haven't addressed the problem of welfare moms that I brought up, but it's cool we can let that go.

And you keep saying "Don't trust Massa", but I don't think you get it still. You can not trust whomever you please, but it doesn't change a damn thing. The people you are defending aren't even going to help you stand up to "Massa" because they are stupid and lazy. You have to realize that people let this # happen, and even if you changed the world, these same people would screw it up by handing the power back to some new "Massa".

We did it with our freedom loving little revolution. Got taken away because people stopped caring about the happenings of the government. From say right after the civil war until the 60s... And then from the mid 70s til Bush took office. Now, suddenly interest has peaked again in the last decade but the damage has been done. America is no more.

You say there is only one true enemy, but in my mind, and throughout history, the victim has handed the whip right over to the overseer. They're just as guilty, and they aren't really on your side even though you are fighting for them. Utopia isn't cool, it means that people would have to curb their materialism, their greed, their violence... And no one on my streets seems to have any interest in giving those things up.

Me, I try not to feed into it anymore. The experiment failed in so many ways. I'd rather just see it over and done with. I'm praying for rain. I'm praying for tidal waves.

Remember, the only freedom you or I will ever truly achieve is in our own minds.

Prince Charles, is that you?

I went ahead and quoted you above because your words seem to just drip of contempt for your fellow humans. I think anyone reading it again should see that.

To your credit, you start out exercising some restraint when you claim to be against genocide. Of course, you're clearly being disingenuous, and by the time you're done, you couldn't keep it in any longer...

"I'd rather just see it over and done with. I'm praying for rain. I'm praying for tidal waves."

Uh, OK. That's not "exactly" genocide, granted, but I think it's safe to say you've tipped your hand enough there.

It might surprise you to know that I agree with much of what you say, about the seemingly hopeless human condition anyway. There will always be slaves, and yes, most it would seem are suited for little else. Of course someone will always rise to take that whip. Such has it been, perhaps such will it ever be.

But there are big problems with granting too much power to anyone, as I'm sure you realize. If you've read some of my posts about "overpopulation", you may have learned why I believe it is fiction, but let's grant for a moment that what our masters have sold us is true...

"If" there are "too many" people, we then need to decide "who" must go.

You have imagined that it just must be the dark hordes (who: "...don't strive for #."), the people of low IQ, and not to be forgotten, the people breeding too much, sponging off the system.

I would suggest paying attention here, this is really a very important point: Your ideas (as wonderful and logical as they may be), have nothing to do with the lofty ideas of Massa. Let me quoteth Him:

"My ways are not your ways..."

Indeed. Your intuitions are actually that of a slave, upon close inspection. You are certainly not thinking like one who has the reigns of power in his grip.

Ah, but there would be the beginning of wisdom you see. We must all stop thinking like slaves, and try hard to put ourselves in Massa'a position.

Some Christians have a slogan in the form of an acronym: "WWJD".

Let's apply that to our situation: "What would Massa do?"

Until we can do this, our "noble" ideas really are worthless.

SO, now that we have the "key", let's at least try to imagine what might be in Massa's best interests...

War, genocides, pandemics, poisoned foods, reduced fertility, various stealth eugenics programs (sometimes targeting undesirable racial groups), convincing people around the world that these things might be "good", and others still that they aren't happening at all!

In short, what you would want as Massa, is exactly what we see unfolding around us.

But look closer still. What we see isn't exactly what you would want at all! In fact, people of "high IQ" are NOT being favored, quite the contrary! In fact, the lighter races are in decline!

How to interpret this terrible information??

On the one hand, it seems very likely that those in charge of the world are getting their way.

On the other hand, what we see in fact going on around us seems so retrogressive!

And the answer is actually simple: It is exactly what is intended.

You mention "Utopia". I have no such delusions, but I would guess that you probably do. It would be the world you advocate, the "smarter" world, the one where everyone pulled their weight..."onward and upward!"

What I see actually unfolding may be a sort of "Utopia", but only for our masters, the elite. For the rest of us, those deemed slavely enough, those who pose little threat...for those of us so "fortunate" to have been "chosen" to "survive", the world will be anything but your Utopia. It will be a Plantation.

And it will largely have been idealistic, yet woefully ignorant people who have helped bring such a nightmare into being.

