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Man Cures Cancer with Apricot Seeds - FDA Arrests Man for Big Pharma

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posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Iamschist
reply to post by 4nsicphd

Thank you for your post. If this man had wanted to use apricot pits he could have gone to Mexico and received treatment there. It doe not cure cancer and is basically fraud as you pointed out.

I would also like to know what exactly is B17? In so far as I know, there are only 12 B vits. I know you did not post about this topic, but I thought maybe you had some information.

"Vitamin" B-17 is not a vitamin. It is an organic compound with a chemical formula of C20H27NO11. That is different from laetrile which is C14H15NO7. It is a modified form of amygdalin, a cyanogenetic glycoside.
The literature is well documented showing fatal toxicity. On June 8, 1977, 1 1-month-old Elizabeth
Hankin of Attica, New York, ate five tablets(2.5 g) of laetrile. She rapidly went into a
coma from cyanide poisoning, and 3 days later she was dead. The laetrile belonged to her father, who was taking it for cancer. He died too, within a year. And little Elizabeth lingered a while (3 days). JAMA reported a case of a 17 year old who took 10.5 grams and was dead in 24 hours. a cyanogenetic glycoside is a substance made up of two parts glucose, one part benzaldehyde (somewhat poisonous itself), one part cyanide (which is converted in the intestines to prussic acid. and no parts vitamin. See, REENBERG, D. M. The vitamin fraud in cancerquackery. West. J. Med. 122: 345, 1975. Prussic acid is hydrogen cyanide, the poison used to execute convicted criminals in the infamous San Quinton gas chamber. It is also known as Zyklon B, used at Buchenwald.
For more info take a look at

edit on 18-1-2011 by 4nsicphd because: because I fogot about "i before e, except..."

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by GlennCanady

im embarrased as a human being knowing that my own kind would pull such a dog act on a man that was trying to save his own life by solving a problem that plagues man on a regular basis... as if you wouldnt allow a cure for cancer to be shared with the world...i hope those dogs responsible get abducted and get anal probed with no lube...tear ur asses apart so you get some sort of idea what you have done to mankind. it discusts me to know that there are people out there crushing mans dream of standing on a new world and looking beyond to the next...

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:10 AM
Dude didn't a previous poster on this cancer debate debunk that story. The kids mother refuted that saying the doctors gave her anti cyanide medication after a diagnosis of possible cyanide poisoning and that's what killed her. Besides the JAMA? that's an industry publication for a cartel and thus a propaganda rag for establishment drug medicine. And still that's like 1 death of a toddler that's 1 month old. The same result would have happened if it was 5 tabs of digitalis or 5 pellets of rat poison.

And 10.5 grams for the 17 year old? that's huge. Usually the dose for medicines is in milligrams. Did this guy have any supervision? If you took 10.5 grams of any serious drug, coke, heroin or weed you'd be in a coma, dead or climbing the walls of a padded cell in a mental hospital.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:23 AM
Steve Mcqueen took laetrille on a path to nowhere? A feeble argument. Nothing could help him cause the guy had asbestosis of the lungs which then turned into mesothelioma. There is no known cure or even treatment for this. You get this and you're doomed. Don't play with asbestos kids. and stay away from james hardie products. They lumped us with that # and then done the bolt to America

edit on 10-3-2011 by destroyer361 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by GlennCanady

reply to post by GlennCanady

Here's the real conspiracy. Apricot seeds really AREN'T a "cure" for cancer. They shouldn't be calling it a cure. A cure is something you take, and for the vast majority of people it goes away. Done, gone, by-by. Not something you take, and it MIGHT go away. That's a huge difference. Everyone responds differently.

Everything I've read shows apricot seeds only help about 2 to 4% of the time if at all. That's within the margin of error. That means basically, if you just look at the stats, they probably do nothing. 98% of the time it didn't work. I know it may have seemed to help him, but for 98% of people, it don't work. I have to wonder, did he ever warn people of this? If not, then he should be in jail. What he should have told them is the truth, hey I think these things help me, but they don't seem work 98% of the time. That sounds a lot different than CURE doesn't it?

But here's the real conspiracy. Cemo is really only effective against about 4 to 5% of cancers. However, the success rate for shrinking or killing tumors keeps getting higher and higher. But the patients don't live any longer. Only around 2% of cemo patients actually have their life prolonged. In other words it's not a CURE either. But that's why they call it a treatment. But look at how much money they make off it anyway right?

A treatment may or may not work and may have different rates of success for different people. Anyone who says that apricot seeds are a CURE for cancer should be arrested. It's totally misleading. It's a treatment at best and at worst may not actually do anything at all.

At least cemo can shrink the tumor in a lot of cases and that helps with the pain even if in the end you're not one of the 2% that sees a longer life from it, but in the end. It doesn't really work either. You probably still gonna die early.

Now I don't have any problem with seeds, but I do have a problem with someone calling it a CURE. They can call it a treatment if they want. Hey in a way it's just as effective as cemo, but that's only okay if they quote what the current success rates are along with it. This may work as a treatment that works so and so amount of the time....

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 04:29 PM
A good book about it is "The Healing of Cancer" by Barry Lynes. Traditional Cancer treatments, namely x-rays, surgery, and chemotherapy usually aggravate it. There are cures for Cancer. But, these are suppressed by the medical world. It’s like with the Aids hoax. One of the cures is Vitamin B17. It is only found in seeds and pips (especially apricots) and certain grasses. This would mean that Cancer is actually a deficiency disease.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1011

But, these are suppressed by the medical world.

You're probably a troll, but I'll bite. Why would a pharmaceutical company hide a cure for a disease. The most logical thing to do would be to be the first to find a cure, go to the patent office and then laugh at the other unfortunate drug companies as they raked in a ridiculous amount of money.