As for me, I'll not lick Massa's hand, nor will I believe his lies. I see what he has in store for us, and I shall not deceive myself into thinking I will get to be one of his "house slaves". And if such "status" is what some aspire to, then I don't have much to say to such people.


posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 01:25 PM
watch all the 8 parts of both these vidoes and let the truth set you free about illuminati ties with freemasonry, the nwo and 2012, after watching these the dots will connect in your head and it will come to you.

The videos are titled
(MUST SEE) Illuminati Satanic 2012 UFO event in london olympics stadium by NWO researchers
The ILLUMINATI - bloodlines planned gulf of mexico oil spill leak new world order A.K.A "the arrivals pt2"
OIL SPILL PLANNED NWO Illuminati Vatican Zeitgeist Exposed G20 1-8
The uploader of the information has added hes own beliefs into videos by others but the information is good and still there.

This was truely enlightening for me and don't comment till you've watched it all or your opinion is invalid to me
wake up to the ways of the world brothers
edit on 10-1-2011 by illuminatiexposed because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2011 by illuminatiexposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 01:46 PM
First off, praying for rain, praying for tidal waves is a quote, much like your cute Matrix quote you used more than enough. I don't "drip contempt" for my fellow human beings, for I've found a great many who I love dearly. I simply don't have time for the "slaves" anymore.

I don't find my condition hopeless, but I do find yours. I am an idealist in some senses, but I don't expect the best of people. I know how things work, but I also know how I work. Though I choose not to dominate and destroy, I still will be on top.

The Master isn't one person and is not always a devious villain plotting dismay for all. And there are plenty of Masters who don't even want slaves, but the slaves force themselves upon them. It's not something I've been spoon fed, it's something I know from experience. It's something I've seen firsthand.

I still don't expect you to understand. You seem fiery, which I like. So keep that spunk. Just know that, while I don't know everything going on behind every closed door, neither do you. But my information doesn't come exclusively from the internet.

BTW, did you really mention the lighter races being in decline as related to intelligence. That's definitely the most racist thing I've heard today. And you say I display contempt.

Originally posted by JR MacBeth
But look closer still. What we see isn't exactly what you would want at all! In fact, people of "high IQ" are NOT being favored, quite the contrary! In fact, the lighter races are in decline!

edit on 10-1-2011 by OneArt because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2011 by OneArt because: Addition

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 09:42 AM
is it me or this NWO conspiracy is being progressively affected by the rare but widely known LESSNESS syndrome? too many little facts to fit - something's wrong with that picture.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by SSDDay
reply to post by 46ACE

Come on man at least spell and punctuate your title correctly. Shouldn't need a HS drop out to tell you that.
edit on 9-1-2011 by SSDDay because: Wrong person.

Yes I cut and pasted straight from the website "theorey's...."vs. theories. big frickin' deal...

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by OneArt
Hear me out here people before you start bahhh-ing at your computer. I'm not a sheep but some people here really lack foresight.

Bottom line is, we are killing the planet, destroying flora, fauna, the atmosphere and natural resource reserves. I'm not a tree hugger, but that's those are the facts. We are overpopulated and overcrowded. There are poeople starving every second of the day because there isn't enough to go around...

All this is saying is that we need to conserve our resources and reduce our numbers... Now we can do this by setting aside wilderness (I doubt they'll ever be able to enforce the no human policy with millions of acres and a reduced population) and getting rid of some people... That doesn't have to mean genocide either... We could take after China and put a cap on the number of kids allowed per family. If you want to counter that this takes away from your rights to breed as you choose, try to think beyond yourselves and realize that your right to breed as choose is costing people the right to EAT as they choose.

By the way, has anyone ever seen the movie "Idiocracy"? Cause let me tell you, a bunch of ignorant, mindless #s churning out kids 4 times in 3 years is just what we need... Get out of here... I'm all for respecting the right to live and thrive, but I'm also all for my right to survive, as in survival of the fittest. And I'm really not sorry if I don't include violent, ignorant rednecks and hoodrats in my definition of the fittest.

If you're afraid of dying, then I've got some bad news for you... Everyone will go at one point or another...

If you're afraid that you won't be included in the new world order and that your line will become extinct, chances are you're right. Too bad for you. Just remember, it could've been a bus accident or some other random event. At least this way you're doing us all a favor.

And, last but not least, let me ask you all a serious question: Would you rather this be handled somewhat efficiently, or would you rather wait until resources become so scarce that nations (still separate and at odds with each other) are warring over them? Or even worse, until people are killing each other, starving and dying on the streets? Do you want to watch the bodies pile up on your doorstep, or be a body on someone else's? I know I don't.
edit on 9-1-2011 by OneArt because: Addition

Besides the fact Yours is an eminently predictable tree huggin liberal rant; We ask:

Who the hell put these people in charge of telling the rest of us how and where to live;what eat drink drive???
certainly nobody I ever voted for. I don't buy the"your elected representative signed a treaty" as none was brought up in public on the floor for open debate.

Ive seen "idiocracy" and yes I do agree with voluntary population control but rearranging society as this implies is going to necessitate complete denial of rights
( property ;life; freedom) massive murder and outright theft as most communist ideaologies do.HMM letssee dying on my own hungry but free or chained up kneeling with a bag over my head?
I'll take "A" please.

You see the big boss man at the top make sure he and his friends do well and stayup there.Human centrally planned societies have ALL been tragic failures.
edit on 11-1-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by kyred

yes i know what you mean my wife thinks i am nut job or something but she find out soon

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by kyred

n.w.o is a fact and real....i wish it was not real

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 10:53 PM
is there a nwo order against spellcheck.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 10:54 PM


posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:11 PM
I am confused

People are talking about 2012 and our position in the solar galaxy and how that has effects on the earth

and then on the other hand

They are saying that the humans are a destructive monster destroying our planet

Which is it? Are we just alive for an earth transition or are we causing the can't be both....and since transitions predate man....take a guess

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by OneArt

Originally posted by JR MacBeth
reply to post by OneArt

Not enough resources and overpopulation are things I shouldn't even have to go into with anyone who has half a brain, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here.

if you've got better solutions, please let me hear them. But I doubt that you do, so in that case I'll just ask you to please answer my questions.

It will take years to deprogram you. Not a derogatory statement, but my honest estimate, based on the fact that you seem to have swallowed every lie, hook, line and sinker.

In my opinion, you are very far from even considering any kind of "solutions". Apparently, you have no idea of what the questions even might be.

Since you mention half a brain, I will only suggest taking small baby-bites to begin with. For example, I believe you will find this thread helpful:

The world population must be reduced at all costs...

Nice title too! While it is around 10 pages, there is a lot of good info in there that counter the popular notion that our masters have fed us, that is that we are suffering from "overpopulation".

Imagine for a moment "if" such a thing was actually not true at all. Imagine if exactly the OPPOSITE turned out to be true? Is it even remotely possible that human populations will be declining, or are already showing massive indications of catastrophic decline? Impossible!

Well, what can I say? Mind-bending, that such a lie could be so regarded as gospel truth, but as you can see, you'll obviously have to keep an open mind.

Will you choose the red pill, or the blue?


Listen bro... You still haven't answered a single question I posed, but it's cool because you've been "deprogrammed" which means you don't have to answer logical questions, you just have to point me in the direction of a thread with major holes in its logic... You see, it's not the fact that people live that is the problem, it's the way we live, as I've been saying my whole life... Now until we have everyone on the same page, ready to live as nature intended instead of conquering and destroying all we see, we'll never be able to sustain our population. Period.

And for the record, it's not some wacked out programming that led me to believe that we use an abundance of synthetic, non-biodegradable substances in our every day lives... It's not programming that has shown me that people make and purchase tons of unnecessary crap that sits in landfills for decades.... And it's not programming that has shown me that the masses will never understand how they could change the world or even why they should, it's growing up around them that's responsible for that...

I'm NOT SORRY that, once again, I don't defend families of 7 who live off of social welfare. Social welfare, by the way, means that we (society at large) take care of these lazy, ignorant slobs.

I'm NOT SORRY that I think the world would do better with a smaller population comprised of highly intelligent individuals striving toward collective evolution.

I'm NOT SORRY that I think there should be a mandatory IQ test in order to breed, as opposed to genocide or war, as a way to achieve the above.

And by the way, the whole australia thing is beautiful... in theory. But the fact of the matter is, it's not the way of the world at this moment. We still have people STARVING while others get FAT. Also, I don't think the OP of that thread took into account arable land and distribution of resources and such on that continent, but I do understand the point, and in the distant future, it could be possible.