Cancer is a very wide range of diseases, and some of them are physiologically different to one another. I doubt that there will be a single 'magic bullet' cure for cancer.

Think of all of the people working at the drug companies around the world. If they really were hiding a cure form us, then it would only take one person with a conscience to leak the secret to the world. Which would probably result in riots

It’s like with the Aids hoax

This is what's known as, "how to destroy a persons credibility in one sentence"

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 10:51 PM
Agree CURE and TREATMENT are different, still semantics though. That 2-4% probably considers it a cure. Then many cancers go into remission without treatment either.

Modern medical science has no "cure" but it does have a lock on what are acceptable treatments. While apricot pit/laetrile treatments and "folk" remedies are permitted some places others like the US are very restrictive. I would rather review the various treatment options and decide for myself what course to take. If diagnosed I would want medical "advice" from several sources, but nothing more than advice and recommendations along with monitoring the condition.

Since there is no "cure" I would want to reserve my choice in the matter of treatments. Radiation and chemo are hard on the body, expensive, uncomfortable and debilitating, and not effective in many, many cases. I would want the option of folk cures to be available including cannabinol oil and laetrile. It's a matter of basic "ownership" of body. MY body.

Managing pain, at some point in time it's the only options remaining. Again, my choice is for unrestricted. What is the cost of morphine? If my end were to be long and slow I would like my own poppy garden and waste away in my own home opium den. My aunt was offered Marinol, at $900 for a month supply!! Dying is a racket. It costs $$$ to die in comfort. Pharma is not going to let you go quietly into the night without paying the fare.

Many suggest the cancer research labs are not seeking a cure, and so far they have only produced managment treatments. Where those cancer research grants are the largest it is where the treatment options are the most restrictive and expensive.

Medicine, the practice, in Latin America is a whole different animal than in the US. It is still affordable. It is much more "caring" and less restrictive and much less profit-oritnted. Global drug policy keeps all medicinal products controlled and high-priced. For the dying man there should be no restrictions, what's the point? Profit, something more?

edit on 4-8-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

Medicine, the practice, in Latin America is a whole different animal than in the US

Health care in the US is pretty poor, it's ranked something like 37th on the World Health Organisations world health care list. Which is below nearly all other Western countries

Trying to run a healthcare system for profit (like a business) is doomed to end in failure.

I mean, if you look at this, you can see how many 'poorer' countries are above the US

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 12:41 PM

You're probably a troll, but I'll bite. Why would a pharmaceutical company hide a cure for a disease. The most logical thing to do would be to be the first to find a cure, go to the patent office and then laugh at the other unfortunate drug companies as they raked in a ridiculous amount of money.

Hide a cure for a disease, so as to continue raking in large sums of money from drugs (the drug industry would also want to control the world), and other costly treatments. The pharmaceutical companies (like with many other companies) wouldn't always act logical.
edit on 5-8-2011 by Aquarius1011 because: Fix quoted parts, and add info.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Cancer is a very wide range of diseases, and some of them are physiologically different to one another. I doubt that there will be a single 'magic bullet' cure for cancer.

Think of all of the people working at the drug companies around the world. If they really were hiding a cure form us, then it would only take one person with a conscience to leak the secret to the world. Which would probably result in riots

Perhaps the wide range of Cancer diseases are basically the same, and Cancer cells are Cancer cells.

Well, the drug companies can also be hiding it very well, even from their own workers. In the military for instance, there'd be secrets hidden even from plenrty of those in the military.

With the one person to leak the secret - Virtually no-one would believe that person, anyway.
edit on 5-8-2011 by Aquarius1011 because: Add info.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1011

Perhaps the wide range of Cancer diseases are basically the same

They're not

Well, the drug companies can also be hiding it very well, even from their own workers.

The workers could not possibly work on finding cures for diseases with out knowing the full details of the procedure. I've worked in the labs many times before and it is difficult to do something unless you know exactly what you're doing

With the one person to leak the secret - Virtually no-one would believe that person, anyway.

Julian Assange

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:46 PM
At least 'Griffo' immediately above gives good responses. That's instead of the initial hammering of me and even accusing me of perhaps being a troll - just because of viewpoints agreeing with the title of this thread. (Oh well, at least it wasn't as bad as someone in another thread (Aids/H.I.V. is a hoax?), under the same situations.)
edit on 5-8-2011 by Aquarius1011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 03:30 PM
Despite many different feelings of truth about the Bible, and no matter what "Religion"someone follows; the Bible has significant instructions, that if followed, can and will utterly make your life more meaningful.
How is it, that, thousands of years ago there were people writing scriptures about the use(ingestion) of apple seeds, apricot seeds etc...?
Its probably because the past history of men and women experimenting with new and unfamiliar plants and their Bio-available contents became familiar and beneficial!!
Its quite clear that our Government has imposed and implemented a structure that is designed to allow the weak to die faster and make money in the process. The Government has been very diligent in providing Obvious lies and misconceptions of whats good and bad.
At this point in time, there will more likely, NOT be another Martin Luther King, nor a President Lincoln, or Reagan, to stop the snow ball of corruption that has grown in this world.
The wolves had all gathered around the Chicken Coop and the only way out is to be eaten alive... what we can do, is, just go with the flow, and do what you do. The Bible has never failed and I strongly believe when the time comes, the evil doers will have their day in court...( Gods Court ), and He will as well be the prosecutor. No lies will pass through the Righteous.
So, go ahead and eat the seeds of the apples and eat the seeds of the apricots, as they will keep you alive long enough to raise your kids and teach them not to follow the world; but rather just live here long enough to let our Lord know we are on his side and to be around long enough to see your children prosper. Death is in front of every man....We just need to know how to live and love before that time.

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