You have no idea how broad my horizons are, brother, so don't assume anything. I just happen to have thought past my dreams and hopes and got down to bare facts. You still refuse to admit that our society is terrible, damn near cancerous, in its present form. You still refuse to admit that there are people out there who are draining the rest of us dry with laziness...

And while, yes, there are others draining us in other ways, at least they have the brains to do it in a subtle way. I have more respect for the 10% than the 85%, and I'm not afraid to say that.

I think that once we trim the fat of society, the meat will get a little healthier. And I think once we rid ourselves of that dead weight, we'll be able to move on and make the changes if enough people wake up and cease their selfish, violent, materialistic ways. But, once again, considering the mental capacity of the average person currently living on this planet... I don't see that happening any time soon. Which, once again comes down to social darwinism, We need to start with the stupid and the violent and work our way to the greedy... Then we can move on to that utopia you have in mind. K?

Please, I await a reply.

Your whole entire post stinks. It sounds like the type of rhetoric that would have been found in some Nazi eugenics handbook.

What will you do when your child, or for that matter you yourself, turn out to be one of these "undesireables"? People like you always want to use the strong arm of the government to do their dirty work, wiping out the poor and the mentally inferior, probably lot's of brown people and poor people who may not have been given the same chances to excell in life.

So who get's to decide who lives and who dies? You? What makes you so qualified and worthwhile that you will live while others are extinguished? What makes you special?

You talk about doing away with the dumb and the violent, unfortunately it sounds as if those are the people you would be in collusion with in order to enforce your mass genocide.

Sane, well balanced, free thinking individuals do not typically side with racist depopulation ideology.

Strike two.

Perhaps one day you will live long enough to be on the losing side of your argument. As they say "It aint no fun when the rabbits got the gun".

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by 46ACE

Would you rather people that are new ATS come here and see a bunch of illiterate ignoramus morons... Or a crowd of seemingly informed enlightened intellectuals? You choose, but I'd bet the site would be better off without you and your kind.

Post your sloppy negligent hogwash on another site that deals with irrelevant topics, such as 4chan.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719

Originally posted by OneArt

Originally posted by JR MacBeth
reply to post by OneArt

Not enough resources and overpopulation are things I shouldn't even have to go into with anyone who has half a brain, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here.

if you've got better solutions, please let me hear them. But I doubt that you do, so in that case I'll just ask you to please answer my questions.

It will take years to deprogram you. Not a derogatory statement, but my honest estimate, based on the fact that you seem to have swallowed every lie, hook, line and sinker.

In my opinion, you are very far from even considering any kind of "solutions". Apparently, you have no idea of what the questions even might be.

Since you mention half a brain, I will only suggest taking small baby-bites to begin with. For example, I believe you will find this thread helpful:

The world population must be reduced at all costs...

Nice title too! While it is around 10 pages, there is a lot of good info in there that counter the popular notion that our masters have fed us, that is that we are suffering from "overpopulation".

Imagine for a moment "if" such a thing was actually not true at all. Imagine if exactly the OPPOSITE turned out to be true? Is it even remotely possible that human populations will be declining, or are already showing massive indications of catastrophic decline? Impossible!

Well, what can I say? Mind-bending, that such a lie could be so regarded as gospel truth, but as you can see, you'll obviously have to keep an open mind.

Will you choose the red pill, or the blue?


Listen bro... You still haven't answered a single question I posed, but it's cool because you've been "deprogrammed" which means you don't have to answer logical questions, you just have to point me in the direction of a thread with major holes in its logic... You see, it's not the fact that people live that is the problem, it's the way we live, as I've been saying my whole life... Now until we have everyone on the same page, ready to live as nature intended instead of conquering and destroying all we see, we'll never be able to sustain our population. Period.

And for the record, it's not some wacked out programming that led me to believe that we use an abundance of synthetic, non-biodegradable substances in our every day lives... It's not programming that has shown me that people make and purchase tons of unnecessary crap that sits in landfills for decades.... And it's not programming that has shown me that the masses will never understand how they could change the world or even why they should, it's growing up around them that's responsible for that...

I'm NOT SORRY that, once again, I don't defend families of 7 who live off of social welfare. Social welfare, by the way, means that we (society at large) take care of these lazy, ignorant slobs.

I'm NOT SORRY that I think the world would do better with a smaller population comprised of highly intelligent individuals striving toward collective evolution.

I'm NOT SORRY that I think there should be a mandatory IQ test in order to breed, as opposed to genocide or war, as a way to achieve the above.

And by the way, the whole australia thing is beautiful... in theory. But the fact of the matter is, it's not the way of the world at this moment. We still have people STARVING while others get FAT. Also, I don't think the OP of that thread took into account arable land and distribution of resources and such on that continent, but I do understand the point, and in the distant future, it could be possible.

You have no idea how broad my horizons are, brother, so don't assume anything. I just happen to have thought past my dreams and hopes and got down to bare facts. You still refuse to admit that our society is terrible, damn near cancerous, in its present form. You still refuse to admit that there are people out there who are draining the rest of us dry with laziness...

And while, yes, there are others draining us in other ways, at least they have the brains to do it in a subtle way. I have more respect for the 10% than the 85%, and I'm not afraid to say that.

I think that once we trim the fat of society, the meat will get a little healthier. And I think once we rid ourselves of that dead weight, we'll be able to move on and make the changes if enough people wake up and cease their selfish, violent, materialistic ways. But, once again, considering the mental capacity of the average person currently living on this planet... I don't see that happening any time soon. Which, once again comes down to social darwinism, We need to start with the stupid and the violent and work our way to the greedy... Then we can move on to that utopia you have in mind. K?

Please, I await a reply.

Your whole entire post stinks. It sounds like the type of rhetoric that would have been found in some Nazi eugenics handbook.

What will you do when your child, or for that matter you yourself, turn out to be one of these "undesireables"? People like you always want to use the strong arm of the government to do their dirty work, wiping out the poor and the mentally inferior, probably lot's of brown people and poor people who may not have been given the same chances to excell in life.

So who get's to decide who lives and who dies? You? What makes you so qualified and worthwhile that you will live while others are extinguished? What makes you special?

You talk about doing away with the dumb and the violent, unfortunately it sounds as if those are the people you would be in collusion with in order to enforce your mass genocide.

Sane, well balanced, free thinking individuals do not typically side with racist depopulation ideology.

Strike two.

Perhaps one day you will live long enough to be on the losing side of your argument. As they say "It aint no fun when the rabbits got the gun".

I love how, once again, someone makes it about brown people as if my own roommates aren't black? I made it about intelligence and survival and advancement of our species, you made it about race. That's where we differ. I don't automatically assume that "brown people" compose the least intelligent, least able portion of our society.

In case you missed THE ENTIRE ARGUMENT, this is not at all about genocide or mass murder. It's not about race, religion, social class. God, you people have no vision for the future of our race... You think we can advance and evolve by continuing supporting massive populations of unmotivated, wasteful people with limited resources? Of course.

I see you're those kinds people who can't imagine anything beyond the horizon, only what's within immediate view is visible. Why stop to imagine droves of people starving in the streets and killing for resources in the not so distant future. It might not happen in your lifetime, so for now you'll "do whatever you want" and "not be controlled by anyone" and run this planet straight into the ground. I pray for your offspring.


posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by OneArt
I'm not a sheep but some people here really lack foresight.

Bottom line is, we are killing the planet, destroying flora, fauna, the atmosphere and natural resource reserves. We are overpopulated and overcrowded. There are poeople starving every second of the day because there isn't enough to go around...

If you're afraid that you won't be included in the new world order and that your line will become extinct, chances are you're right.

Your right about the world being overpopulated. Its said
1/4 of the people are infected with parasitic worms and maybe 1/4 dont have enough to eat.

But JR Macbeth is right that the NWO is out to eliminate
the high IQ people,and thats you.

But what happens when the average IQ is 85? For each person at 100 you will have one guy at 70. What do those guys do to succeed:Join a criminal gang?

Our entire civilization is based on the EUGENIC modification of every plant and animal, we have come in
contact with, yet the thought of improving our own species is taboo. It is so bizarre that people actually think
it is OK to pass on severe defects such as dwarfism,lobster hands and many others as if gambling
with their childrens lives was like going to Vegas. In ancient Rome 1/3 of healthy children were terminated.

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